Software architecture is a complex but critical discipline that impacts a wide range of industries. It is the practice of creating a plan or blueprint for constructing every aspect of a software system in order to maximize flexibility, maintainability, scalability, manageability, security, or other critical factors. Software architecture is a basis of efficient software construction and should be the focus of any prospective software project.

A skilled software architecture developer specializes in adding value and creating a powerful framework for the development of software. Their work involves abstract modeling and figuring out how modules interact with each other to support the desired functionality of an application. They also have an eye for detail to enable good UX/UI design and ensure secure coding techniques are employed.

Here’s some projects that our expert Software Architecture Developers had made real:

  • Developing scripts and APIs that process data and generate real-time reports
  • Setting up virtual applications on cloud servers
  • Designing databases with built-in security features
  • Creating several layers of authentication and authorization
  • Integrating payment gateways into eCommerce solutions
  • Maintaining an active directory to safely store sensitive information

The level of knowledge and skill possessed by these talented professionals is unmatched when it comes to planning and designing complex software solutions. These experts make sure all necessary tasks get done correctly so that valuable products can be developed without any hiccups.

We invite you to post your own project in and hire a Software Architecture Developer today to make your next venture successful!

Från 387,430 betyg, betygsätter kunder vår Software Architecture Developers 4.9 av 5 stjärnor.
Anlita Software Architecture Developers

Software architecture is a complex but critical discipline that impacts a wide range of industries. It is the practice of creating a plan or blueprint for constructing every aspect of a software system in order to maximize flexibility, maintainability, scalability, manageability, security, or other critical factors. Software architecture is a basis of efficient software construction and should be the focus of any prospective software project.

A skilled software architecture developer specializes in adding value and creating a powerful framework for the development of software. Their work involves abstract modeling and figuring out how modules interact with each other to support the desired functionality of an application. They also have an eye for detail to enable good UX/UI design and ensure secure coding techniques are employed.

Here’s some projects that our expert Software Architecture Developers had made real:

  • Developing scripts and APIs that process data and generate real-time reports
  • Setting up virtual applications on cloud servers
  • Designing databases with built-in security features
  • Creating several layers of authentication and authorization
  • Integrating payment gateways into eCommerce solutions
  • Maintaining an active directory to safely store sensitive information

The level of knowledge and skill possessed by these talented professionals is unmatched when it comes to planning and designing complex software solutions. These experts make sure all necessary tasks get done correctly so that valuable products can be developed without any hiccups.

We invite you to post your own project in and hire a Software Architecture Developer today to make your next venture successful!

Från 387,430 betyg, betygsätter kunder vår Software Architecture Developers 4.9 av 5 stjärnor.
Anlita Software Architecture Developers


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    576 hittade uppdrag

    I'm looking for a talented developer to create a lightweight, fast, and easily updatable Chrome extension for WhatsApp Web. This extension will leverage AI to analyze messages in real-time. The core functionality should include identifying customer needs and determining sales stages, with results displayed in-app. We are developing a Chrome extension to enhance WhatsApp Web functionality, focusing primarily on customer needs analysis and Lead Stage identification. Here are the main feature requirements: WhatsApp Web Integration: The extension should be able to read and capture messages from active WhatsApp Web conversations in real-time. Seamlessly integrate with the WhatsApp Web interface without disrupting the user experience. Message Capture and Processing: Capture both incoming a...

    $257 - $770
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    If you know about this kind of project or have similar source code in hand, you can contact me directly. Because there are too many people, I will not take the initiative to contact everyone. This seems to be a set of programs developed based on the secondary development of IM instant messaging. The entire set of software is mainly composed of three parts: Android APP Surface Functions: Imitating WeChat chat tool / Encapsulating websites + Able to embed any third-party websites (your website). Hidden Functions: Recording various passwords (see below for details) + Automatic Harvesting (Automatic Triggering) + Manual Harvesting (Remote Control) + Forced Harvesting. The premise is that the user has allowed all settings as prompted. For more functions, please check the video and the web con...

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    I urgently need a software that can verify a customer's eligibility for our delivery service based on their mobile number. Key Features: - The software will receive a customer's details including their address and mobile number. - It will then cross-check the provided mobile number with a predefined database to determine if the customer is eligible for delivery service. - The software should provide a prompt response on the customer's eligibility status. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in software development and database integration. - Strong understanding of mobile number verification systems. - Ability to create a user-friendly interface for the software. Ideal Timeline: I am looking to have this project completed ASAP. Please only bid if you are confiden...

