Paypal integration in codeigniter githubJobb
...Feature: • In-App Payment: Users should be able to pay directly within the app, supporting popular payment options such as card payments, PayPal, Swish, or other local payment solutions. • Secure Payment: To build trust, the app should offer a secure payment platform with encryption and two-factor authentication to protect user information. GPS Integration: • GPS Positioning: When a user books a trip, the app should automatically retrieve the user's GPS location to show the starting point of the trip. • Route & Map View: An interactive map that shows the user’s current location and the path the trip will take. It should also provide real-time guidance during the journey. Login Options: • Facebook, Gmail, and Hotmail: To make l...
Baserat på premium tema, ställa in bilder, texter som vi tillhandahåller maximera UI UX på hemsidan med konfigurationer och integrationer med googel analytics, betalprocess, orderprocess och frakt inställningen, samt integration med Fortnox, SEO och SEOsökordsanalys och en sökordsoptimerad sida. Vi behöver också bli rekommenderade av betalfunktion, order funktion shipping funktion med kommunikation till kund. Vi tror också att vi behöver någon "prova på" funktion, där kunde får känna och klämma på produkterna innan köp. Swedish developers only!
Behöver flera personer till ett enkelt röstinspelningsjobb. Det är 200 fraser som ska spelas in på svenska (Swedish). Jobbet görs direkt i Chrome och tar ca 20 min. Ersättningen är 12$ som betalas ut via PayPal inom 2 veckor. 30 platser finns tillgängliga - först till kvarn!
ITSM Delivery söker Integrationsutvecklare för vår kund. Krav: Java Scala Python R Biztalk Erfarenhet av IBM MQ-server och Biztalk som meddelandesystem att integrera till. Erfarenhet av att bygga near-realtime-instrumentpaneler för att stödja affärsverksamheten. Målet är att använda Spark streaming. Erfarenhet - 6 år. Start: augusti, 2019 Ort: Stockholm / Solna Vi erbjuder: Mycket kreativ och dynamisk miljö, vilket ger en hälsosam professionell utmaning till proffs. Långsiktiga projekt och mysig atmosfär. Det här är ett heltidsjobb i Stockholm, ingen frilansmöjlighet. Ta gärna kontakt med mig för mer information.
Hej, Jag söker en Sverigebaserad projektledare på timtid (uppdragstagare) för utveckling av min webbsajt som är baserad på Linux/PHP/MySQL/Codeigniter. Vår tjänst har varit online sedan 1995. Önskar en person som har lång erfarenhet av projektutveckling, kvalitetsarbete och "dataprogrammering" och som samarbetat med utvecklare internationellt. Du ska vara länken mellan mig och utvecklarna och leda, instruera och kontrollera utvecklarna. Nyckelord är funktionalitet, kvalitet, on-time, säkerhet, lönsamhet.
Behöver en hemsida byggd på WordPress helst. Hemsidan ska ha responsiv design och vara optimerad för SEO. Vi ska sälja 2 produkter (Personliga rapporter) enbart på hemsidan. Produktköpet ska ske genom att mata in sina detaljer i ett formulär. Det ska vara två betalningsmetoder: Kortbetalning (via Mondido payments) och Paypal. Leveransen ska ske genom att rapporten skapas via API anrop mot leverantören och därefter skickas den till beställarens epost som en bifogad PDF fil. Admin gränsnitt önskas för att hantera alla betalningar och rapporter.
Skriva en rapport Jag har ett examensjobb som skall vara inlämnat den 14/6 gällande Bosniernas lyckade integration i Sverige på 90-talet. Frågorna lyder: Varför var den lyckad? Vad kan man förbättra i nutid? Osv.
Integration av Swish och DIBS-betalningar till vår sajt. Avser betalningar på typiskt 75-250 kr/månaden per kund och månad, för återkommande eller enstaka månadsabonnemang på en databas. Vår sajt har funktioner för användare och personal så de kan skapa och hantera abonnemangen men ingen integration som gör att betalningarna automatiskt slussas till rätt abonnemang.
