Deploy a react app with dockerJobb


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  • deploy a react app with docker
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Project for Danyal H.
Avslutades left

Hej Danyal H., jag noterade din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten. Hej Danyal! Har en hemsidan byggd i Laravel backend + react frontend. Kan du hjälpa mig med att göra några justeringar?

$2 / hr Average bid
$2 / hr Snittbud
1 bud
Project for Ahmad A.
Avslutades left

Hej Ahmad A., jag noterade din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten. Hej Ahmad! Kan du Laravel php och react?

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Snittbud
1 bud
Project for Sajila S.
Avslutades left

Hej Sajila S., jag noterade din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten. Hej! Kan du Laravel PHP och react?

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Snittbud
1 bud
Project for Aisha A.
Avslutades left

Hej Aisha A., jag noterade din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten. Hej Aisha, Kan du Laravel PHP och react?

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Snittbud
1 bud
Project for Ylva S.
Avslutades left

Hej Ylva S., jag noterade din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten. Hej Ylva, kan du Laravel PHP och React?

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Hej Muhammad L., jag noterade din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten. Ser att du kan Laravel PHP! Kan du även react?

$16 / hr Average bid
$16 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

...seeking a talented senior/mid web game developer to join our team. As a game developer with us, you will have the opportunity to build new, unique gaming experiences that will transform how a lottery should function in a digital world. In this role, you will be responsible for creating half entertaining games and half thrilling winning chances that will keep our users engaged and coming back for more. We are looking for someone with a long experience in graphic interactivity on the web, or simply someone who has built web games in the past. To be considered for this role, you should have experience with libraries such as Phaser, , or similar tools for canvas/webgl rendering. You should also have a solid work experience ...

$1063 Average bid
$1063 Snittbud
15 bud

Hej Daniel, Jag har en hemsida med backend utvecklad i Laravel och Frontend i React. Hemsidan har en betalintegration via Stripe samt en användarsida. Jag har fått hjälp av utvecklare från Bangladesh men känner att det skulle bara tryggt om jag kunde få en genomkörning av någon som förstår standarden i Sverige gällande säkerhet men också för att se att koden ser bra ut samt kan vara behjälplig framåt. Är det något du har erfarenhet av och skulle kunna vara intresserad av? / Elias

$250 Average bid
$250 Snittbud
1 bud

Hej Tom, Jag har en hemsida med backend utvecklad i Laravel och Frontend i React. Hemsidan har en betalintegration via Stripe samt en användarsida. Jag har fått hjälp av utvecklare från Bangladesh men känner att det skulle bara tryggt om jag kunde få en genomkörning av någon som förstår standarden i Sverige gällande säkerhet men också för att se att koden ser bra ut samt kan vara behjälplig framåt. Är det något du har erfarenhet av och skulle kunna vara intresserad av? / Elias

$250 Average bid
$250 Snittbud
1 bud

Hej Anton, Jag har en hemsida med backend utvecklad i Laravel och Frontend i React. Hemsidan har en betalintegration via Stripe samt en användarsida. Jag har fått hjälp av utvecklare från Bangladesh men känner att det skulle bara tryggt om jag kunde få en genomkörning av någon som förstår standarden i Sverige gällande säkerhet men också för att se att koden ser bra ut samt kan vara behjälplig framåt. Är det något du har erfarenhet av och skulle kunna vara intresserad av? / Elias

$250 Average bid
$250 Snittbud
1 bud

Hej Oscar, Jag har en hemsida med backend utvecklad i Laravel och Frontend i React. Hemsidan har en betalintegration via Stripe samt en användarsida. Jag har fått hjälp av utvecklare från Bangladesh men känner att det skulle bara tryggt om jag kunde få en genomkörning av någon som förstår standarden i Sverige gällande säkerhet men också för att se att koden ser bra ut samt kan vara behjälplig framåt. Är det något du har erfarenhet av och skulle kunna vara intresserad av? / Elias

