Browser based football manager gameJobb
Vi söker någon att hjälpa till att arrangera en musikturné i Sverige nästa höst. Det som behövs är främst hjälp med att skicka e-mail och ringa till konsertorganisatörer (kyrkor, konsertsalar, etc) för att få ihop en 10-dagars turné runt allhelgona 2025.
Hej, HAVE TO BE FLUENT IN SWEDISH. (OBS - Läs gärna hela texten innan du svarar) Vi på letar efter en engagerad & kreativ Social Media Manager för att hjälpa oss med att stärka vår närvaro på sociala medier. Vi är ett företag som hyllar den svenska fikakulturen och vill nå ut till fler människor genom inspirerande och engagerande innehåll. Uppdragets huvudansvar: - Skapa och publicera innehåll för våra sociala mediekanaler (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, ev Youtube.). - Hantera det dagliga underhållet av våra sociala plattformar, inklusive svar på kommentarer & meddelanden. - Utveckla en innehållsstrategi som reflekterar vår vision och våra v&au...
Luxurief har som ambition att lyfta hemstädning till nya nivåer, att professionalisera yrket och utgå ifrån att erbjuda god kvalité och en väl utförd tjänst. Vi söker en social media manager som kan hjälpa oss växa och attrahera nya kunder inom vård segment, premiumstädning. Du kommer att vara med om en spännande resa i ett start-up, med en ambition av att förändra en bransch som länge konkurrerat på pris. Förutom att hjälpa oss sätta en marknadsföringsplan och strategi kommer du att skapa inlägg och exekvera marknadsföringskampanjer. För att beaktas för denna tjänst behöver du inkomma med ett portfolio, samt tala och skriva svenska ...
...senior/mid web game developer to join our team. As a game developer with us, you will have the opportunity to build new, unique gaming experiences that will transform how a lottery should function in a digital world. In this role, you will be responsible for creating half entertaining games and half thrilling winning chances that will keep our users engaged and coming back for more. We are looking for someone with a long experience in graphic interactivity on the web, or simply someone who has built web games in the past. To be considered for this role, you should have experience with libraries such as Phaser, , or similar tools for canvas/webgl rendering. You should also have a solid work experience with JavaScript or TypeScript as well as build tools. A drive to tweak...
söker nu med ljus och lykta efter en duktig virtuell assistent som vill växa med oss! Nu i början rör det sig om 1-3h per vecka, men det kommer accelerera i takt med att vi lanserar en digital kurs för kvinnor om ekonomi och ekonomisk frihet. I de uppgifter vi behöver hjälp med ingår bland annat: - Publicera inlägg på Sociala medier - Sammanställa information från enkäter - Svara på mail och meddelanden i sociala kanaler - Skapa en struktur för dokument och tillgångar på Dropbox, google drive och asanja - Sammanställa rapporter från Google analytics och Facebook/Instagram inlägg - Skriva marknadsföringstunnlar via Kajabi/convertkit - Enklare underhåll av hemsidor De...
Mitt namn är Ebba och jag arbetar som Social Media Manager på Fibio Nordic AB. Vi har just nu några tecknade gubbar som är en del av vårt varumärke. Men jag hade gärna velat ha gubbarna animerade och rörliga istället för bara bilder då det blir roligare att lägga ut på sociala medier. Jag bifogar bilder på de befintliga gubbarna
Hej! Ageras Sverige söker en erfaren link builder för 3 månader med möjlighet till förlängning. Ageras är en förmedlingstjänst som förmedlar redovisningskonsulter och revisorer till små och mellanstora företag. Vi grundades i 2012 i Köpenhamn och är idag aktiva i 6 länder. Du kommer samarbeta med Ageras Sverige Marketing Manager. Vi söker ett omgående samarbete! Hälsningar, Oda Marketing & Operations Manager
Accountify är en molnbaserad redovisningsbyrå. Vi har sedan tidigare en visuell identitet som är upprättad av lekmän. Vi söker nu ett proffs som kan ta vår visuella identiet till en ny nivå. Uppdraget är att utgå från tidigare visuella identitet och ta fram en version 2.0. Vi söker en person som är kreativ, effektiv och som har stor erfarenhet inom området och kan hjälpa oss att utveckla vår visuella identitet. Slutprodukten ska vara en visuel identitet 2.0 för Accountify som ett paket med alla nödvändiga filer.
