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2,000 data analytics wiki hittade uppdrag

Hej GSK Webtech, jag noterade din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten.

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Hej GSK Webtech, jag noterade din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten.

$250 Average bid
$250 Snittbud
1 bud

Baserat på premium tema, ställa in bilder, texter som vi tillhandahåller maximera UI UX på hemsidan med konfigurationer och integrationer med googel analytics, betalprocess, orderprocess och frakt inställningen, samt integration med Fortnox, SEO och SEOsökordsanalys och en sökordsoptimerad sida. Vi behöver också bli rekommenderade av betalfunktion, order funktion shipping funktion med kommunikation till kund. Vi tror också att vi behöver någon "prova på" funktion, där kunde får känna och klämma på produkterna innan köp. Swedish developers only!

$852 Average bid
$852 Snittbud
13 bud

...i takt med att vi lanserar en digital kurs för kvinnor om ekonomi och ekonomisk frihet. I de uppgifter vi behöver hjälp med ingår bland annat: - Publicera inlägg på Sociala medier - Sammanställa information från enkäter - Svara på mail och meddelanden i sociala kanaler - Skapa en struktur för dokument och tillgångar på Dropbox, google drive och asanja - Sammanställa rapporter från Google analytics och Facebook/Instagram inlägg - Skriva marknadsföringstunnlar via Kajabi/convertkit - Enklare underhåll av hemsidor Det är superviktigt att du behärskar svenska språket och är duktig på att kommunicera skriftligt. Du behöver ha någon form av erfar...

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Jag öppnade en webshop i slutet på juni i år. Efter cirka en månad kom försäljningen igång och ökade även till uppemot cirka 1 per dag och det verkade rulla på. För marknadsföring anlitade jag en SEO-expert som optimerade min SEO, jag köpte google annons som fortfarande är aktiv och fick support med...prenumeranter på nyhetsbrev och erbjudande. I början av september tog det helt plötsligt tvärstopp och har inte haft en enda försäljning sedan den 9 september och inte heller någon prenumerant och besöken avtagit mycket. Jag försöker helt enkelt komma på vad som hänt och vad det kan bero på och skulle behöva hjälp med Google annonsen, kolla ...

$113 Average bid
$113 Snittbud
22 bud

Hej Kristoffer! Skulle köpa en timme konsulttid av dig. - Vi har taggade länkar i en nedladdningsbar pdf och vill kunna spåra försäljning i Analytics. - Vi har diverse kampanjer igång kring biljettförsäljning mm och skulle även vilja på ett enkelt sätt kunna se försäljningsstatistik på ett enkelt sätt i Analytics efter diverse villkor. Gör du den typen av konsultation? Det bästa, Johannes

$30 Average bid
$30 Snittbud
1 bud

Hej Superdea. Jag anlitade dig för ett jobb för något år sedan, nu skulle jag behöva hjälp igen. Min sajt ligger hos Loopia. Nu har de flyttat sajten till en nyare version av php. Eftersom jag gör en äldre version av WP och plugins blir det knas vid publiceringar. Kan du idag göra de uppdateringar som krävs? Jag kan ge dig access till Loopia omgående. Jag tror att vi har mejlat tidigare jag har mh snabel-a revisionsvarlden punkt se. Du kan fakturera mitt AB.

$250 - $250
$250 - $250
0 bud
SEO Optimize
Avslutades left

Jag driver en webshop byggd på Opencart 2.3. Av någon anledning så har trafiken minskat kraftigt. Jag söker någon som kan Opencart, Google Search Console, Google Analytics och SEO optimering. Webshopens trafik var normal men har systematiskt minskat nära noll.

$93 Average bid
$93 Snittbud
53 bud

...kunnig inom PHP, Web 2.0, XHTML, SQL, Cross-browser optimering. Utvecklingen av hemsidan bör göras med stor anpassning. Då majoriteten av publiceringen görs av redaktörer måste backend vara anpassad för exempelvis skapande av artiklar. Du kan utgå från ett open-source alternativ och vidareutveckla den enligt våra specifikationer. Integrering mellan hemsidan och databas måste göras av dig. Analytics program erfordras. Interaktion görs möjligt med commenting, threads och forum. Erfarenhet från schemaläggning av aktiviteter bör du kunna göra. Caching även. Säkerheten av hemsidan bör implementeras genom all kod i front-end och back-end. Sökmotoroptimering m&ari...

