Basic ecommerce siteJobb
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Hej Md Abdul M., jag la märke till din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten.
Hej Md Abdul M., jag la märke till din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten.
Handelsträdgård, säsongsbaserade växter året runt, flik för företag att söka offert för plantering osv, Kunna ha en "headboard" med säsongens höjdpunkter, "Ljung/kransar på hösten" en bild som går att ändr...hemsidan. När övriga personal ska gå in och utföra förfrågan så skickar de till leverantören och sedan markerar förfrågan som "Skickat till leverantör" men även också när de fått svar från leverantör "Skickat till kund" och därmed arkiverat. LKundsupport för företag Förnya plantering, ansöka om plantering, på företagsfliker olika bilde...
...some minor updates on the site: Basically we need help with the following updates: 1. The map on the front page does not show all case studies available. We need the map to update when new data is entered. 2. The filter system on the Explore page () have some issues with resetting data. When trying to reset some of the fields, it sometimes still filters by previous data anyway. 3. Under Contribute () we have created a new form with more fields to fill out. The data has been set up for this but we have yet to link the data to the new form and set it up on the site. We are also considering some frontend design changes in the near future as the site moves from start-up to
Hej Ashish R., jag la märke till din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten.
Vi har utvecklat ett program i Visual Basic men vill nu göra lösningen webbaserad. Kunder ska kunna logga in säkert och kunna skapa egna fakturor. Betalning sker månadsvis och ska kunna avslutas månaden efter och en betalningsfunktion ska automatisk kunna hantera detta.
Hej! Vi behöver relevant text på ca 250 tecken för våra utvalda sökord, ca 50 st. som skall läggas upp på relevanta bloggar t.ex. mode och skönhet. Allt inom Sverige. I uppdraget ingår både kapandet av den relevanta texten, urval av bloggar samt publicering med 1-2 länkar per inlägg till rätt kategorisida på Vi behöver se och godkänna all text innan publicering. Vänligen Nicklas på
Mostphotos är en svensk eHandelsplattform med över 23miljoner bilder i vår databas. Vi hjälper fotografer runt om i världen att sälja sina bilder till företag runt om i Norden. Vi har utvecklat vårt egna faktureringssystem som vi just nu håller vi på att integrera med Fortnox. Men på grund av tidsbrist med våra inhouse-utvecklare söker vi just nu en frilansare eCommerceutvecklare som kan hjälpa oss med detta. (Removed by Admin)
copy paste one work in a text to another. very basic. /* Challenge your friends for a turn based game */ "Vem är bäst i körkortsteori? Utmana dina vänner eller en slumpmässig spelare" = "xxxxxx"; Copy the english words to the xxxxxx part.
Vi använder idag ett svenskutvecklat ecommerce system. Vi kommer ta fram en mall i photoshop som vi sidan vill göra kompatibel med deras system. Bifogar en fil hur deras system är uppbyggt.
u know ok ok ok ok ok dkjskadj ska dka jdlksa jdlksaj dlskaj dlka jdlksa jdlksa jdlksa jdlksa jdlkasj dlksa jdlkas jd
Vill Skaffa en CS:GO Gambling site med Vanlig jackpott o coinflip
Vi söker efter en erfaren och pålitlig skribent/copywriter som skapar perfekta texter inom online sportsbetting. Du skall skriva: -Omdömen och recensioner om olika spelbolag och deras utbud -Information om olika spel och bonusar hos spelbolagen -Nyheter om uppdateringar som sker hos spelbolagen I dagsläget finns det ungefär 120 olika spelbolag och därför finns väldigt mycket information och arbete. Vår portal växer stadigt och därför finns det möjlighet för ett långt samarbete för rätt skribent. Det skulle vara bra om du som skribent är insatt i vad online betting innebär. Vi vill inte behöva förklara vad 1X2, Asiatiskt handikapp eller över/under bet betyder. VIKTIGT...
Alltså det jag hade tänkt som grundläggande är en produktkatalog där produkten är det viktiga och sökfunktionen är i fokus för att hitta och filtrera till max. 1. En stilren hemsida 2. Startsidan, statisk banner, ett stort sökfält (ovanför eller under), och dropdowns ell...visar fullständig info. Bild, namn, olika fält som även ska vara formaterade som jag nämnde. En del andra ska vara popups. 9. Man ska kunna jämföra produkter på ett snyggt sätt 10. Kunna betygsätta 11. Kunna kommentera 12. Visa rekommenderade eller andra, eller liknande produkter 13. Självklart dela på sociala medier. Ev längre fram olika länkningar till andra webbplatser. Det h&a...