Hej jag har en hemsida en freelancer har gjort som jag vill utveckla. den är gjord i php, html, ccs myphp databas,i platformen codeigniter. har neatbean lokalt för att ändra på siten. Jag vill utveckla siten med en meny (knapp) för blog, artiklar, behöver då en sida till, en editor så jag kan skriva, länka till andra sidor. ett cms verktyg typ som i wordpress. på blogsidan ska det finnas senaste artiklar över det för mera content på sidan för seo. vad skulle det kosta? MVH mauritz
Vi behöver utveckla en integration mellan Specter (affärssystem) och Opencart där order, lager, kunder, produkter mellan de två systemen. Vi har även en fysisk butikskassa kopplad i Specter och vill kunna använda samma lager som ehandeln använder. En draft över integrationskarta finns bilagd. Diskuterar gärna nämre.
Jag söker någon som kan arbeta obehindrat i codeigniter. Som har alla kunskaper för att skapa alla möjliga fantastiska saker såsom avancerade CMS system och databaskopplingar. Och skapa frontend och backend som styr vartannat. Jag är väl insatt i vad jag kräver och betalar inget förän ni ni/du kan visa att du har vad som krävs. Detta är ett långtidsprojekt vilket innebär att det blir du som får äran att vidareutveckla när detta behövs.
Jag är en läkare som vill göra en konkurrerande tjänst med siten Integration med bankiD ett måste.
Jag är en läkare som vill göra en konkurrerande tjänst med siten Integration med bankiD ett måste.
Jag har nyligen köpt en datingsite, som till stora delar var klar, men dels bytte jag tema för sidan i Wordpress, vilket förstås inte var så klokt, för då blev hela sidan fel, men de flesta funktio...för sidan i Wordpress, vilket förstås inte var så klokt, för då blev hela sidan fel, men de flesta funktioner finns dock kvar, som medlemmar osv. Nu vet jag inte om det går att återställa till det ursprungliga temat? Inregistreringen för nya medlemmar "försvann" och hur återställer jag det eller skapar nytt? Och sist, så behöver jag få min paypal integrerad med inregget för nya medlemmar. Det ska inte gå att fullfölja inregget utan att h...
Hej Bygga en hemsida och design på för att presentera olika uthyrningslägenheter samt en enkel betalösning förslagsvis PayPal med kortbetalning. (konto för detta finns) Blir nog runt 5 undersidor med info om olika objekt. Vi vill helst ha en som kan prata svenska och kan diskutera över telefon. Mvh
...och installerat woocommerce getaway paypal express checkout plugin från () men kan inte få en transaktion att slutföras. Problem exempel: Jag lägger en produkt i cart ----> förflytas till paypal ----> loggar in på paypal och ska test betala ----> trycker på knappen betala -----> då slutförs inte transaktionen på paypal istället hamnar jag på min hemsida och inga transaktioner har gjorts. Jag vill ge kunden möjlighet att betala allt på Paypal och på slutet återgå till min /thank-you hemsida. Jag kan betala en fastpris på $100 om nån kan hjälpa. Lite info: -Hemsidan är i wordpress -X-market 8them...
We require a swedish talking freelancer for this project! Vi vill ha en koppling mellan vårt Prestashop 1.5.3 och Visma e-ekonomi. Vi har API från Visma och vill ha möjlighet att importera ordrar, artiklar och kunder till vårt bokföringsprogram. Vi vill helst kunna göra detta manuellt och tex med olika tidsintervall, bocka för vilka ordrar eller liknande.
Söker någon som kan bygga en hemsida som ser ut som Sidan skall se nästan likadan ut och skall även innehålla en webbshop så att beställningar kan göras. Betallösningen skall ske till paypal.
Hemsida med webbshop ska kunna rymma mycket produkter samt fler produkt varianter, integrerat batalsystem så som paypal, Klarna, Payson och faktura betalning.