...att arbeta med oss på kundbasis och vara ansvarig för följande uppgifter: * Ställa in och starta Facebook-kampanjer * Ställa in retargetingpixlar, anpassade omvandlingar etc. * Daglig hantering av Facebook-kampanjer när de går live * Att ansvara för att skicka våra kunder framstegen med ditt arbete varje vecka. *Etc. etc. etc. Krav: Som titeln säger söker vi ett proffs som Facebook annons manager” och detta betyder inte att vem som helst kan ansöka ... Du måste uppfylla alla följande krav som ska beaktas för det här jobbet: * Erfarenhet av att inrätta, starta och hantera effektiva Facebook-kampanjer * Ett flertal cases av tidigare resultat inom annonser på Facebook. * Kunsk...
We need help with Facebook advertising for our customers. We need you to do the advertising through Ad Manager (not using "boost" button) and also to have a passion for and experience in copywriting. You need to have experience with creating successful Facebook Ads. Let´s start by testing once and if we get good results this can become a long term cooperation, where the tasks can later expanded. You will get access to high level training material in this job to improve your skills further.
Behöver få hjälp med contentinnehåll på vår hemsida .mm,
Hej! På jakt efter en person som är duktig på att skriva engagerande, tydligt och bra content som ska hjälpa vår hemsida att ranka bättre på Google. Vår mediebyrå kommer att hjälpa dig med ämnen/frågor som ska besvaras och din uppgift blir att med input av mig skriva innehåll till vår hemsida. Innehållet kommer även att användas på LinkedIn och Facebook för att sprida innehållet än mer. Du kanske pluggar journalistik? Eller så är du duktig inom SEO och är intresserad av att vara med på en spännande resa på en start up? Vi har kontor i Länna i Stockholm men öppna för att du jobbar hemifrån mestadels. Vi kommer att ha wor...
copy paste one work in a text to another. very basic. /* Challenge your friends for a turn based game */ "Vem är bäst i körkortsteori? Utmana dina vänner eller en slumpmässig spelare" = "xxxxxx"; Copy the english words to the xxxxxx part.
Hej, jag söker en person som kan skapa en eller flera Facebook sidor, likadan som denna. , du skall vara fluent i engelska. Eventuellt till vidare anställning / jobb, som social media manager. Vi är i inrednings branchen. Tack
Fixa till befintliga SEA kampanjer och att få (.no, dk) konton att växa, med stöd från vår Online Marketing Manager baserad i Holland.
Hej! Jag skulle vilja få hjälp av en duktig programmerare att skap...denna säsong. Kolumner i filen blir hemmalag, bortalag, vilken liga, datum som matchen spelades/ska spela, odds från samtliga tillgängliga bookmakers, resultat. (Jag har inte full koll på vilka uppgifter xmlsoccer erbjuder så jag kanske vill utöka detta). Jag tänker mig att det filen ska se ut ungefär som de man hittar på football-data () Jag vill dock ha alla uppgifter i samma fil och inte uppdelat i olika flikar per liga som football-data har. Dessutom är det viktigt att kommande matcher ingår med odds där det finns. Jag vill att filen som produceras är i något smidigt format som till exempel .txt .csv .xlsx. L&arin...
Jag vill ha en ny webbsida Designa och bygga den Övrigt eller vet ej À fantasy fotball game, transfer, club, arena, fans, invite friends via Facebook. Simlar to harrtick and managerzone.
Söker back end utvecklare med erfarenhet från skräddaranpassade CMS hemsidor. Du bör vara kunnig inom PHP, Web 2.0, XHTML, SQL, Cross-browser optimering. Utvecklingen av hemsidan bör göras med stor anpassning. Då majoriteten av publiceringen görs av redaktörer måste backend vara anpassad för exempelvis skapande av artiklar. Du kan utgå från ett open-source alternativ och vidareutveckla den enligt våra specifikationer. Integrering mellan hemsidan och databas måste göras av dig. Analytics program erfordras. Interaktion görs möjligt med commenting, threads och forum. Erfarenhet från schemaläggning av aktiviteter bör du kunna göra. Caching även. Säke...
Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektIllustration and animation for game'
Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektIllustration and animation for game'
I have four university object oriented assignments I need to write a java program for. The assignments include 1.a) Write some simple java programs with hello world and reading numbers from the command prompt and conduct some arithmetic operations on them. 1.b) Position and coordinates and strings 2.a) Measurment and sensors, many classes that work together , sub-classes , and from a webserver 3. Java graphic as well as standad classes for lists. Save list of positions as an arrays and iterators. A simple animation in the end of the assignment making a red circle that is made of the given positions. 4. The final assignment is to write a program that simulates how bunch of balls hit against the walls inside an isolated rectangular 2-D the BreakOut game.
