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David W.
3D | Texture| Animation| Blender| Maya| Photoshop
$20 USD /timme
Kenya (5:35 fm)
Gick med januari 7, 2012
$20 USD /timme
A freelancer with experience in 3D modeling, sculpting, animation, and texturing. I have also designed objects for 3D printing, eCommerce and video.
Tools: Blender, Unity 3D, Maya, Photoshop etc.
I make revisions that may arise promptly to ensure the result is in line with your expectations and delivery is on time.
I've been a software developer for over 20 years, and I can confidently say that the quality of work delivered by this freelancer is top-notch. His expertise in Blender is impressive, and he handled the project with professionalism, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the task at hand. If you're looking for someone who delivers high-quality work and understands the nuances of complex projects, I highly recommend him.