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Sculpture is a unique art form that uses three-dimensional materials such as stone, clay, metal, wood, or other materials to create a tangible creative expression. Depending on the client’s needs, they may hire an expert sculptor to completely create a figurine or statue from scratch or to restore a damaged sculpture. A freelance sculptor may also be able to perform delicate repairs that require specialized attention such as welding metal pieces together, precisely smoothing stone surfaces of statues, or carving intricate details into wood sculptures.
In order to select the right person for the job, it is important for the client to ask them about their credentials and ask to see any previous examples of their work. Additionally, it is advised to ask an experienced freelance sculptor plenty of questions and discuss their rate requirements before hiring them. An experienced freelance sculptor typically charges $50-75/hour depending on the project’s specifics.
By hiring a professional sculptor with specialized experience in sculpture through Freelancer.com, you're able to get precisely what you're looking for at a fraction of the price when compared with hiring someone full-time! Plus you get access to a wide range of professionals with different levels of expertise and rates so you can find exactly what your project needs without breaking your budget. Hire a professional sculptor now on Freelancer.com!