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    teb400-472 teb210-399+inte teb1-54+int

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Snittbud
    1 bud

    ...Statements Ratio Analysis- include comparisons to the industry averages and competitors’ ratios Show the ratios by category. Show the ratios and then discuss the analysis and comparisons. Then do the next category with its ratios and discussion. Do this for each of the categories and ratios below: Liquidity- CR, QR Asset Utilization- ACP, Inv Turnover, FAT, TAT Debt- D/TA, D/SE, EBIT/Int Profitability- GPM, OPM, NPM, ROA, ROE Overall Conclusions from the Ratio Analysis Proforma Statements Identify and Explain Income Statement Assumptions- Base, Best, and Worst Cases Proforma Income Statements Identify and Explain Balance Sheet Assumptions- Base, Best, and Worst Cases Proforma Balance Sheets Valuation- Sh...

    $558 Average bid
    $558 Snittbud
    14 bud

    ...and a queue that supports adding and removing items from either the front or the back of the data structure. Create a generic data type Deque that implements the following API: public class Deque<Item> implements Iterable<Item> { // construct an empty deque public Deque() // is the deque empty? public boolean isEmpty() // return the number of items on the deque public int size() // add the item to the front public void addFirst(Item item) // add the item to the back public void addLast(Item item) // remove and return the item from the front public Item removeFirst() // remove and return the item from the back public Item removeLast() // return an iterator over items in order from front to back pu...

    $146 Average bid
    $146 Snittbud
    18 bud estimate p*. Percolation data type. To model a percolation system, create a data type Percolation with the following API: public class Percolation { // creates n-by-n grid, with all sites initially blocked public Percolation(int n) // opens the site (row, col) if it is not open already public void open(int row, int col) // is the site (row, col) open? public boolean isOpen(int row, int col) // is the site (row, col) full? public boolean isFull(int row, int col) // returns the number of open sites public int numberOfOpenSites() // does the system percolate? public boolean percolates() // test client (optional) public static void main(String[] args) } Corner cases. ...

    $128 Average bid
    $128 Snittbud
    23 bud using the supervision tools implemented on the client and Capgemini side Manage the relationship with the client regarding technical topics identified as being in the scope of the bundle Manage the relationship with users during incident management (qualification, resolution, information)Ensure the maintenance in operational conditions (MCO) of applications on the different environments (INT if present/VAL/PROD) Participate in the maintenance of production and operating documentation (validation, drafting of simplified operating procedures, update requests)Monitoring and processing of incidents and implementation and support requests Help with problem solving Support during crises/Major incidents by following the MIM IAM process, within the limits of the IAM Access tec...

    $57 / hr Average bid
    $57 / hr Snittbud
    14 bud

    ...well mapped. So future updates will be straight forward. Should maintains it's full features, capacity, ...., and anything related to performance. b) (very important) Integrate Ultimate++ "Find In Files.." to search the database it could display the rows where data " like text, int..., any string ) found, option to display the table, and may only the cell or selected cells (columns) , clicking found entry could display (table ,or row, or group of cells , or open to edit, or ...) to do the same as find in files int upp Theide, so great care and attention should be taken to elaborate this feature , (very important).Your work should be given to me daily (source code). No cent will be paid for incomplete work. So in brief (a) using DB Browser for SQLite ...

    $82 Average bid
    $82 Snittbud
    22 bud

    The budget for this is $4/hour 40 hours/week (non-negotiable) I'm looking for a developer with experience in C# to help develop a Learning Management System. With your application, include a solution in C# to the following problem: Implement int Missing(int[] list, int a, int b), which returns the number of integers between a and b that are missing from the list. Proposals that don't include an answer or use chatGPT to get the answer will be ignored.