$11657 Average bid
$11657 Snittbud
9 bud
SEO Google Analytics
Avslutades left

Hej! Jag behöver hjälp SEO på svenska, jag vet vilka ord som är viktiga men behöver hjälp med att sätta dem på rätt ställe, och i ett rätt system. Jag vill att du är datatekniker så att du kan rätt installera och se till att Google analytics fungera och är väl installerat. Jag har försökt själv vilket innebär att sidan inte är syns när man söker på google se här: " En beskrivning av det här resultatet är inte tillgänglig på grund av webbplatsens – läs mer." Så jag behöver din hjälp att dels skapa SEO och se till att jag kan se vad som funkar bäst genom Google analytics. Jag h...

$172 Average bid
$172 Snittbud
19 bud

Budgivning online. Hemsidan ska på ett enkel sätt förmedla produkter som går att buda på. Dessa produkter ska vara attraktiva för läsaren och det ska vara möjligt att sortera enligt olika parametrar som exempelvis: utgångspris, nuvarande bud, geografisk position, antal visningar, vilket datum annonsen lades upp. Det ska g...textmaterial och bildmaterial, dock vill jag ha förslag på val av font. Jag vill ha exakta storlekar/filtyper som behövs för hemsidan, och vill vet hur mycket text som behövs. Jag ska senare kunna byta bilder och text. Centrerat och enkel design. Jag vill endast ha toppmenyer utan undermenyer. Enkel sökruta för att välja kriterier när köpare söker budgivning. ...

$845 Average bid
$845 Snittbud
3 bud

hej, jag skulle vilja ha hjälp med en wordpress sida som ska fungera lite som ett showcase för andra webbyråer. Det får gärna vara en mallbaserad lösning i wordpress, gärna med en schysst filtrering på ex. ort, plat... region och liknande. vad jag önskar ska ingå: - mallbaserad sida i WP där jag tor att en showcase mall är det bästa. - En enklare webblogga som ska heta som domännamnet. - Det ska finnas plats för en del copy på startsidan för SEO-syfte. - Det ska visas mellan 4-10 boxar med logga och även lite kort info. sen klickar man sig vidare till en byrå om man vill läsa mer. - Google analytics ska installeras Om denna sajt blir bra så kommer d...

$316 Average bid
$316 Snittbud
2 bud

...interact with local businesses and communities? • Do you have a strategy for increasing customer engagement? 4. Paid Advertising (If Offered) • Can you manage Facebook & Instagram Ads? • Do you have experience running Google PPC Ads for local service businesses? • How will you optimize our ad spend for the best return? • Will you provide ad creatives, targeting, and performance tracking? 5. Analytics & Reporting • What kind of reports will you provide on our social media performance? • How often will you send updates and recommendations? • What key metrics do you track to measure success? Pricing & Timeline: • What is your monthly fee for full social media management? • Are there extra charges for video co...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Snittbud
40 bud

...certified professional with expertise in multiple Google products. I need assistance with Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, Campaign Manager, Display Video 360, Search Ads 360, Conversion Optimization, and Creative. Key Responsibilities: - Campaign Management: Overseeing and optimizing ad campaigns across various platforms. - Data Analysis and Reporting: Interpreting data from Google products to inform strategy and improve performance. - Conversion Optimization: Implementing strategies to improve the rate of conversions. The primary objective of these tasks is to enhance the performance of my ads. The ideal candidate would have a strong background in digital marketing and analytics, with a proven track record of improving ad performance. Pl...

$20 Average bid
1 bidrag

As a Key Responsibilities: - Generate and secure client leads from medium businesses - Promote and sell our comprehensive suite of AI recruitment services - Build and maintain strong client relationships - Collaborate with our team to tailor our services to client needs Our AI recruitment solution offers: - Automated candidate screening - AI-driven interview scheduling - Predictive analytics for hiring trends - AI Autopilot Interviewer - AI Copilot Interviewer Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in business development, particularly within the specified industries - Excellent communication and negotiation skills - Familiarity with AI and recruitment systems - Ability to understand and meet medium business needs How we pay: We will pay based on cli...

