Hi Client,
I believe your project can be efficiently realized using Flutter with native iOS integration for AVFoundation. After reviewing your requirements, I suggest implementing AVCaptureSession and AVCaptureDevice for video capture, along with AVCaptureVideoDataOutput to access the frames in real time. My experience with iOS development and AVFoundation will ensure smooth handling of video frames and metadata, utilizing CMSampleBuffer and DispatchQueue for managing and processing video data in a thread-safe manner.
For storing and processing video frames, I will implement AVAssetWriter along with AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor to efficiently write the frames to memory, and I will handle network buffering and uploads to AWS S3 or Media Services to ensure a seamless experience even with network latency. With my proficiency in managing concurrency and error handling, I'll make sure your app remains responsive and uploads data reliably.
If you choose to collaborate with me, I’ll ensure that the video capture, metadata integration, and upload processes are well-optimized. I am confident that I can help bring your project to a successful completion.
Best regards,