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Snittbud
    53 bud

    ...well mapped. So future updates will be straight forward. Should maintains it's full features, capacity, ...., and anything related to performance. b) (very important) Integrate Ultimate++ "Find In Files.." to search the database it could display the rows where data " like text, int..., any string ) found, option to display the table, and may only the cell or selected cells (columns) , clicking found entry could display (table ,or row, or group of cells , or open to edit, or ...) to do the same as find in files int upp Theide, so great care and attention should be taken to elaborate this feature , (very important).Your work should be given to me daily (source code). No cent will be paid for incomplete work. So in brief (a) using DB Browser for SQLite ...

    $73 Average bid
    $73 Snittbud
    18 bud

    The budget for this is $4/hour 40 hours/week (non-negotiable) I'm looking for a developer with experience in C# to help develop a Learning Management System. With your application, include a solution in C# to the following problem: Implement int Missing(int[] list, int a, int b), which returns the number of integers between a and b that are missing from the list. Proposals that don't include an answer or use chatGPT to get the answer will be ignored.

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Snittbud
    58 bud

    Vänligen Vänligen Registrera dig eller Logga in för att se mer information.

    I'm seeking a designer to create two distinct display mock-ups for our affordable yet high-quality projectors, intended for a four-foot space at Best Buy stores. I've attached the three items and branding that we have, please use as best you can to match. We want all three to be on display int he four feet of section and box stock on three shelves underneath, with a backer behind the displays. I gave you a comparison chart for specs, please do not include vankyo or epson on display it is a comparison chart. The displays should feature: - Three displays with box stock - A lifestyle image depicting a home theater setup as the backer Your mock-ups should primarily serve to: - Attract attention of potential customers I would also like you to highlight specific features of o...

    $88 Average bid
    Brådskande Sekretessavtal
    $88 Snittbud
    55 bud
    Trophy icon Gelato upload pdf to photobook api
    Avslutades left

    ...f"item-{().hex[:8]}", # Unikt item-ID "productUid": ("GELATO_PRODUCT_ID"), # Se till att rätt produkt-ID används "files": [ { "type": "default", "url": pdf_url # Använder PDF-URL direkt } ], "quantity": 1, "pageCount": int(fake_page_count) # ? Använder det redan justerade sidantalet } ], "shipmentMethodUid": "standard", "shippingAddress": { "companyName": customer_name, "firstName": ()[0] if &quo...

    $10 Average bid
    7 bidrag

    As a modern Interior Design Agency, we require a talented graphic designer to create an eye-catching logo that reflects our forward-thinking approach. Key Project Details: - Logo to include the name - Intez ( Tag line: Interiors Made Easy) and a HOUSE ICON - Intez has to be in 2 Colors: 'Int' in White (#ffffff) and 'ez' in Yellow ( #ffc119). Or any other colors of your choice, just ensure that Intez is in 2 colors - Int+ez. - I would need the logo in the SVG, PNG and WebP formats. Or Vector image format. Let your creativity flow and help us build a powerful identity in the digital marketing world.

    $6 Average bid
    249 bidrag

    The budget for this is $4/hour 40 hours/week (non-negotiable) I'm looking for a developer with experience in C# to help develop a Learning Management System. With your application, include a solution in C# to the following problem: Implement int Missing(int[] list, int a, int b), which returns the number of integers between a and b that are missing from the list. Proposals that don't include an answer or use chatGPT to get the answer will be ignored.

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Snittbud
    50 bud

    The budget for this is $4/hour 40 hours/week (non-negotiable) I'm looking for a developer with experience in C# to help develop a Learning Management System. With your application, include a solution in C# to the following problem: Implement int Missing(int[] list, int a, int b), which returns the number of integers between a and b that are missing from the list. Proposals that don't include an answer or use chatGPT to get the answer will be ignored.

