Avg remote install windowsJobb


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  • avg remote install windows
2,000 avg remote install windows hittade uppdrag

Hallå där! Vi söker en frilansande copy/skribent med intresse för padel. Vi håller på att bygga ett padel-community och behöver därmed en skribent som kan leverera artiklar löpande. Uppskattningsvis 8-10 timmar i veckan. Allt sker remote med möten veckovis. Skicka gärna PM vid intresse.

$41 / hr Average bid
$41 / hr Snittbud
5 bud

Vi är i behov av en frilansar som kan hjälpa oss sätta upp, montera och installera hårdvara till kund. Tv-skärmar, högtalare, mikrofon, touchscreen, display, remote-tablet och liknande är i huvudsak de produkter som innefattas. Uppdragen kommer till en början innebära att montera upp och starta igång de olika produkterna ute hos kund så de får ett fungerande konferensrum.

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Snittbud
3 bud
Avslutades left

Om uppdraget BI/BA-konsult för relativt kort uppdrag (4-5 mån), start omgående. Konsult behöver vara: Mycket duktig Business Process Analyst. Complience erfaren. Bekant med KYC, ODD och AML och med fördel bankerfarenhet (inte fin-tech). Ska kunna göra ordentliga GAP-analyser m.m. Uppdraget är under First line risk-delen hos kunden. Uppdraget kan utföras remote.

$72 - $93 / hr
$72 - $93 / hr
0 bud

Söker efter någon som kan bygga en connector till Visma Admin i C#. Viktigt är att vi får tillgång till all källkod efter avslutat uppdrag så vi kan bygga vidare på det i framtiden om det behövs. Installation och konfiguration Connectorn ska efter installation alltid ligga kvar i bakgrunden och köras, förslagsvis som en Windows-tjänst. Connectorn ska presentera en ikon i Windows statusfält. Vid klick på ikonen öppnas ett fönster med konfigurationsalternativ: • API-nyckel (sträng, max 128 tecken) • URL (sträng, max 1024 tecken) • Sökväg till Visma Administration Gemensamma filer (bläddra-knapp) • Sökväg till Visma Administration Fö...

$1971 Average bid
$1971 Snittbud
7 bud

install tidio chat

$40 Average bid
$40 Snittbud
1 bud
Project for Simon E.
Avslutades left

Hej! Jag har ett projekt jag undrar om du vill diskutera, det har påbörjats, men i stort sett är det enda som finns nu ett GUI förberett i gtk+, dvs all funktionalitet saknas. Appen är inledningsvis för Mac men ska vara lätt att porta till Linux/Windows, därav gtk+ trots att vi gör den för Mac först.. mvh David

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Snittbud
1 bud
Frilans UX-Designer
Avslutades left

För kunds räkning söker vi en UX-Designer för ett remote uppdrag i Sverige. Arbetet går ut på att konsulten ska tillsammans med kunden jobba på 2–5 webbaserade uppdrag per månad. Som person ska du vara en stark kommunikatör som kan förvandla kundens behov till en vass design och sedan tydligt och enkelt förklara sin idé till ett internt team för utförande. Kvalifikationer För detta projekt söker vi en person med följande kvalifikationer: - En erfaren UX-designer med 2 års erfarenhet - Ett skarpt öga för design med en uppdaterad designportfölj - Driven, noggrann och självständig med starka kommunikationskunskaper - Flytande i svenska Plats: Sverige Omfat...

$40 / hr Average bid
$40 / hr Snittbud
4 bud

Vi söker härmed en extern resurs för ett lite udda men intressant uppdrag! * The circumstances of this project require a Swedish freelancer, so unfortunately we can not consider international profiles/interests at this point * Projektinformation: Vi har idag tre mindre separata .exe program som kan köras på Windows XP eller tidigare. Dem innehåller formler som räknar ut vinklar, stigningar, längder med mera. Som exempelvis Pythagoras sats varvid man fyller i två värden och programmet räknar ut det tredje. Dock mer komplexa samt specialanpassade för verksamheten. De beräknade värdena används sedan vid tillverkning. Programmen är mindre än 80kB vardera och har skrivits år 1987 på trol...