$99 Average bid
$99 Snittbud
17 bud

I'm...backend capable of handling multiple vendors and transactions - A responsive, visually appealing frontend Vendor Dashboard Features: - Sales Analytics: Vendors should be able to track their sales in real-time. - Product Management: An intuitive interface for vendors to manage their products. - Order Tracking: A reliable system for vendors to track their orders. Payment Integration: - The site should support Credit/Debit card transactions. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in and React.js - Previous experience in developing multivendor websites - Knowledge of integrating secure payment gateways - Familiarity with creating vendor dashboards with analytics, product management and order tracking features. Please provide examples of similar projects you've complet...

$644 Average bid
$644 Snittbud
36 bud well as creating custom forms and fields. Access to data needs to be tailored for each team member, with certain information restricted for some. I really like the look and feel of the List view from Asana. - Functionality: I want to implement automated workflows to streamline our processes. The app should also be able to seamlessly integrate with our other tools. A crucial aspect of the app's functionality is its ability to record email interactions with clients. It should also log phone calls and their transcripts from Teams. If feasible, I would like to incorporate summaries and recordings sent from Fathom. - Reporting and Analytics: The app's reporting and analytics capabilities need to be enhanced to provide us with insightful data that can ...

$23 / hr Average bid
$23 / hr Snittbud
94 bud

...around implementing new features and enhancing the system's capabilities. Key Responsibilities: - Develop additional functionalities, focusing on comprehensive candidate tracking, efficient job posting management, and robust analytics and reporting components. - Enhance the overall performance of the ATS system, ensuring seamless operation and user experience. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with ATS systems, particularly in feature development. - Strong problem-solving skills, with a knack for anticipating user needs and system requirements. - Proficiency in analytics and reporting tools, with the ability to create user-friendly interfaces. The project is a unique opportunity to shape an ATS system from its early prototype stage into a fully operational, feat...

$91 Average bid
$91 Snittbud
5 bud

I am looking for an experienced AI and Blockchain developer to enhance a financial automation system. The project involves integrating secure transactions, AI-driven analytics, and a blockchain-based payment system to ensure fast, encrypted, and fraud-proof transactions. The system should be designed to run independently, process transactions in real-time, and ensure high-level security using AI and cryptographic methods.

$143422 Average bid
$143422 Snittbud
20 bud

Job Description: We are looking for a tech-savvy outreach specialist who can help us scale email campaigns, lead generation, and data collection using automation tools. The ideal candidate has experience in mass messaging, audience engagement, and digital marketing strategies while following best practices. Responsibilities: ✅ Automate and manage outreach campaigns (email, SMS, social media). ✅ Use scraping tools to collect publicly available data while following ethical guidelines. ✅ Set up and optimize marketing automation workflows (chatbots, autoresponders, etc.). ✅ Analyze and improve engagement, open rates, and conversion rates. ✅ Ensure compliance with anti-spam laws (CAN-SPAM, GDPR, etc.). Requirements: ? Experience with email marketing, lead generation, or outreach...

$31 / hr Average bid
$31 / hr Snittbud
15 bud

Social-Media-Posts passend zur Expertise und den Fokusthemen von Ursula Simon inkl. passender CTA & Hashtags für LinkedIn, Instagram und Facebook Gestaltung und Bearbeitung von passenden Bildern, Grafiken und Videos in Canva Planung und Veröffentlichung der Beiträge über Meta Business Suite und LinkedIn Scheduling Tools Erstellung und Veröffentlichung von 2-3 Instagram Stories pro Woche Regelmäßige Analytics-Auswertung und Performance-Optimierung der Beiträge Erstellung und Pflege eines übersichtlichen Redaktionsplans Abstimmung aller Inhalte vor Veröffentlichung mit Ursula Simon Sicherstellung der einheitlichen Branding- und Kommunikationsstrategie Gelegentliche Anpassung und Optimierung bestehender Inhalte basierend au...

$35 / hr Average bid
$35 / hr Snittbud
18 bud

I'm in need of a seasoned digital marketer to fully manage and revamp my current digital marketing efforts. The ideal candidate should be adept in various areas including social media marketing across all platforms, SEO optimization, Google Ads and PPC campaigns, content marketing, email marketing and analytics. Key Responsibilities: - Devise and implement effective digital marketing strategies - Supervise and expand all social media accounts - Execute ad campaigns aimed at lead generation and enhancing brand visibility - Enhance website SEO for improved rankings - Monitor performance and prepare detailed reports Skills and Experience Required: - Proven track record in digital marketing - In-depth understanding of SEO, PPC and social media advertisements - Ability to work au...