Jag håller på med en marknadsplats som är baserad på Woocommerce med WC Vendors. Jag har gjort en design för den i Photoshop, och behöver hitta någon som kan omvandla den till en fungerande webbsida. Marketplace that is based on Woocommerce with WC Vendors . I have made a design for it in Photoshop , and need to find someone who can convert it to a working website.
Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektDesign a logo and icon to our site'
Hej jag och några kompisar vill undra om det är möjligt att ni kan göra en csgo bet sida åt oss som typ eller som man lägger in skins på med ett riktigt värde som senare väljer sidan en vinnare och den som lagt in mest har högst chans att vinna jag undrar hur mycket det skulle kosta att göra detta och hur lång tid det skulle ta.
Hej jag och några kompisar vill undra om det är möjligt att ni kan göra en csgo bet sida åt oss som typ eller som man lägger in skins på med ett riktigt värde som senare väljer sidan en vinnare och den som lagt in mest har högst chans att vinna jag undrar hur mycket det skulle kosta att göra detta och hur lång tid det skulle ta.
Hej! Vill ha hjälp med att bygga en eshop i wp och tanken är att ha den som en affilate site.
I'm looking for a Swedish writer with basic economic understanding. The articles are about the pros and cons of quickloans, what to look for and explanation of the basic economic terms (interest rate, termin, etc.) I'm looking for about 5 articles, with the possibility of many more.
...företagsnamnet samt ytterligare en bild som är en variant på den första loggobilden/illustrationen. Vi behöver också en 3:e bild. Storken ska vara en symbol i en webbutik och ska stå i kassan med en kasse i näbben där man lägger i produkterna man ska köpa. Företaget heter Lilla Stork. Fågeln ska vara en del av S:et. We need some help to create the logo to our Company. We have a drawing that is a basic idea that we like. It is a Storch and the name of the Company is Lilla Stork (Little Storch) In the first logo the name should be integrated in the illustration see enclosed Picture. The Storch is part of the S. The second logo, we need only the bird. The third illustration shall be the Storch with a bag hang...
Jag behöver en developer som ska göra allt arbete
Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektFour bugs should be fixed on OsCommerce site'
Hej Dreamtezz, Jag behöver 15 artiklar a 500 ord (totalt 7500 ord) kring nischen binära optioner. Du får fria händer. Tänkte använda några artiklar till en Money Site så det vore bra med några basic typ: Hur fungerar binära optioner? Bästa tipsen mvh // Daniel
<--- C.l.o.n.e site Update my existing site to features - MUST BE TOTALLY THE SAME. Webcam features must work - do not BID without READING Bid must include creation of webcam feature Would like for maids ony to be able to upload short 10 sec. videos. Must have community / member profiles/ member sign up Admin panel for me to review content. Also display space for banners of affiliates. This will be USA based company. Servicing major cities. Must be able to" Build online store Convert copy site Banner Design
<Behöver en logga till min hemsida
Jag vill bygga en hemsida för gratis dogecoins. de ska vara en hemsida med reklam, en stor cojn i mitten som man kan flippa. så man gissar på "krona eller doge" man får typ 5-10 försök om dagen och varje gång man gissat rätt får man gratis doge till den adress man skrivit in. domän är fixat, server fixad. behöver bara en person med kunskaper om cryptocoins och webbutveckling.
Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektFinish a Drupal site - Drupal Expert needed Saturday/Sunday!'
Hej! Jag behöver en enkel sida. Förstasidan skall bestå av lite text men där en vimeo-film kommer ta största fokus. Utöver detta så önskar jag en kontaktsida samt en information-sida. Jag har grafisk profil och logo klar. Så det är rätt basic. Gärna i Wordpress. /Rasmus
Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektchanges to wordpress site'
...correcting issues on my existing accounts, linking platforms for cross-posting and insights tracking, and basic branding. Key Responsibilities: - Audit my Instagram business account and correct any setup issues - Link my Instagram & Facebook properly for seamless ad management and insights tracking - Set up a professional TikTok business account that aligns with my brand - Ensure all platforms are connected for easy content sharing - Basic branding and profile optimization for consistency across platforms - Enable and ensure access to all business tools and insights Ideal Skills: - Expertise in social media management, specifically Instagram and TikTok - Proficiency in brand alignment and basic branding tasks - Ability to identify and correct setup issues - E...