$1152 Average bid
$1152 Snittbud
8 bud

Inbound Marketing Consultant - Swedish language - Remote worker Som Inbound marketing consultent i vårt digitala marknadsteam arbetar du med att skapa och producera digitala marknadskampanjer för Brightvisions kunder. För att trivas i denna roll bör du vara en person som lever online och har ett stort intresse för digital marknadsföring, med några års erfarenhet av området. Det är en bred roll som inkluderar både strategi och operativt genomförande. Det innebär att du dels behöver ha förståelse för att planera framgångsrika digitala marknadsföringskampanjer, och dels att praktisk kunna skapa dem i de verktyg som krävs. Att skriva bra texter, utforma grafiskt material och ...

$38 / hr Average bid
$38 / hr Snittbud
5 bud

Windows, Övrigt eller vet ! Budget är inte bestämt, kom med bedriver idag en e-handelsbutik i en väldigt "komplex" bransch. Leverantörer har sällan prisfiler eller övrig information som går att importera, samtidigt som där finns mijontals produkter inom genern, dock så säljer vi inte alla. Vi har tidigare lagt upp runt 4000 artiklar med skript, men personen i fråga har inte skriptet kvar och inte heller tid att göra ett nytt. Därför, skulle jag behöva någon som "screapar" produkter direkt från leverantörers hemsida till vår hemsida.

$1193 Average bid
$1193 Snittbud
5 bud
Avslutades left

iPhone/iPad-app iPhone endast Jag vill ha den designad och byggd Vi planerar att bygga en app som Storytel appen och behöver hjälp med både design och programmering. Appen ska finnas tillgänglig för: • iPhone och iPad via App Store • Android smartphones och Android surfplattor via Google Play Store • Windows Phones, Windows tablets samt för PC med Windows 8 eller 10 via Windows Store

$1440 Average bid
$1440 Snittbud
54 bud

Windows Övrigt eller vet ej API Koppling mellan webbshop och kassasystem. Båda har öppen API. Kassasystemet heter eskassa och deras API skall kopplas till webbshopen.

$316 Average bid
$316 Snittbud
1 bud

Windows Java Skapa en app som räknar kubikmeter på material genom att fota objektet.

$2222 Average bid
$2222 Snittbud
3 bud

Vi söker en skicklig apputvecklare med goda kunskaper om Android och i Java, Swift eller Objective-C. Det är meriterande om du har följande: Kunskap om QA-verktyg Kunskap om hybridapputveckling. Kunskap om Windows Phone Erfarenhet av användbarhetstester och tillgänglighet Utvecklat egna app:ar som finns i Google Play eller App Store På grund av sekretess kan vi dessvärre inte gå in på projektet.

$322 Average bid
$322 Snittbud
4 bud

Vi behöver en noggrann person som går igenom en hemsida och gör en rapport med saker som inte fungerar. Vad som ska testas: 1. Se till att text, video och bilder är läsbar och förstålig. 2. Se till att länkar fungerar och att man...Vilka webbläsare ska användas: - IE11 - Edge - Chrome - Firefox - Safari - iPad Safari - Opera Vilka enheter ska användas: Använd din egen mobil och dator till att börja med. Testa de enheter som du inte själv har tillgång till via - PC laptop - Mac laptop - 24" PC screen - 24" Mac screen - Android laptop - iPad - Android smartphone - iPhone - Windows smartphone Gör en sammanställning i ett spreadsheet över buggar och prob...

$101 Average bid
$101 Snittbud
6 bud

DLF install BigCommerce installation

$582 Average bid
$582 Snittbud
2 bud
SSL Install
Avslutades left

Install ssl via ssh digitalocean

$15 Average bid
$15 Snittbud
1 bud
New Win Skin
Avslutades left

windows program skin

$199 - $199
$199 - $199
0 bud
Market Place install
Avslutades left

Installation Market Place.