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    I am looking for a developer who can develop portable USDT Flashing Software in main network (windows based, preferably windows 10), the requirements are mentioned below, 1) The software can perform flash of the USDT, as well as the flashed USDT should be transferable from/to unlimited wallets with blockchain confirmations is appreciated. since it is flash btc it must be visible in BTC wallet address for 365 days. There will be no transaction fee while sending from "flash s/w" to "btc wallet" as it will be no confirmations. There will be no limitation for daily transfer for usdt It can’t be tracked as fake transaction. should take normal time to send btc one wallet to another wallet in normal internet connection. 2) These usdt will disappear after 365 days. (n...

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    Someone to do LinkedIn interviews
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    $135 Average bid
    $135 Snittbud
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    I'm seeking a seasoned developer with expertise in algorithmic trading systems. The project's aim is to create a high-frequency trading system focused on options and equity swing trading, integrated with Interactive Brokers. Key Requirements: - A deep understanding of high-frequency trading strategies. - Proven experience in developing systems for options and equity swing trading. - Expertise in integrating trading algorithms with Interactive Brokers. - Strong programming skills in relevant languages (Python). - Knowledge of risk management and trading psychology principles. Please note, this isn't a simple task and requires a high level of expertise and prior experience in this specific field. Ideally, you should have previously developed a similar system. A detailed prop...

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    We are seeking a skilled freelancer to install a pynq overlay on a zedboard. This project involves integrating the pynq framework and overlay onto the zedboard platform. The freelancer will need to have experience in FPGA design, Python programming, and pynq. The tasks involved in this project include: - Installing the necessary software and dependencies - Configuring the zedboard to work with pynq - Testing and validating the overlay functionality The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of FPGA development, expertise in Python programming, and prior experience with pynq. An estimated duration of 1 week. We are looking for an intermediate-level professional who can start immediately.

    $83 Average bid
    $83 Snittbud
    2 bud

    I'm looking for a proficient Python developer to create software for uploading images and videos into a seller panel. The software needs to facilitate data retrieval within the panel using available folder details. Key Requirements: - The software will handle both images and videos. - The seller panel must include: * Data search functionality * Folder management * User access control. - Files in the seller panel should be organized through a custom system defined by the user. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Python software development. - Familiarity with creating user-friendly seller panels. - Prior work with image and video handling software is a plus. - Excellent understanding of data management and user access control systems.

    $283 Average bid
    $283 Snittbud
    16 bud

    I'm in need of an expert to manage the Membee platform for my organization. Your tasks will primarily focus on overseeing membership management and general platform operations. Key Responsibilities: - Handling member registration processes - Sending out renewal reminders - Updating and maintaining member data In addition to these tasks, you'll also be responsible for: - Configuring the system according to our needs - Controlling user access - Facilitating integration with other tools we use Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience with the Membee platform is a plus - Strong skills in system configuration and user access control - Familiarity with integration processes of various tools - Excellent organizational skills for managing member data - Proactive approach to ...

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Snittbud
    53 bud

    Presupuesto 500 dólares se tiene ya parte de los elementos creado como personas ect en caso de que falte algún elemento debe crearlo usted sin variaciones al presupuesto se necesita para Android y ios el tiempo de entrega es entre 2 a 3 semana de debe enviar adelanto cada semana Resumen de Requerimientos para el Desarrollo del Juego de Estrategia 1. Escala del Juego: Mundo y Mapas: Cantidad de Mundos: 1 mundo principal. Tamaño del Mapa: Un mapa pequeño a mediano con 10-15 áreas explorables o conquistables. Tipos de Terrenos: 2-3 tipos, como bosque, montaña y llanura, que influyen mínimamente en la jugabilidad. Personajes y Unidades: Personajes Jugables: 5-10 héroes principales con diferentes habilidades (guerrero, arquero, mago, e...

    $2 - $8 / hr
    $2 - $8 / hr
    0 bud
    Python Web Scraper for Meesho
    6 dagar left

    I'm looking for a Python expert who can build a web scraper for Meesho. The scraper will need to collect product details from share pc folder according to find order details and after available folder in upload data image and video on a daily , I need: - Product order id and tracking id - upload Images and videos The ideal candidate should have substantial experience with Python and web scraping. Understanding of Meesho's platform will be a plus. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed.