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Snittbud
    38 bud

    ...databases: DESCRIBE Customers; CustomerID int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment CompanyName varchar(200) NO UNI NULL Address text NO NULL Country varchar(100) NO NULL City varchar(100) NO NULL PostCode varchar(20) NO NULL ContactPerson varchar(200) NO NULL ContactPhone varchar(50) NO NULL ContactEmail varchar(255) NO NULL InvoicingEmail varchar(255) NO NULL LicenseType enum('Basic','Business','Professional') NO NULL DataControllersNoLicense int(11) NO NULL DataControllersEditAllowed tinyint(1) NO 0 GDPRActiveNoLicense int(11) NO 1 WebPublishingLicense tinyint(1) NO 0 ConsentLicense tinyint(1) NO 0 LicenseActiveFrom date NO NULL LicenseActiveTo date NO NULL DPOResellerCustomer tinyint(1)...

    $139 Average bid
    $139 Snittbud
    42 bud

    ...databases: DESCRIBE Customers; CustomerID int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment CompanyName varchar(200) NO UNI NULL Address text NO NULL Country varchar(100) NO NULL City varchar(100) NO NULL PostCode varchar(20) NO NULL ContactPerson varchar(200) NO NULL ContactPhone varchar(50) NO NULL ContactEmail varchar(255) NO NULL InvoicingEmail varchar(255) NO NULL LicenseType enum('Basic','Business','Professional') NO NULL DataControllersNoLicense int(11) NO NULL DataControllersEditAllowed tinyint(1) NO 0 GDPRActiveNoLicense int(11) NO 1 WebPublishingLicense tinyint(1) NO 0 ConsentLicense tinyint(1) NO 0 LicenseActiveFrom date NO NULL LicenseActiveTo date NO NULL DPOResellerCustomer tinyint(1)...

    $138 Average bid
    $138 Snittbud
    64 bud

    ...set; } [JsonProperty(NullValueHandling = )] public string selloRecibido { get; set; } public class RootObject { public List<cfViewModel> Data { get; set; } } public class CuerpoDocumento { public int numItem { get; set; } public int tipoItem { get; set; } public object numeroDocumento { get; set; } public decimal cantidad { get; set; } public object codigo { get; set; } public object codTributo { get; set; } public int uniMedida { get; set; } public string descripcion { get; set; } public decimal precioUni { get; set; } public decimal montoDescu { get; set; } public decimal ventaNoSuj { get; set; } public decimal ventaExenta { ge...

    $126 Average bid
    $126 Snittbud
    7 bud

    ...Clutch (0 to 1) Gear (integer, e.g., -1 for reverse, 0 for neutral, 1-6 for gears) It should support sending force feedback commands to the wheel. Native Plugin (C++ DLL): The plugin should be written in C++ and compiled into a DLL. It should expose the following functions for Unity to call: cpp Copy void InitializeDirectInput(); void ReadInput(float* throttle, float* brake, float* clutch, int* gear); void SetForceFeedback(float force); Unity Integration: The plugin should be compatible with Unity's IL2CPP backend. Provide a sample Unity C# script that demonstrates how to: Initialize the plugin. Read input data (throttle, brake, clutch, gear) in the Update loop. Send force feedback commands to the wheel. Performance: The plugin must be efficient and capable of r...

    $169 Average bid
    $169 Snittbud
    28 bud

    ...tool utilizing the Anthropic Claude API and Python. The tool should optimize existing texts or create new content in a way that makes AI generation undetectable. As a non-programmer, I need a developer who can take over the existing codebase, understand its current state, and implement necessary improvements while maintaining the original functionality goals. Option 2: You have exactly developt int he past, what i needand can give me this for this sum. ## Current Project Status & Challenges ### Existing Codebase We have a partially implemented Python-based content optimization system with: - Core system architecture and file structure - Basic API integration with Anthropic Claude - Initial implementation of expert dialogue simulation - Content chunking system - Keyword an...

    $382 Average bid
    $382 Snittbud
    32 bud

    ... Some systems allow two way communication with the restaurant customer. We will not implement two way communications at this time but we will later. The restaurant database looks like this: CREATE TABLE restaurants ( restaurant_id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, restaurant_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, address VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, phone_number VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, qr_code_url VARCHAR(255), opt_in_url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, last_campaign_date DATETIME, total_campaigns INT DEFAULT 0, total_sms_sent INT DEFAULT 0 ); Explanation of Fields: restaurant_id: Unique identifier for each restaurant. restaurant_name: Name of the restaurant. address: Physical address of the restaurant. phone_number: Restaurant's...

