Simple Rails App

Pågående Publicerat Jun 3, 2014 Betalades vid leverans
Pågående Betalades vid leverans

Hi All,

I have a requirement for a very quick and simple Ruby on Rails 4 application that consumes the Zoopla API. A brief outline of the project is as follows:

- Home page shows the main image of a random house on Zoopla, within 50 miles of a postcode (hard code any UK postcode for this app)

- Three buttons are below the image, 1 x showing correct price, 2 x random price within 40% of the correct price.

- Below the buttons is a link to the full property listing

- Clicking one of the buttons will notify the user if they picked the right price & then the data is stored in a DB.

- Users should be able to log in [email & simple pass] and see all of the properties they have clicked on, along with basic stats (count all & correct)

Such a simple project shouldn't take a decent rails dev much more than a few hours. Don't worry about layouts or CSS, just the core functionality. Attached is a proof of concept for the app.

Project should be submitted to a git repo (public or your own) and shown working on heroku. Depending on Freelancer rules, you will be paid half fees on successful completion of the heroku prototype, and then the remaining funds released once I have built your code and have the app working on my own box.

Budget is currently c.£100-200 with an expectation of completion within 5 days.

PLEASE reference "Rails Rails Rails" in your bids to show that you've read the above description.

MVC Ruby on Rails

Projekt-id: #6024409

Om projektet

5 offerter Distansprojekt Aktivt Jun 4, 2014