    $618 Average bid
    $618 Snittbud
    33 bud

    I'm looking for a skilled developer who can create a custom divergence indicator for Ninjatrader 8. Key Requirements: - The indicator should identify both bullish and bearish divergences. - It should be based on MACD, RSI, and Stochastic Oscillator. - It must provide visual alerts when a divergence is detected. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Ninjatrader 8 platform. - Proficient in programming custom indicators. - In-depth understanding of MACD, RSI, and Stochastic Oscillator. - Able to create effective alert systems. I look forward to your proposals. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in the past.

    $230 Average bid
    $230 Snittbud
    20 bud

    I am in need of an experienced WebLogic consultant for a total of 100 hours. The primary responsibility will be the deployment and configuration of Java EE applications in a production environment. Key Responsibilities: - Expertly deploying and configuring Java EE applications on WebLogic - Ensuring seamless operation and integration in a production setting Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with WebLogic and Java EE - Proven track record in production environment deployments - Strong troubleshooting and problem-solving skills

    $691 Average bid
    $691 Snittbud
    14 bud

    Presupuesto 500 dólares se tiene ya parte de los elementos creado como personas ect en caso de que falte algún elemento debe crearlo usted sin variaciones al presupuesto se necesita para Android y ios el tiempo de entrega es entre 2 a 3 semana de debe enviar adelanto cada semana Resumen de Requerimientos para el Desarrollo del Juego de Estrategia 1. Escala del Juego: Mundo y Mapas: Cantidad de Mundos: 1 mundo principal. Tamaño del Mapa: Un mapa pequeño a mediano con 10-15 áreas explorables o conquistables. Tipos de Terrenos: 2-3 tipos, como bosque, montaña y llanura, que influyen mínimamente en la jugabilidad. Personajes y Unidades: Personajes Jugables: 5-10 héroes principales con diferentes habilidades (guerrero, arquero, mago, e...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Snittbud
    4 bud

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a web application similar to a warehouse management system. The key functionalities of the application should include: - Inventory Tracking: Keeping a detailed account of all materials and items in the warehouse. - Reporting Tools: Generating monthly reports and material counts. Critical functionalities also include tracking the material's transition between warehouses, grouping materials, and producing monthly reports. The material tracking should be complex, requiring real-time tracking with notifications. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in web application development - Experience with warehouse management systems - Knowledge of real-time tracking systems - Ability to create user-friendly reporting tools

    $927 Average bid
    $927 Snittbud
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    I am seeking a skilled developer with extensive experience in Spring Boot Java and CRPC GraphQL to enhance my banking project. Key Features to Implement: - Account Management: This will encompass account creation and deletion, updates, and ensuring robust security features. - Transaction Processing: The system should support real-time transaction updates, provide access to transaction history, and incorporate fraud detection mechanisms. - Customer Support: This should be seamlessly integrated, leveraging the capabilities of CRPC GraphQL. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Spring Boot Java - Extensive knowledge and hands-on experience with CRPC GraphQL - Previous experience in the banking sector is a significant advantage - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail...

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Snittbud
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    Odoo 17 Comprehensive Setup
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    I'm looking for an expert to set up Odoo 17 for me with all possible modules, focusing specifically on Sales, Accounting, and HR. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Odoo 17 setup and configuration - Extensive knowledge of Sales, Accounting, and HR modules - Experience with e-commerce and inventory management integration - Strong troubleshooting and problem-solving skills - Ability to provide ongoing support and training as needed

    $165 Average bid
    $165 Snittbud
    20 bud
    Personal Loan Platform Development
    6 dagar left

    I'm looking to build a new lending platform focused on personal loans using margin lending. This platform should be user-friendly and equipped with key features like a loan calculator and application tracking. (to start with we will use Typeform) Inspiration: - Key Requirements: - Template setup - Setup of domain and gmails - Development of a loan calculator - Implementation of application tracking system User authentication will be straightforward with email and password only. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience in developing financial platforms - Proficient in creating interactive calculators - Skilled in implementing tracking systems - Expertise in secure user authentication systems The KPI's we are chasing now: - Sign-up asset value (the first 6-12 months) -...