...dokument upprättas per respektive grossist. Grossisterna i fråga är: Elektroskandia - - Ahlsell - - Solar - - %A4nster/E-handel+%232/Integration Frågeställningar är: Hur hämtas värden nettopris och lagerstatus från respektive grossist webbsystem för presentation i annat webbaserat system? Vilka förutsättningar krävs för att hämta värden? Samtliga grossister har i varierande grad dokumentation avseende önskad utredning på svenska på hemsida och via supporttjänst, se länkar ovan. All kontakt med grossist och dess supporttjänst
...utvärdering och utvärderingen tar ca 1 till 1 och en halv time att göra klar. Du får betalt en gång i månaden för de butiker du avslutat antingen via banktransfer eller via Paypal. Om Helion har bett dig göra ett inköp, får du ersättning för denna kostnad som överenskommits på förhand. Beloppet för utvärderingarna du kan avsluta varje månad beror på följande - -Hur ofta du ansöker för butiker i ditt område. -Hur många projekt och utvärderingar som finns tillgängliga i ditt område. -Hur stor konkurrensen är med andra Helion utvärderare i ditt område. -Kvaliteten på dina avslutade utvärderingar. -An...
...utvärdering och utvärderingen tar ca 1 till 1 och en halv time att göra klar. Du får betalt en gång i månaden för de butiker du avslutat antingen via banktransfer eller via Paypal. Om Helion har bett dig göra ett inköp, får du ersättning för denna kostnad som överenskommits på förhand. Beloppet för utvärderingarna du kan avsluta varje månad beror på följande - -Hur ofta du ansöker för butiker i ditt område. -Hur många projekt och utvärderingar som finns tillgängliga i ditt område. -Hur stor konkurrensen är med andra Helion utvärderare i ditt område. -Kvaliteten på dina avslutade utvärderingar. -An...
Bonjour, Je suis à la recherche d’un développeur web freelance ...informations nutritionnelles détaillées grâce à l’intelligence artificielle. L’objectif est d’aider les utilisateurs à suivre leur alimentation de manière simple et efficace. Fonctionnalités principales : Reconnaissance automatique des aliments via IA Calcul des calories et des valeurs nutritionnelles Suivi des repas et des objectifs Système d’abonnement avec paiements récurrents (Stripe, PayPal, Google/Apple Pay) Interface intuitive et design attractif Compétences requises : Front-end : React, Vue.js ou autre Back-end : Node.js, Django, Laravel, etc. IA & traitement d’image (TensorFlo...
I have a video, and I want you to apply YOLO3D to it for 3D object detection. You are free to use any GitHub repository or pre-trained model that supports 3D object detection. The final output should be the same video with 3D bounding boxes overlayed on detected objects. Key Requirements: - Utilize YOLO3D for 3D object detection. - Employ any suitable GitHub repository or pre-trained model. - Overlay 3D bounding boxes on detected vehicles. - Deliver the modified video with the annotations as the final output. - Deliver the full source code with setup instructions Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in Python and machine learning, particularly with YOLO3D. - Familiarity with GitHub repositories for pre-trained models.
...core functionalities. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a DApp with a user-friendly interface - Implement necessary back-end functionalities - Ensure seamless interaction with a blockchain test network Core Functionalities: - User Authentication - Token Transactions - Smart Contract Interaction Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in any front-end framework (React, Angular, Vue.js) - Strong back-end development skills - Extensive experience with DApp and blockchain integration Please note, I will provide the specific details regarding the core functionalities of the DApp. The choice of the front-end framework is flexible, so a versatile developer with the ability to adapt to any framework will be highly considered....
I'm looking for a professional in the Sarasota, Florida area to help with a special wiring project. The task involves integrating a 5" BigMack assistive technology push-button to play a sound through a speaker and activate a solid dispenser when enabled as signaled with a light. This system will be powered by both battery and plug-in adapter. Key Requirements: - Wiring and electronic integration expertise - Experience with BigMack buttons - Familiarity with solid dispensers - Knowledge in power supply systems (both battery and plug-in) - Ability to ensure the system is safe and functioning properly Please bid if you have the necessary skills and experience.
