[WINDOWS] Serial Port Driver for IRP to lo Traffic

Stängt Publicerat 2 år sedan Betalades vid leverans
Stängt Betalades vid leverans

Hi all.

I am looking for a serial driver for windows and a test application to attach to serial port IRP signals and log all COM data back and forth.

Similar to :

[login to view URL]

I need the source code for the driver and a small app to show the hooking.

The driver needs to operate as a sniffer for the serial COM port of a device connected to windows as serial and observe IRP signals when a third party application opens that COM port is a transparent way.

Sources in C/C++ needed.

C++-programmering C-programmering C#-programmering Programvaruarkitektur Windowsskrivbord

Projekt-id: #34541527

Om projektet

15 offerter Distansprojekt Aktivt 2 år sedan

15 frilansare har lagt bud på i genomsnitt €221 för det här jobbet


I CAN COMPLETE YOUR PROJECT EASILY Hello, I am programmer with enough experiences on C/C++, Python for 10+ years. C/C++, Python is nice programming language and I am majoring on it for long years so I have confident to Mer

€150 EUR inom 7 dagar
(30 omdömen)

Hi I can build this thing in C++. Please provide details on what serial ports do you want to monitor (Or should it be configurable) And also please provide more information about data formats of Logs (Should we leave i Mer

€140 EUR inom 7 dagar
(26 omdömen)

Since 2015 I am working in C/C++ programming. So more than 7(seven) years of experience in C/C++ programming. I can build any class, function or method for you. Also expert in data structure building and OOP. Very good Mer

€500 EUR inom 30 dagar
(42 omdömen)

i am c/c++ expert and i have more than 9 yer experience in this field, ready to start work now

€220 EUR inom 5 dagar
(39 omdömen)

HI, I am C# , MySQL expert developer. I have good skill and full experience in C# desktop app, Unity C# script, Consol C#, and .NET and so on. Especially SQL, MySLQ, SQLite, PostgreSQL is my main skill. So I think that Mer

€140 EUR inom 7 dagar
(16 omdömen)

Hello, I have rich experience in C/C++ programming fro Serial Port communication. I have read all your explanations carefully and fully understand your requirements. So I am sure I can give you correct and good results Mer

€200 EUR inom 3 dagar
(27 omdömen)

Hello, how are you? I really interested on this project. I have experience on windows application and can help you to develop this project smoothly. Hope we can cooperate on this project. Best regards

€120 EUR inom 1 dag
(32 omdömen)

hi, this is Nasir Mehmood. I am a software engineer and have more than 20 years of development experience in embedded systems, database design, web design, graphics, and mobile applications. i have extensive knowledge Mer

€200 EUR inom 7 dagar
(12 omdömen)

Hello I am very interested in this project. Because, I have worked as Embedded SW engineer in IT company for 8 years. I can complete this task in a day. Next monday, you can get my result. Thanks, Serhii

€250 EUR inom 7 dagar
(4 omdömen)

Hi dear client! I am Expert Software engineer with expertise in Web and Windows Software development I have 3 years experience in developing such serial driver based on C++ script for Windows I can do this project with Mer

€210 EUR inom 7 dagar
(1 omdöme)

Hello Dear Client, after thoroughly reading your PROJECT DESCRIPTION i have clearly understood it and i would like to work with you. I am a skilled and experienced in the named SKILLS. I consider your project DOABLE as Mer

€500 EUR inom 7 dagar
(0 omdömen)

Hello! I can build the driver as you mentioned in project description. I am an independent and professional developer holding 100% completion rate. I am highly interested about your project, Please knock me for a quick Mer

€150 EUR inom 7 dagar
(8 omdömen)

we have very good programming skills in C/C++ using any kind of wireless technology, experienced in sniffing the com port of devices connected to windows machine

€140 EUR inom 7 dagar
(1 omdöme)