Queue model simulation javaJobb


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    2,000 queue model simulation java hittade uppdrag

    ...which has a magnitude of 60 kN. This point load is assumed to be able to act anywhere along the bridge, except for a short distance of 1.0 m closest to the supports. This is justified by one wheel axle leaving the bridge, resulting in a reduced load. A calculation model and cross-sectional dimensions for a main beam are shown in Figure 2. The beam is assumed to be simply supported with a span of 12 m. The analysis does not take into account dynamic effects, instability, and local stress concentrations. Figure 2: Calculation model and cross-sectional dimensions for the main beam. Task 3, Determine reaction forces, shear forces, and moments: Task 3a: Determine the most critical placement of the point load in terms of moment. Determine the moment diagram for the beam for t...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Snittbud
    3 bud
    3d house model
    Avslutades left

    Hej Hassaan Bin F., jag la märke till din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten.

    $300 Average bid
    $300 Snittbud
    1 bud

    behöver bygga ett formlär och koppla det

    $482 Average bid
    $482 Snittbud
    10 bud

    ITSM Delivery söker Integrationsutvecklare för vår kund. Krav: Java Scala Python R Biztalk Erfarenhet av IBM MQ-server och Biztalk som meddelandesystem att integrera till. Erfarenhet av att bygga near-realtime-instrumentpaneler för att stödja affärsverksamheten. Målet är att använda Spark streaming. Erfarenhet - 6 år. Start: augusti, 2019 Ort: Stockholm / Solna Vi erbjuder: Mycket kreativ och dynamisk miljö, vilket ger en hälsosam professionell utmaning till proffs. Långsiktiga projekt och mysig atmosfär. Det här är ett heltidsjobb i Stockholm, ingen frilansmöjlighet. Ta gärna kontakt med mig för mer information.

    $53 / hr Average bid
    $53 / hr Snittbud
    3 bud
    Java FX GUI Programmer
    Avslutades left

    A complete user interface programme

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Snittbud
    11 bud

    Vi söker någon som kan lära ut front-end utveckling under en längre tid. Du skall ha goda kunskaper inom HTML5,CSS3,Jquery och javascript. Du skall vara en pedagogisk person och göra dig väl förstådd i tal och skrift på både Svenska och Engelska.

    $25 / hr Average bid
    $25 / hr Snittbud
    7 bud

    Windows Java Skapa en app som räknar kubikmeter på material genom att fota objektet.

    $2222 Average bid
    $2222 Snittbud
    3 bud

    Vi söker en skicklig apputvecklare med goda kunskaper om Android och i Java, Swift eller Objective-C. Det är meriterande om du har följande: Kunskap om QA-verktyg Kunskap om hybridapputveckling. Kunskap om Windows Phone Erfarenhet av användbarhetstester och tillgänglighet Utvecklat egna app:ar som finns i Google Play eller App Store På grund av sekretess kan vi dessvärre inte gå in på projektet.

    $322 Average bid
    $322 Snittbud
    4 bud

    ...follows) Vi söker dig som har erfarenhet av att jobba med Facebooks API för annonspublicering, och som kan hjälpa oss att automatisera processen att publicera målgruppsanpassade annonser från vårat system till Facebook. Vårt system bygger på en Java-miljö, där vi har en mängd olika jobbannonser riktade till olika målgrupper lagrade i en databas. Vissa av dessa jobb vill vi på ett enkelt sätt kunna publicera som facebook-annonser, riktade till just rätt målgrupp (kön/ålder/region). Antingen görs projektet genom att du skriver något i Java, som lägg till som en modul i vårt befintliga system, som publicerar utvald data till Facebook. Alternativt t...