I'm looking to have a dynamic, engaging RPG built on Roblox, set in a modern city. This game needs to have customizable characters, vehicles, and an array of buildings and businesses. Key Requirements: - Design and implement an immersive modern city - Create a variety of customizable characters - Integrate vehicles and establish their roles in the game - Develop an assortment of buildings and businesses for players to interact with Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in Roblox game development - Proficient in creating RPGs - Strong understanding of modern city design - Capable of implementing character customization features - Experience with vehicle integration in games - Knowledge in creating interactive buildings an...
I'm looking for a professional who can create basic origami motion graphics of realistic origami cranes and monarch butterflies. These should be designed with alpha channels s...alpha channels so they can easily be placed on live action plates. Key Requirements: - Creation of realistic origami bird and butterfly species motion graphics. - Smooth and flowing movements for the origami creatures. - Use of alpha channels for easy integration into live action footage. Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating motion graphics. - Proficiency in using alpha channels. - Ability to create smooth, flowing motion sequences. Please ensure the origami creatures' movements are smooth and flowing. The final product will be used in a live action project, so the graph...
I'm looking for a professional to set up n8n with VoIP/SIP for my AI call center using N8N as the service provider. This project involves enabling n8n to automate key tasks in the call center, including call routing, call recording, and applying speech analytics. The ideal candidate should be proficient in n8n and have a solid understanding of VoIP/SIP technology. Key Responsibilities: - n8n setup for an AI call center - Automation of call center tasks - Integration with VoIP/SIP - Implementation of AI capabilities for automated responses Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in n8n - Strong understanding of VoIP/SIP - Experience with AI call centers - Knowledge of call routing, recording and speech analytics - Familiarity with automated response ...
I have a prototype app that requires an API connection to Lumaapi. The API will primarily be used for data retrieval, specifically transaction data. Key Requirements: - Set up the API to retrieve transaction data from Lumaapi - Ensure that the data is returned in JSON format - Optimize the API for efficiency and reliability Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with API integration - Familiarity with Lumaapi - Proficiency in handling and manipulating JSON data - Strong problem-solving skills for optimizing data retrieval Please only apply if you meet the qualifications and can demonstrate prior relevant work.
1- Login and Register Pages 2- Sub-pages, Responsibility, FAQ etc. 3- User panel page and related sub-pages. 4- After all the processes, the last complete page integrity check and completion. 5- All these items should be done by taking the reference site forwarded and 100% similarity is very important. 6- After the integrated work, the entire website should be delivered in working condition. 7- Delivery of the missing parts after the last missing parts are completed.
I'm looking for an expert who can set up my Google Merchant Center from scratch and integrate it with my Squarespace online store. I plan to sell physical products, and the integration will involve more than 200 items. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Google Merchant Center - Proficiency in Squarespace - E-commerce product integration - Knowledge of physical product listing - SEO optimization skills for product listings Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in the past.
I'm looking for a professional to create a comprehensive website for my wedding planning and event management business. I already own a domain and have hosting ready to go. The website should include: - A detailed overvie...planning and event management business. I already own a domain and have hosting ready to go. The website should include: - A detailed overview of wedding planning services - An efficient venue booking system - An appointment scheduling system with: - Automated reminders - Multiple service options - Calendar integration Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio in building similar websites, particularly with a focus on event management and venue booking systems. Skills in UX/UI design will be a plus, to ensure the site is user fri...
I'm in need of a proficient developer to build a mobile application for both Android and iOS, alongside a user-friendly website, for my classifieds business. Key Responsibilities: - Full-cycle development: from design, coding, testing, to deployment. - Create a cross-platform app with a primary focus on 'buy and sell' ads. - Implement user profiles and payment integration as key features of the app. - Design three types of user profiles: Buyer, Seller, and Admin. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in cross-platform app development. - Strong web design skills. - Prior experience in developing classifieds or similar apps will be an added advantage. - Excellent communication skills. - Ability to meet deadlines is crucial.
...looking for an expert in FilemakerGo and mobile printing solutions to help me integrate direct PDF printing from my iPhone to a Zebra ZQ320 mobile printer. Currently, we generate invoices in PDF and use a third-party application (Mobi Print) to print them, but we want to streamline this process and print directly from FilemakerGo. Key requirements: - Understand the output format of the Zebra ZQ320 printer, which is ZPL (Zebra Programming Language). - Modify the custom script in FilemakerGo that we currently use to create PDF invoices, to enable direct printing to the Zebra printer. - Ensure that the printed invoices match the exact layout of the generated PDF invoices, as opposed to a simplified format. Ideal skills: - Proficiency in FilemakerGo, with exper...