$1566 Average bid
$1566 Snittbud
15 bud
Freelancing Site ($50)
6 dagar left

PLEASE chaeck the attached file AND share similar previous work in your bid I Want to create a personal freelancing website. I provide analytics services. the site will be after my name The site content should follow the attached presentaiton. Also it should have a book now floating button leading to a calendar (using calendly). Also it should have a whatsapp chatting popup that leads the people to contact me directly on my phone. the colour threme should be white blue and lime with a balance of tech style and business style

$117 Average bid
$117 Snittbud
31 bud

...attributes). Strong understanding of SEO writing and content strategy. Ability to interpret a commercial roadmap and apply it to product pages. Experience in conversion-focused design & UX optimization. Preferred Qualifications: Prior experience in e-commerce, dropshipping, or marketplace environments. Knowledge of A/B testing, pricing strategies, and online sales tactics. Basic understanding of Google Analytics, Google Merchant Center, or Facebook Ads is a plus. What We Offer: A long-term collaboration with ongoing projects throughout the year. Full remote work with flexible hours. Guidance and management from a team member to ensure smooth integration. The opportunity to work on ambitious and growing e-commerce projects. To Apply: Please provide examples of your previous gr...

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Snittbud
57 bud

I'm developing a Windows-based inventory program for my business using C# and I need assistance to complete it. The areas I need help with are stock management and reporting & analytics features. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in C# and experience with Windows application development. - Ability to implement stock management functionalities. - Capability to integrate comprehensive reporting and analytics features. - Previous experience with inventory management systems preferred. Your expertise will be crucial in helping me finish this project effectively.

$145 Average bid
$145 Snittbud
50 bud - Strong knowledge of SEO writing and e-commerce content optimization. - Ability to understand and follow a commercial roadmap. - Experience in conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a plus. Preferred Qualifications: - Prior experience in dropshipping or e-commerce marketplaces. - Understanding of A/B testing, pricing strategies, and online sales techniques. - Basic knowledge of Google Analytics, Google Merchant Center, or Facebook Ads is a plus. What We Offer: - A long-term collaboration with diverse projects throughout the year. - Full remote work with flexibility. - Guidance and management from a team member to ensure effective integration. -The opportunity to work on ambitious and growing e-commerce projects. To Apply: - Please provide examples of your previous prod...

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Snittbud
6 bud

Sto cercando un esperto Google ADS, Shopify e Tracking delle Conversioni per condurre un Audit Completo delle campagne pubblicitarie attuali, della struttura del sito Shopify e della corretta registrazione delle conversioni su Google Analytics 4 e Google Tag Manager. ? ? Dettagli del lavoro richiesto: ? 1. Analisi delle Campagne Google ADS ✅ Verifica della campagna attuale (Display attiva, possibile espansione su Search e Shopping). ✅ Analisi metriche chiave (CPC medio, CTR, Conversion Rate, Costo per Conversione). ✅ Revisione del pubblico e targeting: il traffico è qualificato? ✅ Controllo parole chiave (se presenti) e qualità degli asset pubblicitari. ✅ Analisi coerenza tra gli annunci e le pagine di destinazione. ✅ Suggerimenti per strategie più efficaci (S...

$168 Average bid
$168 Snittbud
19 bud - Strong knowledge of SEO writing and e-commerce content optimization. - Ability to understand and follow a commercial roadmap. - Experience in conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a plus. Preferred Qualifications: - Prior experience in dropshipping or e-commerce marketplaces. - Understanding of A/B testing, pricing strategies, and online sales techniques. - Basic knowledge of Google Analytics, Google Merchant Center, or Facebook Ads is a plus. What We Offer: - A long-term collaboration with diverse projects throughout the year. - Full remote work with flexibility. - Guidance and management from a team member to ensure effective integration. -The opportunity to work on ambitious and growing e-commerce projects. To Apply: - Please provide examples of your previous prod...

