Employee Card generator from server side using JS
$10-11 USD
Betalades vid leverans
I have a firbase cloud function on sever side to create a employee card as the follwoing:
1. Get student name whic is may in any language in the world English, Arabic, Chinees etc
2. Get size W& H and image, font name like "'Open Sans'" and font color.
3. Create a canvase with the size of the image. let's say 500*500px and make the image as backround for it
4. Add the employee name on the card.
5. generate a new image (card)
I have done all of that already but my code is not worlking with Arabic, Chinees etc
so, I want somone to give me a sloution for for supporting Arabic and other languages not only English
I don't want to use in headless browsers.
I'm using sveltkit by the way abut the code is pure javascrept using firebase and nodejs libraries
Projekt-id: #37496660
Om projektet
2 frilansare har lagt bud på i genomsnitt $11 för det här jobbet
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