    $9291 Average bid
    Framhäv Sekretessavtal
    $9291 Snittbud
    50 bud

    ...margins } }; // 3. Print using var document = new PdfDocument(pdfPath); // ... (implement printing logic) return true; } private PaperSize CreateCustomPaperSize(float widthMm, float heightMm) { // Convert mm to hundredths of inches (1 inch = 25.4 mm) int widthHundredthsInch = (int)(widthMm / 25.4 * 100); int heightHundredthsInch = (int)(heightMm / 25.4 * 100); return new PaperSize("Custom", widthHundredthsInch, heightHundredthsInch); } } Testing Criteria Test 1 – Exact Dimensions: Print a 132x96 mm PDF and measure the output with calipers. Test 2 – Printer Agnostic: Verify compatibility with 2+ printer...

    $162 Average bid
    $162 Snittbud
    43 bud

    The budget for this is $4/hour 40 hours/week (non-negotiable) I'm looking for a developer with experience in C# to help develop a Learning Management System. With your application, include a solution in C# to the following problem: Implement int Missing(int[] list, int a, int b), which returns the number of integers between a and b that are missing from the list. Proposals that don't include an answer or use chatGPT to get the answer will be ignored.

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Snittbud
    39 bud

    I need packaging for electrical wires and cables. We need packaging that looks unique to our brand and something that will be remembered when it doesn't have anything int he package. The name of our cable is Voltlink the logo is here. I want this packaging to look stunning but clearly recognizable to all our customers and also persons who don't know about cable should recognize the brand on the packaging. The packaging is a vinyl wrap that shrinks onto the roll of cable like shown in the pictures.

    $100 Average bid
    118 bidrag

    ...the scraped data in a database (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB) for easy access. Step 5: Load Data to Your Website Once you have the scraped data, you can load it onto your website using the following steps: 1. Store Data in a Database Use a database like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB to store the scraped data. Example schema for a product table: sql Copy CREATE TABLE products ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), price DECIMAL(10, 2), image_url VARCHAR(255), product_url VARCHAR(255), created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); 2. Build an API (Optional) Create an API using a backend framework like Node.js, Django, or Flask to serve the product data to your website. Example API endpoint: python Copy from flask import Flas...

    $694 Average bid
    $694 Snittbud
    145 bud

    The budget for this is $4/hour 40 hours/week (non-negotiable) I'm looking for a developer with experience in C# to help develop a Learning Management System. With your application, include a solution in C# to the following problem: Implement int Missing(int[] list, int a, int b), which returns the number of integers between a and b that are missing from the list. Proposals that don't include an answer or use chatGPT to get the answer will be ignored.

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Snittbud
    39 bud
    Full Stack Developer
    Avslutades left

    The budget for this is $4/hour 40 hours/week (non-negotiable) I'm looking for a developer with experience in C# to help develop a Learning Management System. With your application, include a solution in C# to the following problem: Implement int Missing(int[] list, int a, int b), which returns the number of integers between a and b that are missing from the list. Proposals that don't include an answer or use chatGPT to get the answer will be ignored.

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Snittbud
    46 bud

    ...plugin of wordpress for woocommerce categories. What it check the plugin is that all the subcategories created under ‘Shop By Brand’ with slug ‘shop-by-brand’. I t will check all the subcategories under that one and order in an index to that when you click the letter it will display the corresponding elements of that letter, o if click ALL it will show ALL is very self explanatory. The plugin works int his way is needed to activate and in any page created is needed to enter the shortcode [vendor_alphabetical_index] in any text box. The problem I have is that when the columns are created to split the large quantity of elements, each column is created with its own elements and ordered alphabetically independently. For example, if you click the A letter to ...