I have four university object oriented assignments I need to write a java program for. The assignments include 1.a) Write some simple java programs with hello world and reading numbers from the command prompt and conduct some arithmetic operations on them. 1.b) Position and coordinates and strings 2.a) Measurment and sensors, many classes that work together , sub-classes , and from a webserver 3. Java graphic as well as standad classes for lists. Save list of positions as an arrays and iterators. A simple animation in the end of the assignment making a red circle that is made of the given positions. 4. The final assignment is to write a program that simulates how bunch of balls hit against the walls inside an isolated rectangular 2-D the BreakOut game.
I have four university object oriented assignments I need to write a java program for. The assignments include 1.a) Write some simple java programs with hello world and reading numbers from the command prompt and conduct some arithmetic operations on them. 1.b) Position and coordinates and strings 2.a) Measurment and sensors, many classes that work together , sub-classes , and from a webserver 3. Java graphic as well as standad classes for lists. Save list of positions as an arrays and iterators. A simple animation in the end of the assignment making a red circle that is made of the given positions. 4. The final assignment is to write a program that simulates how bunch of balls hit against the walls inside an isolated rectangular 2-D the BreakOut game.
Applicant MUST live in Sweden. If possible, please provided a local (utility, mobile or cable bill) and ID for verification. Those applicants will receive top consideration. Need an English Speaking Assistant Based In Sweden. Answering phone calls and data entry. Very simple but can get tedious at times because of call volume. Sökande måste leva i Sverige . Om möjligt , vänligen gav en lokal ( verktyg , mobil eller kabel räkningen ) och ID för verifiering . De sökande kommer att få topp övervägande . Behöver du en engelsktalande assistent i Sverige . Besvara telefonsamtal och datainmatning . Mycket enkel men kan få tråkiga ibland på grund av samtalsvolymen .
game online mafia rpg game online mafia rpg game online mafia rpg game online mafia rpg game online mafia rpggame online mafia rpg
Jumper game mpifdskoaåfpksdofksdoåakfoåsdakgåaoskgåsdokgaåsdokgadåspkgsdpåagkdsgådpsgasdkpågsdkpågasdkpgdkpågasdkpgdkpågsdkåpgsdkå
Jumper game mpifdskoaåfpksdofksdoåakfoåsdakgåaoskgåsdokgaåsdokgadåspkgsdpåagkdsgådpsgasdkpågsdkpågasdkpgdkpågasdkpgdkpågsdkåpgsdkå
jag söker en programmerare som är erfaren inom bot tillverkning och det är även ett stort + ifall han eller hon känner till spelet För den som inte vet så är erepublik ett browser spel där man klickar sig fram. Vad jag vill att denna bot ska göra:. Jag vill att boten ska kunna återhämta energi automatisk detta gör den genom att klicka på en knapp. boten kan återhämta 10 energi varje 6 minut dock så behöver inte boten återhämta sig oftare än varje timme eller så. för på spelet kan man spara up energin till 650 som max. sedan vill jag att boten ska kunna jobba i alla mina företag + träna + jobba i det företag som jag är ...
We will do it in small steps. STEP ONE FOR THE GAME. You create a user and can then login. You should put out different skills for its users. * Strength * intelligence * Flexibility and other skills The skills are then connected to the other users to see if you succeed with the attack. Here it must be thought to how the system should be structured. You should then be able to beat people that are within your radius of maybe 5 mil linked to Google maps. Sometimes when you attack someone, you should also be able to go in prison and then can not do anything on maybe 3 hours. * I'll be able to change the radius whenever I want. ----- The app will constantly be expanded so it will be a long project. But we start in small steps to make it as e...
... vinner man så stiger man i rang. man kan ha olika tävlingar via Game Center eller andra comunitys. poängen är att spelet och skall funka på pc och andra plattformar i framtiden. man kan möta andra spelare i olika grenar och lira online. allt från häcklöpning, 100 meter till 500 meter spring. eller varför inte ett real time marathon med 3-4 timmar klickande :) spelet skall vara uppifrån så att man ser den oranga spring mattan och online spelarena i övre delen av skärmen. sedan springer man helt enkelt så fort man bara kan genom att klicka med fingrarna. vinner man så stiger man i rang. man kan också handla bättre gear såsom skor för riktiga pengar för att ...
I am looking for a skilled web developer/designer to build a professional website for my business that provides consultancy and implementation services in Power Platform, SharePoint, and other Microsoft technologies. The website should cater to clients in the UK and Europe, showcasing our expertise, services, and solutions. Key Requirements: 1. Professional Design: The website should have a modern, user-friendly, and responsive design. 2. Service Pages: Clear and detailed pages for each service (Power Platform, SharePoint, and other Microsoft technologies). 3. Target Audience: Designed for businesses in the UK and Europe. 4. Contact and Inquiry Form: A contact page with an inquiry form for potential clients. 5. SEO Optimization: The website must be optimized for search engines to attract ...
