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2,000 oscommerce header logo hittade uppdrag

...discussed in pm Header Capsule 460px wide x 215px tall Small Capsule 231px wide x 87px tall Should contain readable logo, even at smallest size. In most cases, this means your logo should nearly fill the small capsule Main Capsule 616px wide x 353px tall Vertical Capsule 374px wide x 448px tall Page Background 1438px wide x 810px tall This should be ambient so as not to compete with the content on the page, so try to avoid high-contrast images or images with lots of text. A template will automatically be applied to your uploaded file, which will tint it blue and fade out the edges. Library Capsule 600px wide x 900px tall Library Hero 3840px wide x 1240px tall Image-rich, no texts and stuff. Library Logo 1280px wide x 720px tall Note for Library Hero ...

$250 Average bid
$250 Snittbud
1 bud
Trophy icon Designa en header
Avslutades left

Vill ha en header designad för min hemsida Hemsidan handlar om airsoft vapen från Tokyo Marui. Både en blogg och ett forum Vill ha en header som är japan inspirerad. Kanske en samurai med ett modernt vapen som M4 eller HK 416? texten måste finnas till vänster

$28 Average bid
14 bidrag

• Skriva 40 artiklar om fonder och att investera 350-400 ord per artikel (totalt 14000-16000 ord) • Korrekt svenska, stavkontrollerade och med bra flyt i texten. • All text måste vara unik och skriven med egna ord (text får ej kopieras från nätet) • Deadline 15 juli • Artiklarnas rubrik/ämne är angivet nedan. ...angivet nedan. Artiklarna består sedan av text på mellan 350-400 ord som på ett intressant sätt beskriver ämnet. Artiklarna är med fördel uppdelade i 3-6 stycken, med mellanrubriker. • Lämpliga källor för information är wikipedia, ekonomhemsidor eller trovärdiga hemsidor på internet i allmänhet. • Format: Levereras i Word eller Google...

$83 Average bid
$83 Snittbud
2 bud
Skapa en onlinebutik
Avslutades left

Hej har en wordpress hemsidan inom skönhet att jag vill optimera, ändra storlek på header (den är lite för stor), på min hemsidan också finn en woocommerce webbutik att jag vill också fixa lite snyggare.

$341 Average bid
$341 Snittbud
7 bud

Bygga en wordpress sajt som kommer låta medlemmar på sajten att publicera noveller. Generell design i denna stil: * Responsive design * Fullbredds-header med inställbar bakgrund * Medlemslogin med tillhörande profil, sammanställning av noveller * Logotyp i textform (h1) * Sidebar med kategorier, nya noveller, kommentarer, tagg-moln * Rating-system för noveller/posts * Enkel men stilren design och layout Domän med wordpress installerat är redo, vid arbete ges du tillgång till wordpress admin-konto.

$150 Average bid
$150 Snittbud
3 bud

4 software products - new launch - Need Well Designed Website with great attractive banners, Images, Icons, Logos, Software Product CD Pack 3D Images( large , small, medium), landing pages, content and admin panel etc. NOTE:- WE NEED BEST DESIGNERS FOR THIS PROJECT, NOT AVERAGE OR JUST DEVELOPERS ONLY - WE NEED software launch. PHP CMS IMAGES( PHOTOSHOP IMAGE) LANDING PAGE BANNER DESIGNING LOGOS FOR PRODUCTS ICONS FOR FEATURES of software or product or services 3D CD PACK DESIGNING for 4 software ( 8 Designs - 2 for each product) - Size ( 3 different sizes - large , medium, small ( ( SAMPLE of 3D CD PACK BOX DESIGN )) HEADER DESIGNING & TABS FOOTER LINKNS & FOOTER PANEL PARALLAX & RESPONSIVE

$1096 Average bid
$1096 Snittbud
20 bud

...Artiklarnas rubrik/ämne är angivet nedan. Artiklarna består sedan av text på mellan 350-400 ord som på ett intressant sätt beskriver ämnet. Artiklarna är med fördel uppdelade i 3-6 stycken, med mellanrubriker. • Lämpliga källor för information är wikipedia, företagens egna hemsidor eller internet. • Format: Levereras i Word eller Google docs. Rubrik formaterat som Heading 1 och mellan rubrik som header 2. 1. Apple (om företaget) 2. Samsung (om företaget) 3. Doro (om företaget) 4. Huawei (om företaget) 5. HTC (om företaget) 6. LG (om företaget) 7. Microsoft (om företaget) 8. Sony (om företaget) 9. Telia (om företaget) 10. Telenor (om fö...