$100 Average bid
$100 Snittbud
1 bud

Install extension

$40 Average bid
$40 Snittbud
1 bud

Need Android App install (10 - 20 K ) Time : 1 Week

$886 Average bid
$886 Snittbud
2 bud
Skriv lite programvara
Avslutades left

Musikprogram för windows -Programmet ska söka igenom vald mapp efter musikfiler -Man ska kunna välja genre samt BPM och programmet ska hela tiden slumpa fram nya låtar efter detta -Man ska lätt kunna höja/sänka hastighet -Man ska lägg kunna ändra genre -Man ska kunna ställa in att programmet gör ett "mjuk" stopp när man byter/stoppar en låt -Man ska kunna ställa in hur lång tid av varje låt om ska spelas. 30 sekunder. -Man ska kunna ställa in intervall innom BPM. Vald BPM +-"x" -Man ska kunna söka igenom "musikiblioteket" samt lägga låtar i kö. -Alla funktioner ska funka med kortkomandon för att kunna använda en fjä...

$393 Average bid
$393 Snittbud
2 bud
Chat program
Avslutades left

Behöver någon som är bra på kommunikation för att bygga en chatt program till Windows och Android. Person ska kunna ringa och chatt i programmet den ska vara snabb och ta så lite ram som det går. Den ska vara smart. Den ska vara mycket bättre än skype och ha anti spam system och mycket mer. Då jag behöver pengar för att göra detta projektet bättre. Kommer själv lägga över 260k på det här projektet. Jag är en smart person och tycker inte om det som Microsoft håller på med och vill för bättre allt. Jag vill bygga den så att alla blir glada. Kommer även fixa in så att den skydda mot virus och andra attacker. Är tr&...

$2117 Average bid
$2117 Snittbud
3 bud

Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektInstall CSS, JQuery side menu om my website using current CSS'

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

install fedena for fedena for fedena for fedena for fedena for fedena for fedena for me

$75 - $75
$75 - $75
1 bud

"install ngenx mod"....................................................................................................................................................................

$25 / hr Average bid
$25 / hr Snittbud
1 bud
"install ngenx mod"
Avslutades left

"install ngenx mod"....................................................................................................................................................................

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Snittbud
1 bud
install extension
Avslutades left

install extension

$50 Average bid
$50 Snittbud
1 bud

I am seeking a skilled developer with experience in Node.js and blockchain technology to install 10 crypto nodes for various platforms including Ethereum, Bitcoin, Sol, ada, Tron, xrp, and BNB. These nodes will be operating in a dedicated cloud-based server(s) environment. Key Requirements: - Installation of 10 crypto nodes supporting specified blockchain platforms - Some Node.js programming for customization - Integration with specific APIs for Data analytics and Wallet services - Configuration for gas fees to be paid from a specific wallet Ideal candidates should have: - Strong experience with cloud-based server setup and management - Proficiency in Node.js and relevant blockchain technologies - Prior work with integrating data analytics and wallet services - Understanding of g...

$2343 Average bid
$2343 Snittbud
38 bud

I'm looking for an experienced DevOps professional to set up Infrastructure as Code using Terraform on my Hetzner Cloud. The server is running Ubuntu and I need it configured with Google Cloud DNS. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize Terraform for infrastructure setup - Configure DNS with Google Cloud DNS - Secure the server with an intermediate level of hardening (install security patches, configure fail2ban) - Document all actions and relevant information for review and storage - Test the server to ensure everything is functioning correctly Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Terraform - Strong knowledge of Ubuntu server - Proficient in configuring Google Cloud DNS - Background in server security and hardening - Excellent documentation skills Please, include in your bid ...

$201 Average bid
$201 Snittbud
16 bud

I'm in need of a skilled IT professional to configure a new Remote Access VPN for my business. The VPN will be primarily used by my employees on Windows operating systems. Key Requirements: - Setting up a new Remote Access VPN from scratch. - Ensuring the VPN is secure and reliable. - Offering guidance on how to use the VPN. - Troubleshooting potential issues during the setup phase. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with VPN configuration. - Strong knowledge of Windows operating systems. - Excellent problem-solving skills. - Ability to explain technical concepts in simple terms.