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr Snittbud
78 bud

We are looking for a freelance content creator to help boost our visibility on social media and produce enga...content fresh and engaging. Analyze performance metrics and adjust strategies to maximize reach and impact. Requirements: Proven experience in content creation and social media management, preferably in the tech or 3D printing industry. Strong knowledge of 3D printing and an interest in the field. Ability to create visually appealing and well-written content. Familiarity with social media analytics and growth strategies. Creativity, attention to detail, and excellent communication skills. If you’re passionate about 3D printing and have the skills to grow our online presence, we’d love to hear from you! Please share your portfolio and any relevant experie...

$387 Average bid
$387 Snittbud
37 bud

I'm ...Contact Us - Primary call-to-action: brand building and lead generation Please note, the specific sections of the website have yet to be finalized Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Previous experience in building corporate websites for lithium energy battery technology in USA/Canada/Europe is a must. - Experience with SEO and web analytics tools. - Content creation and copywriting - Excellent communication skills, with a strong attention to detail. - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed before application. *** Please do not ask for reference websites from us ***Your bid mentioned here will be considered final and no negotiation...

$759 Average bid
$759 Snittbud
21 bud

I'm seeking a seasoned WordPress developer to build a contemporary, responsive, and SEO-optimiz...contemporary, responsive, and SEO-optimized website for my business. The site needs to be aesthetically pleasing, fast, and fully operational across various devices. Key Requirements: - Custom WordPress development expertise - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP - Familiarity with page builders (Elementor, WPBakery, Gutenberg) is advantageous - Essential plugins integration (contact forms, analytics, security features) - Ensure the website is secure, user-friendly, and easy to manage - Optimize the site for speed, performance, and search engines - Deliver a smooth user experience Please submit your proposal with a portfolio of similar WordPress projects and a timeline ...

$435 Average bid
$435 Snittbud
333 bud software such as Adobe Photoshop, CorelDRAW, and others to create content. Requirements: • Proven experience as a Social Media Manager or similar role. • Strong understanding of social media platforms, tools, and best practices. • Excellent written and verbal communication skills. • Ability to create engaging and visually appealing content. • Proficient in social media management tools and analytics platforms. • Diploma or Degree in Graphic Media. • Knowledge of graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop, CorelDRAW, and others is a must. • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications, or a related field is preferred. • Knowledge of the polyurethane and specialty chemical industry is a plus. • Strong problem-solvin...

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Snittbud
11 bud
Wiki Project
9 dagar left

Amount paid for publishing page on Wikipedia

$542 Average bid
$542 Snittbud
1 bud

I'm in need of a professional to design a landing page aimed at showcasing a product. The landing page should include a contact form, a photo gallery, and a section ...product. The landing page should include a contact form, a photo gallery, and a section for customer testimonials. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating engaging, user-friendly landing pages - Proficient in integrating interactive features like contact forms and photo galleries - Ability to design a section for customer testimonials in a visually appealing manner - Knowledge of SEO and web analytics to optimize the landing page for visibility and performance The project budget starts from 150,000 tenge and can increase depending on the complexity of the work. The timeframe for completion can range from 3 d...

$401 Average bid
$401 Snittbud
179 bud

I'm in need of an Excel master for a 2-hour remote exam. This is for my Business Data Analytics course. Your role will involve: - Data cleaning and preparation - Data visualization - Statistical analysis You should be proficient in using specific Excel functions and tools including: - PivotTables - VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP - Conditional Formatting Skills and experience required: - Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Excel - Strong background in Economics - Proven experience in Business Data Analytics This is a time-sensitive task and will require focused attention to detail. Looking forward to your bids.

$16 Average bid
$16 Snittbud
16 bud

...API, or hybrid) with flawless Google Ads conversion tracking. - Ensure cross-platform compatibility (mobile/desktop) and performance optimization. System Scalability & Customization - Modify the PHP system to support 100+ concurrent events with unique ticket types, pricing rules, and permissions. - Add features: multi-organizer access, dynamic event templates, bulk uploads. Tracking & Analytics - Integrate Google Ads/GA4 tracking for ticket purchases, abandoned carts, and event page interactions. - Ensure UTM parameter passthrough and server-side event tracking compliance. Documentation & Knowledge Transfer - Create detailed technical documentation for the existing system and new changes. - Train internal teams on basic maintenance and updates. Crit...