    $1465 - $2930
    $1465 - $2930
    0 bud
    Service modul
    Avslutades left

    ...costumer have? We are thinking of 2 dropdown lists. Manufacturer (Apple, Samsung, HTC, etc.) Model (If manufacturer is Apple; then iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPad 4, etc.) After the kind of unit has been established, we need to know what type of service the costumer is asking for. (Example, Screen replacement, speakers, etc.) This function needs to be connected to the inventory database, since we run the same inventory for our webpage and for the local shop. We need to keep the same amount of stock in both places, regardless of where the costumer places his/her order. So, for summary: First/Lastname Social Security Number Adress Telephone Number & Email Unit selection (Manufacturer & Model) Service selection (Screen replacement, speakers, water damage etc.) ...

    $505 Average bid
    $505 Snittbud
    4 bud

    Jag har ett antal minecraft plugins som jag vill ha gjorda därför har jag inget bestämt pris då det kan bero på hur snabbt det går med varje plugin.

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 bud
    Simple Java programs
    Avslutades left

    I have four university object oriented assignments I need to write a java program for. The assignments include 1.a) Write some simple java programs with hello world and reading numbers from the command prompt and conduct some arithmetic operations on them. 1.b) Position and coordinates and strings 2.a) Measurment and sensors, many classes that work together , sub-classes , and reading of the data from a webserver 3. Java graphic as well as standad classes for lists. Save list of positions as an arrays and iterators. A simple animation in the end of the assignment making a red circle that is made of the given positions. 4. The final assignment is to write a program that simulates how bunch of balls hit against the walls inside an isolated rectangular 2...

    $142 Average bid
    $142 Snittbud
    4 bud

    I have four university object oriented assignments I need to write a java program for. The assignments include 1.a) Write some simple java programs with hello world and reading numbers from the command prompt and conduct some arithmetic operations on them. 1.b) Position and coordinates and strings 2.a) Measurment and sensors, many classes that work together , sub-classes , and reading of the data from a webserver 3. Java graphic as well as standad classes for lists. Save list of positions as an arrays and iterators. A simple animation in the end of the assignment making a red circle that is made of the given positions. 4. The final assignment is to write a program that simulates how bunch of balls hit against the walls inside an isolated rectangular 2...

    $118 Average bid
    $118 Snittbud
    5 bud
    Simple Java programs
    Avslutades left

    I have four university object oriented assignments I need to write a java program for. The assignments include 1.a) Write some simple java programs with hello world and reading numbers from the command prompt and conduct some arithmetic operations on them. 1.b) Position and coordinates and strings 2.a) Measurment and sensors, many classes that work together , sub-classes , and reading of the data from a webserver 3. Java graphic as well as standad classes for lists. Save list of positions as an arrays and iterators. A simple animation in the end of the assignment making a red circle that is made of the given positions. 4. The final assignment is to write a program that simulates how bunch of balls hit against the walls inside an isolated rectangular 2...

    $113 Average bid
    $113 Snittbud
    4 bud

    Jag vill ha en loggo till ett företag som tillverka barnmat. Helmers Köttbulle fabrik. Jag vill att den här pojken ska vara model för loggan. Ska se glad och busig ut. se bifogade filer. Mer jobb kan komma framöver vid framtagande av material och en barnbok.

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Snittbud
    14 bud
    Skriv lite programvara
    Avslutades left

    Söker någon som är erfaren inom java och hur man kan skapa ett mod program tillägg. Tanken är att det ska vara ett program som känner av ändringar innan dem sker och skicka ut commandos på automatik efter aktiviering. känner du att du är rätt person för detta, svara i ett mail. [Contact details removed by Freelancer.com Administrators for breaching the site Terms and Conditions] Bra belöning finns om du är lyckad!

    $981 Average bid
    $981 Snittbud
    3 bud

    Senior Java utvecklare för Android med goda kunskaper inom HTML CSS för utveckling av en stor hybrid-app. 50% 6 månader med ev förlängning. Helst erfarenhet av AngularJS.

    $3252 Average bid
    $3252 Snittbud
    4 bud

    Hej! Jag har läst grundkurs i programmering. I kursen ingår 6 laborationer som är på svenska. Jag lämnade in labbarna för två år sedan och fick komplettering på labbarna. Tyvärr fick jag kompletteringen två år efter inlämning och minns därmed inget utav kursen eller Java och det är därför jag behöver hjälp. Vill du arbeta efter fastpris går det också bra.