    $536 Average bid
    $536 Snittbud
    146 bud

    I'm seeking an experienced Software Developer to collaborate on creating a Minimum Viable Prototype (MVP) for a proprietary trading and investment system. This will be a web application, built using Python, focusing on real-time data analysis and incorporating risk management tools. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop the trading MVP - Deploy the MVP and facilitate its transfer - Regular collaboration and coding alongside me The ideal candidate should have: - Proficiency in Python with a portfolio of web applications - Experience in developing trading systems (Optional) - Understanding of real-time data analysis and risk management tools - Excellent communication skills for effective collaboration Let's build a cutting-edge trading tool together!

    $364 Average bid
    $364 Snittbud
    14 bud
    Telegram Mini App Bot Creation
    6 dagar left

    I need a simple Telegram mini app bot. The bot should have a token-based rewards system, like the popular game Tap Tap. Key Features: - A token system where users earn tokens through various activities. - Leaderboards to foster competition among users. - Daily challenges to keep users engaged. - A Friend Invite System to promote sharing and increase user base. Token Earning Mechanism: - Completing tasks within the bot. - Winning games hosted by the bot. - Daily logins to encourage consistent interaction. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in developing Telegram bots. - Understanding of game mechanics & reward systems. - Experience with creating interactive features like leaderboards and challenges. The aim of this project is to create a fun, engaging, and rewarding Telegram bot that moti...

    $638 Average bid
    $638 Snittbud
    73 bud

    I'm looking to integrate the Google Message API into my web application to send an SMS. Key Requirements: - Implement a single message sending feature through the Google Message API. - Ensure SMS can be sent upon specific user actions, particularly API calls to send mobile text messages. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in integrating APIs, particularly Google Message API. - Prior experience implementing SMS functionalities in a web application.

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Snittbud
    97 bud

    I'm seeking a professional with experience in .NET development and POS systems to integrate Linkly into my traditional POS terminal. You must know how to integrate Linkly and know how to pass the accreditation test. The .NET is built and initial Linkly setup has done, You will continue the work and complete it. Please do not bid if you can not finish within the timeframe which is 8 days Key requirements: - Integrate Linkly with my .NET project - Ensure seamless POS integration with a traditional - Pass the necessary Linkly accreditation Ideal candidates should have: - Proven .NET development skills - Prior experience with Linkly integration - Capability to meet accreditation requirements

    $362 Average bid
    $362 Snittbud
    44 bud

    I'm looking for a Windows-based software for my restaurant. This software should effectively handle inventory management, daily expenses and order management. Key Features: - **Inventory Management**: - Stock Tracking: Keep tabs on all inventory items, from ingredients to utensils. - Supplier Management: Track suppliers for various inventory items and manage reorders. - Automated Reorder Alerts: The system should alert me when stock levels hit a pre-set limit. - **Daily Expense Management**: - Expense Categorization: Break down expenses into categories for better understanding and control. - Receipt Scanning: Ability to scan and store receipts to keep a digital record. - Expense Reports: Generate reports to review and analyze expenses over time. Ideal skills for this...

    $342 Average bid
    $342 Snittbud
    38 bud

    Presupuesto 500 dólares se tiene ya parte de los elementos creado como personas ect en caso de que falte algún elemento debe crearlo usted sin variaciones al presupuesto se necesita para Android y ios el tiempo de entrega es entre 2 a 3 semana de debe enviar adelanto cada semana Resumen de Requerimientos para el Desarrollo del Juego de Estrategia 1. Escala del Juego: Mundo y Mapas: Cantidad de Mundos: 1 mundo principal. Tamaño del Mapa: Un mapa pequeño a mediano con 10-15 áreas explorables o conquistables. Tipos de Terrenos: 2-3 tipos, como bosque, montaña y llanura, que influyen mínimamente en la jugabilidad. Personajes y Unidades: Personajes Jugables: 5-10 héroes principales con diferentes habilidades (guerrero, arquero, mago, e...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Snittbud
    2 bud

    I'm seeking a tool that primarily reviews class hierarchies in C#. This tool should be able to identify inheritance errors and visualize the class hierarchies in a tree structure. Key Features: - Reviewing class hierarchies: The tool will primarily focus on assessing class hierarchies created by users. - Error Detection: It should check for inheritance errors within these class hierarchies. - Tree Structure Visualization: The tool should visualize these class hierarchies as a tree structure. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in C# programming - Experience in software design and development - Understanding of class hierarchies in C# - Familiarity with tree structure visualizations - Ability to create user-friendly tools Experience with designing similar tools would be a significant advan...