...experience in eCommerce and a flair for modern aesthetics. The primary purpose of this project is to create a sleek, contemporary branded eyeglasses store on the Salla platform that drives sales. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a modern, sleek eCommerce store that showcases our eyeglasses brand. - Ensure the site is optimized for sales, incorporating persuasive product displays and seamless user experience. - Implement essential eCommerce functionalities such as a secure online payment system, a reliable customer reviews section, and an intuitive product search and filter system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience designing eCommerce sites, particularly on Salla. - Strong understanding of modern, sleek design principles. - ...
...(GEOGRAPHY), contact_info (JSON). Prayer_Times: id, masjid_id, date, prayer_data (JSON), source. Users: id, username, email (for submissions). Project Plan & Timeline (1 Week) With AI assistance (e.g., Grok), this project can be completed in 7 days by leveraging pre-built libraries, APIs, and rapid prototyping. Here’s the breakdown: Day 1: Setup & Design Set up Flutter/React Native project. Design basic UI (masjid list, widget layout) using wireframes. AI assistance: Generate boilerplate code and UI snippets. Day 2: Core App Functionality Implement masjid selection and local storage. Build widget for Android (AppWidgetProvider) and iOS (WidgetKit). AI assistance: Debug widget sync and optimize performance. Day 3: Geolocation Add geolocator for location access. Quer...
PLEASE READ THE SPECS ATTACHED AND BUDGET; ONLY BID IF YOU BOTH OK FOR YOU. Project Brief: Car Rental Booking System Project Overview Total Budget: $250 USD The goal is to develop a car rental booking system with a user-friendly website, vendor dashboard, and admin panel. The platform will allow users to book cars, pay a ...(Initial setup & demo UI). Milestone 2: $70 (Booking flow implementation). Milestone 3: $70 (Admin & vendor subscription system). Final Milestone: $40 (Testing, deployment & fixes). Requirements for Developers Clear documentation & clean code. Secure payment gateway integration (Stripe). Responsive and user-friendly UI/UX. Regular updates & communication during the project. Deployment assistance and basic post-launch support. Deadline: To be...
...Quizlet and Vaia apps. The main goal is to help users (primarily students) create and study flashcards, summaries and quizzes, with the option to generate them automatically from uploaded PDFs, images or text passages. Below is an overview of the functionality I’d like implemented: 1. User Registration and Profiles Sign Up / Log In: Standard email/password or social logins. Profile Settings: Basic information, notification preferences, and language settings. 2. Flashcard Creation & Management Manual Creation: Users can manually add flashcards (front/back or question/answer) with formatting (bold, italics, etc.). Automated Generation: Users can upload a file or paste text, and the app should parse it to identify key concepts. Automatically create flashcards from ...
This is an ecommerce website that I have launched about 6 months ago. Unfortunately, it has ZERO impression in Google webmaster in the last 3 months or so, despite more than 4000 pages indexed. (1) The most pending problem right now is that I started adding blog posts but they are not showing when I tried to view them, there are only 4 blog posts, and the page is just not loading and returning a 524 error when I tried to view the page. I guess this may be a technical issue. (2) Secondly, despite zero traffic, I am constantly getting CPU resources limit reached. This task requires you to fix the blog post that are not loading, and but not necessarily issue with CPU, if you can give a guidance will be cool. NOTE: IF you can use your expertise to give me a wider review of the si... performance and user engagement. - Content Creation Tools: Users need tools to help create engaging content. - Subscription Tools: Implement features for premium subscriptions. - User Management: Basic sign up and login tools for users. - Admin Interface: For managing the app and users. The application must be: - Scalable: Capable of handling an increasing amount of work, or its potential to be enlarged to accommodate that growth. - Secure: Protecting user data is paramount. - User-friendly: Intuitive design for seamless navigation. Access Control: The app should primarily cater to basic user accounts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in software development, particularly in app creation. - Prior experience in developing social media management tools wou...
