[WINDOWS] Serial Port Driver for IRP to lo Traffic
€30-250 EUR
Betalades vid leverans
Hi all.
I am looking for a serial driver for windows and a test application to attach to serial port IRP signals and log all COM data back and forth.
Similar to :
[login to view URL]
I need the source code for the driver and a small app to show the hooking.
The driver needs to operate as a sniffer for the serial COM port of a device connected to windows as serial and observe IRP signals when a third party application opens that COM port is a transparent way.
Sources in C/C++ needed.
Projekt-id: #34541527
Om projektet
15 frilansare har lagt bud på i genomsnitt €221 för det här jobbet
Since 2015 I am working in C/C++ programming. So more than 7(seven) years of experience in C/C++ programming. I can build any class, function or method for you. Also expert in data structure building and OOP. Very good Mer
i am c/c++ expert and i have more than 9 yer experience in this field, ready to start work now
HI, I am C# , MySQL expert developer. I have good skill and full experience in C# desktop app, Unity C# script, Consol C#, and .NET and so on. Especially SQL, MySLQ, SQLite, PostgreSQL is my main skill. So I think that Mer
Hello, I have rich experience in C/C++ programming fro Serial Port communication. I have read all your explanations carefully and fully understand your requirements. So I am sure I can give you correct and good results Mer
Hello, how are you? I really interested on this project. I have experience on windows application and can help you to develop this project smoothly. Hope we can cooperate on this project. Best regards
hi, this is Nasir Mehmood. I am a software engineer and have more than 20 years of development experience in embedded systems, database design, web design, graphics, and mobile applications. i have extensive knowledge Mer
Hello I am very interested in this project. Because, I have worked as Embedded SW engineer in IT company for 8 years. I can complete this task in a day. Next monday, you can get my result. Thanks, Serhii
Hi dear client! I am Expert Software engineer with expertise in Web and Windows Software development I have 3 years experience in developing such serial driver based on C++ script for Windows I can do this project with Mer
we have very good programming skills in C/C++ using any kind of wireless technology, experienced in sniffing the com port of devices connected to windows machine