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Varun S.
Graphics design, 3d modelling, programming skills
$20 USD /timme
India (5:58 fm)
Gick med oktober 6, 2023
$20 USD /timme
On Freelancer, a bid is when a potential freelancer submits a proposal to a project owner to be awarded a contract. The project owner evaluates the bids and selects the best freelancer for the job.
To bid on a project on Freelancer, you can:
Find a project you'd like to work on.
Click the "Bid" button.
Enter your bid amount and a short message to the employer.
Freelancer members have a limited number of bids per month:
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To win a bid, you can:
Read descriptions carefully
Follow all of the directions
Provide the client with the requested information
Write a cover letter
Include samples or a portfolio
Share proposed cost and timeline
Provide easy communication
He won my contest because he is good but he does not communicate well and does not follow instructions. I asked for the same this at least 6 times to no avail. He is talented but a challenge to work with