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Eljona K.
Social Media Manager for Any Business in the World
$30 USD /timme
Albania (7:05 fm)
Gick med oktober 13, 2011
$30 USD /timme
My name is Eljona,
Digital Marketing Expert:
With over 12 years of experience in:
- Digital and Social Media Marketing
- Content Creation
- Social media strategy
- Lead campaigns - Conversion campaigns
- Pinterest Advertising
- Reels / Tiktok Strategy
If you want to experience working with an intense, honest and hardworking person who can take complete charge of your project requirements, and take your business to the heights, you are looking at the right person.
I have worked in Digital Marketing Agencies as well as in-house marketing teams in multiple companies and startups.
I'm detail-oriented and efficient. My focus is on expanding your brand's physical and digital presence through Marketing Strategy implementation, social media virality.
My education background for marketing comes from prestigious digital marketing mentors and master programs.
If you are looking for someone who is experienced, reliable and passionate about your work and can get you what you have been looking for, I'm here to talk.
Media Buying & Media Planning Analyst
Ads Campaign,
Google Analysis
Facebook Ads
Link Building
apr., 2018 - jan., 2014
4 år, 3 månader
Online Marketing Strategist
apr., 2009 - jan., 2014
4 år, 9 månader
apr., 2009 - jan., 2014
4 år, 9 månader
Online Marketing Strategist
apr., 2009 - jan., 2014
4 år, 9 månader
Senior Marketing Specialist
juni, 2008 - sep., 2012
4 år, 3 månader
ProCredit Bank
juni, 2008 - sep., 2012
4 år, 3 månader
• Planning and implementing the annual marketing plan of ProCredit Bank;
• Coordinating within the work team in the department for internally and externally maters;
• Assisting and coordinating the implementation of a unified branch outlook.
• Assist and coordinate together with Marketing & PR Manager a unified communication inside the branches.
• Coordinates the implementation, controlling and reporting of the product or image campaign
• Developing a strong cooperation with all media partner
• Assist
juni, 2008 - sep., 2012
4 år, 3 månader
Universiteti i Tiranës
2001 - 2005
4 år
2001 - 2005
4 år
Project Management
Project Management,
Graphic Designer,
Article writing, Translation etc.
Media distribution channels
Marketing Plan
Media analysis
Freelancer Orientation
German to English Translation
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
US English
Basic Numeracy
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Tack! Vi har skickat en länk för aktivering av gratis kredit.
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