Flash banner artist wantedJobb


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2,000 flash banner artist wanted hittade uppdrag
Avslutades left

Detta har vi gjort. Powerpoint HR Agent Powerpoint - AI Web - Sida AI Bakgrunder, årstider ( Vinter, Vår, Påsk, Försommar, Midsommar, Höst, Halloween, Jul Plus ord - ”MOD”, ”OMTÄNKSAMHET”, ”ENKELHET” Tack bilder - 8 ST 11 ST Banner för Ladda ner guide Roll-uo Update hemsidan/ theme och plugins

$45 / hr Average bid
$45 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Recent Banner Redesigning

$40 Average bid
$40 Snittbud
1 bud

Samla alla gränshandelsbutiker längs norska gränsen mot sverige. Samla in kontaktperson och adress till dem.

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Snittbud
6 bud

Vi behöver hjälp inför affilate marknadsföring. Jag behöver banner Ads i öljande: 250x250 300x300 728x90 250x240 250x360 980x240 För både sexleksaker och underkläder, ej kombinerat så blir ovanstående antalet storlekar x 2. Önskemål: Ligga i linje med vår webbplats. Lite tuffare men givetvis snyggt och cleant! Får absolut inte bli rörigt! Gärna färg

$330 Average bid
$330 Snittbud
5 bud
Designa en banner
Avslutades left

Jag skulle vilja få en snygg banner till min Youtube kanal som heter johnxlarat. Jag vill att det ska stå i mitten i blått johnxlarat och brevid på sidorna ska det finnas fifa 16, star wars battlefront och uncharted 4 personer och att det ska finnas lite low poly art.

$43 Average bid
$43 Snittbud
10 bud

Alltså det jag hade tänkt som grundläggande är en produktkatalog där produkten är det viktiga och sökfunktionen är i fokus för att hitta och filtrera till max. 1. En stilren hemsida 2. Startsidan, statisk banner, ett stort sökfält (ovanför eller under), och dropdowns eller liknande under sökfältet för kategorier. 3. Sökfältet, gärna om det går, att det autofylls eller ger förslag allt eftersom man skriver, men inte nödvändigt. Och det man söker ska gå att prioriteras. Alltså 1. för produktnamn, 2 för innehåll osv. Har jag tex en mjölk som produkt så vill jag ju att alla mjölk ska visas när man söker på d...

$614 Average bid
$614 Snittbud
2 bud

...Software Product CD Pack 3D Images( large , small, medium), landing pages, content and admin panel etc. NOTE:- WE NEED BEST DESIGNERS FOR THIS PROJECT, NOT AVERAGE OR JUST DEVELOPERS ONLY - WE NEED TOP DESIGNERS TO DESIGN WEBSITE - THIS WEBSITE IS FOR ADVERTISING/ MARKETING/ PROMOTIONS/ BRANDING purpose. This is for a new software launch. PHP CMS IMAGES( PHOTOSHOP IMAGE) LANDING PAGE BANNER DESIGNING LOGOS FOR PRODUCTS ICONS FOR FEATURES of software or product or services 3D CD PACK DESIGNING for 4 software ( 8 Designs - 2 for each product) - Size ( 3 different sizes - large , medium, small ( ( SAMPLE of 3D CD PACK BOX DESIGN )) HEADER DESIGNING & TABS FOOTER LINKNS & FOOTER PANEL PARALLAX & RESPONSIVE

$1096 Average bid
$1096 Snittbud
20 bud
Design et Banner
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I just need a picture/banner 960 x 765 with a picture of a vacumer (Attached) and the text (Swedish) ”Bedöm oss på Pricerunner och delta i tävlingen om en Electrolux dammsugare (UltraPower ZB5022) Det enda du behöver göra är att berätta om din köpupplevelse. Tack för hjälpen och lycka till i tävlingen.” (Call to action knap) "Klicka här" Please use same CTA color as on website

$24 Average bid
$24 Snittbud
27 bud

banner work for opencart nice design

$19 Average bid
$19 Snittbud
10 bud

Website Banner Design. Same As Home Page Slider. 5 Banner Design

$19 Average bid
$19 Snittbud
4 bud
Do some Excel Work
Avslutades left

data entry,web desining, abobe flash,coreldraw...