I'm looking for a web developer to create a straightforward open access website. The primary purpose of this site is to display various pages of information about the free journal with links to Dropbox. The site should have a multi-page layout with a navigation menu to easily access different sections. Key Features: - Multi-page layout with a clear navigation menu - Pages containing information about journal - Links to Dropbox for accessing journal issues Ideal Skills: - Web development - Experience with creating multi-page websites - Understanding of user-friendly navigation design Please note, this website does not require functionalities such as article submission, peer review systems or an open access archive. Content can be copied from , currently we are paying ...
...Everything Is Already Set, You Just Need To Integrate Sellauth Api To My Website Key Requirements: - When customers click 'Buy Now', a pop-up should appear on the same website, enabling them to make a purchase directly. - The pop-up should first collect basic customer details: name, email, and address. Payment Systems: - The pop-up should support PayPal and Crypto as payment methods. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in custom shop integration, particularly with Sellauth. - Experience in creating and implementing website pop-ups. - Knowledge of basic customer data collection systems. - Familiarity with integrating PayPal and Crypto into a pop-up for direct purchases. This project aims to simplify the purchasing process for my customers, ultimately improving webs...
...TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. ✅ Schedule and automate content uploads for consistency. ✅ Identify marketing strategies to maximize engagement and sales. ✅ Keep track of product performance and suggest improvements. Requirements: ✔️ Experience with digital product management (PLR, MRR, or online courses preferred). ✔️ Familiarity with social media platforms (TikTok, Instagram, Facebook). ✔️ Basic graphic design skills (Canva or similar tools). ✔️ Content writing skills for product descriptions and social media captions. ✔️ Ability to take initiative and work independently with little direction. ✔️ Previous experience in e-commerce, digital marketing, or content creation is a plus. ✔️ Organized, detail-oriented, and creative mindset. Platforms You’ll Work With: Website...
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) SHARAWI CIRCLE STREET, 9020000, HEBRON, PALESTINE • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet a...
I'm having difficulties with my music software, GarageBand and Cubase. I need someone to help me troubleshoot the software setup and get everything working smoothly. Key Areas of Assistance: - Software setup and troubleshooting: Help me get GarageBand and Cubase properly configured. - Understanding workflows and features: I need someone to guide me thr...assistance with figuring out how to transfer files between the two programs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in GarageBand and Cubase with a deep understanding of their features and workflows. - Experience with troubleshooting software setup and installation problems. - Ability to explain complex concepts in a simple and understandable manner. - Experience with teaching and providing basic tutorials in a friendly a...
I'm in need of a skilled CAD professional who can convert my PDF PLC panel drawings into AutoCAD. The requirements are as follows: - The AutoCAD drawings should only include basic outlines and labels. - I need a freelancer who can create a new CAD template, as I do not have any specific CAD standards or templates to follow. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in AutoCAD. - Experience with electrical drawings. - Ability to create CAD templates. - Attention to detail.
I need a basic 3D visualization model of my 160sqm apartment. The model should be integrated with Home Assistant, allowing for a simulation of interactions within the smart home environment. Key Responsibilities: - Create a 3D model of a basic layout of a 160sqm apartment. - Integrate the model with Home Assistant for interaction simulations. -Smart home will be interfaced with a touch screen. - Provide expert advice on the best full smart home sensors and switches for the model. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software. - Experience with Home Assistant. - Knowledgeable about smart home technology and sensors.
after several attempts to apply with google, I cannot get google adS to accept my application. This is why I need a specialist to complete the application, taking care of all the aspects that they deem necessary to get advertising on my WordPress site. We specify from this moment that - the milestone release will only take place once the application has been approved by google. - the professional will have to be totally autonomous and will have full autonomy to work - site and details will be clarified in chat
...tailored to my small printing business. This workflow should encompass the management of Sales Orders, the Manufacturing Process, and Inventory Management, with additional oversight of Shop Floor and Accounts. Key Features: - Integration of Sales Orders within the workflow - Comprehensive tracking of the Manufacturing Process - Efficient Inventory Management - Shop Floor management capabilities - Basic Accounting features Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven expertise in ODOO - Experience in creating workflows for manufacturing - Understanding of the printing industry is a plus - Strong problem-solving skills to tailor the workflow to my business needs. Your role will be pivotal in helping me establish a system that allows for the creation of client quotations and real-time ...