Turn line vector line artJobb
Din uppgift är att redogöra för en hotad arts åtgärdsprogram. Du ska beskriva din art och dess hotläge och vilka åtgärder som föreslås eller har satts in för att rädda arten. Dokumentet lämnas in via uppgiften på GC och ska innehålla Times New Roman 12 punkter, radavstånd 1,5 och med standard marginaler.
Om uppdraget BI/BA-konsult för relativt kort uppdrag (4-5 mån), start omgående. Konsult behöver vara: Mycket duktig Business Process Analyst. Complience erfaren. Bekant med KYC, ODD och AML och med fördel bankerfarenhet (inte fin-tech). Ska kunna göra ordentliga GAP-analyser m.m. Uppdraget är under First line risk-delen hos kunden. Uppdraget kan utföras remote.
Hej Top Line Solutions, jag la märke till din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten.
tacc202 till 30-5
... Vi är en växande konsultbyrå inom strategisk och taktisk rådgivning som nu ska relansera vårt varumärke och ta fram en ny grafisk profil. Vi söker en partner som vill hjälpa oss genom att tillsammans i ett agilt arbetssätt jobbar fram följande leverabler. - Grafisk profil inkl logotype som ska gå att nyttja på flera olika marknader/internationellt. Ska gå att nyttja både i digitala och off-line kanaler. - En "Styleguide" som gör att vi tillsammans kan bygga en ny webb. - Grafik/element samt göra ett gäng olika mallar för digital marknadsföring (ex "Nyhetsbrev", "social Media kanaler", mm). - Olika typer av mallar för Word och PowerPoint...
copy paste one work in a text to another. very basic. /* Challenge your friends for a turn based game */ "Vem är bäst i körkortsteori? Utmana dina vänner eller en slumpmässig spelare" = "xxxxxx"; Copy the english words to the xxxxxx part.
... Vi är en växande konsultbyrå inom strategisk och taktisk rådgivning som nu ska relansera vårt varumärke och ta fram en ny grafisk profil. Vi söker en partner som vill hjälpa oss genom att tillsammans i ett agilt arbetssätt jobbar fram följande leverabler. - Grafisk profil inkl logotype som ska gå att nyttja på flera olika marknader/internationellt. Ska gå att nyttja både i digitala och off-line kanaler. - En "Styleguide" som gör att vi tillsammans kan bygga en ny webb. - Grafik/element samt göra ett gäng olika mallar för digital marknadsföring (ex "Nyhetsbrev", "social Media kanaler", mm). - Olika typer av mallar för Word och PowerPoint...
Hej Pixer Art .., jag la märke till din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera eventuella detaljer över chatt.
Vi kör 13st artiklar till om 400ord/art. Och som innan... minst en underrubrik/art. Välj fritt tema på artiklarna. Jag vill ha en artikel till var sajt nedan. Tänk på om du skriver om ngt casino... använd då ngt av de casinon jag rekommenderar på siten. =)
Jag skulle vilja få en snygg banner till min Youtube kanal som heter johnxlarat. Jag vill att det ska stå i mitten i blått johnxlarat och brevid på sidorna ska det finnas fifa 16, star wars battlefront och uncharted 4 personer och att det ska finnas lite low poly art.
...will have a positive effect on sales, 99 % have the same thing in common - they have no clue if it actually produces any result. With some of the sharpest minds in psychology, marketing and finance we have developed a system that reduces waste and guarantees at least a 20 % increase in results. That might not sound like much, but ask any company if they would like to add 20 % on their bottom line with the same kind of expenditure, they would jump on that opportunity every day of the week. We have gathered a very select list of companies that would benefit grately from this kind of help and should have all the possibilities of achieving the kind of results guaranteed. It all boils down to your way of presenting, building trust and gently pushing them into a beneficial deci...
Need an article in the Swedish language. Theme of the article: cleaning of apartments. The text needs to bokaflyttstä main page of the site. When writing a text guided the sites of our competitors: The text should turn out better than our competitors. It should be mention of the tax deduction, low cost, 10-day warranty. All terms and conditions on which we are working with the same terms and conditions described on this website: The text should to be structured and logically formatted. Text volume is not less than 2000 characters. In the text, try to use less water, more facts. Phrases you want to use in the text:
Behöver en logga för en chatt, url vill ha den i vector format..