Project Context We are developing a universal application (Android, iOS, Web) called Registrap using React Native with Expo as the framework. The backend is built on Django and uses Supabase for authentication. We need to implement a robust Google authentication system across all platforms that will prov...fallback scenarios Ensure the solution works consistently across Android, iOS, and Web Manage authentication tokens and secure storage Implement auto-login and session persistence Create streamlined login/logout user experience 2. Documentation Provide detailed documentation on: Google Cloud Platform project configuration Authentication flow implementation details Token structure and management Integration guide for frontend and backend developers Troubleshooting guide for com...
I am a comic artist with over 300 comics on Facebook. I changed the name of my comic and I need my new logo replaced on all of my comics. - Comics Formats: My comics are in PSD and finals are in JPEG formats. - Editing Style: I prefer the logo to be seamlessly integrated into the existing comic art, rather than simply overlayed or artistically blended. - Logo Availability: I have the new logo design ready, in high resolution. Ideal skills for this job include: graphic design, Photoshop, and experience with seamless logo integration. Attention to detail and a strong understanding of visual coherence are crucial for this project. Thank you.
I'm looking for a game developer who can create one hyper-casual game per week for both iOS and Android platforms with ads and analytics integration etc. I will just provide the Game Design Document (GDD) for each game. Developer from karachi,Pakistan will be preferred. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in mobile game development for both iOS and Android platforms - Experience in developing hyper-casual games - Able to work with provided Game Design Documents - Good understanding of game monetization and retention strategies - Familiar with the requirements and guidelines of both app stores Please note, the choice of the game engine and graphics style will be decided on a case-to-case basis according to the Game Design Document provided.
I'm looking for programmer with prior experience in developing vehicle monitoring platforms. This project entails creating a platform specifically for tracking cars en video in real-time. Key Requirements: - Real-time Tracking: The primary functionality of the platform should be to provide real-time tracking of vehicles. - Integration with Specific GPS Hardware: The platform needs to seamlessly integrate with specific GPS hardware. You'll need to have experience working with such hardware in the past. Ideal Skills: - Proven Experience in Vehicle Monitoring Platform Development. - Strong Programming Skills. - Prior Experience with Real-time Vehicle Tracking. - Expertise in Integrating with GPS Hardware. - Excellent Problem-solving Skill...
...optimized decks based on their preferences, playstyles, or elixir cost requirements. The AI should be able to analyze user input, suggest viable decks, and even adapt to changes in the game’s meta. Core Features: 1. AI-Powered Deck Generation: • The AI should be able to generate Clash Royale decks based on user inputs like: • Preferred cards (e.g., “I want a deck with Electro Dragon”) • Elixir cost range (e.g., “Under 3.8 elixir”) • Deck type preferences (e.g., “Control deck”, “Fast cycle deck”) • Analyze current meta: Deck recommendations should adapt based on recent balance changes or popular strategies in the meta. • The bot should suggest optimal decks that have good synergy, co...
