I am an expert in Mobile App Development.
From Last 4years, I have been developing mobile applications.
My passion is to write sustainable, high quality Android mobile applications.
I work on small, mid-sized and big projects with equal ease and assume ownership of not only the tasks I need to do but of overall project success.
For Android I am experienced in:
- Native Mobile: Android with Kotlin and Java
- Web Service: RESTful/SOAP API, PHP, Node.js
- Cloud Backend: Parse, Firebase, QuickBlox, AWS
- MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, SQL Server, MongoDB - Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Youtube, Vimeo
- Google Map, Foursquare, Geolocation, GPS, Open Street View, MapBox, Here
- Canvas based app like Painting and Drawing
- Communicate with BLE, Arduino and Beacn devices
- Connectivity with Smart Watches
- Apps for Android TV
- Fitness App
- Alarm Based App
- Firebase Crashlytics to track Crashes and Bugs
- Calling Apps Using SIP
- Chatting Apps like What$App
- All payment gateway integrations
For iOS I am experienced in:
- iOS: Swift, Objective-C, CocoaTouch, XCode;
- Core web: XML, JSON, HTML/CSS, JavaScript;
- ActionScript3/Flex/AIR: Core, Sockets, AES-crypto, Stage3D, OSMF, Flexunit, etc;
- Frameworks: JQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Meteor, Away3D, GreenSock, Robotlegs, etc;
- IDE: FlashBuilder, FlashDevelop, Eclipse, IDEA, XCode etc;
- OS: Windows, MacOS;
- VCS: Git, SVN;
- Issue trackers: Jira, Redmine, Trello;
- Other expertises: MySQL, SQLite, Firebase SDK, ffmpeg
If you need a reliable developer who's easy to communicate with and delivers fast - feel free to contact me.
Absolute waste of time. Missed deadline 4 times and after a week, Once he missed the deadline for the last time, I suggested that next time he misses the deadline I will cancel the project. Usman himself cancelled my project.
absolute waste of time.