B2B YouTube Lead Generation Expert Needed

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I am seeking a professional who can help us drive relevant traffic to our YouTube channel and generate sales leads for our B2B business. The primary goal is to target medium-sized companies and convert views into potential leads.

Key Requirements:

- Expertise in Video Advertising: We would like to primarily use video advertising as our method for lead generation on YouTube. Experience with designing and implementing effective B2B video ads is essential.

- Understanding of Medium-Sized Companies: A solid comprehension of the needs and interests of medium-sized businesses will be beneficial in tailoring our content and advertisements to appeal to this demographic.

- Lead Generation Skills: Proven track record of converting YouTube traffic into sales leads.

Ideal Skills:

- Video Advertising

- B2B Marketing

- YouTube Analytics

- Lead Generation

- Understanding of Medium-Sized Companies

If you can help us with this, please get in touch.

Försäljning Internetmarknadsföring YouTube Marketing på Facebook Reklam

Projekt-id: #39032909

Om projektet

7 offerter Distansprojekt Aktivt förra veckan

7 frilansare har lagt bud på i genomsnitt ₹475/timme för det här jobbet


# LEAD GENERATION EXPERT" Hello there, How are you doing today? Thanks for posting the job, I provide quality services relating Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Optimization (SMO), Social Media Marketi Mer

₹400 INR / timme
(2 omdömen)

Hi there, Looking for a professional to drive relevant traffic to your YouTube channel and generate quality sales leads for your B2B business, right? Over the last 3 years, I have helped businesses generate over 20,0 Mer

₹400 INR / timme
(0 omdömen)

With over 5 years of experience have been using this method and strategy to get high ticket client and it works this strategy goes thus: 1. Lead Generation: There are two ways to generate leads this includes; Lead scra Mer

₹400 INR / timme
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I must say, your project perfectly aligns with my skills and experience. My name is Taiwo, an experienced email marketing expert who in recent times has dived into the world of digital advertising and analytics. I spec Mer

₹575 INR / timme
(0 omdömen)