$31 / hr Average bid
Brådskande Sekretessavtal
$31 / hr Snittbud
136 bud

...sharing. Here are some of the features i want to add...the items #are those features currently available on the platform; Objective: To develop a comprehensive, cloud-based HSE&S management platform that enables real-time data collection, reporting, analysis, and communication for improved workplace safety, compliance, and operational efficiency across multiple projects and clients. Key Features & Functionalities: 1. Client/Company registration & Project Management • Client Registration – Capture company/project details, contract type, and assign unique profiles. • HSE Data Storage – Securely collect, store, and organize all client-specific HSE documentation. • User Roles & Permissions – Different access levels (Safet...

$259 Average bid
$259 Snittbud
94 bud

I need a Zoho Analytics chart to show how my historic stocks levels change over time. I need to be able to select different items of stock. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in using Zoho Analytics - Experience in creating inventory tracking charts

$20 Average bid
$20 Snittbud
5 bud

I’m developing a web-based platform and need short-term contract developers to help build a React.js-based web dashboard & Analytics tool with Node.js backend and PostgreSQL database. ? Frontend Developer: Build responsive UI in React.js ( preferred). ? Backend Developer: Develop REST APIs using Node.js, PostgreSQL, Express.js. ? Designer: Build UI/UX with Figma or Adobe XD. ⏳ Duration: 2-3 months (project-based) ? Budget: Competitive, based on experience ? Location: Remote (Preference for India-based candidates) Experience in the field of data visualization is a plus. Looking forward to seeing your proposals.

$1603 Average bid
$1603 Snittbud
52 bud

...players mark as ✅ Completed, ? Modified, ❌ Missed
✅ Drill Library: Videos, images, and descriptions of netball drills categorized by skill
✅ AI-Powered Session Builder: * Players evaluate their skill level via questionnaire or video analysis * AI recommends a custom training session based on evaluation (warm-up → individual skill → unit skill → team skill → match transfer)
✅ Progress Tracking & Analytics: Show training consistency & improvement over time
✅ Video-Based Skill Analysis (AI-Powered): * Players upload videos of passing, shooting, or footwork * AI provides feedback & error detection (e.g., incorrect shooting technique)
✅ Messaging System: Direct communication between coaches, players, and parents
✅ Game Day Planner: Coaches set match lin...

$536 Average bid
$536 Snittbud
103 bud

I'm seeking a seasoned LinkedIn Ads and Meta Ads specialist to drive high-quality leads for my digital marketing services targeting the USA and India. Target Regio...performance. - Provide detailed reports and insights for ongoing campaign enhancements. Requirements: - Demonstrated experience in lead generation via LinkedIn Ads and Meta Ads is crucial. - A robust understanding of B2B digital marketing audience targeting is needed. - Capability to work with a limited budget while ensuring a steady influx of quality leads. - Proficiency in conversion tracking and ad analytics. - A proven track record of delivering measurable results. Industry Focus: - Primary sectors of focus include Technology, Finance, and personal care. Goal: - The main objective of these campaigns is l...

$76 Average bid
$76 Snittbud
21 bud

I'm looking for a web developer who can create a simple HTML dashboard for me. The dashboard doesn't need to display any specific data at the moment, but it should have a login feature using standard email and password authentication. Key Requirements: - Experience in HTML and web development. - Knowledge of creating secure login systems. - Ability to design a clean and user-friendly dashboard interface. Optional but Appreciated: - Prior experience with project management or user analytics dashboards. - Skills in designing interactive charts or real-time update systems. While not essential, familiarity with creating dashboards displaying sales data or project management metrics would be a plus. Please note that this project will not require social media ...

$78 Average bid
$78 Snittbud
70 bud

...transactions, content, bidding processes, security, and analytics. This dashboard will empower platform administrators with the ability to oversee auctions, resolve disputes, monitor platform performance, and ensure regulatory compliance. The ideal candidate should have experience developing scalable admin dashboards with functionalities such as user management, transaction tracking, subscription management, API integrations, and security monitoring. Proficiency in React.js, , Laravel (PHP), MySQL, and AWS is highly desirable. The project requires implementing automated financial reporting, user activity logs, and integration with payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe. A solid understanding of role-based access control (RBAC) and data encryption standards is crucial. ...