$268 Average bid
$268 Snittbud
4 bud
Bygg en hemsida
Avslutades left

Vi behöver en wordpress sida som två bloggar ska ligga på. När man kommer in på sidan ska man mötas av en stor header och under den ska det finnas två bilder på två bloggar. Man ska kunna klicka in sig på respektive bloggare genom att klicka på bilderna. Vi vill även kunna lägga upp reportage, tips, annonser och dylikt på första sidan. Som en bloggportal fast endast med två bloggare för tillfället i framtiden när sidan rullar kanske vi utökar men 2-3 st bloggare.

$396 Average bid
$396 Snittbud
5 bud

Skapa en header navbar (Röd med vit bold text) med namn devilsuited (center) Och body backround svart. Gå till Youtube besök min Youtube kanal embed mina första tolv heads-up videos. Skapa two-column Layout (ui-grid-a, two columms 50%/50% Corresponds To ui-block-a|b) önskemål om du kan skapa att varannan är two columms 50%/50% där två videos visas bredvid varandra. Om du kan göra dem till 170/120px. Och sedan vill jag ha en annons på 340/240 px som visas 100% nedanför sen two columms 50%/50% tills du kommer upp i de tolv video. (Jag laddar upp banners till dig) Jag vill att när man klickar på en video att den tar upp hela skärmen och att man kan kryssa ner och komma tillbaka till sidan...

$13 Average bid
$13 Snittbud
1 bud

Hej jag vill veta vad det kostar att bygga en enkel app där man kan skicka meddelanden till varandra så som ex Whats app, Line eller Skype. Jag vill hitta en person som kan utveckla billigt per timme då vi vill pröva oss fram med att ta fram appar och tjänster. Har du erfarenhet av e-handel och OSCommerce så är det meriterande. På sikt kan en meddelande app som Skype bli väldigt värdefull och du får växa med uppgiften och bättre inkomst möjligheter.

$2 - $6 / hr
$2 - $6 / hr
0 bud

Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektFour bugs should be fixed on OsCommerce site'

$20 - $20 / hr
$20 - $20 / hr
0 bud

My WordPress website's header needs fixing. We are using an Elementor kit which has overridden the default header for the Tutor starter page template. I want the original header back on the site and modified to match the Elementor kit's design. Specific elements to retain from the original header: - Logo - Navigation menu - Search bar - Tutor LMS login - Overall design Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in WordPress, specifically with the Elementor plugin. - Experience with the Tutor LMS and its templates. - Strong understanding of web design principles to align with the Elementor kit's design.

$28 Average bid
$28 Snittbud
74 bud
oscommerce php update
6 dagar left

I have a old oscommerce program that has been changed many times. It needs its php files update from about php 8.1 to 8.5 if possible. It is running with problems on 8.2 and database issues.

$122 Average bid
$122 Snittbud
24 bud

...Ensure that all 3 radio buttons are mutually exclusive. When one is checked, the others should automatically uncheck. - Modify the universal ModalWithForm component to accept a neutral isOpen prop, instead of hardcoding it to "add-garment". - Update the modal designs to match the current website theme, with particular attention to the close icon and inputs. - Remove unnecessary requests from the Header and WeatherCard components. Instead, pass the city and weatherData from the fetchWeather request in App as props. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in JavaScript, React.js, and UI/UX design principles. - Experience with troubleshooting and debugging web applications. - Ability to match designs to a given theme. I'm looking for someone who can deliver high-quality work wit...

$117 Average bid
$117 Snittbud
59 bud
Urgent Shopify Code Adjustment
6 dagar left

...replicate the header and footer of my old site. Header: - The style and navigation menu needs to be identical to the original site, including color schemes. - On desktop, the logo should be on the left and the menu centralised. Footer: - Ensure images are optimally displayed on mobile. Also, fix the desktop spacing for the brand logo and RBLI images. - Insert the registered charity information. - Centralise privacy policy and website info on desktop. - Add a LinkedIn social link, matching the styling of the main website. - Include phone number and email icon above the main footer info. The container should be a full pill to maintain consistency with the main website. Time is of the essence, as I need this completed within 3-4 hours. The old site where yo...

$27 Average bid
$27 Snittbud
25 bud

My WordPress site, built with Elementor, needs some minor tweaks to improve consistency and user experience. Specific Tasks: - Fix the header overlap with the menu on the Homepage, Dealers, Contact, and About Us pages. - Ensure the website menu is consistent across all pages, as it currently the color appears differently on the Dealers, About Us, and Contact pages, light range, strong range, family range,. - Remove the different footer from one page to match the rest of the website. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress and Elementor. - Strong attention to detail. - Experience in website design and user interface adjustments.