I'm looking for a skilled Android game developer who can modify an existing action game APK from the Google Play Store for me. The changes I need are simple and mainly involve the game's start sequence. Modifications Required: - Disable or remove the Welcome Panel that appears when I start the game. - Allow the game to skip straight to the main game screen instead of showing the Welcome Panel. Unfortunately, I don't have access to the source code of the game, so the modifications will need to be done directly to the APK. Ideal skills for this project include extensive experience with Android game development, familiarity with APK editing, and a solid understanding of action games. I'm looking for someone who can complet...
I'm looking for an experienced Odoo developer to customize the Sales and Account module...customize the Sales and Account module of my Odoo tool. The customizations needed include: -Integrate the module (sales, purchase, Invoice, contacts) in one panel -Custom workflows tailored for the Sales Manager and Sales Representative roles - Additional reporting capabilities The ideal candidate should have a deep understanding of Odoo's Sales module, with a proven track record of implementing custom workflows and developing comprehensive reporting tools. Familiarity with user roles in a sales context is crucial, as the modifications will be specifically designed for the Sales Manager and Sales Representative. Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to deliver on ...
I'm seeking a qualified chemist based in France for a short-term consulting project. The primary focus of this project is on regulatory compliance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - A degree in Chemistry - Extensive experience in regulatory compliance - Familiarity with relevant regulatory bodies and standards - Strong consulting skills Please share your qualifications and experience.
Job description This opportunity is your chance to be a part of a small, focused team of experienced, professional video game developers led by industry veterans. At Photon Tadpole Studios, every team member is actively engaged in the development of our core products. As a junior game developer, you will be expected to: Create technical specs from game design docs Develop features end-to-end, from a proposal to a polished result Engage with the team and contribute to game design discussions You should at least have: 0 to 3 years of experience working in the game dev industry An ability to reason about algorithms and performance Worked on at least 1 published game Experience publishing games to the iOS App Store and the Google Play Store Excellent...
Need fbx format, with less triangles as it will be used for a game. To be made like the attached references, the image videos and clearer images can be shared via chat.
I'm in search of a Logistics Coordinator based in the Philippines for an Australian food delivery app. This role encompasses a broad range of responsibilities, all of which are pivotal to the smooth operation of our service. Key Responsibilities: - Manage delivery schedules: You'll need to ensure that all deliveries are on time and efficiently planned. - Coordinate with delivery drivers: Your role will involve liaising with our team of delivery drivers, making sure they have the information they need and are following their routes efficiently. - Resolve customer inquiries: Handling customer queries is a vital part of this role. Your excellent communication skills will be put to the test as you interact with our clients, addressing their concerns and queries in a professio...
I'm in search of an Operations Manager residing in the Philippines for my Australian food delivery application. This role encompasses numerous responsibilities that are crucial to the smooth functioning of the business. Key Responsibilities: - Overseeing daily operations: Ensuring all aspects of the business run smoothly and efficiently. - Managing customer service: Handling customer inquiries, complaints and ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction. - Coordinating with delivery partners: Maintaining relationships with delivery partners and ensuring timely deliveries. The ideal candidate for this role should have extensive experience in operations management, ideally within the food delivery industry. Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, are essenti...
I'm experiencing data tracking issues on my blog site. Specifically, my Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is not tracking data correctly. This issue needs to be resolved urgently. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Google Tag Manager (GTM). - Proven track record of troubleshooting data tracking issues on websites. - Ability to configure tags correctly to ensure accurate data reporting. - Understanding of blog or content site analytics. I need a professional who can efficiently diagnose and resolve my GA4 tracking issues, ensuring my website data is accurately captured and reported.
I'm looking for a seasoned game developer to create an engaging, interactive, web-based casino game with a live betting component. This game should be compatible on both mobile and PC platforms and include multiple mini-games and live betting on popular sports. Similar to these games Key Features: - **Diverse Gaming Options**: The casino game should incorporate a variety of mini-games, such as card games, puzzles, and arcade games. The ability to integrate API based games is a plus. - **Live Sports Betting**: The game should support live betting on cricket, football, and basketball. - **Web and Mobile Compatibility**: The game should be accessible and fully functional on both PC and mobile devices. Ideal Skills and ...