Vår nuvarande webshop har fått ett felmeddelande som vi inte får bort. Vi skulle därför behöva hjälp med att undersöka vad problemet är och lösa detta. Följande felmeddelande visas: Notice: Den anropade konstruktormetoden för WP_Widget har fasats ut sed...behöva hjälp med att undersöka vad problemet är och lösa detta. Följande felmeddelande visas: Notice: Den anropade konstruktormetoden för WP_Widget har fasats ut sedan version 4.3.0! Använd istället __construct() . in /customers/e/3/1/ on line 3457 Notice: Den anropade konstruktormetoden för WP_Widget har fasats ut sedan version 4.3.0! Använd istället __construct() . in /customers/e/3/1/ on ...
Vill ha hjälp med stt skapa en logga til min hemsida. Loggan ska vara modern och stilfull . Vill ha både text och bild på loggan. Det viktigt att jag får loggan i Vector format och övriga format så jag kan använda det på print, web, textil mm Vi kan ta frågor och mera via meddelande när vi sätter igång.
Hej jag vill veta vad det kostar att bygga en enkel app där man kan skicka meddelanden till varandra så som ex Whats app, Line eller Skype. Jag vill hitta en person som kan utveckla billigt per timme då vi vill pröva oss fram med att ta fram appar och tjänster. Har du erfarenhet av e-handel och OSCommerce så är det meriterande. På sikt kan en meddelande app som Skype bli väldigt värdefull och du får växa med uppgiften och bättre inkomst möjligheter.
Vi letar efter partner som kan förse oss med wallart och wallquotes på engelska. Du letar efter populära fraser och designar dessa efter eget tycke samt förser oss med vector filer i .ai format. Titta gärna på vår sida för inspiration,
... Jag ¨ater f¨or mycket engelsk konfekt! Jas°a, Sofia, du ¨ater f¨or mycket engelsk konfekt. ¨An sen? Jag blir f¨or tjock. Jas°a, Sofia, du blir f¨or tjock. ¨An sen? D°a blir mina byxor f¨or tr°anga. Jas°a, Sofia, d°a blir dina byxor f¨or tr°anga. ¨An sen? Jag vill k¨anna mej smal, pappskalle! Jas°a, Sofia, du vill k¨anna dej smal, pappskalle. ¨An sen? Har du sv°art att fatta, din fjant? Jas°a, Sofia, har jag sv°art att fatta, min fjant. ¨An sen? osv... Programmet ska allts°a kunna k¨anna igen orden jag, du, min, din, mej, dej, mig, dig m. fl. och p°a l¨ampligt s¨att byta ut dem. F¨or att det ska vara l¨att att ut¨oka antalet o...
Behöver hjälp med att skapa en logo till min spelförening. Jag hade tänkt att vi byter tjänster med varandra. Ni hjälper mig att skapa en logo så hjälper jag er med kunder. Ni får synas i logon, synas på vår hemsida med ca 10 000 visningar senaste månaderna, 800 likes på fb, ca 34 000 visningar på vår senaste spelturnering (län...så hjälper jag er med kunder. Ni får synas i logon, synas på vår hemsida med ca 10 000 visningar senaste månaderna, 800 likes på fb, ca 34 000 visningar på vår senaste spelturnering (länk här ) Vi har tänkt oss en ganska simpel logo, så det behövs nog inte läggas ner nå jätte mycket t...
Behöver hjälp med att skapa en logo till min spelförening. Jag hade tänkt att vi byter tjänster med varandra. Ni hjälper mig att skapa en logo så hjälper jag er med kunder. Ni får synas i logon, synas på vår hemsida med ca 10 000 visningar senaste månaderna, 800 likes på fb, ca 34 000 visningar på vår senaste spelturnering (län...så hjälper jag er med kunder. Ni får synas i logon, synas på vår hemsida med ca 10 000 visningar senaste månaderna, 800 likes på fb, ca 34 000 visningar på vår senaste spelturnering (länk här ) Vi har tänkt oss en ganska simpel logo, så det behövs nog inte läggas ner nå jätte mycket t...
Hej, Jag är i behov av ytterligare en skribent som kan täcka upp för min förste skribent. Har du talangen att kunna skriva och attrahera dina läsare på ett bra sätt så kan du vara personen vi söker. För rätt person väntar fler jobb om vi är nöjda med ditt resultat. Uppgiften i detta projekt är att skriva 3 artiklar om 500ord/art. Artiklarna kommer därefter att publiceras på svenska poker och casino sidor. Det är därför väldigt viktigt att du som söker uppdraget kan svenska flytande. Samtliga artiklar ska vara unikt skrivna och inte kopierade/spunna eller konstgjorda på annat sätt. Har du dessutom kunskap om poker/casino/spelbranschen så ä...