$40 Average bid
$40 Snittbud
22 bud

...increase it after we chat, I will say goodbye to you. Don't waste both of our time!!! I need an EXPERT MULTI SITE WordPress developer to fix Multiple WordPress Instances to use a Single Database. :: MUST HAVE Extensive experience with WordPress, particularly multi-site setups +++ see attached and visit USING TWO THEMES - Main - Porto Theme - Subdomain - HiStudy Theme - DELIVERABLE: a. Multisite Plugins must work in domain and subdomain without issues. b. ONE Shared database for all products, events, courses on domain and subdomain c. SAME Shared database (as stated in b.) for customer data and purchases

$151 Average bid
$151 Snittbud
19 bud

Remote / [Specify Location if Needed] Job Type: [Full-time / Part-time / Contract] About Us We are an AI-driven health technology company developing innovative solutions in oral and systemic health. Our platform integrates AI-powered diagnostics, smart devices, and user-friendly interfaces to provide accessible healthcare insights. Job Overview We are looking for a Bubble App Developer to lead the development, customization, and enhancement of our Bubble-based web application. This role involves building scalable workflows, implementing custom UI components, and integrating APIs to ensure a seamless user experience. Key Responsibilities Bubble App Development: Design, develop, and maintain features within the platform, ensuring optimal performance and user experience. Workflow

$573 Average bid
$573 Snittbud
81 bud

...Self-Starter & Organized – Able to work independently and manage your own pipeline. Why Join Ampla Consulting? * High-Demand Services – We offer a proven, high-impact solution that SaaS companies desperately need. * Performance-Based Income – Substantial earning potential with commissions & bonuses. * Support & Training – We provide scripts, target lists, and guidance to help you succeed. * Flexible Remote Work – Set your calls at optimal times for your target market. How to Apply - Share your cold calling experience (industries, results, and methods) and a resume. - Explain how you’d approach reaching out to SaaS businesses needing churn reduction services. - Confirm your availability (hours per week) and time zone. If you&rsquo...

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Snittbud
15 bud

AWS AI voice agent implemented in python with WebSocket streaming for faster response you have 3 days to do i need to implement online voice chat . so client calls by phone connected to AWS Connect . then voice converte...communication - Auto-scaling capability for handling multiple calls - Comprehensive monitoring and logging system you need to provide all steps to do I do not provide aws account acceptances criteria : I can implement it by myself on my local windows Important : you need to provide all instruction and steps to do, to instruct me how to implement this task I do not provide you aws account (or we can connect online and you tell me what to do on my AWS account , and will do by myself ) acceptances criteria : I can implement it by myself on my local windows a...

$29 Average bid
$29 Snittbud
6 bud

I'm seeking a professional to code a USB Rubber Ducky for me. This device will primarily be used for data extraction from Windows operating systems. Key Requirements: - The device should be capable of : - Gathering login credentials/ Browsing history - Extracting files, photos and documents - Installing remote access - Expert knowledge in coding for USB Rubber Ducky - Prior experience in penetration testing is a plus - Understanding of Windows OS and its data extraction methods This project is not just about coding a USB Rubber Ducky, but creating a tool capable of effectively gathering sensitive data. If you have a knack for this kind of work and can deliver a quality product, I'd be keen to hear from you.

$287 Average bid
$287 Snittbud
1 bud

Freelance B2B Content Writer (Recruitment & HR) – Remote Company: Caliberly (Recruitment Agency) Location: Remote (MENA experience preferred) Engagement: Part-time/Freelance (Monthly Contract) About Us: Caliberly is a fast-growing recruitment agency based in Dubai, specializing in tech and non-tech hiring across various industries. We are seeking an experienced B2B content writer with expertise in crafting high-quality content for the recruitment and HR industry. Role & Responsibilities: Develop engaging and insightful B2B content for LinkedIn, blogs, website, and email marketing. Write thought leadership articles, whitepapers, and industry reports focused on recruitment trends, talent acquisition strategies, and HR best practices. Create compelling LinkedIn p...