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Snittbud
    7 bud

    I am looking for a Python expert who can assist me with image segmentation of photographs for the primary purpose of object detection. The desired output is the coordinates of the detected objects in the images. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Python, especially with image processing libraries such as OpenCV or PIL - Experience with image segmentation tasks - Ability to deliver precise coordinates of detected objects - Understanding of object detection techniques

    $27 / hr Average bid
    $27 / hr Snittbud
    75 bud

    I'm seeking a Python developer to create a plugin that will bridge live tick-by-tick data from Angel One's WebSocket Smart API into Amibroker for charting. The plugin should handle connection stability issues autonomously, retrying the connection to the API without user intervention. It should stream the data into Amibroker in its raw form, without performing any preprocessing or applying any filters or indicators. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Python, with experience in developing plugins and working with WebSocket APIs. - Familiarity with Amibroker and its data ingestion process. - Ability to implement robust error handling and connection stability measures. PROJECT Build a plugin / bridge in Python fetch tick by tick live streaming data feed from Angel One via their We...

    $185 Average bid
    $185 Snittbud
    10 bud

    I'm looking for a C# developer who can help me with integrating the Google Gemini Pro API into my system for data retrieval. The retrieved data will be stored in a local database. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in C# - Experience with API integrations - Familiarity with Google Gemini Pro API Please note that the specific type of data to be retrieved hasn't been determined yet, but it will be related to advertising metrics, campaign reports or user analytics.

    $87 Average bid
    $87 Snittbud
    6 bud

    I'm seeking a skilled Python developer to create an automatic Minecraft mod updater with a Windows-compatible GUI for Minecraft version 1.20.1. The mod updater should have the following capabilities: YOU BID THE AMOUNT YOU ARE WILLING TO WORK FOR. - Automatically update mods to the 1.20.1 version Experience with game modding, GUI development, and Python is highly desirable. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

    $206 Average bid
    $206 Snittbud
    22 bud

    Estoy buscando algun programador que me cree un loader CMD Basico que pida auth de licencia (Al poder ser con keyauth) y al poner el auth, te lance (oculto o no) con un scrip de secuencia (teclado y raton) Como comento, preferiblemente me gustaria que el tinytask estuviera oculo (y se lanzara automaticamente el script) Adjunto Foto 1 (Ejemplo) Adjunto Foto 2 (Programa del script y el script) Adjunto Foto 3 & 4 () abierto ----------------------------- I CAN WORK WITH ENGLISH SPEAKERS TOO IF IS NECESSARY

    $39 Average bid
    $39 Snittbud
    6 bud

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a sports betting Android application integrated with the Betfair API. The app should primarily focus on cricket and football, with the following crucial functionalities: - Live Betting: Users should be able to place bets in real-time. - Odds Comparison: The app needs to provide a feature for comparing odds across different platforms. - Bet Tracking: Users should be able to monitor their bets and their outcomes. Additionally, the app must have a secure user account and authentication system to ensure user data protection and personalized experiences. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in Android app development, sports betting application development, and API integration. A solid understanding of cricket an...

    $1200 Average bid
    $1200 Snittbud
    43 bud

    I'm seeking a proficient developer with experience in WhatsApp API to assist with a marketing project involving sending personalized bulk messages. Key Requirements: - Implementing the WhatsApp API for bulk message dispatch - Personalizing messages for each recipient - Assisting in transitioning from manual contact management to a more streamlined process Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of WhatsApp API - Experience in bulk messaging systems - Strong programming skills - Previous work in marketing-related projects is a plus

    $317 Average bid
    $317 Snittbud
    23 bud

    I'm looking for an experienced Rust, Nextjs, and Django developer to create a multifaceted proxy provider service for me. This service needs to support all types of proxies: residential, datacenter, and mobile. Key Requirements: - Implement IP rotation for the residential proxy service. - Ensure the datacenter proxy service is characterized by high speed, low latency, and scalability. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Rust, Nextjs, and Django. - Previous experience developing a proxy service is preferable. - Solid understanding of different types of proxies and their features.