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Snittbud
    5 bud
    Java grunder
    Avslutades left

    Hej! Jag har läst grundkurs i programmering. I kursen ingår 6 laborationer som är på svenska. Jag lämnade in labbarna för två år sedan och fick komplettering på labbarna. Tyvärr fick jag kompletteringen två år efter inlämning och minns därmed inget utav kursen eller Java och det är därför jag behöver hjälp. Vill du arbeta efter fastpris går det också bra.

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Snittbud
    1 bud

    Hej! Jag har läst programmeringsgrunder och använt programmet Java. I kursen ingår 6 laborationer (på svenska) som man gör hemma. Jag lämnade in labbarna för två år sedan. Då jag har fått kompletteringen två år senare så minns jag inte något utav kursen eller Java och det är därför jag behöver hjälp. I varje labb finns flera uppgifter och jag behöver någon som kan fixa dessa åt mig. Vill man arbeta efter fastpris går det också bra. Mvh Hanna

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Snittbud
    10 bud

    Hej! Jag har läst programmeringsgrunder och använt programmet Java. I kursen ingår 6 laborationer (på svenska) som man gör hemma. Jag har lämnat in labbarna men fått komplettering. I varje labb finns flera uppgifter och jag behöver någon som kan fixa dessa åt mig. Mvh Hanna

    $140 - $140
    $140 - $140
    0 bud

    Hej! Jag behöver hjälp med att lägga upp ett bilduppladdingsprogram. Jag har en preliminär hemsida: www.3dnallar.se. Mitt företag gör nallar, där kunden har möjlighet att ladda upp sin bild på en valfri nalle. För att göra detta möjligt, behöver jag någon som kan göra ett bilduppladdningsprogram, där ku...bilduppladdningsprogram, där kunden laddar upp sin bild, redigerar den samt trycker på spara. Allt detta sker när kunden valt vilken nalle den vill ha. Efter allt detta går kunden vidare till betalning osv. Tanken är att jag kommer få kundens bild levererad i utskriftsformat med namn och adress. Jag har en person som gör hemsidan, och behöver endast någ...

    $229 Average bid
    $229 Snittbud
    3 bud

    Hej! Jag behöver en person som kan göra ett bilduppladdningsprogram till mitt företag. Gå gärna in på för att se hur den preliminära hemsidan ser ut. Jag säljer nallar, där man laddar upp en bild med sitt eget ansikte på nallen. När man har valt vilken typ av nalle man vill köpa, fortsätter man vidare till att ladda upp sin bi...sin egna bild innanför en ruta, kunna flytta och redigera den samt spara den. När den sedan har gjort allt detta fortsätter den vidare till personuppgifter osv. Tanken är att jag ska kunna få bilden i ett utskriftsformat med personens adress etc. när betalningen är gjort. Jag har en person som kodar samt programmerar min hemsida, det enda jag behöve...

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 bud

    Smart Contract Development Brief – Emerald Acre Fund Overview: We are seeking an experienced blockchain developer to create an ERC-20 token smart contract for our land acquisition and restoration project. The token will play a critical role in our investment model, providing investors with exclusive benefits tied to land appreciation, luxury estate stays, and farm produce. The smart contract must include a deflationary mechanism through token burns upon estate acquisitions. Project Goals: • Develop a secure and efficient ERC-20 token. • Integrate a deflationary burn mechanism to reduce token supply with each land acquisition. • Ensure founder token lock-up for a specified period. • Implement vesting schedules for team and advisor tokens. • Prov...

    $487 Average bid
    $487 Snittbud
    6 bud

    Hi there, As we agreed for upgrading your current 3D model based on the floor plans and reference photos and provide front side view until Monday afternoon, Thanks Mohsen

    $450 Average bid
    $450 Snittbud
    1 bud

    I need a 3D model of a cookie cutter in the shape of a specific truck. I'll provide pictures for reference. The model needs to be designed for plastic and should have moderate details. The cookie cutter doesn't require any text or logos, just the truck shape. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Experience in designing for 3D printing - Attention to detail - Ability to work from provided images Please provide samples of similar projects you've completed.