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Behöver en duktig storyboard-artist som med hjälp av manus kan framställa denna scen för scen i bilder.

$117 Average bid
$117 Snittbud
3 bud

<--- C.l.o.n.e site Update my existing site to features - MUST BE TOTALLY THE SAME. Webcam features must work - do not BID without READING Bid must include creation of webcam feature Would like for maids ony to be able to upload short 10 sec. videos. Must have community / member profiles/ member sign up Admin panel for m...without READING Bid must include creation of webcam feature Would like for maids ony to be able to upload short 10 sec. videos. Must have community / member profiles/ member sign up Admin panel for me to review content. Also display space for banners of affiliates. This will be USA based company. Servicing major cities. Must be able to" Build online store Convert copy site Banner Design

$697 Average bid
$697 Snittbud
3 bud
Logo and Banner
Avslutades left

Hej, Jag skulle behöva hjälp med att få en logo till mitt företag och sen skulle jag behöva 5-10 banners. Är dett något ni kan hjälpa mig med. Jag håller på att öppna en weshop som kommer heta www.roldan.se. Det jag ska sälja i den är märkes klockor för dam och herr, och herrkläder dam och herr, Jag kan tänka mig betala en fast summa för en logo och 5-10 banners. Är ni intresserad av att anta erbjudandet och vad skulle det kosta? Best regards Edward

$10 Average bid
$10 Snittbud
1 bud
Designa i Flash
Avslutades left

Hej, vi söker dig som kan använda hela Adobes Creative Suite. Detta för att hjälpa oss designa banners, videos mfl annonstyper.

$625 Average bid
$625 Snittbud
3 bud
Bygg en hemsida
Avslutades left

En enkel och attraktiv wordpress-sida där vårat band kan posta inlägg om spelni...wordpress-sida där vårat band kan posta inlägg om spelningar, nya låtar och musikvideos. De ska även sorteras så att en användare lätt kan se bara låtar till exempel. Inläggen ska kunna kommenteras på ett enkelt och effektivt sätt. Mycket länkar till sociala medier där vi också är aktiva. Man ska även kunna gilla oss på facebook lätt från startsidan. Sidan ska ha en spotify spelare länkat till våran artist sida på spotify. Även vårat instagramflöde ska kunna visas på startsidan. Vi vill ha en sida där vi kan visa upp olika merc...

$315 Average bid
$315 Snittbud
5 bud
Design a Banner
Avslutades left


$377 Average bid
$377 Snittbud
3 bud
Skapa en onlinebutik
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...sida * Lägg till denna text vid leveransdatum "Om du vill att boxen levereras imorgon, måste beställningen vara gjord senast kl. 14:00 vardagar, kl. 11:00 söndagar. Observera att paketet/vykortet skickas med Posten varför vi inte kan garantera leverans på valt datum!Enligt Postens mätningar kommer 95,5 % av breven (inrikes) fram dagen efter." * "Tips" banner på höger alt vänster sida, där vi kan lägga upp högtider och inspiration. Se denna sida på vänster sida * Tipsa en kompis * Vi måste ha fullständiga uppgifter till kunden, Namn, adress, telefon, e-post * Inloggning så man kan se sina tidigare beställningar och lägga snabbare beställning...

$778 Average bid
$778 Snittbud
4 bud
Alexandra Promotion
Avslutades left

...på nytt. För att göra detta så behövs givetvis en hemsida. Det är viktigt att hemsidan har alla de funktioner som de allra bästa sidor har efter som vi planerar att göra det till mer än bara en hemsida. Följande bör ge en liten bild utav vilka ramar vi förväntar oss att operera inom: Hemsidan skall i grund och botten figurera en marknadsföring och promotion utav Alexandra som person och artist och givetvis dennes musik. Vi vill även kunna ge en intim inblick i vad som händer när en ung tjej flyttar till Los Angeles för att jaga sina drömmar då Alexandra snart flyttar dit för att göra just det. Hemsidan ska vara en mötesplats för unga kämpande musi...