Hej, Jag är i behov av ytterligare en skribent som kan täcka upp för min förste skribent. Har du talangen att kunna skriva och attrahera dina läsare på ett bra sätt så kan du vara personen vi söker. För rätt person väntar fler jobb om vi är nöjda med ditt resultat. Uppgiften i detta projekt är att skriva 3 artiklar om 500ord/art. Artiklarna kommer därefter att publiceras på svenska poker och casino sidor. Det är därför väldigt viktigt att du som söker uppdraget kan svenska flytande. Samtliga artiklar ska vara unikt skrivna och inte kopierade/spunna eller konstgjorda på annat sätt. Har du dessutom kunskap om poker/casino/spelbranschen så ä...
... Jag ¨ater f¨or mycket engelsk konfekt! Jas°a, Sofia, du ¨ater f¨or mycket engelsk konfekt. ¨An sen? Jag blir f¨or tjock. Jas°a, Sofia, du blir f¨or tjock. ¨An sen? D°a blir mina byxor f¨or tr°anga. Jas°a, Sofia, d°a blir dina byxor f¨or tr°anga. ¨An sen? Jag vill k¨anna mej smal, pappskalle! Jas°a, Sofia, du vill k¨anna dej smal, pappskalle. ¨An sen? Har du sv°art att fatta, din fjant? Jas°a, Sofia, har jag sv°art att fatta, min fjant. ¨An sen? osv... Programmet ska allts°a kunna k¨anna igen orden jag, du, min, din, mej, dej, mig, dig m. fl. och p°a l¨ampligt s¨att byta ut dem. F¨or att det ska vara l¨att att ut¨oka antalet o...
We are renovating our restaurant and looking for a talented wall artist based in Portland, Oregon to create vibrant Indian-Western fusion art designs. The artwork should reflect culinary elements from both cultures and be engaging for diners. Budget: $30 - $200 USD, Timeline: ASAP.
We are seeking a wall artist to create a fusion art design that blends Indian and Western styles for our restaurant renovation. The artwork should visually represent various culinary elements in a vibrant manner. Ideal artists will have experience in restaurant decor. Timeline: ASAP. Budget: $30 - $200 USD.
We are looking for a talented wall artist based in Portland, Oregon, to create Indian-Western fusion art designs for our restaurant renovation. The artwork should be vibrant and reflect elements of both cultures, similar to the provided reference images. Budget is $30 - $200, and we need the project completed as soon as possible.
We're renovating a restaurant and need a talented wall artist based in Portland, Oregon to create Indian-Western fusion art designs. The artwork should visually represent culinary elements from both cultures and should be vibrant and engaging. Budget: $30 - $200 USD.
We are seeking a wall artist to create a fusion art design that blends Indian and Western styles for our restaurant renovation. The artwork should visually represent various culinary elements in a vibrant manner. We aim for an engaging atmosphere that reflects both cultures. Ideal artists will have experience in restaurant decor. Timeline: ASAP. Budget: $30 - $200 USD.
I need a talented wall artist based in Portland, Oregon to create Indian-Western fusion artwork for my restaurant. The art should reflect elements of both cultures in a visually appealing manner. I’m looking for something playful and vibrant, similar to the attached images showing fusion styles with food themes. **Skills Required:** - Artistic skills in wall painting - Experience with restaurant/branding projects - Ability to work within provided budget **Timeline:** ASAP **Budget:** CAD $30 - $200
We are renovating a restaurant and looking for a wall artist based in Portland, Oregon, to create Indian-Western fusion art designs. The budget is between $30 to $200, and we need the project completed as soon as possible.
I'm renovating my restaurant and looking for an artist to create Indian-Western fusion wall art. The artwork should blend traditional Indian motifs with Western styles and highlight popular Indian dishes and street food. I'm seeking a vibrant, engaging design that invites customers in!
I am looking for a piece of modern wall art that captures the essence of Indian cuisine. The artwork should highlight spices and herbs, iconic Indian dishes, and cooking utensils. The color palette should consist of warm tones such as reds, oranges, and yellows. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in modern art styles - Deep understanding and appreciation of Indian food and culture - Ability to work with a warm color palette - Proficiency in creating engaging and visually appealing artwork
I'm looking for a creative and artistic background design that incorporates indigenous artwork for my company website, documents, shirts, and other marketing materials. The color scheme should be bright and vibrant. Key requirements: - Background design that is creative and artistic - Use of indigenous artwork - Bright and vibrant color palette Ideal skills: - Gra...for a creative and artistic background design that incorporates indigenous artwork for my company website, documents, shirts, and other marketing materials. The color scheme should be bright and vibrant. Key requirements: - Background design that is creative and artistic - Use of indigenous artwork - Bright and vibrant color palette Ideal skills: - Graphic design - Understanding of indigenous art - Color theory ...