$250 Average bid
$250 Snittbud
1 bud

Hej Tulsi! Jag har en hemsida med backend utvecklad i Laravel och Frontend i React. Hemsidan har en betalintegration via Stripe samt en användarsida. Jag har fått hjälp av utvecklare från Bangladesh men känner att det skulle bara tryggt om jag kunde få en genomkörning av någon som förstår standarden i Sverige gällande säkerhet men också för att se att koden ser bra ut samt kan vara behjälplig framåt. Är det något du har erfarenhet av och skulle kunna vara intresserad av? / Elias

$250 Average bid
$250 Snittbud
1 bud
Second opinion
Avslutades left

Hej Morgan! Jag har en hemsida med backend utvecklad i Laravel och Frontend i React. Hemsidan har en betalintegration via Stripe samt en användarsida. Jag har fått hjälp av utvecklare från Bangladesh men känner att det skulle bara tryggt om jag kunde få en genomkörning av någon som förstår standarden i Sverige gällande säkerhet men också för att se att koden ser bra ut samt kan vara behjälplig framåt. Är det något du har erfarenhet av och skulle kunna vara intresserad av? / Elias

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Hej Anders! Jag har en hemsida med backend utvecklad i Laravel och Frontend i React. Hemsidan har en betalintegration via Stripe samt en användarsida. Jag har fått hjälp av utvecklare från Bangladesh men känner att det skulle vara tryggt om jag kunde få en genomkörning av någon som förstår standarden i Sverige gällande säkerhet men också för att se att koden ser bra ut. Är det något du har erfarenhet av och skulle kunna vara intresserad av? / Elias

$250 Average bid
$250 Snittbud
1 bud
Avslutades left

Hej Emil! Jag har en hemsida med backend utvecklad i Laravel och Frontend i React. Hemsidan har en betalintegration via Stripe samt en användarsida. Jag har fått hjälp av utvecklare från Bangladesh men känner att det skulle bara tryggt om jag kunde få en genomkörning av någon som förstår standarden i Sverige gällande säkerhet men också för att se att koden ser bra ut samt kan vara behjälplig framåt. Är det något du har erfarenhet av och skulle kunna vara intresserad av? / Elias

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Hej Simon! Jag har en hemsida med backend utvecklad i Laravel och Frontend i React. Hemsidan har en betalintegration via Stripe samt en användarsida. Jag har fått hjälp av utvecklare från Bangladesh men känner att det skulle bara tryggt om jag kunde få en genomkörning av någon som förstår standarden i Sverige gällande säkerhet men också för att se att koden ser bra ut samt kan vara behjälplig framåt. Är det något du har erfarenhet av och skulle kunna vara intresserad av? / Elias

$25 / hr Average bid
$25 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

kubernetes, aws, cassandra, docker, graphana

$1043 Average bid
$1043 Snittbud
2 bud

Hej! Jag har hemsida som är ej färdig. Du bör kunna är följande: NextJS React JS Skriva och använda API-anrop Javascript Bootstrap

$2000 Average bid
$2000 Snittbud
1 bud
$25 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Hej! Nu söker vår legaltech startup en till medlem. Vi söker efter dig som har; Goda kunskaper inom webbutveckling, Javascript och React. Gillar skriva effektiva och snygga kod. Goda kunskaper inom design En team player som gillar att ta eget ansvar. Flexibel i sättet du jobbar samt är lösningsorienterad.

$550 Average bid
$550 Snittbud
2 bud

Hej vi driver ett konsultbolag i Stockholm med kontorsplatser tillgängliga på odenplan. Vi växer fort och är alltid ute efter drivna och härliga människor att samarbeta med. Har du kunskap inom webbdesign - WordPress - javascript - pyton - react - webflow - seo - digital marknadsföring - eller liknande så vill vi gärna träffa och snacka lite. Vi har basen i Stockholm men vi jobbar med utvecklare över hela landet. Ser fram emot att höra ifrån dig!