$661 Average bid
$661 Snittbud
1 bud
Banner till webshop
Avslutades left

Hej Helena. Jag skall snart lansera min webbutik som skall sälja t-tröjor med kristna motiv. Jag skulle behöva hjälp att göra en välkommen baner med ett öppningserbjudande till alla nya kunder. Samt en reklam baner för kundanpassad t-tröjor. Hör av dig om du är intresserad. Mvh Andreas

$89 Average bid
$89 Snittbud
1 bud

Vi vill fräscha upp vår nuvarande hemsida, , och dessutom göra den i Wordpress. Nuvarande version ä...Nyhetsbrevsfunktion, inkl hantering av kundregister. Möjligen ska detta skötas separat utanför vår hemsida, men vi börjar med att försöka inkludera denna funktion på vår hemsida.rn2. Leverera digitalt materiel, troligen bara en enkel area som vi kan lägga pdf etc som kan hämtas enkelt av kunderna. Ska troligen kräva lösenord.rn3. Skapa medlemssidor för att kunna leverera materiel (pdf, Flash, video etc) mot betalning (helst både kort och faktura, men faktura är första tjing).rn4. Verktyg för att kunna köra webinars som en del i leveransen av Lagarbetars...

$856 - $1712
$856 - $1712
6 bud

I'm in need of a talented artist who can create realistic style artwork for a trading card game (TCG) with a fantasy theme. The artwork should incorporate elements such as dragons and mythical creatures, magic and wizards, as well as ancient ruins and landscapes. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional skills in creating realistic fantasy artwork - Experience in designing TCG artwork - Ability to illustrate complex fantasy elements Desired Experience: - Previous projects involving dragons, wizards and ancient landscapes - Portfolio showcasing realistic style fantasy art - Experience with fantasy-themed TCGs or similar projects.

$73 Average bid
$73 Snittbud
25 bud

I'm seeking a talented, professional female American voice over artist for an audio book recording of approximately twelve thousand words. The ideal candidate will have: - A clear, engaging and professional tone, suitable for an audio book - A warm and friendly undertone to keep listeners interested - A native American accent Your voice should be able to convey the narrative of the book in a captivating way, making it easy for listeners to follow along. Experience in voice over work, particularly for audio books, is highly desirable. Please provide samples of your work that match this description.

$47 Average bid
$47 Snittbud
9 bud

I'm looking for a talented metal artist to create a medium-sized, stainless steel sculpture for indoor placement. - Size: The sculpture should fall within the medium category, measuring between 2 to 6 feet. - Material: The sculpture must be made from stainless steel, known for its strength and resistance to rust and corrosion. - Placement: The sculpture is intended for indoor display, so it should be designed with that environment in mind. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Experience working with stainless steel and creating metal art sculptures. - A portfolio of medium-sized indoor sculptures. - A creative vision and ability to translate it into a physical piece of art. If done sucessfully, full or part time job is possible.

$109 Average bid
$109 Snittbud
29 bud

I'm in need of a professional Japanese voice-over artist to narrate a fiction audiobook. Key Requirements: - Exceptional voice modulation and pacing suitable for fiction - Prior experience in audiobook narration preferred - High-quality audio production capabilities - Ability to deliver on time and communicate effectively Please provide samples of your previous work, specifically any audiobook narrations, in your proposal.

$65 Average bid
$65 Snittbud
8 bud

I'm in need of a voice-over artist for a commercial advertisement. The voice should be a professional and authoritative English lady. The script is ready, I just need your voice to bring it to life. Please provide samples of your previous work, particularly in commercial voice overs. A clear demonstration of a professional and authoritative tone in your samples will be greatly appreciated. Skills Required: - Voice Over - English (UK) Proficiency - Commercial Advertisement Experience - Professional and Authoritative Tone - Script Reading Experience with engaging voice work for commercial advertisements is a plus. Your voice should convey trust and professionalism to engage our audience.

$17 Average bid
$17 Snittbud
2 bud

I'm in need of a modern and minimalistic roll-up banner for my wedding photography business. The banner needs to be 1200mm wide x 2000mm Height This is for a wedding photography show - it must incorporate a few images from what i attached - It needs to be fun, vibrant , bold Please dont submit rubbish , im sorry but so many entries i often receive on have zero effort in them or just send me something else entirely! must include the PSD File and then i can tweak final amends my self to save back and forth! Tag Line "Fun, Natural & Relaxed Wedding Photography" Must include my logo Must include QR code (Attached) Must include my Website Must include instagram link @fabioTPhotography I want to showcase some of my best work to attract potential cli...