Yo soy un pianista, compositor y productor venezolano. Hago canciones de piano y estoy buscando un representante artístico que me ayude a entrar en disqueras más grandes y que mis canciones puedan llegar a artistas que quieran comprar mis canciones y yo formar parte de la composición de esa canción Mi Instagram: @jacoboidbeis
I'm seeking a talented game developer with a knack for creating immersive fantasy worlds. The project entails developing an Android game focused primarily on item collection tasks. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a fantasy setting for the game. - Create engaging item collection challenges. - Ensure the game is compatible exclusively with Android platform Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Android game development. - Experience in creating fantasy-themed games. - Strong understanding of item collection mechanics in games.
I'm looking for a modern and sleek website to sell my game accounts and software. The site should be clear and easy to navigate, with the following key features: - Main Pages: The website should have a Home page and a Shop page. The Shop page needs to integrate smoothly with our existing Sellix shop. - Design: The design should be modern and sleek, appealing to a contemporary audience of gamers. Ideal skills for this project include web development, e-commerce integration, and a keen design sense for modern aesthetics. Experience with Sellix shop integration is a plus.
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a website-based racing game, reminiscent of Hill Climb Racing. Key Requirements: - Create a website that hosts the game. - The game should be a racing game, targeting the 'poyga' (racing) genre. - Ensure the game has similar mechanics and appeal to Hill Climb Racing. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web game development. - Experience in creating arcade-style games. - Strong understanding of game mechanics and usability. Please bid with examples of similar projects you've completed.
...Non-Working Parts): Downloading and Importing Files Download the mandatory JSON files (environment and collection) from the GitHub repository: Amazon Ads Advanced Tools. Import the files into Postman. Credential Input Filled the required fields: Client_ID Client_Secret Redirect_URL Scope Generating Authorization Grant URL Successfully generated the Authorization Grant URL and copied it to the browser for user consent. Generating Access and Refresh Tokens Successfully retrieved valid tokens (valid for 60 minutes). Error in Fetching Profile Details Despite successful token generation, fetching the profile_id resulted in an error. Resources Provided Amazon Ads API Guide: API Documentation YouTube Tutorial GitHub Repository: check document Environment and Collection Files...
I'm looking for a proficient Excel developer who can create a quotation software for me. This software needs to have several key features and functionalities: - Automated calculations: The software should be able to automatically calculate costs, taxes, and discounts. -Create Quotation format for LED Display with respect to Display size proportion ,Indoor / Outdoor pixel type , refresh rate and material type, WRT to specification should auto arrange. - Customer database integration: The software should be able to integrate with a customer database, allowing for easy retrieval of customer information. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in Excel, particularly in creating complex software. They should also have a good understanding of tax and discount...
I'm in need of a skilled game developer to create a Unity-based drag race game with an augmented reality component. I will provide the car designs and models. Key Requirements: - The game should feature short, thrilling races. - I need the game to be released on both iPhone and Android. - Experience with integrating a global leaderboard is crucial. - The augmented reality aspect should be marker-based, using image targets I will provide. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Unity - Prior experience with AR game development - Knowledge of integrating global leaderboards in games - Competence in mobile game development for both iOS and Android - Familiarity with using image targets for AR The final delivery should be ...
...a team of experts to help me create an exciting new subscription-based website. The site will offer engaging content and will need to cater to several subscription models. Key Aspects of the Project: - **Content**: The website will have a variety of content, making it appealing to a broad audience. - **Subscription Models**: The site will have flexible subscription options - monthly, quarterly, and yearly. - **Key Functionalities**: - **User Account Management**: A seamless registration and login process, with options for user profiles. - **Payment Processing**: Secure, reliable, and easy-to-navigate payment systems. - **Content Access Control**: A robust system to manage what content is available to which users based on their subscription level. Ideal Candidate...
I'm seeking a creative and detail-oriented freelancer to partner with on both a web-based game and an e-commerce site. Game Development: - The game will be web-based, so proficiency in technologies relevant to this platform is necessary. - Creativity and passion for game development will be key in making the project exciting and engaging. Website Development: - The site we're developing will be an e-commerce and other platform. - Experience with building e-commerce sites is a major plus. Your input and ideas will be highly valued, so good communication and a collaborative spirit are essential. I'm flexible with timelines, but I expect dedication to the craft and a detail-oriented approach. Let's create something amazing t...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create an Android application and a corresponding web application for user enrollment and management in an academy setting. Android App Functionalities: - Aadhar Verification: The app will need to verify users through their Aadhar numbers. - Form Filling: Users should be able to fill out necessary forms within the app. - Photo Capture: The app needs functionality for capturing user photographs. Web App Features: - User Management: The web app will need to have features for managing users enrolled through the Android app. - Enrollment Data Management: The web app should be capable of handling and organizing enrollment data. Additional Authentication: - The system will require a standard username and password setup alongside Aadhar verification ...