$88 Average bid
$88 Snittbud
28 bud

I'm looking for a Customer Engagement Specialist with a solid background in B2B SaaS marketing and content writing to help support our Telematics SaaS Platform. Key Responsibilities: - Engage with our customers on LinkedIn and Twitter. - Send regular feature update emails focused on prod...Responsibilities: - Engage with our customers on LinkedIn and Twitter. - Send regular feature update emails focused on product news and updates. - Provide weekly platform updates. - Assist in strengthening customer relationships. - Gather and relay customer feedback. The primary aim of this role is to enhance our customer engagement and gain valuable insights from customer feedback. This is a freelance/remote position, and ideal candidates will have experience in customer engagement and co...

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Snittbud
3 bud

I'm in need of a software that handles both Bitcoin and Tether transactions. The software must feature transaction automa...that handles both Bitcoin and Tether transactions. The software must feature transaction automation and wallet management. Key Features: - Transaction Automation: The software should be able to automate transactions based on pre-set parameters. - Wallet Management: It should provide an efficient way to manage multiple wallets. Platform Compatibility: - The software needs to be compatible with Windows. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in software development with a focus on cryptocurrency. - Experience in creating wallet management systems. - Knowledge in automating transactions in cryptocurrency. Please reach out if you have the necessary skills and experie...

$501 Average bid
$501 Snittbud
55 bud

.../tree/master/ modified so that it can load successfully load the web page at https://www.peacocktv.com. It currently fails to load due to CSP errors. Key Requirements: - Solely focus on fixing CSP errors. Do not add any additional features, unless necessary. - Ensure compatibility with the latest stable version of CefSharp. - The modified program should be a standard Windows application, no cross-platform support needed. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in C# and .NET framework. - Experienced with CefSharp library. - Understands Content Security Policy (CSP) and how to work around it. Please bid only if you are able to meet these requirements. For your reply to be accepted, you must include the exact phrase "requirements read" at the top of your response. This is used

$146 Average bid
$146 Snittbud
27 bud

The Andorid App is an Android-based forestry management application designed to replace an outdated Windows-based offline client. The app is primarily used by forestry staff in the field for taxation, data collection, and planning of forest operations. It enables users to record, analyze, and synchronize forestry-related data with a central system via OData-based REST endpoints. Key Features: Offline Functionality: Data can be recorded in remote areas without internet access. Synchronization: Periodic syncing with the central system when a connection is available. Forestry Data Management: Includes tree species, growth characteristics, land types, and planned forest operations. User Interface: Intuitive UI for field workers with form-based and list-based data input. GIS/Mapp...

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Snittbud
74 bud

Freelance Social Media Content Creator – Job Seeker Engagement (Remote) **Company:** Caliberly (Recruitment Agency) **Location:** Remote **Engagement:** Part-time/Freelance (Monthly Contract) About Us: Caliberly is a fast-growing recruitment agency based in Dubai, specializing in both tech and non-tech hiring. We are looking for a creative and proactive freelance content creator to manage job seeker engagement posts across our LinkedIn and Instagram pages. Role & Responsibilities: • Create 8–12 engaging social media posts per month focused on job seekers' interests (career tips, job alerts, industry insights, and interview guidance). • Design eye-catching visuals using Canva (or other design tools). • Write compelling captions and LinkedIn-...

$372 Average bid
$372 Snittbud
77 bud
AWS AI Voice Agent Development
6 dagar left

AWS AI voice agent implemented in python with WebSocket streaming for faster response you have 3 days to do i need to implement online voice chat . so client calls by phone connected to AWS Connect . then voice converted to t...real-time communication - Auto-scaling capability for handling multiple calls - Comprehensive monitoring and logging system you need to provide all steps to do I do not provide aws account acceptances criteria : I can implement it by myself on my local windows Important : you need to provide all instruction and steps to do, to instruct me how to implement this task I do not provide you aws account (or we can connect online and you tell me what to do on my AWS account ) acceptances criteria : I can implement it by myself on my local windows a...