$44 Average bid
50 bidrag

We are seeking a talented and imaginative audiodrama scriptwriter to craft a chilling and immersive horror story based on the provided outline. The script will be developed into an audiobook, requiring engaging dialogue, vivid sound design cues, and strong narrative pacing to create a spine-tingling listening experience. The ideal candidate should have experience in writing horror or thriller scripts, a deep understanding of audio storytelling, and the ability to create atmospheric tension and psychological depth in their writing. Project Details: Genre: Horror / Psychological Thriller Format: Audiodrama script (approx. 30-50 minutes in length) Tone: Dark, eerie, suspenseful Setting: Bardejovské Kúpele, a historic spa town known for its healing waters Deadline: TBD (flexibl...

$150 Average bid
$150 Snittbud
23 bud

I'm in urgent need of a promotional banner for my Middle Eastern restaurant. The banner needs to be 80x33 inches and will feature 5 family-size items. The primary focus of the design is to showcase some special offers and discounts. Key Requirements: - Design to be traditional and cultural, in line with the theme of the restaurant - In-depth understanding of promotional design, with a knack for enticing visuals - Ability to deliver by today Please note, while the design needs to focus on special offers, it should also promote our authentic Middle Eastern cuisine. Familiarity with this type of cuisine would be a plus.

$364 Average bid
$364 Snittbud
111 bud

...and oil and gas oil field industries will show you mostly what I am looking for. It is not much different from what is already available. I am making designs to put on t-shirts. Most of them are in black and white. I will be describing what I need and tweaking the designs until they are exactly what I envision. These designs will be going on t-shirts and hoodies and hard hat stickers I need an artist that I can work with ongoing and I would like to use the same person for all of the designs. Almost every picture will also have my company slogan into the picture. I am probably looking for between 10 and 30 designs in the near future and I'm willing to see your artwork and what you can sell to me. Key Requirements: - Expertise in realistic drawing style - Strong illustration ...

$28 Average bid
$28 Snittbud
44 bud
3D Wild Boar Animation Needed
6 dagar left

I'm seeking a skilled visual effects artist to create a high-quality 4K cinematic animation of a charging wild boar. The boar should approach from around 20 meters off camera right. The charge should last between 10-15 seconds. If this is done well, other sequences (further work) are likely required Key Requirements: - Utilize the provided boar assets from TurboSquid (link: ) or another source if you can find something better - The boar needs to be depicted as aggressive and on an attack run - The animation begins in an overcast/cloudy lighting environment, though adjustments may be needed as the project progresses. - no sound required Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D animation and visual effects. - Experience working

$750 - $1500
$750 - $1500
24 bud
2 banners desgin
9 dagar left

Interior and exterior banner design for mother land Cafe

$100 Average bid
$100 Snittbud
1 bud

I'm in need of a skilled 3D artist who can create character models in both cartoonish and realistic styles. Some reference images will be provided, but please be prepared to make assumptions and enhancements. Key Requirements: - Expertise in both cartoonish and realistic 3D modeling - Ability to interpret and improve upon provided reference images - Strong understanding of geometric shapes and spatial assumptions - Creativity to enhance the 3D effect of models Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in software such as Blender, Maya or 3DS Max - Previous experience in character modeling - Strong attention to detail and quality - Excellent communication skills Please note, AI designs will be rejected. It's essential that you can invest time and creativity into this project. A good e...

$15 Average bid
2 bidrag

I'm seeking a talented UI/UX designer to enhance my website. The primary objective is to improve user engagement. Key Focus Areas: - Navigation and Usability: I want my website to be easy to navigate. - Interactive Elements: I need someone who can incorporate engaging interactive elements. Design Style: - The desired design style is Colorful and Vibrant. The designer should be able to create a visually appealing, lively, and engaging design. Ideal Skills: - Strong UI/UX design background - Proficient in creating vibrant and colorful designs - Excellent understanding of navigation and usability principles - Experience in designing interactive elements. The goal is to make my website more user-friendly and engaging to ultimately boost user interaction.