    $40 Average bid
    $40 Snittbud
    16 bud
    Machine Learning Image Forecast
    6 dagar left

    ... Just bid on it, and then I will send you the paths. You will build a machine learning tool to map historical satellite cloud images to values, which will build the training model. You will then use the model you trained to predict the value for the next three hours. Please be aware that there is also a seasonal pattern plus the cloud pattern. For example, summer has a higher actual value than winter. You don’t have to forecast off-peak values. Benchmark: you need to predict for the next hour with at least below 10% error to get paid; otherwise, I am better off extrapolating the line and still beating your model. I will pay particular attention to 08:00 to 14:00. • Bidding Your bid is my budget. If you deliberately put in a low bid to attract me to...

    $122 Average bid
    $122 Snittbud
    95 bud

    ...file in memory. - **Data Object**: Retrieve the video data as a `Data` object once writing is finished. 6. **Buffering Finished Video Data with DispatchQueue** - **DispatchQueue**: Use a serial `DispatchQueue` to manage the upload buffer, ensuring that video data is enqueued and dequeued in a thread-safe and FIFO manner. - **Concurrency Management**: Use a separate thread or operation queue to handle uploads, ensuring that the main processing pipeline remains responsive. 7. **Handling Network Latency** - **Asynchronous Upload**: Use the AWS SDK for Swift to upload each file from the buffer to S3. Implement retry logic to handle transient network errors. - **Network Buffer**: The upload buffer helps smooth out any network latency issues by maintaining a steady upl...

    $120 Average bid
    $120 Snittbud
    53 bud

    Smart Contract Development Brief – Emerald Acre Fund Overview: We are seeking an experienced blockchain developer to create an ERC-20 token smart contract for our land acquisition and restoration project. The token will play a critical role in our investment model, providing investors with exclusive benefits tied to land appreciation, luxury estate stays, and farm produce. The smart contract must include a deflationary mechanism through token burns upon estate acquisitions. Project Goals: • Develop a secure and efficient ERC-20 token. • Integrate a deflationary burn mechanism to reduce token supply with each land acquisition. • Ensure founder token lock-up for a specified period. • Implement vesting schedules for team and advisor tokens. • Prov...

    $129 Average bid
    $129 Snittbud
    26 bud
    Running Trained Python Model in C#
    6 dagar left

    • Description We have a trained simple Python model. Your job is to run it in C#. Given a set of example random inputs, the C# code will trigger the trained model and produce the output. Everything is run on C# only. There is no analysis, just execution of the model. • Bidding Your bid is my budget. If you deliberately put in a low bid to attract me to speak to you, you either revise your bid, or I will ignore you. • Delivery We need the source code and will integrate your program into a much larger one. You will be paid once you finish all the work and it works on my machine. We will also attack your program, as it has to be secure and reliable without loopholes. It has to be bug-free. • Platform Your code has to work on Windows. &bu...

    $138 Average bid
    $138 Snittbud
    56 bud

    ...Program: • Automate and digitize the 3D printing process in the IoT Factory. • Develop software that integrates key processes such as inventory management, job queue management, and MES integration. 2. Features the Software Should Include: • Inventory Management: The system should automatically track stock levels and send email notifications when materials run low. • Inventory Dashboard: A live dashboard to monitor materials in inventory. Users should be able to add new materials to the inventory and update the quantities of existing materials. • Job Queue Management: Process orders from the MES system and organize the 3D printing queue based on priority. If materials are insufficient for an order, the system should evaluate the stock and pr...

