Finish leftover tasks.。。。。。

Stängt Publicerat 7 år sedan Betalades vid leverans
Stängt Betalades vid leverans

Already finished the code and some design part on my website, but the code is not working very well. The design code is easy, just adding a button, but the other code is to schedule the email notifications and the code is working now and sending on time, but it sends too many repeated emails and I only need one. So need to hire someone to fix the leftover problems and also a little change of design. Server is mainly aws and a little bit of the original web server

Amazon Web Services JavaScript MySQL PHP Webbdesign

Projekt-id: #15968310

Om projektet

6 offerter Distansprojekt Aktivt 6 år sedan

6 frilansare har lagt bud på i genomsnitt $23 för det här jobbet


Hi, I can help you on this left over task tonight. I am an experience PHP developer and can start on the job right away.

$23 USD inom 0 dagar
(122 omdömen)

Hello, I have understood the requirement & eager to assist you in fixing all the issues you are currently facing in your website and also assist you in changes of design as I have expertise in similar kind of work. Mer

$25 USD inom 1 dag
(22 omdömen)

I have worked on AWS SES service to send emails , thus will be able to complete your tasks. Also I have experience in IOT domain.

$25 USD inom 2 dagar
(1 omdöme)

A proposal has not yet been provided

$15 USD inom 2 dagar
(1 omdöme)

Hi there, I have 3 years experience in full stack web developer. I've already worked on similar projects. I can handle your project in time. contact me to discuss the details

$25 USD inom 3 dagar
(2 omdömen)