$51 / hr Average bid
$51 / hr Snittbud
77 bud

I'm seeking a skilled 3D artist to render and assimilate a small funeral home, focusing on the chapel, viewing room, and reception area. The style of the renderings should reflect a traditional aesthetic. Key Skills: - 3D Rendering - Architectural Visualization - Understanding of Traditional Design Elements Ideal Experience: - Prior work with commercial building renderings - Experience in creating traditional style visualizations - Portfolio including funeral home or similar facility projects inside and outside rendering

$346 Average bid
$346 Snittbud
91 bud

I'm seeking a proficient graphic artist with a modern design aesthetic to create eye-catching artwork for a soccer shoe. The design should prominently feature country colors, so a deep understanding and appreciation of color theory is essential. Ideally, you have prior experience working on sports gear or similar projects. Key Requirements: - Graphic design expertise - Deep understanding product development - Prior experience in sports gear design preferred - Strong color theory knowledge

$68 Average bid
$68 Snittbud
54 bud

Fundraising Expert Wanted – Commission-Based (Percentage of Funds Raised) Description: We are looking for an experienced fundraising specialist to help us secure investment for our project. Instead of a fixed payment, we offer a percentage of the funds raised, ensuring a win-win collaboration. What We Need: Identifying and reaching out to potential investors (VCs, business angels, crowdfunding, etc.). Creating or improving pitch materials (pitch deck, business plan, financial projections). Setting up and managing investor meetings. Handling negotiations and securing funding. Ideal Candidate: ✅ Proven experience in fundraising (startups, SMEs, or non-profits). ✅ Strong network of investors or access to funding opportunities. ✅ Excellent negotiation and communication skills. ✅...

$99 Average bid
$99 Snittbud
5 bud

Job Prompt: Mobile App Developer (Hourly - $18/hr) Project Overview: We are seeking a skilled and motivated mobile app developer to join our team on a contract basis. We have a [briefly describe the app concept, e.g., "social networking app for local communities," "e-commerce platform for handmade goods," "task management tool for small teams"]. We need a developer to [specify the scope of work, e.g., "build the initial prototype," "implement specific features," "debug and optimize the existing app"]. Responsibilities: * Develop and maintain mobile applications for [specify platform, e.g., iOS, Android, or both] using [specify technologies, e.g., React Native, Flutter, Swift, Kotlin]. * Write clean, efficient, and well-documente...

$154 Average bid
$154 Snittbud
31 bud

Cold Calling Expert Wanted! - Unlock Dubai's Cybersecurity Market Are you a seasoned sales professional with a talent for transforming cold leads into sizzling opportunities? Do you have your own arsenal of lead generation tools and a knack for navigating platforms like Apollo and Salesforce? If you're experienced in SaaS sales—particularly in the Cybersecurity or Information Security sectors—and have a track record of success in the Arab markets, especially UAE, we want to connect with you! Responsibilities: - Cold Outbound Sales: Confidently call cold leads in Dubai and the UAE in general, converting them into warm prospects and hot deals, setting appointments. - Lead Generation: Utilize your own lead generation and research tools to identify high-potenti...

$276 Average bid
$276 Snittbud
3 bud

I'm looking for an expert who can convert my Canva banner into a fully functional, mobile-responsive HTML email signature. Requirements: - The email signature must be mobile-responsive. - It should include clickable social media icons and a clickable website link. Compatibility: - The email signature needs to be compatible with Gmail. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in HTML and CSS. - Experience in designing mobile-responsive email signatures. - Familiarity with coding interactive elements within email signatures. - Understanding of Gmail's email signature compatibility.

$11 Average bid
$11 Snittbud
23 bud

I'm developing a roguelike deckbuilder card game and need a talented artist to create captivating card art. The primary focus will be on designing cards with a fantasy theme, featuring both humanoid characters (like playable characters) and mythical creatures or abstract entities. Key Responsibilities: - Design and create visually stunning card art in a fantasy style - Design artifact artwork (collectible buff items) - Design character artwork (playable and enemy) - Design room/environment scenery / background elements - Design other miscellaneous icons - Incorporate a mix of humanoid characters and mythical creatures/abstract entities - Ensure the art is suitable for a roguelike deckbuilder card game Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in creating fantasy-themed artw...

