Ga 4.0 issue fix asap

Slutfört Publicerat 1 år sedan Betalades vid leverans

I am looking for a skilled professional who can fix the data discrepancies issue we are experiencing with GA 4.0.


- Expertise in Google Analytics 4.0 and troubleshooting data discrepancies

- Strong problem-solving skills to identify and resolve the issue promptly

- Ability to provide advice and guidance on the best solution for the problem

The urgency of fixing the issue is high, and I need someone who can address it ASAP.

Google Analytics WordPress E-handel Shopify Webbplatshantering

Projekt-id: #37279707

Om projektet

4 offerter Distansprojekt Aktivt 1 år sedan


(16 omdömen)

4 frilansare har lagt bud på i genomsnitt ₹1375/timme för det här jobbet


Hi there I believe that our expertise in Google Analytics 4.0 and troubleshooting data discrepancies make us the best fit for this project. With our strong problem-solving skills and ability to provide advice and guid Mer

₹1000 INR / timme
(27 omdömen)