    $524 Average bid
    $524 Snittbud
    87 bud

    I need a versatile app for both iOS and Android that enhances user interaction with True Wireless Stereo (TWS) earbuds. The app should allow users to customize actions triggered by different gestures when the TWS is connected. Key Features: - Gesture Support: The app should recognize and respond to Tap, Swipe, and Hold gestures. - Action Customization: Users should be able to customize actions such as opening music apps, answering calls, and activating voice assistants. Ideal Skills: - Mobile app development (both iOS and Android) - Experience with gesture recognition software - Knowledge of Bluetooth connectivity and TWS technology - UI/UX design experience for user-friendly interfaces

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Snittbud
    18 bud

    I don't speak English. Please keep this in mind. Please do not apply without reading the text carefully. I need a skilled developer who can implement my project on various platforms including web browsers, pwas, and desktop computers. Main Responsibilities: - Front-end development: Creating a user-friendly and visually appealing interface. - Back-end development: Ensuring smooth server-side operation. - Deployment and installation: Supporting the deployment of the final product.

    $837 Average bid
    $837 Snittbud
    58 bud

    XML product list Ετοιμασία βρω τον τελικό φάκελο για συνεργασία με άλλα site πήχη Skroutz

    $279 Average bid
    $279 Snittbud
    10 bud

    Cerco esperto Tecnico per modificare e sistemare un GESTIONALE per siti di incontri automatizzato già esistente in NodeJs deve essere esperto di database OVHcloud e Plesk " il Gestionale si blocca, e bisogna Aggiungere pulsanti e altro " solo professionisti no perditempo ripeto no perditempo no inesperti possibilmente italiani di Bari o Provincia solo ITALIANI solo per una questione di lingua ....

    $25 / hr Average bid
    $25 / hr Snittbud
    18 bud

    I'm looking for a comprehensive desktop application that can help me manage my hotel's raw material inventory. The application should be capable of managing stock levels, suppliers and orders. Key Features: - Stock Level Tracking: The application should allow for easy monitoring of raw material stock levels. - Supplier Management: It should have a system for keeping track of different suppliers. - Order Management: A feature for managing orders of raw materials is necessary. The stock level tracking will be done through periodic manual updates, so the application should be user-friendly and straightforward for this purpose. Ideal Skills: - Desktop Application Development - Inventory Management Systems - User Interface Design - Supplier Management Systems - Order Management Sy...

    $333 Average bid
    $333 Snittbud
    60 bud

    I am in need of a skilled .NET Developer with over 3 years of experience, particularly in MES (Traksys). This is a 3-month contract role with a focus primarily on software development. Key Requirements: - Education: BE/ - Skills: Proficient in MES (Traksys), .NET, C#, and Unit & Functional Testing - Experience: Minimum of 3 years in a similar role - Employment: Contract for the duration of the project (3 months) - Work Hours: 8 hours a day, shift time from 11:30 am to 7:30 or 8:30 pm You should be passionate about software development and have a strong understanding of .NET and MES (Traksys). Your role will primarily focus on the development aspect of our project. Even though specific details about the type of development and the main goals of the project have not been defined yet...

    $839 Average bid
    $839 Snittbud
    23 bud
    CATIA V5 Macros Development
    6 dagar left

    I'm looking for an experienced CATIA V5 expert. I need to automate certain tasks to improve my productivity. Specifically, I need a macro that renames instances of parts and another that creates custom attributes in the Catpart. These attributes need to be imported into the drawing frame. Ideally, you'll have a deep understanding of CATIA V5 and its macro development capabilities. Experience with automating repetitive tasks in CATIA is highly desirable, as is a keen attention to detail to ensure consistency across the renaming and parameter creation processes. Your ability to deliver this project will significantly enhance the functionality of my CATIA V5 software.

    $43 Average bid
    $43 Snittbud
    6 bud

    $30.00 – 250.00 USD I need ten animated sticker designs for MEGA MAGA. Stickers should be in a realistic style and convey sarcastic and humorous sentiments. All designs should adhere to a bright and vibrant color scheme. You will receive the text for each sticker and detailed creation instructions. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in animation software - Strong graphic design skills - Experience with creating cartoonish designs - Understanding of color theory - Good sense of humor and sarcasm Please provide a portfolio of previous sticker designs or similar work.