$56 / hr Average bid
$56 / hr Snittbud
11 bud

Hej Simon! Jag fick dina uppgifter av Liu / bluediscover här på Han rekommenderade dig vad gäller front-end jobb i react. Jag håller på med ett projekt för mitt företag, Liu har byggt grunden med Django / React. Jag har mer jobb som ska göras och Liu föreslog att han skulle fokusera på back-end och om du har tid tyckte han att jag skulle anlita dig för front-end. Låter det intressant? Mvh Tobias Gårdner Villa Spa Sweden AB

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Snittbud
1 bud
Project for Simon E.
Avslutades left

Hej Simon! Jag håller på med ett projekt som bluediscover / Liu arbetar med och han tipsade om en duktig / expert vad gäller frontend jobb. Idag har Liu gjort både back-end och front-end men han säger att han hellre fokuserar på back-end (django) och att du var riktigt duktig på react. Hur ser din allokering ut framöver? Mvh Tobias Gårdner

$250 Average bid
$250 Snittbud
1 bud
Avslutades left

Android-app Jag har redan en design Hej, Jag har beställt en app som levererats och funkar fint. Jag vill nu vidareutveckla den och min utvecklare är uppbokad en lång tid framöver och söker därmed en frilansare. App: React Native + Redux ES6-7 Webpack för kompilering av Javascript Server: Node.js 8.9.4 MongoDB databas Sails MVC Framework

$13698 Average bid
$13698 Snittbud
7 bud
120X7 Quiz
Avslutades left

120X7 är ett projekt inom Trivia Quiz. Projektet bygger på ett välbeprövat koncept som skördat stora framgångar i USA i form av en snabb och kraftig användartillväxt. Vi ämnar lansera ett liknande koncept i på två personer med erfarenhet av business development och start-ups. För att ta konceptet från idé till produkt behöver vi nu utöka teamet med ytterligare kompetens. Vi söker dig som kan visa ett stort engagemang, våga utmana dig själv och alltid vara beredd att göra det lilla extra. Du har erfarenhet från att utveckla mobila applikationer. Förslagsvis har du kunskap i JavaScript och React Native. Är du den vi söker kommer vi erbjuda b&ari...

$5877 Average bid
$5877 Snittbud
4 bud

sKils: -Docker Hub -Git -Python -Django -AWS -Redis -S3 -NodeJS -Go

$17 Average bid
$17 Snittbud
9 bud

Vi söker en senior frontend-utvecklare för utveckling av en integrerad utvecklingsmiljö baserad på webbteknik. Du har god erfarenhet av JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Chrome Plugins samt ramverk t ex Angular eller React. Vi finns på Lidingö, Stockholm.

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr Snittbud
14 bud
Developer for a Loan book
6 dagar left

I am CFO at Impact Investment company and we are lending Impact-Lin...lent $8m to date. We are scaling now and attracting debt capital from impact investors. I need a better loan book to track, monitor the loans, calculate interest income. Determine when they should be repaid. Link into our financial forecast and also actuals results in accounting software Xero. I would welcome the chance to talk through and understand exactly what can be done. Summary of Steps: Determine core features like loan details, payments, and interest calculations. Structure data storage (database or Excel). Automate updates using APIs or manual entries. Implement interest calculation logic. Build user interface (optional) if needed. Set up reporting and notifications. Deploy the tracke...

$259 Average bid
$259 Snittbud
15 bud

I'm seeking a seasoned developer with expertise in Laravel, Flutter, and MySQL, with a primary focus on backend modifications for my project. The job will involve working on pre-existing Laravel code and implementing feature enhancements. Duties Include: - Modifying the existing Laravel code to enhance the admin dashboard - Fixing current bugs that hinder performance - Making necessary modifications in both the backend and frontend - Ensuring a seamless integration with the Flutter apps - Ensuring a seamless integration with the React frontend Key Skills: - Proficient in Laravel with substantial backend development experience - Familiar with Flutter for understanding frontend requirements - Experience in ...