    $120 Average bid
    $120 Snittbud
    19 bud

    ...'OK'){ $legs = $mapjsondata['routes'][0]['legs'][0]; $distancevalue = (int) round(trim(str_replace("km","",$legs['distance']['text']))); //1 hour 41 mins $dureationset = explode(" ",$legs['duration']['text']); if(count($dureationset)>2){ $searchreplece = (int) ((((int) ($dureationset[0]))*60)+$dureationset[2]); } else { $searchreplece = trim(str_replace("mins","",$legs['duration']['text'])); } ...

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Snittbud
    21 bud

    I need a Pure PHP expert to help me resolve an API issue. Specifically, I'm encountering warnings in my PHP script: - Object of class mysqli could not be converted to float - Object of class mysqli could not be converted to int Both of these warnings are originating from line 494 of the file in my API.

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Snittbud
    81 bud

    ...finalizado quando eu executar a primeira compra com sucesso. Eis o código: =============================================================== <?php $apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; // Substitui pela tua chave API $apiSecret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; // Substitui pelo teu segredo API $baseUrl = ""; // 1) Endpoint + timestamp na query $endpoint = "/api/v1/trade/order"; $timestamp = (int)(microtime(true) * 1000); $queryString = "timestamp=" . $timestamp; // só o timestamp na query $pathUrl = $endpoint . "?" . $queryString; // /api/v1/trade/order?timestamp=... // 2) Corpo da requisição (JSON) - parâmetros da ordem // Pionex (similar à Binance) exige "quoteOrderQty" para Mark...

    $33 Average bid
    $33 Snittbud
    2 bud

    ...- - - //{ simple int short_len = (111, "Short Length MA") simple int long_len = (350, "Long Length MA") simple string ma_type = ("SMA", "Moving Average Type", options = ["SMA", "EMA"]) simple string mode = ("LOG(X)", "Oscillator Mode", options = ["RAW", "LOG(X)"]) //} // - - - - - CALCULATIONS - - - - - //{ series float s_ma = switch ma_type "SMA" => (close, short_len) "EMA" => (close, short_len) series float l_ma = switch ma_type "SMA" => (close, long_len) "EMA" => (close, long_len) series float osc = switch mod...

    $162 Average bid
    $162 Snittbud
    44 bud

    I'm seeking a modified Chromium browser windows installer file & source code. This needs to allow for a maximum of 500 WebSocket connections per domain. Key Requirements: - Compatibility: The modified Chromium browser must be compatible with Windows OS. - Version: The modifications should be made on the stable release Here are steps to build: Update WebSocket-Specific Limits in several files as below: Look for WebSocket-specific limits in: net/websockets/ services/network/ Modify any hardcoded limits or configuration values. Example: const int kMaxConcurrentConnections = 6; Change it to: const int kMaxConcurrentConnections = 500; Thanks

    $126 Average bid
    $126 Snittbud
    9 bud

    I need help fixing errors in my Blazer Web App related to MudBlazor. The app is throwing multiple errors about obsolete properties that need to be updated. The specific errors I'm encountering are: - 'MudAutocomplete<int>.OffsetY' is obsolete: 'Use AnchorOrigin or TransformOrigin instead.' - '' is obsolete: 'Use AnchorOrigin or TransformOrigin instead.' - 'MudAutocomplete<int>.OffsetY' is obsolete: 'Use AnchorOrigin or TransformOrigin instead.' - '' is obsolete: 'Use AnchorOrigin or TransformOrigin instead.' I have not attempted to fix these issues myself yet. I would like the freelancer to update the code to use 'AnchorOrigin' or 'TransformOrigin' for all o...