    $42 Average bid
    $42 Snittbud
    65 bud

    ...Database: MySQL, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL for managing user data and projects. Export Functionality: Integrate libraries for generating and exporting books in multiple formats (e.g., PDFKit for PDFs). AI Hosting: Mistral AI 7B to be hosted securely on our private cloud storage. Timeline: The project must be completed within 15-30 days. Expectations from the Developer: Experience with AI model integration and API development. Expertise in frontend and backend development. Strong focus on security and performance optimization. Clear and regular communication throughout the project. End-to-end testing and bug fixes before deployment. Reference Design: We have a Figma design prototype for the app. Please refer to the link below: Figma Design

    $1264 Average bid
    $1264 Snittbud
    10 bud

    ...experienced business plan writer to craft a comprehensive and visually appealing business plan for my Chilean restaurant with a full bar. The plan should highlight our commitment to exceptional service, and include photographs as visuals. Key Areas of Focus: - Exceptional Service: The plan should emphasize our dedication to providing unparalleled service, which is a core aspect of our business model. - Visuals: The plan should incorporate photographs in an engaging manner. - Financial Projections: This is a key area of emphasis. The writer should be able to present our financial projections in a clear and compelling way. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in business plan writing, particularly for the restaurant industry. - Ability to create compelling narrativ...

    $358 Average bid
    $358 Snittbud
    30 bud

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can design a vibration analysis model of a hanging rod using SolidWorks. The primary analysis type will be modal analysis. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Expertise in SolidWorks - Experience in designing vibration analysis models - Proficiency in conducting modal analysis - Strong understanding of structural dynamics

    $75 Average bid
    $75 Snittbud
    3 bud

    I'm in need of a skilled designer to create an engaging Anime-style VTuber model for me. Key Requirements: - Design in the Anime style - 2D or 3D model creation (your expertise will guide this decision) - Capable of expressing facial emotions - Able to perform body movements - Equipped with variable clothing options The model should be expressive and dynamic, able to convey a range of emotions and capable of movement. It should also include a variety of clothing changes to keep the content fresh and engaging. Experience with character design, particularly in the Anime style, is a big plus. I have left a few ideas below.

    $1885 Average bid
    $1885 Snittbud
    31 bud

    ...WhatsApp-approved templates: • Template Creation: • Header: Text, image, or document. • Message body with support for dynamic variables (e.g., {name}). • Footer: Optional. • Interactive buttons: • Quick replies. • External links. • Upload and Edit: • Allow the upload of pre-approved templates from the business account. • Limited editing of templates pending approval. • Preview: • Real-time simulation of the template layout. • Template Status: • Display approval status: Pending, Approved, or Rejected. 2. Automated Messaging (Using Templates) • Implement a system to send messages based on approved templates: • Dynamic Parameters: • Integrate CRM fields to personalize messages auto...

    $430 Average bid
    $430 Snittbud
    109 bud

    I'm seeking a financial expert to build a waterfall model for a mineral buying company and a private equity sponsor. Key Components: - The model should incorporate profit distribution stages and preferred return calculations. - It should be user-friendly and capable of providing clear insights on investment returns. Inputs and Guidance: - While I can provide all necessary data inputs, I expect the freelancer to have the ability to interpret and utilize data inputs effectively. - I will guide on the use of historical financial data, market analysis reports, and industry benchmarks. Ideal Skills: - Strong proficiency in financial modeling, particularly waterfall models. - Experience in the mineral industry and private equity. - Excellent communication skills to facilita...

    $99 Average bid
    $99 Snittbud
    19 bud

    Project Name: Design, Programing and simulation of a 3-4 DOF robotic arm using simulink and arduino Software: Matlab Simscape Hardwares (I Have): 1) arduino mega 2560 r3 2) servor mg90s 3) 1.5v - 6v r300c mini dc motor rpm3500 4) sg90 micro servor motor 9g(360°) 5) dual channel motor driver modul L298N H-bridge 6) jumper wire cable 7) breadboard 8) robotic arm kit 6dof Deadline 2 days $20 nzd

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Snittbud
    7 bud

    I'm in need of a seasoned Playwright expert with a strong Java background. The task involves creating a Playwright script to conduct end-to-end testing on the Chrome browser. Key Requirements: - The script should automate the full testing cycle, ensuring every aspect of the application is thoroughly examined. - The testing process needs to incorporate all authentication procedures, specifically login and logout sequences. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Java with substantial Playwright experience. - Previous experience in creating end-to-end testing scripts. - Comfortability and familiarity with Chrome browser. - Understanding of authentication processes in web applications.