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Snittbud
19 bud

...seeking an experienced Full Stack Developer to build a web application for our business to manage sales data, inventory, raw materials, and cost of goods sold (COGS). The website will consist of multiple interactive pages, pulling data via API and allowing user input. Below is the project scope based on provided specifications: Dashboard: Display global sales data by ASIN with interactive graphs (filterable by date range, e.g., last 7 days) and inventory levels (US, Canada, UK, EU, Australia) via dropdowns. Product Formulas: Manage product details (e.g., SKU, ASIN, ingredients, lead times) with options to add/upload new products via CSV. Suppliers/Manufacturers: Input and manage supplier and manufacturer info (e.g., email, lead times) with add/edit functio...

$674 Average bid
$674 Snittbud
76 bud

We are looking for an experienced full-stack developer to build a secure and scalable induction platform. The platform will consist of a back-office system for managing inductions and a user-facing interface for completing training modules. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a secure web application using Laravel (PHP 8.2) for the backend and React (TypeScript) for the frontend. - Implement authentication and role-based access control for administrators. - Create a user-friendly interface for managing video-based training modules, quizzes, and user submissions. - Develop a submission tracking system with a secure database (MySQL) to store user responses. - Implement a notification system to send emails upon submission com...

$666 Average bid
$666 Snittbud
126 bud

Designing a dashboard to add multiple-choice tests We need a designer (programmer) to program, upload and deploy a dashboard using MERN STACK so that we can add interactive (online) recruitment tests. The questions and answers are available with us. The dashboard also should be hosted on AWS hosting on our own website so that each test is added later with a separate subdomain on the same hosting according to the following specifications: - The tests should be for different job titles and the content of the questions is different - The test should be available in both Arabic and English, as we can add questions within a single test in more than one language, and sometimes there will be two languages in the same question due to the pre...

$431 Average bid
$431 Snittbud
125 bud

seeking an experienced full-stack developer with expertise in Rails and React geolocation functionalities using Google Maps API. Key Responsibilities: - Develop 'Nearby Places' search functionality that focuses primarily on parks and recreational areas. - Implement 'Location Sharing' capabilities. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in JavaScript and - Troubleshooting routes - Experience with Geolocation APIs and Google Maps API. - Previous work with location-based services. - Strong understanding of full stack development with Rails and React, google cloud. - Ability to create interactive and user-friendly interfaces.

$337 Average bid
$337 Snittbud
90 bud

...experienced mobile app developer (or development team) to build a cross-platform mobile application using Vue.js integrated with Ionic Framework, targeting both iOS and Android platforms, with a planned launch this summer. The app will serve as an extension of our existing platform and must integrate seamlessly with our website and MySQL database via a RESTful API (developed in-house). Project Scope & Key Features: User Registration & Authentication: Implement sign-up and login functionalities using our existing system (email/username + password) to ensure a unified experience between the website and mobile app. Real-Time One-on-One Chat: Develop a secure chat feature for direct communication between...

$746 Average bid
$746 Snittbud
113 bud

I'm seeking a skilled developer proficient in Node.JS, React.JS, and Flutter to combine two apps into one. The base will be App A, to which features and backend elements from App B will be integrated. Both apps are in the same language, so there will be significant code copy-pasting and minor front-end customization. Key Tasks: - Integrating specific features from App B into App A, including User authentication, Payment processing, and Notifications. - Implementing elements from App B like User profiles, Messaging system, and Social media integration. - Customizing the front end as necessary. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Node.JS, React.JS and Flutter. - Experience with backend development. - Strong understanding of use...

$360 Average bid
$360 Snittbud
118 bud

Project Title: Custom Web and Mobile App Development for Project Description: We are looking for an experienced development team or skilled freelancers to create a custom web application and mobile app for This platform will be the next-generation business directory with additional features like classified listings, expert consultations, job recruitment, and a marketplace. Key Required Features: Business Directory Listings – Businesses can list their services. Classified Section – Users can buy/sell like OLX. Expert Consultation – Video/audio calling and chat system (for doctors, business experts, etc.). Jobs & Hiring – Job posting and recruitment feature. Rent & Services – Users can rent or offer...