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Snittbud
    10 bud

    ...(SetThreadDesktop(hWinlogonDesktop)) { (); (false); (new LockScreenForm()); } else { int error = (); ($"Failed to set thread desktop. Error: {error}"); } CloseDesktop(hWinlogonDesktop); } else { int error = (); ($"Failed to open Winlogon desktop. Error: {error}"); } } } public class LockScreenForm : Form { public LockScreenForm() { FormBorderStyle = ; WindowState = FormWindowState

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Snittbud
    16 bud

    ...9 simple moving average. When the candle eventually closes below the 9 sma, I want those to be counted also my current script isnt perfect and occasionally give repeating numbers plot(close) indicator("Candle Count", overlay=true) // Source for SMA calculation source = close // Calculate the 9-period SMA sma9 = (source, 9) // Variables for counters and tracking state var int aboveCount = 0 var int belowCount = 0 var bool isAboveSMA = false var bool isBelowSMA = false // Check if the body of the candle (open and close) is above or below SMA and handle counting if close > sma9 and open > sma9 // Both open and close above SMA if not isAboveSMA isAboveSMA := true isBelowSMA := false aboveCount := 1 // Reset to 1 when we s...

    $125 Average bid
    $125 Snittbud
    14 bud

    I'm in the process of developing a game utilizing UE5.5, and I'm in need of a talented programmer to create a blueprint or C++ function (callable by blueprint) that generates a realistic oscilloscope image based on a int entry value. At the end this function will be crucial for a mini-game where players must determine the correct value by interpreting the generated oscilloscope image. Key Requirements: - Create a realistic oscilloscope image - Integrate grid lines and waveform amplitude into the display - Ensure the function is callable by blueprint Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in UE5.5, particularly with blueprints and C++ - Experience with game development and designing interactive elements - Understanding of realistic graphical styles - Ability to create engaging and i...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Snittbud
    7 bud

    ...Dependencies requests library for API calls Example Implementation A reference implementation has been provided in the attached code. Key classes and methods: pythonCopyclass NBAStatsCalculator: def __init__(self, api_key: str = None) def get_player_id(self, player_name: str) -> int def get_player_stats(self, player_id: int, num_games: int) -> List[Dict] def calculate_averages(self, stats: List[Dict], num_games: int) -> Dict[str, float] def calculate_totals(self, stats: List[Dict], game_increments: List[int]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] def get_player_analysis(self, player_name: str) -> Dict[str, Union[Dict[str, float], Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]]] Testing Requirements Test with various player names including t...

    $167 Average bid
    $167 Snittbud
    34 bud

    The project is to build a school website for CAD$100 Design: any, but must be modern and professional CMS: any Deadline: not fixed, but the sooner the better It must have an admin and a CMS, so that I can edit it from the backend This is a low-budget project, so it is best for those who have already done it before; where you can use your own code to build it Payment: I DO ...professional CMS: any Deadline: not fixed, but the sooner the better It must have an admin and a CMS, so that I can edit it from the backend This is a low-budget project, so it is best for those who have already done it before; where you can use your own code to build it Payment: I DO NOT pay ANYTHING before project completion You must do everything: design and development, and that is all included int ...

    $83 Average bid
    $83 Snittbud
    146 bud

    i inned someone to intergrate a live pleyer int my wordpress website, reove some section and then addd the live player, the love player shd be mobile responsice 2. add me a banner section, this banner i shd be abke yo customize it whenever i want, whether its 9:16 or 16:9, banner shd be sliding Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10 comment or bid only of u can do it as i want on that budget Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10Budget is $10,Budget is $10,Budget is $10Budget is $10,Budget ...

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Snittbud
    76 bud

    ...APIResponseHandler: @staticmethod def success(data: Any = None, status_code: int = 200, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: end_time = () start_time = ('start_time', end_time) duration = round(end_time - start_time, 3) return { "content": APIResponse( success=True, data=data, meta={ "http_code": status_code, "timestamp": end_time, "duration": f"{duration} seconds", **kwargs } ).dict(), "status_code": status_code } @staticmethod def error(message: str, status_code: int...