I am looking for a talented artist who can create cartoon-style illustrations of me and my boyfriend in various dungeon adventure scenarios. This is a special gift for us, as we're bo...and my boyfriend in various dungeon adventure scenarios. This is a special gift for us, as we're both big fans of Dungeons and Dragons. Ideal scenarios could include: - Battling monsters - Exploring a mystical cave - Casting spells The drawings should be set in a classic dungeon adventure style, with plenty of detail and imagination. The artist should have a good understanding of both cartoon art and fantasy settings. This project will require creativity, attention to detail, and the ability to translate our likenesses into a cartoonish style. Please include examples of similar work in ...
...our logo stands out. Variations Requested Please provide at least three different logo variations. Each should have a distinct creative style aligned with the brand's voice and image. Deliverables Logo Variations: Provide at least three logo variations in high-resolution formats (SVG, PNG, JPEG, and PDF). Include color and grayscale variations for each logo. Design Files: Editable files in vector format (e.g., AI, EPS). Ensure all fonts used are outlined or shared alongside the files. Additional Notes Ensure each variation balances professionalism with a corporate look to appeal to a broad audience seeking a confident smile. Ensure the (symbol/icon) works well across various platforms, including website favicon, social media profiles, product packaging, and print mat...
...a unique and consistent style. - Animation Style: The desired style is 2D or vector-based animation. The animation should be clean, smooth, and visually appealing, in a way that aligns with the aesthetic of popular TikTok content. See example here: - Tone: The animation should convey a humorous and fun tone. This means that the animation should be playful, engaging, and capable of delivering comedic timing effectively. Animation shall be simple black and white, but expressive and engaging. The characters in this project shall all have faces like the ones in the attached images, but with different facial expressions that match the skit. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 2D vector-based animation - Experience with creating content for TikTok - Ability to convey
I have 10 backgrounds, they need to be drawn entirely in vector form in the Moho Pro program. The price for each is 5 DOLLARS, a total of 50 dollars.
We are opening a new restaurant, Burger Junction, specializing in gourmet and classic burgers. We need a creative, memorable logo that ref...classic burgers. We need a creative, memorable logo that reflects our casual and welcoming vibe. Design Preferences: - Style: Modern with a playful or retro touch. - Colors: Warm tones like red, yellow, or brown. - Typography: Bold and easy to read. - Icon Ideas: Burgers, grill marks, or junction/road-inspired elements. Deliverables: - High-resolution files for print and digital use. - Scalable vector formats (e.g., .AI, .SVG). We highly encourage you to use AI tools in your design process. If you are interested, please share your estimated delivery time and fixed cost. We’re excited to work with a talented designer to bring Burger Ju...
...design with an emblem of the four elements within the brand - A standalone design representing the four elements of the business - A unique background design All designs should strike a balance between minimalistic and detailed. A monochrome color scheme is preferred, one that can seamlessly integrate with our brand colors. Ultimately, these designs should embody a bold and adventurous feel, in line with the spirit of the brand. These are a selection of concepts we will be looking at of which one will be selected for use. Ideal skills and experience: - Strong illustration and design background - Experience with branding projects - Ability to balance minimalistic and intricate design - Proficiency in monochrome and brand color integration - Capability to evoke specific moods th...
I need to redesign images for sublimation that ensure high-quality, faithful reproduction of the original design. The final files should be delivered in vector format (AI, EPS, PDF) or high-resolution for sublimation. Proper use of colors and details is essential to achieve sharp and vibrant printing. I require fast delivery with the possibility of adjustments if necessary. Design requirements include: - High-quality and faithful reproduction of the original design. - File delivered in vector format or ready for sublimation. - Proper use of colors and details. - Fast delivery with adjustment options.
...connections from the aftermarket ECU. The desired end state is that the PCB allows those wiring connections to occur with 100% functionality of the onboard digital and analog sensors, as well as all other factory components in the wiring harness. Key Requirements: - The PCB should be capable of voltage regulation, as the systems operate at different voltage levels (12V and 5V). There will be hard line connection from the factory wiring harness. There will be a connection point with the aftermarket ECU system. There needs to be an ethernet connection (wiring from the aftermarket side, and is the access point for programming of the firmware,) and a breakout connector for future expansion. The factory ECU in question has 192 connections over 2x 96 pin connectors. Most of these con...
