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Abanoub A.
Video editor & Film maker
$20 USD /timme
Egypt (12:51 fm)
Gick med februari 10, 2023
$20 USD /timme
Hello, my name is Abanoub, I am a freelance video editor with 5 years of experience. I have worked on various projects such as video ads, video production, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and all about of video editing and I am an expert in using Adobe Premiere & DaVinci Resolve, one of the most comprehensive and versatile video editing software in the market. I can handle any type of video editing task, from simple to complex, and deliver high-quality results.
One of my specialties is color correction, which is the process of adjusting the color and contrast of a video to achieve a desired look and mood.
Another skill that I have is creating professional videos with text and transitions, which can make your videos more engaging and dynamic.
I recently had the pleasure of working with Abanoub A. on a video editing project and I'm impressed with the outcome. Abanoub's expertise in video editing is evident in showcasing a professional and he took direction well & his creative approach brought my vision to life.
I worked for 2 years on Upwork and now I work here at freelancer to continue and develop my creative career.
jan., 2021 - Present
4 år
Video editor
apr., 2019 - Present
5 år, 9 månader
apr., 2019 - Present
5 år, 9 månader
I was offering my service on Fiverr and was able to serve more than 50 customers.
apr., 2019 - Present
5 år, 9 månader
South Valley University
2022 - 2024
2 år
2022 - 2024
2 år
The high school certificate
Qena government
I have a high school diploma and besides my studies, I was learning about video editing on YouTube and I am now studying to get a Motion Graphics certificate.
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
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