$520 Average bid
$520 Snittbud
11 bud

Process Description – Web App Vocabulary and Knowledge Trainer Objective: Development of a web-based application for interactive training of technical vocabulary and knowledge. The app allows users to learn and test terms and definitions in German. The data (terms, questions, answers) will be stored in a database and dynamically provided for tests. 1. Access & Usage: - The web app is accessible online. - Users must enter a name before starting a test. 2. Test Selection: - Users can choose between tests with 10, 20, 30, or 50 questions. - Questions are randomly shuffled for each test session. 3. Test Execution: - A term or knowledge question is displayed. - Multiple-choice options appear (one...

$511 Average bid
$511 Snittbud
140 bud

My operational app, built on ReactJS and NodeJS, is in need of a skilled developer to help troubleshoot and fix some bugs, as well as implementing new features. The project deadline is March 31st. New Features - User authentication - Social media integration - Push notifications - Polish the UI make it more user friendly, screen size and buttons - Redesign the Iframe - Rearrange and restructure the App UI - Rearrange and restructure the webApp UI - Rearrange and restructure the Market place - Payment intergration transfer ( such Veemo, CashApp, zelle) most US transfer type of payment - Two ways Google and outlook calendar synchronisation. (right now it is one way) - Able to build the using Capacitor - Bugs - UI issues - Performance issues - Data processing erro...

$2746 Average bid
$2746 Snittbud
110 bud

...About Us: Direct Deals is a leading telecommunications solutions provider, offering businesses innovative IT and network services. We're looking for a highly skilled Full-Stack Developer who is a WordPress and Elementor master and proficient in multiple programming languages. If you're a proactive problem-solver, a team player, and someone who thrives in a fast-paced environment, we want you on our team! Role Overview: We are seeking a Full-Stack Developer with expertise in WordPress, Elementor, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, and other relevant web development technologies. The ideal candidate will be responsible for developing, maintaining, and optimizing our websites and web applications while ensuring top perform...

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr Snittbud
181 bud
Zephyrus Telemedicine
6 dagar left

.Net development company located in Canada and focused on the healthcare space in the US. Currently working on a product with a short timeline and need help. It is a simplified EMR (limited service lines without the need for referrals, requisition and typical lab work but spans a marketing level; a Client services level and a Provider (Doctor) level We are looking for an experienced developer. It would be all the better if you had experience in all our technologies, but we could also have you build the front end in React, and we would connect the services as needed

$16 / hr Average bid
$16 / hr Snittbud
82 bud

We are seeking a Full Stack Developer with expertise in React, Node.js, and to develop and maintain scalable web applications. The ideal candidate will have strong problem-solving skills, experience with RESTful APIs, and the ability to work across frontend and backend development. As a part-time developer, you will collaborate with one of our clients who is new to their role and requires daily support. You will connect with the client via Zoom (screen sharing required) to assist them in completing their assigned tasks on their behalf, ensuring successful task execution and delivery. We currently have 80+ developers successfully working with us in similar roles. Required Skills & Experience : Strong experience in React.js, No...

$255 Average bid
$255 Snittbud
98 bud

Hemos desarrollado toda la interfaz en react de un proyecto. Se realizó con IA. Ahora queremos que las interfaces de conecten con la base de datos tanto en el front como en el back.

$147 Average bid
$147 Snittbud
26 bud

...independent programmer, not a company, to help fix bugs in my existing Python web application and a Flutter project as well as deploy them. This is a remote role. Your initial task will be to resolve issues with the projects and I will pay you on an hourly basis for this task. If you're able to do this, I will offer you a full-time role where you will continue working on enhancing these existing projects as well as working on new ones. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Python and JavaScript - Experienced in fixing bugs in web applications - Skilled in deploying projects - Familiar with Django framework - Knowledgeable in Flutter - Able to work for 4 hours synchronously with me and a regular 40 hours a week sc...

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr Snittbud
28 bud

Project Description: I need someone to install and customize the 6amMart React app in my script. The work must be completed within 3 hours. Requirements: Must have worked with 6amMart before or be able to quickly understand its documentation. Do not ask unnecessary questions: all info is in the docs. Must be reliable and efficient (no bots). Budget: Fixed payment of $50.

