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Hur man anställer en bra frilans Yiddish Translator
Living and working in such a busy world in the 21st century means using the Internet and knowing as many languages as one can learn in order to transfer knowledge and messages to the broader audience. It is known that English has been lingua franca for quite an amount of time, and it may come as a surprise to hear that not everyone speaks or understands it. So, to make things easier to the speakers of not so popular languages (potential customers), one may want to hire someone who is proficient in one such language to translate your marketing materials, so you can reach a new target audience, and boost sales.
An example of that kind of a language is Yiddish. Yiddish, or Jewish, if it makes it easier to understand, is the language of the about four million Jews around the globe. As any other language it has undergone some serious changes over time and therefore has lots of loans from other languages like German, Aramaic Hebrew, as well as Slavic and Romance languages. It uses orthography of the Hebrew language, and a great number of religious documents are written in it.
So, as members of the Jewish community as spread worldwide, it would be great to make those people some newspaper articles, blogs or even interviews more accessible, or to help raise their voice in English.
Hiring a Yiddish language professional means you'll be able to complete the following jobs:
Text translations (In both directions, from Yiddish to English, or from English to Yiddish)
Oral translations (Both consecutive and simultaneous, it depends on the needs and the speed of the speech)
Text transcriptions (This means that an audio file being converted to the form of a written text, and a philologist is the right person for this)
Text writing (If there is a task to be written but a lack of time or imagination prevents it from being finished. Whether that is an article, an essay, a magazine, or a text for your blog, it doesn’t matter.)
Text editing and proofreading (Sometimes having everything double-checked means a higher grade or rating, so one shouldn’t hesitate to get this done by a professional. Don’t let seminar papers, book review or something even more important remain with even the slightest mistake)
English/Yiddish language teaching (Who would do this better than a language professional? Lesson are being held online, via Skype)
As you can see, there are many things that a language professional can do for you or help you and probably make some work easier for you, and take some of the stress out of your life. If you're looking for a native Yiddish speaker for your translation, transcription, editing, or teaching needs, then look no further than Freelancer.com. You won’t have any doubts if the job has been done correctly and on time.
Simply post a project (with a detailed description of the work to be done), and sit-back and wait for the bids to flow in. You'll soon find yourself talking with a multitude of Yiddish-speakers who want to complete your project for an affordable price. Posting a project is free, so post a project today to kickstart your next Yiddish-related project!