    $2412 Average bid
    $2412 Snittbud
    48 bud

    Extension of glass container with 1st floor and staicase int+ext. - exactly above the glass container that we just made - same glass panels as below - outside/inside staircase - we can try both solutions - yes, i need a few updated renders note1: because we have the concrete structure between the 2 containers, we might need 2 staicases and i would like to try to have 1 on the int & 1 on the ext. Height: 3,5m for ground floor (the glass remains 2,7m high)

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Vänligen Vänligen Registrera dig eller Logga in för att se mer information.

    Framhäv Sekretessavtal

    Hi, Hope you are doing well. I am looking for 10 attractive logo designs with their slogans and extensions like .CO or .COM etc. Here are the points to consider : 1. Rectangle in shape, not circle. 2. Stylish, innovative - play with the letters, add icons, beautify them 3. DON'T use AI or artificial int, use Photoshop or Illustrator 4. Format - PSD, Illustrator, PDF, JPG, PNG, Transparent, SVG Logo details :  1. - ? – The Cue to Future Innovation! ? 2. – The AI Revolution Starts Here! ? 3. ElmirHD - Your Journey, Redefined 4. : Drive Smart, Live Smooth 5. – Empower Your AI Journey! ?✨ 6. - "AI Saves You" 7. - "AI for All" 8. - "Glow with Style" 9. - "Glow Outside" 10. - "Live in Lush" Deli...

    $8 Average bid
    103 bidrag

    I'm experiencing problems with specific business IDs in Swagger. For certain IDs, I'm not receiving the complete data responses as expected. Sorting is also not functioning correctly the way it should Ensure the sorting function works in "By doc no" order. can't convert it to int because of this     [StringLength(25, ErrorMessage = "DocNo exceeds maximum allowed length")]     public string? DocNo { get; set; } Key Requirements: - Debugging: Identify and rectify the missing responses issue. - Sorting: Ensure the sorting function works as intended. - API Knowledge: Familiarity with Swagger and its interface. Your expertise in API troubleshooting and experience with Swagger will be key to resolving these is...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Snittbud
    7 bud

    ...ActionEvent; import ; public class BouncingBall extends JPanel implements ActionListener { private int ballX = 50; // Initial x position of the ball private int ballY = 50; // Initial y position of the ball private int ballDiameter = 30; // Diameter of the ball private int ballDeltaX = 2; // Horizontal speed of the ball private int ballDeltaY = 3; // Vertical speed of the ball private Timer timer; protected void startGame() { timer = new Timer(10, this); // Sets a timer to update the ball's position (); } // Sets the initial position of the ball protected void setXY(int x, int y) { ballX = x; ballY = y; } // Gets the current position of the ball p...

    $161 Average bid
    $161 Snittbud
    28 bud

    ...Update the file to support adding spaceships to the simulation. In the test code, add an example of a SpaceShip object: (new SpaceShip(10, 0, 0.1, 0.1)); User Interface Enhancements: Add a button to the MainWindow class for launching a spaceship. Bind the button to the Launch method (described below). Spaceship Launch System: Create a method Launch(int planetId, double dx, double dy): Preconditions: The simulation contains a planet with the specified planetId. Postconditions: A spaceship is created with initial coordinates matching those of the planet with planetId and velocity (dx, dy). The spaceship is added to the current simulation. The spaceship is returned as the result of the operation. UI Changes: Add a Launch method to Avalonia UI code:

    $58 Average bid
    $58 Snittbud
    3 bud

    I'm looking for an expert in Excel and RSA encryption to create a tool for me. Th...uses one time pad encryption to encrypted your full name. Using the following formulas ·       Lookup table Formula : =CODE(cell number)-65 ·       Convert text to decimal= =HLOOKUP( cell number, lookup table,2) ·       Random key generation o   Using RAND function  RANDBETWEEN(0,26) o   Using VB script  Function RNDINT(lowerbound As Integer, upperbound As Integer) As Integer Randomize RNDINT = Int(lowerbound + Rnd() * (upperbound - lowerbound + 1)) End Function ·       Encryption form...

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Snittbud
    7 bud