    $26 / hr Average bid
    $26 / hr Snittbud
    104 bud

    Read the project carefully before applying – Textile Design & Clothing "I'm looking for an expert freelance designer to apply patterns to dresses, kimonos, and other garments. Over 500 designs to complete. I will provide the garment model (dress, kimono, etc.) and the pattern to apply. "Attached is a photo of a pattern and a blue dress. Please show me an example by applying the red rose pattern to the blue dress. If you cannot do this, do not apply." its Pay 1 euro per photo ⚠️ Please read before applying: Specify which software you will use for this work. Show an example of your work or create a simple test to demonstrate your skills. Do not apply if you don’t have the expertise to handle this project. I need professional, high-quality resul...

    $115 Average bid
    $115 Snittbud
    71 bud

    I need a skilled professional to design, program and simulate a 3-4 Degree of Freedom (DOF) robotic arm using Simulink and Arduino. The primary application and specific tasks for the robotic arm have not been defined yet, and I am open to suggestions based on your expertise. This project will require you to demonstrate creativity and engineering skills in developing a versatile robotic arm. Key Tasks: - Design a 3-4 DOF robotic arm - Program the arm using Arduino - Simulate the arm using Simulink - Suggest and implement potential applications and tasks for the arm - Provide comprehensive documentation of the design and programming process The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Arduino and Simulink - A strong background in robotics and mechanical en...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Snittbud
    4 bud

    ...architecture (please specify any frameworks you’d recommend or have experience with, e.g., Unity, Unreal Engine, WebGL, or other 3D rendering engines). The avatar should be optimized for smooth performance on various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile). We expect clean, maintainable code, and a clear handover process with documentation for ongoing updates or customizations. Deliverables 3D avatar model(s) with appropriate safety gear, rigged for animation. Basic animation set for guiding users (e.g., simple gestures, pointing, or idle animations). Integration guide or code to embed the avatar in our application’s UI/UX flow. Collaboration & Next Steps We are open to your suggestions on the best technologies or frameworks for implementing this avatar. Please includ...

    $379 Average bid
    $379 Snittbud
    49 bud

    I need a skilled professional to design, program and simulate a 3-4 Degree of Freedom (DOF) robotic arm using Simulink and Arduino. The primary application and specific tasks for the robotic arm have not been defined yet, and I am open to suggestions based on your expertise. This project will require you to demonstrate creativity and engineering skills in developing a versatile robotic arm. Key Tasks: - Design a 3-4 DOF robotic arm - Program the arm using Arduino - Simulate the arm using Simulink - Suggest and implement potential applications and tasks for the arm - Provide comprehensive documentation of the design and programming process The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Arduino and Simulink - A strong background in robotics and mechanical en...

    $41 Average bid
    $41 Snittbud
    5 bud

    I'm looking for a financial expert to create a comprehensive financial study for a digital platform akin to "Stake" in the UAE, focusing on fractional ownership of rental properties. Key deliverables include: 1. **Financial Feasibility**: This should encompass revenue projections, cost structures, and a break-even analysis. 2. **Investment Model**: This should detail investor returns and platform revenue. In terms of revenue projections, a full breakdown of income sources will be essential, as will understanding cost structures and when the platform is likely to break-even. The ideal candidate for this project will have relevant experience in financial modelling for digital platforms or real estate ventures. If you're interested, please share your portfolio or ...