$555 Average bid
$555 Snittbud
187 bud software such as Adobe Photoshop, CorelDRAW, and others to create content. Requirements: • Proven experience as a Social Media Manager or similar role. • Strong understanding of social media platforms, tools, and best practices. • Excellent written and verbal communication skills. • Ability to create engaging and visually appealing content. • Proficient in social media management tools and analytics platforms. • Diploma or Degree in Graphic Media. • Knowledge of graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop, CorelDRAW, and others is a must. • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications, or a related field is preferred. • Knowledge of the polyurethane and specialty chemical industry is a plus. • Strong problem-solvin...

$47 Average bid
$47 Snittbud
21 bud

I'm seeking an experienced Python developer to customize and install the Frappe LMS. The primary focus of the project will be experienced Python developer to customize and install the Frappe LMS. The primary focus of the project will be enhancing the reporting and analytics capabilities of the platform. Key Responsibilities: - Customizing the Frappe LMS to improve its course and class scheduling feature Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python - Extensive experience with Frappe LMS - Strong understanding of reporting and analytics Please note, while some aspects of the user interface may require future modifications, this project primarily centers on the backend customization. Your expertise will help me leverage the full potential of Frappe LMS's reporting ...

$126 Average bid
$126 Snittbud
17 bud

I'm looking for a skilled Social Media Marketer to help elevate my brand's presence on TikTok and Instagram. The primary focus is to increase brand awareness through engaging content and strategic interactions. Key ...comprehensive social media marketing strategy tailored for TikTok and Instagram. - Create and schedule engaging content that resonates with the target audience. - Monitor and respond to audience interactions to foster community engagement. - Use analytics tools to track progress and adapt strategies as needed. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in Social Media Marketing, specifically on TikTok and Instagram. - Strong understanding of brand development and promotion. - Excellent content creation and community engagement skills. - Proficient in using social me...

$300 Average bid
$300 Snittbud
25 bud

...rewards programs. Customer support options (chat, contact forms). ? Checkout Optimization Upselling, cross-selling, suggested items, and abandoned cart recovery. ? Promotions Promotional banners, homepage deals. Discount codes, vouchers, coupons, and auto-applied offers. ? Affiliate/Referral Program Setup Prepare the store for future affiliate program integration. ? SEO & Analytics Full SEO setup and Google Analytics integration. ? Legal Pages Privacy Policy, Terms, Shipping, Refund Policies. ? Testing Full testing (desktop, mobile, checkout, emails). ? Training & Support Training session and materials. 3 months post-launch support for minor fixes....

$93 Average bid
$93 Snittbud
57 bud

...freelance developer with expertise in real-time data processing and machine learning/AI applications. The ideal candidate will design and implement a system that generates data-driven advice and automated decisions based on historical data and real-time inputs. Project Details The real-time data is already available and stored in PostgreSQL. The system needs to efficiently process this data, apply machine learning models, and deliver actionable insights in real time. The project is ongoing, requiring a professional with a long-term vision. Key Responsibilities ✔️ Design, develop, and optimize real-time data pipelines. ✔️ Implement and train machine learning models for decision-making and recommendations. ✔️ Integrate models with streaming da...

$40 / hr Average bid
$40 / hr Snittbud
67 bud

... Search & Filter: By title, subject, difficulty, or date created. Share Options (optional, if time permits): Let users share sets with friends or make them public. 4. Study & Quiz Features Flip-Based Study: Show front side first, then reveal the answer on the back (like traditional flashcards). Difficulty/Confidence Rating: After viewing an answer, user labels how easy or hard it was. This data can feed a spaced repetition algorithm so that harder cards appear more frequently. Progress Tracking: Display how many cards are left, correct/incorrect counts, or a progress bar. Multiple Question Types (optional): If possible, beyond just “flip cards,” we might introduce multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, etc. 5. AI/Spaced Repetition Integration Adaptive S...

$693 Average bid
$693 Snittbud
149 bud

Hi Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4 Experts, We are looking for an expert to help us track key metrics on our webpage and pass this data to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Below are the specific requirements: Task: We need to track user registrations and deposits on our deposit confirmation page with the following details: Capture users who have registered and made their first deposit shortly after registration. We need to track both the deposit count and deposit value on the deposit confirmation page and send this data to GA4. Additionally, we want to track all deposits made at any time, not just the first deposit. Reporting Requirements: Once the tracking is set up, we need to generate a campaign-wise report in GA4 that includes: Registrations: Coun...

$50 Average bid
$50 Snittbud
23 bud