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Snittbud
56 bud

I'm in need of a seasoned full-stack developer to construct a SaaS platform from the ground up. This platform must be fully integrated with the Jungle Scout API and mirror the UI/UX of Jungle Scout to provide users with a familiar and seamless experience. Key Responsibilities: - Complete API Integration: Implement all features from the Jungle Scout API. - User System: Develop a comprehensive system for registration, login, and subscription management. - Admin Dashboard: Create a dashboard for managing users, payments, and API usage. - Scalable & Secure: Ensure the platform is optimized for performance and can accommodate growth, while also being secure. - UI/UX Matching Jungle Scout: The platform should have a design and fu...

$611 Average bid
$611 Snittbud
81 bud

Sports Ground Booking Platform We are building a sports ground booking platform that allows users to easily discover and book sports facilities for various activities. The platform will provide seamless booking management, payment integration, and user authentication for a smooth experience. Tech Stack Frontend: React (TypeScript), Material UI (MUI) State Management: Redux Toolkit Forms & Validation: Formik + Yup API Handling: Axios Payments: Razorpay Pages & Features 1. Home Page A visually appealing landing page with: Header: Includes logo, location selection, login/signup options, navigation to Grounds and About Us. Hero Section: Highlights key features of the platform. Grounds Carousel: Showcasing featured sports grounds with images a...

$398 Average bid
$398 Snittbud
18 bud

...technologies: - React/ - TypeScript - Modern CSS (Tailwind, Styled Components) - State management (Redux, Context API) Solid back-end development skills: - Node.js/Express - REST API design - Database management (SQL and NoSQL) - API integration and microservices - Version control with Git - Experience with cloud platforms (AWS/GCP/Azure) - CI/CD pipeline knowledge ## What You'll Do - Design and implement full-stack web applications - Work on multiple projects simultaneously while maintaining high code quality - Collaborate with cross-functional teams to deliver features - Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability - Participate in code reviews and architectural discussions ## Nice to Have - Experience wit...

$294 Average bid
$294 Snittbud
27 bud

Project Description: We are looking for a skilled developer to create an automated VPN deployment script for a dual-server cascading VPN setup using WireGuard. The script should be capable of automatic installation and configuration on two separate Ubuntu servers (22.04 - 24.04) and ensure seamless traffic forwarding. The system should work as follows: A client connects to Server 1 (entry point). Traffic is forwarded to Server 2. The client appears to be connecting from Server 2, although they initially connected to Server 1. Additionally, the system should be integrated with a Telegram bot, which allows users to: Authenticate & attach a specific IP address to their login. Change their assigned IP address from a preloaded pool by clic...

$25 Average bid
$25 Snittbud
9 bud

...Description: Mobile App Developer for Mobility Scooters LLC About Us Mobility Scooters LLC is a Houston-based company specializing in high-quality mobility scooters and accessories. Led by our CEO Keith Monen, we're committed to improving independence and quality of life for our customers through innovative mobility solutions. Project Overview We're seeking a talented mobile app developer to create a user-friendly application that enhances our customers' experience with our mobility scooter products. Key Responsibilities Design and develop a cross-platform mobile application (iOS and Android) Create an intuitive user interface tailored to our customer demographic Implement features including product browsing, maintenance s...

$551 Average bid
$551 Snittbud
123 bud

I'm working on an adventure game in Unity and need a skilled mobile app developer. The key feature of this project is that characters in the game will react based on AI voice input. Key Tasks: - Implement a custom AI voice recognition system where characters respond to player input. - Design character interactions including dialogues, actions and emotional responses based on voice input. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Unity and mobile app development. - Experience with AI voice recognition systems, preferably custom solutions. - Strong understanding of creating engaging character interactions in games. This is a unique opportunity to work on an innovative project. Please provide examples of your previous work that demonstrate you...

$609 Average bid
$609 Snittbud
56 bud