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Kunder betygsätter vår Google App Engine Developers
4.9 av 5
från 51 293 omdömen
Hur man anställer en bra frilans Google App Engine Developer
Google App Engine is often referred to as GAE and is a platform as a service (PaaS) platforms developed specifically for developing and hosting web apps in Google-managed data centres. Developed in 2008, the latest release of the program was in March 2015.
App Engine cleverly allocates more resources for the web app as demand requires it and fees are only charged for users based on storage or hours required by the program.
The platform is packed with features for developers including:
App identity - Access app identity and asset identity using OAuth
Blobstore - Apps can serve large data objects
Channel - Connect with app and JavaScript clients in real time
Datastore - object datastore with rich data modelling API and sophisticated query language
Images - Enhance, manipulate and combine images across a range of formats
Mail - Send mail with Google accounts
Remote - Access App Engine via a remote or local machine
Search - Undertake Google-like searches
Developers use the platform to host their apps and are offered a range of benefits including:
Easily accessible frameworks - the datastore area is easily accessed by developers and is supported by simple API. The frameworks used include Objectify, Slim3, and Jello.
Reliable support - all datastore App Engine applications that are paid for experience 99.95% uptime. The App Engine program is designed to sustain outages, which contributes to the low levels of downtime, which can in some cases be 0% in some periods.
Boosted downloading - the cloud-based platform allows developers to do bulk downloads via Python. The downloaded apps are then backed up via App Engine.
If you’re engaging a developer for your app development, you may consider using a freelance developer who is experienced in Google App Engine. Google App Engine allows freelance developers to create apps with no planned downtime, secure backup and restore and the benefit of storying your app via the Google Cloud for the ultimate accessibility.
Using Google App engine is a safe and secure way to develop your app in a Cloud environment that supports millions of users across the globe. Engaging a PaaS solution created by arguably the world’s leader in web technology is a perfect fit for most organisations.
Developers and businesses looking to use Google App Engine for their app development simply need to have a Cloud account to build the app, from that point the app can be developed on the platform using a HTML package in Go, via Python, Cloud SQl in PHO or in maven in Java.
Save your company money in your next app development and engage a freelancer who is experience in Google App Engine to create your app via the cloud.
For more information and to view the extensive range of freelancers who are experience in Google App Engine, log onto Freelancer.com today.