Congratulations on getting the designs in place!
Indeed, choosing the right colors is very important. As you may already know, colors have meanings and they reflect the qualities and characteristics of the brand.
Recently, I was working on a super cool logo for a creative brand and the initial concept I made for them was in plain black. Once we were settled with the design we explored the color options. We took in several things into consideration before choosing the right color for the brand:
- The type of business
- The market it serves
- How long the business has been in the market
- The objectives, The USP - Unique selling proposition
- The clients/Target Audience: Their gender, age, at some cases the income range also matters
- The competitors if any, and how they have positioned themselves
- etc.
We had quite a brief discussion to figure these out, and the decision for the colors didn't take long after that.
So here's what we would do to get the same for your app, we'll jump on a quick chat and figure out the fundamental stuff. Then, we'd start to explore, a few review and feedback sessions back and forth and we'd have our color!!
Sounds like a plan? I would love to get started and making this real!
Looking forward to hear back,
P.S. I know the price is a placeholder and delivery time I've put is also the same :D