$1128 Average bid
$1128 Snittbud
12 bud

I'm looking for a professional 3D artist with a strong background in architectural visualization to create high-quality renderings of a residential property and the adjoining apartment building. The focus will be on the exterior of the house and the impact on a significant tree, with streetscape and views from the adjoining apartment building. Proposed house plans, some existing renders of the proposed house and photos of the significant tree and exterior of the apartment building are available. Approx 4-5 renders are required. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in 3D rendering software (e.g. AutoCAD, Blender, SketchUp, 3ds Max) - Proven track record in architectural visualization - Strong understanding of residential architectural design - Ability to produce photoreal...

$236 Average bid
$236 Snittbud
71 bud

I'm looking for an artist who can transform a coat of arms photo into a realistic 2D digital painting. Key Requirements: - The final piece should be a digital painting that replicates the style and detail of the coat of arms photo. - The drawing should include the shield and symbols from the coat of arms photo. - The style should be realistic, not cartoonish or abstract. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in digital painting - Strong understanding of realistic drawing techniques - Experience working with coat of arms or similar heraldic symbols.

$38 Average bid
$38 Snittbud
29 bud

Any rockstar marketers with a strong track record? I already have a built product with revenue and got accepted into Antler (one of the most active VCs in the world, check them out at ). Open to a sales/marketing focused co-founder who can create structure for themselves and drive growth/results quickly. Note: this role is for a freelancer who wants to own their own business, you will be compensated with equity in an exciting VC-backed AI startup which will be worth millions depending on our efforts, accelerating net worth. As we raise funding there will be a salary and regular income, besides the prestige of being a VC-Backed co-founder, the autonomy of being a business owner, and the net worth acceleration that comes from a VC valuation. Key Responsibilities: - Drive revenue growth th...

$100000 Average bid
$100000 Snittbud
5 bud

...components to ensure a small image size and fast boot time Expected Deliverables 1️⃣ Yocto Layer & Configuration Files Custom Bitbake recipes for required software Proper and setup 2️⃣ Buildable Yocto Image Compatible with Raspberry Pi 4 (ARM64) Optionally extendable for x86-based boards 3️⃣ Documentation & Setup Guide Steps to rebuild the image from source Instructions to flash the image onto an SD card 4️⃣ Testing & Debugging Verify Chromium, GPIO, SPI, Node.js, and Python functionality Ensure fast boot time & stability Required Skills & Experience ✔ Strong knowledge of Yocto Project & Bitbake recipes ✔ Experience with embedded Linux & cross-compilation ✔ Familiarity with Chromium browser setup in Yocto ✔ Hands-on with Raspberry Pi, GPIO, SPI,...

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Snittbud
7 bud

I'm seeking a talented 3D artist to create a photorealistic render of a modern styled living room. Key Details: - The room should be in a modern style, featuring clean lines and contemporary furniture. - The color scheme is to be neutral tones predominantly, utilizing whites and greys. - A significant element of the design should be large windows, which need to be realistically incorporated into the render. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in 3D modeling and rendering software. - Previous experience with interior renders, particularly in a modern style. - Able to work with a neutral color palette and create a visually appealing design. - Attention to detail and ability to deliver photorealistic results.

$5287 Average bid
$5287 Snittbud
31 bud

More details: What specific tasks do you need the visual artist manager to handle? Scheduling and booking events, Marketing and promotions, Client negotiations and contracts Which types of art does the visual artist primarily work with? Sculpture What is the primary goal you want to achieve with this project? Increase artist's exposure

$5716 - $11432
$5716 - $11432
0 bud

I'm looking for a team to create an educat...educational video in Spanish aimed at the general public. The project involves three key components: scriptwriting, voiceover, and video editing. 1. **Scriptwriting**: The script should be written in a conversational tone, making the content accessible and engaging for a wide audience. Prior experience in writing educational scripts is a plus. 2. **Voiceover**: I need a professional voiceover artist who can deliver the script in clear, engaging Spanish. 3. **Video Editing**: A skilled video editor is required to piece together the footage, ensuring the final product is polished and professional. Ideal candidates will have experience in video production, particularly in creating educational content. Please provide samples of your...

$25 Average bid
$25 Snittbud
12 bud