$167 Average bid
$167 Snittbud
20 bud

Create a Bash script to install and configure PowerDNS + Backend to work as a Recursive DNS server. - The script must be versioned using github - Deployment for Debian 12 - Firewall application is good practice according to guidelines - Create documentation is best practice for use NOTE: PLEASE ONLY CONTACT US IF YOU REALLY HAVE THE TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES TO EXECUTE THE PROJECT

$115 Average bid
$115 Snittbud
7 bud

I'm looking for an expert in Prometheus to assist with the installation and configuration of a monitoring dashboard. This dashboard will be used to survey various components in my network including servers and network devices. Key Requirements: - Install and set up Prometheus from scratch - Create a comprehensive dashboard for monitoring - Focus on critical metrics: CPU and memory usage, Network traffic and latency, Disk usage and I/O Ideal Skills: - Strong experience with Prometheus - Knowledge of server and network device monitoring - Ability to set up and configure a monitoring dashboard Please note, this project starts from scratch, with no existing monitoring systems to integrate with.

$1134 Average bid
$1134 Snittbud
22 bud

I'm in need of a professional who can create an automated voting script for the Toplist website. Key Requirements: - The script must facilitate automated voting on the Toplist websites. - I need it to use SOCKS proxies and bypass reCAPTCHA for each vote. - The script should run continuously with a single click. - It must be compatible with Windows. - It should work on , , , and muonline.us. Preferred Technical Skills: - Proficiency in Python is crucial as this is the preferred language for the script. - Extensive experience with Selenium is required, as this will be used to handle reCAPTCHA. - Familiarity with SOCKS proxies and how to implement them in a voting script is essential. - Previous experience creating scripts for automated voting is a plus

$126 Average bid
$126 Snittbud
56 bud

My desktop application, running on Windows, is experiencing a critical issue. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) cannot be started due to an incorrect heap size or potentially being blocked by antivirus software. (When I try to open my Trader Workstation app., a message will pop up and will not allow me to go further, see the message in the attachments) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in debugging desktop applications - Proficiency with Windows operating system - Experience with Java and JVM - Knowledgeable in heap size configuration - Familiar with antivirus software interference - Able to provide preventative measures for future issues I need a quick turnaround on this project as the software is vital for my work.

$171 Average bid
$171 Snittbud
4 bud

I'm seeking assistance with my computer system primarily focusing on software installation and configuration. The work involves handling the setup of a Windows operating system. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Windows OS - Experience with software installation and configuration - Troubleshooting skills Please bid if you have the necessary skills and experience. Thank you!

$459 Average bid
$459 Snittbud
21 bud

...where possible and implement necessary redirects. 3. Abandoned Cart Recovery: Integration of an abandoned cart recovery system. 4. Advanced Filtering & Navigation: Ensure product filtering is maintained at a high level. 5. Mailchimp Integration: Maintain newsletter and email marketing capabilities. 6. Trustpilot Integration: Ensure seamless review management integration. 7. Easy PDF Invoices: Install a WooCommerce-compatible PDF invoice plugin. 8. Sidebar Navigation & Banner Management: Maintain the Magento sidebar navigation and homepage banners. ________________________________________ 3. Design & User Experience 3.1. Front-End Customization • Selection and customization of a fast, responsive WooCommerce theme. • Maintain or improve the existing UI/UX for ...

$684 Average bid
$684 Snittbud
110 bud

I need a professional to convert my sketches and measurements of my house in Taiwan into a precise DWG drawing. The house consists of a living room, front courtyard, kitchen, storage room, small bathroom under stairs, stairs, 3 bedrooms, and a backyard courtyard. The drawings will be used by suppliers for windows, paint, cabinets, kitchen, etc. Key Requirements: - Drawings must include exact wall measurements, window placements, and locations of electrical outlets and fixtures. - Each room and wall should have a detailed layout plan in PDF format. - sq m calculation floor and walls - renderings upon my instructions for usage of materials etc. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in AutoCAD and DWG file creation - Prior experience with residential design and renovations - Ex...

$136 Average bid
$136 Snittbud
106 bud