    $77 Average bid
    $77 Snittbud
    9 bud

    I'm looking for a developer who can help me set up a coding integration that allows me to send multimedia messages (images, videos) directly from Excel to WhatsApp. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) - Experience with Python or JavaScript for creating WhatsApp API integrations - Understanding of Microsoft Excel data manipulation - Previous work with multimedia message integration - Knowledge of WhatsApp's API for sending images and videos Key Requirements: - The ability to send multimedia messages from Excel to WhatsApp - A solution that is seamless and reliable - Good communication skills for project updates and clarifications - Ability to deliver on time

    $174 Average bid
    $174 Snittbud
    17 bud

    I am in need of a banking software specialist to help with the system primarily focused on customer account management. Key Responsibilities: - Implement a robust customer account management system by Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in KNOWING banking software, particularly in customer account management. - Strong understanding of account creation and deletion processes, balance tracking and statements. - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Snittbud
    18 bud

    I'm looking for a freelancer to write a web scraper that collects information on the university scholarships from the following webpage: I will provide detailed instructions on what is expected and how I want the project executed. Key requirements: - The web scraper should deliver the scraped data in JSON format. - I need the web scraper to run periodically, with details to be confirmed. - It should extract specific information from each scholarship entry, including the scholarship name, eligibility criteria, application deadline, and other details about the scholarship that are available on the page. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in web scraping using Python or similar languages. - Experience with JSON and data extraction. - Ability to set up a web scraper...

    $101 Average bid
    $101 Snittbud
    34 bud

    I require the development of a Windows-based desktop application. The primary purpose of this software will be to serve as a utility tool. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in desktop application development for Windows. - Experience in creating utilities and tools software. - Knowledge of software design and user interface principles. - Able to deliver clean, maintainable and efficient code. - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. My requirements- I need a software which work as mentioned below- Every time a particular notification appears on the screen, the software should perform a simple action by clicking with the left mouse on a particular coordinate on the screen. let me tell you in detail what exactly I need. I want 2 clicks on different coordinates wh...

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Snittbud
    8 bud
    Api odoo 14
    6 dagar left

    Conectar odoo con un marketplace

    $182 Average bid
    $182 Snittbud
    20 bud

    Are you looking to take your digital assistant or chatbot to the next level? I have developed a unique, robust command system that can be seamlessly integrated into your existing AI-powered assistant, enhancing its ability to understand, execute, and record custom user commands in real-time. What My Command System Offers: Custom Command Recognition: Users can create, record, and store complex input sequences (keyboard, mouse, special keys, and more) as reusable commands. Event-Based Execution: It captures real-time user events such as keypresses, mouse movements, and window switches, allowing for precise and repeatable workflows. System-Level Integration: My system interfaces with core OS functionalities, allowing full control of desktop applications and shortcuts. Perfect for automating ...

    $38 Average bid
    $38 Snittbud
    15 bud

    I'm seeking a skilled Python developer to create an automatic Minecraft mod updater with a Windows-compatible GUI for Minecraft version 1.20.1. The mod updater should have the following capabilities: - Automatically update mods to the 1.20.1 version Experience with game modding, GUI development, and Python is highly desirable. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

    $140 Average bid
    $140 Snittbud
    17 bud

    I'm seeking a skilled Python developer to create an automatic Minecraft mod updater with a Windows-compatible GUI for Minecraft version 1.20.1. The mod updater should have the following capabilities: - Automatically update mods to the 1.20.1 version Experience with game modding, GUI development, and Python is highly desirable. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.

    $157 Average bid
    $157 Snittbud
    45 bud

    I'm seeking a skilled developer for a comprehensive DICOM Web Viewer. This tool needs to support diverse imaging modalities including CT scans, MRI scans, and X-ray images. Key functionalities must include: - Image annotation: Allow users to mark specific areas on the images. - 3D reconstruction: Facilitate the transformation of 2D images into 3D visualizations. - Measurement tools: Provide tools for users to measure distances, sizes, and other relevant parameters on the images. Compatibility is crucial for this project. The DICOM Web Viewer must function seamlessly across: - Web browsers - Mobile devices - Desktop applications Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in web development, mobile application development, and desktop software development. Familiarity with DI...

    $310 Average bid
    $310 Snittbud
    14 bud

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