    $147 Average bid
    $147 Snittbud
    24 bud

    ...goal is to build a robust, scalable platform that integrates an advanced AI model (e.g., Google GenAI or another leading large language model) for natural language understanding and generation, along with a Python-powered service for producing dynamic animations or images. Key Requirements & Technologies Agentic Framework & Model Context Protocol Strong familiarity with agentic frameworks for AI-driven conversation management. Ability to maintain conversational state and context across multiple user queries. Experience with GraphRAG or similar retrieval-augmented generation techniques is a plus. AI Backend (Node.js + ) Development of a “Unified AI Agent” that interfaces with the chosen advanced AI model for audio input/output and text-b...

    $114 Average bid
    $114 Snittbud
    2 bud

    ...backend server for real-time EMI status synchronization and notifications. Work with platform channels to implement native functionalities (e.g., app locking). Ensure high-level security to prevent app uninstallation or tampering. Integrate push notifications for EMI reminders and lock/unlock updates. Requirements: Strong experience with Flutter and Dart. Knowledge of platform-specific coding (Kotlin/Java for Android, Swift for iOS). Experience with REST APIs and backend communication. Proficiency with Firebase (for real-time updates and notifications). Experience with device security or device management is a plus. Strong debugging and optimization skills. Preferred Skills: Familiarity with DevicePolicyManager (Android) and (iOS). Knowledge of state management solutions

    $755 Average bid
    $755 Snittbud
    29 bud
    AI SaaS Website and App
    6 dagar left

    I need an expert web and app developer to create an AI-integrated SaaS p...AI-integrated SaaS platform. The primary function of this platform is to host AI and third-party API integrations. Key requirements include: - Integrating various third-party APIs: These will primarily include Payment gateways and the LLM Model, with potential integration of platforms like Booking.com. - Developing a user-friendly, efficient, and reliable website and app. Ideal skills for this project: - Proficiency in web and app development - Extensive experience with AI and third-party API integrations - Expertise in integrating Payment gateways and LLM Model - Familiarity with platforms like - Strong understanding of creating SaaS platforms. Please bid if you have the required skills and exper...

    $916 Average bid
    $916 Snittbud
    32 bud
    Simple Drone Simulation App
    6 dagar left

    I need a basic cross-platform application like the one available on Google Play but with simplified features and a minimalist design. It should support the Dji controller RC-N1 and be compatible with both Android and iOS. Key Requirements: - A single, simple scene design - Three flying modes: cine, normal, sport - Option to toggle random wind simulation on/off - Option to toggle grid line on/off - Basic controls: Arm / Take Off / Flying

    $126 Average bid
    $126 Snittbud
    44 bud

    I'm looking for a talented 3D designer to create a sleek, modern desk clock. The clock should be visually appealing and functional, featuring an unusual mechanism. Key aspects to consider: - Design: The clock should embody a modern and sleek aesthetic. - 3D Model: The 3D model should be optimized for 3D printing, and simulate PLA material. - Clock Mechanism: While no specific clock features are required, creativity in the design of the clock mechanism is a plus. This project is for an introductory university course in product design. The goal is to produce a simple prototype - this clock will not be manufactured or produced. Ideal skills for this job include: - 3D modeling expertise - Experience in creative clock designs - Knowledge of clock mechanisms - Ability to op...

    $38 Average bid
    $38 Snittbud
    22 bud

    ...dargestellt, intern jedoch dynamisch organisiert. Automatische Freischaltung nach Firmenprüfung (z. B. Handelsregister, Domainvalidierung). Zusätzliche Module können als Add-Ons verkauft werden. 9. Demo-Modul Anforderungen: Vollständige Vorschau des Systems mit simulierten Daten. Alle wichtigen Funktionen wie Berichte, Filter und das Dashboard werden demonstriert. Option für Test-Uploads zur Simulation realer Workflows. 10. Benutzerverwaltung Anforderungen: Nutzung der WooCommerce-Benutzerverwaltung mit rollenbasierten Berechtigungen (Admin, Kunde). Verknüpfung von gekauften Modulen mit Benutzerrollen und Freischaltungen. 11. Reporting-Modul Anforderungen: Standardisierte Berichte pro Branche. Individuelle Konfiguration und automatisch...

    $4576 Average bid
    $4576 Snittbud
    17 bud