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Content writer - worked as an English teacher

$10 USD /timme
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India (8:52 fm)
Gick med mars 13, 2019
$10 USD /timme
I'm excited to apply for the Content Writing opportunity. As a passionate English teacher with 12 years of experience, I'm confident that my writing skills, creativity, and attention to detail make me an ideal candidate for this role. After taking a break from full-time teaching to focus on raising my family, I'm now eager to reignite my professional spark. As a stay-at-home mom, I've honed my ability to work efficiently in shorter periods, and I'm excited to dedicate a focused hour each day to creating engaging content for your audience. Throughout my teaching career, I've developed a talent for crafting compelling lessons, articles, and educational materials. My love for reading books has broadened my vocabulary, improved my writing style, and fueled my imagination. I'm well-versed in writing for various audiences and purposes, from informative blog posts to creative stories. I'm particularly drawn to this as I'm a believer in Christ. As a writer, I believe in the power of words to educate, inspire, and connect people. I'm excited about the prospect of joining you that shares this vision. Thank you for considering my application. Best regards, Malina D'Souza
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