I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create a custom WooCommerce-based e-commerce website. The project entails: - Designing and developing a fully functional, responsive, and user-fri...e-commerce website. The project entails: - Designing and developing a fully functional, responsive, and user-friendly e-commerce website on the WooCommerce platform. - Implementing necessary e-commerce features such as product listings, shopping cart, order tracking, and payment gateway integration. - Ensuring the website is SEO-friendly and optimized for speed. holypeach33 @ g mail dot com Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in WooCommerce and e-commerce website development. - Strong skills in WordPress, PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. - A portfolio showcasing ...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a dynamic e-commerce site for my healthy snack food business. The primary aim of the website is to drive online sales. Key Requirements: - E-c...a skilled web developer to create a dynamic e-commerce site for my healthy snack food business. The primary aim of the website is to drive online sales. Key Requirements: - E-commerce Functionality: The website needs a user-friendly shopping cart and a seamless checkout process. - Payment Integration: The site should support payments through Credit/Debit cards. The ideal candidate would have significant experience in e-commerce web development, with a strong portfolio of similar projects. Skills in UX/UI design, SEO, and knowledge of the latest web development techn... developer to create a cross-platform application for both iOS and Android that will interface with a BLE wearable device. The app will process biometric data, feature a conversational AI interface, and update visual elements based on user interaction. Technical Requirements Core Functionality • Cross-platform app development for iOS and Android app stores • BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) integration with a wearable device • Processing and visualization of biometric data • Conversational AI/chatbot interface implementation • Dynamic color display system that updates based on chat interactions • Device settings management interface • Secure data storage and privacy controls Technical Skills Required • Proven experience with React Native...
I am in urgent need of a skilled website developer and designer with extensive experience in Shopify. My goal is to build a comprehensive E-commerce site with the following key features: - Payment gateway integration: This is crucial for smooth transactions and customer satisfaction. - Product filtering and sorting: To enhance user experience and make product navigation easier. - Customer reviews: To build trust and engage customers. holypeach33 @ g mail dot com The ideal candidate should have a solid understanding of the Shopify platform, and a strong background in E-commerce website development. They should be able to deliver a high-quality, user-friendly website within a tight timeframe. Please include examples of your previous work with Shopify and E-comme... bilingual (English & Arabic). • Organize content into two business sections with updated information. • Simple AI Chatbot Integration: • Set up a chatbot that only responds when someone messages it. • No advanced automation—just basic message replies. • Social Media Setup: • Create and configure Facebook & Instagram accounts. • Update and integrate social media links. Deliverables: • Fully functional and responsive WordPress website. • Simple AI chatbot responding to messages. • Facebook & Instagram accounts set up. • Basic documentation for website management. Project Timeline: • Must be completed within 1 week. Requirements: • Proven experience in WordPress website devel...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a comprehensive booking system for my bike shop. This system will be primarily for scheduling serv...possible) - Syncing to Shopify library (if possible) - The system should be built considering my current system, which is Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in both frontend and backend development - Previous experience in creating booking systems - Familiarity with bike parts and service pricing would be a plus - Understanding of Shopify and its integration - Ability to create a dropdown menu for different pricing based on manufacturer and model - Experience with payment gateway integration Please note, I don't need this system to integrate with any existing systems at this moment, but it should be built with...
I'm seeking a complete solution for a vehicle monitoring platform encompassing video and GPS systems. This platform should mirror the functionalities of , and include mobile applications for both Android and iOS...and real-time location data. - Alerts and Notifications: The platform should be able to send alerts for specific events or conditions. User Access Control: - The system should support multi-tiered user access. This includes Admin, User, and Guest levels. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video streaming and GPS integration is crucial. - Prior experience in developing similar platforms will be highly regarded. - Skills in creating secure, multi-tiered user access systems are necessary. - Expertise in mobile app development for both A...
Hi there, I’m looking for a developer to create a booking app for a handyman business operating in a specific local area in the UK (not nationwide). The app should allow customers to: • Book appointments based on available time slots • Make secure payments within the app (Stripe, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay) • Receive SMS/email notifications about their bookings • Send automatic SMS notifications to me when a new job is booked • Display available services with descriptions and pricing • Allow me to manage bookings through an admin panel • Show a map of the service area to help customers check availability • Let customers upload photos when booking a job to provide more details • Include push notifications (...
I am looking for a freelancer with experience in data collection to obtain a catalog of grocery products from U.S. websites. This catalog should include products from various categories (such as food, beverages, cleaning products, etc.) and should focus on national brands from the United States. Requirements: Collect product information from grocery websites in the U.S. (e.g., Walmart, Target, Kroger, Whole Foods, etc.). The information should include, but not be limited to: Product name Brand Product category Price Product description Product image (mandatory) The data should be delivered in CSV or JSON format. The freelancer must ensure that the data is accurate, complete, and clearly organized for easy integration into the website. Required Skills: Experie...