iPhone Version of Android Utility App

Slutfört Publicerat 2 månader sedan Betalades vid leverans
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I'm looking for a skilled iOS developer to create an iPhone version of my existing Android utility app. The iPhone version should replicate the layout, feel, and functionality of the Android counterpart.

Key Requirements:

- The iPhone app should have the same ad integration as the Android version, with two separate app builds: one for beta testing with test ads, and the final build containing live ads.

- The app allows photo access and microphone access for capture buttons.

The ideal candidate for this project will have:

- Extensive experience in iOS app development.

- A strong understanding of ad integration in mobile applications.

- Experience with creating apps that replicate existing Android counterparts.

Please note, the iPhone version is not required to have any additional features or improvements. It should simply provide the same functionality as the Android app.

iPhone Mobile App Development Android Objective-C iPad

Projekt-id: #38910183

Om projektet

26 offerter Distansprojekt Aktivt 2 månader sedan



Hello, I am willing to create IOS version your exiting android app. Let`s talk and proceed. Thank you!

$200 CAD inom 7 dagar
(8 omdömen)

26 frilansare har lagt bud på i genomsnitt $205 för det här jobbet



$250 CAD inom 7 dagar
(14 omdömen)

Hi, I hope this message finds you well. I have checked your project details carefully, and I believe I am an excellent fit for this project. With 7+ years of experience in iOS and Android app development, and expertise Mer

$30 CAD inom 7 dagar
(20 omdömen)

Hello I understand your request that you’re demanding iPhone Version of Android Utility App As a Professional Geeks, I can avail creative, proactive and high-tech solutions to your development needs. I have excellen Mer

$30 CAD inom 1 dag
(5 omdömen)

With the unparalleled commitment and technical ingenuity showcased through our years of addressing clients' digital needs, our company is enthusiastic about applying these unrivaled skills towards crafting an iPhone ve Mer

$140 CAD inom 7 dagar
(5 omdömen)

With over a decade of experience in Mobile App Development and my mastery of Objective-C, I am confident in my ability to deliver an impeccable iPhone version of your Android utility app. My extensive work speaks for i Mer

$1400 CAD inom 7 dagar
(7 omdömen)

Hi Dan S., I’m excited to help bring your project to life. With hands-on experience across diverse tech stacks like iPhone, Objective C, iPad, Mobile App Development and Android, I focus on building solutions that are Mer

$155 CAD inom 1 dag
(1 omdöme)

Hello! I am interested in iPhone Version of Android Utility App. With 7+ years experience in software development, I have 100+ successful projects built and 60+ happy clients. From my rich experience and deep knowledge Mer

$130 CAD inom 7 dagar
(1 omdöme)

As an accomplished app developer with over a decade of experience, specializing in both Android and iPhone platforms, I believe that our team is well-suited to meet your iOS app development requirements. Not only do we Mer

$140 CAD inom 5 dagar
(1 omdöme)

Hi Dan S., ★★★ LET'S DISCUSS YOUR PROJECT FURTHER! I CAN PROVIDE THE PROJECT BEFORE CHRISTMAS ★★★ With 12+ years of expertise in iPhone, Mobile App Development, iPad, Android and Objective C, I’m ready to complete iP Mer

$155 CAD inom 8 dagar
(0 omdömen)

Hello, I am excited to help you create the iPhone version of your Android utility app! With extensive experience in iOS app development and a strong understanding of ad integration, I’m confident I can replicate the Mer

$150 CAD inom 7 dagar
(0 omdömen)

Hey there! The trickiest part of this gig is making sure the iPhone app is a mirror image of your current Android app in terms of layout, feel, and functionality—oh, and let's not forget that ad integration! ? But don Mer

$140 CAD inom 1 dag
(0 omdömen)

I understand how important it is for you to have your Android utility app translated into an iPhone version that not only replicates the functionality, look, and feel, but also has the same level of ad integration - th Mer

$200 CAD inom 7 dagar
(0 omdömen)

Hi, We would like to grab this opportunity and will work till you get 100% satisfied with our work. We are an expert team which have many years of experience on Mobile App Development, iPhone, Android, Objective C, i Mer

$140 CAD inom 7 dagar
(0 omdömen)

Hello Dan S., I understand that you are seeking a skilled iOS developer to create an iPhone version of your existing Android utility app, maintaining the same layout, feel, and functionality. With my expertise in iOS Mer

$75 CAD inom 3 dagar
(0 omdömen)

❤️❤️Hi Dan S.,❤️❤️ I am Artur, a seasoned Web Developer with nearly 6 years of experience in Objective C, iPad, Android, iPhone and Mobile App Development. After reviewing your project details, I am confident in my a Mer

$200 CAD inom 2 dagar
(0 omdömen)

Hi Dan S., Good afternoon! ⚡⚡⚡I HAVE READ ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS VERY CAREFULLY AND UNDERSTOOD WHAT YOU WANT.⚡⚡⚡ As a top developer with extensive experience in Android, iPhone, Mobile App Development, iPad and Object Mer

$130 CAD inom 3 dagar
(0 omdömen)

Hello and Salutations !! Our Profile link:- https://www.freelancer.in/u/KahlonCreatives *I am writing to express my interest in your urgent need for a video editor and animator to assemble a pre-produced 2:30 video. Mer

$250 CAD inom 10 dagar
(0 omdömen)

Hi, With my extensive background in iOS app development and your instruction to replicate the same Android app onto iPhone, I believe I'm the most suitable candidate for your project. Consistency, efficiency, and accu Mer

$240 CAD inom 7 dagar
(0 omdömen)