I need a design for merchandise and apparel for ...our company logos as attachments, and you can review our social media for inspiration and to understand our brand identity. Key Requirements: 1. The design must work on various merchandise (T-shirts, hats, hoodies, etc.). 2. Include the company name or logo: Name the Game Outfitters. 3. Be clean, professional, and appealing to outdoor enthusiasts. 4. Deliver in high-quality, scalable formats (vector preferred). Additional Info: I’ll provide our logos and social links for reference. Looking forward to seeing your creative ideas! Instagram: Facebook: Personal instagram: @ninaoutdoors_
I'm in need of a talented logo designer to bring to life a unique and engaging crocodile-themed logo. Key Tasks: - Create a realistic crocodile logo that embodies friendliness and elegance - Design a clean, modern, and versatile logo suitable for website use - Provide high-resolution formats, ideally a vector file - Offer multiple design variations and revisions if needed Ideal Candidate: - Strong portfolio in logo design, specifically with animal-themed branding - Proven ability to deliver high-quality work within a deadline - Able to create a logo that conveys the specified emotions and characteristics Please include your portfolio and a brief proposal with your estimated timeline and pricing. Your creativity is key in making this logo memorable and suitable for branding. ...
I need a design for a hoodie! Im planning to use to represent my business. I'm looking for a skilled illustrator to create a small piece of art for me. The piece should be an abstract, modern-style illustration. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating modern, minimalist-style abstract illustrations - Ability to understand and interpret the concept of 'modern' and 'abstract' - Strong portfolio showcasing similar work - Excellent communication skills for discussing ideas and concepts
...Ensure the logo is versatile, working well in both color and black and white. - Clearly incorporate the company name, “Tempotech .”, in the design. Deliverables: - A high-resolution logo in vector format (AI, EPS, SVG). - PNG, JPEG, and PDF versions of the logo. - A brief explanation of the design concept. Symbolic Elements: - The logo should be primarily text-based, but I am open to the inclusion of technological icons as symbolic elements. Typography: - The font style should be a Sans-serif type. Ideal candidate should have: - A strong portfolio in modern logo design. - Proficiency in using vector-based design software. - Excellent understanding of typography and color theory. - Ability to conceptualize and communicate design ideas clearly....
Upgrade 7-Zip 16.04 SFX to 7-Zip 24.09, Maintaining Existing Customizations W...customizations: Localization support via string tables Splash screen support Showing progress on taskbar Changing taskbar progress color upon errors/messages Extraction location changed to ProgramData Minimum extraction support (a very limited subset of archive) Silent extraction support Capturing and returning error code from launched program Cleanup after launched program finishes running Passing command line parameters to launched program Passing a couple extra parameters for password (if any) and current folder of SFX Plus, anything else that the source code DIFF will reveal (7-Zip version 16.04 sources are available at so these will be very helpful). lessMore/Less about
I am seeking a skilled graphic designer to...addiction, and conscious expansion. Section 3 Inside: What we offer: Psychedelic Consultation: Unsure where to begin? Book a consultation to craft a personalized strategy for your psychedelic journey. High-Dose Session Facilitation: Compassionate support to honor your intentions and ensure safety as you navigate healing and self-discovery. Psychedelic Integration Counseling: Turn your psychedelic experiences into life-changing transformations and deep healing through thoughtful integration. Microdosing Consultation: Guidance and support for individuals exploring microdosing psychedelic substances. Section 3 Outside: Logo Join the American Psychedelic Society Learn Heal Connect
.../ -p "Printer_Name" -f "" Test PDFs: I will provide 3 PDFs with unique sizes (e.g., 132x96 mm, 340x110 mm, 80x50 mm). Technical Constraints: Use only command-line tools (lp, pdfinfo, awk). No persistent CUPS configuration changes (e.g., avoid lpadmin if possible). Handle printers with hard-coded margins (content must be centered as much as hardware allows). Key Focus: Ensure the printer uses the exact paper size of the PDF (no cropping/stretching). Graceful error handling for unsupported sizes (e.g., Error: Printer X does not support 80x50mm). Skills Required Expertise in CUPS command-line tools and PDF metadata extraction. Knowledge of printer margin limitations and centering techniques. Experience with Bash string parsing (e.g., extracting d...
Desperate for a Helping Hand: Support for Lavish Furnishes Hey everyone, I’m reaching out because I’m in a tough spot and could really use some help. I’v...suppliers are solid, I’m in desperate need of a loan or any support to help me cover costs and drive sales. I believe in my vision, and I know that with a little help, I can make this business thrive! If you or someone you know can help—whether it’s through a loan, advice, or connections to resources—please reach out. I’m ready to put in the work and push through this last hump. Together, we can turn Lavish Furnishes into a success! Thank you for taking the time to read this. Your support means the world to me! Check out the website: #SupportSmallBusiness #LavishFurnishes #He...