Youtube-Scraper/Crawler (php) - contest with fixed price
- Status: Closed
- Pris: €30
- Bidrag mottagna: 1

I want to extrude (scrape) youtube-Video-Links from youtube-pages.
1.) We have youtube-User
=> @AchtungReichelt
2.) We have the creators page, showing his/her videos
3.) Now we need a list (array) of the video-urls shown.
=> your job
This must be done with php (php8) as it shall be used in a a cron job on a websever to periodically revisit.
What you shall deliver:
The php-file shall create an array filled data of all videos of that page/channel:
- video-link (or youtube-video-id)
- number of views
- date of publishing
- headline
For demonstration screenshot your output:
1.) echo number of rows (results) in the table;
2.) print_r the array (if screenshot includes first few entries, that's fine)
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