$129 Average bid
$129 Snittbud
92 bud

...facilities for various activities. The platform will provide seamless booking management, payment integration, and user authentication for a smooth experience. Tech Stack Frontend: React (TypeScript), Material UI (MUI) State Management: Redux Toolkit Forms & Validation: Formik + Yup API Handling: Axios Payments: Razorpay Pages & Features 1. Home Page A visually appealing landing page with: Header: Includes logo, location selection, login/signup options, navigation to Grounds and About Us. Hero Section: Highlights key features of the platform. Grounds Carousel: Showcasing featured sports grounds with images and availability. About Section: Overview of the platform and its benefits. Footer: Includes company links, social links, privacy & terms, and copyright te...

$405 Average bid
$405 Snittbud
17 bud

I need a skilled WordPress developer to apply my main header to my WP website. Some pages will require a custom header that is compatible with the YITH Wonder theme. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WordPress - Familiarity with YITH Wonder theme - Proficient in PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Good understanding of responsive design Tasks: - Apply main header across the website - Create and implement custom headers for specific pages, ensuring compatibility with the theme - Ensure all headers are visually appealing and functionally sound Please note, I have not provided specific layouts for the custom headers. I am open to your creative input, but any designs will need to be compatible with the overall style of the site.

$151 Average bid
$151 Snittbud
183 bud

I'm in need of an illustrator who can create a static image and a gif for my website header. The illustrations should be realistic, focusing on people as the central theme. Key Requirements: - The illustrations should depict realistic people in a professional context. - The ability to create both a static image and a gif. - Experience in creating web-ready illustrations. Ideal Skills: - Strong illustration portfolio with a focus on realistic, people-centric illustrations. - Proficient in creating high-quality, web-ready gifs. - Understanding of the technical requirements for website header illustrations.

$17 Average bid
$17 Snittbud
43 bud

I'm seeking a modern and sleek logo for my dropshipping store, The Charger Shop. The logo should be catchy and incorporate an animated image of a wireless phone charger. The color scheme should be Orange, Black, and White. Key Requirements: - The logo must feature the name 'The Charger Shop' - It should creatively integrate an animated image of a wireless phone charger - Use of geometric shapes, icons, or symbols alongside the slogan or tagline is preferable - The overall style should be modern and sleek This logo will primarily be used for my website header and social media profiles, with potential use on product packaging. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in graphic design, mainly logo creation - Experience with...

$10 Average bid
31 bidrag

I have a protected PDF containing primarily text and documents that I need converted into a printable version. It is a link that I can share and that link should be converted into a final PDF that must have all parts editable, including the header and footer, main body text, and annotations and comments. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in PDF editing software - Experience with file conversion - Attention to detail to ensure all parts are correctly made editable

$25 Average bid
$25 Snittbud
134 bud

===>>> BUDGET $10 <<<=== ===>>> BUDGET $10 <<<=== Modify Product Page's width as seen in attached below. Product page width design SHOULD NOT change Homepage, Category, Blog or other pages widths, header and footer.

$23 Average bid
$23 Snittbud
9 bud

I need: 1. Fleet: Email- Header/Footer (PNG) Flyer- Same Header/Footer with static pictures (like the "Fleet" picture I sent. (JPG) 2. Sales: Email- Need (2) Email templates (that will need to have clickable links)... like the two (AdHoc) pics I sent. Email- Need to refresh up to (8) email headers. These are like the "Header" pic I sent. (PNG)

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

I'm seeking a Webflow expert to make some crucial design changes to my website. These adjustments will primarily focus on the layout of the header, navigation, and the main content area. This job is expected to take around 30 minutes and will require you to access my website remotely. Please only bid if you can complete this task in the allocated time and have previous experience with Webflow. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Webflow - Strong understanding of web design principles - Excellent communication skills for remote collaboration - Able to work efficiently under time constraints.

$21 Average bid
$21 Snittbud
25 bud

...consistent header and footer to a multi-page, text-heavy HTML and CSS document no js or jquery. The header and footer should include the following elements: - Page number (optional) - Document title - Company logo Please note that the header and footer will not need to differ on the first page compared to the others. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in HTML and CSS, with prior experience in creating multi-page documents. Attention to detail and the ability to follow specific design guidelines will be crucial for this task. Please ensure your bid reflects your understanding of the project requirements. In attached html header of second page is overlapping content of second page, it should not overlap content, instead ...

$21 Average bid
$21 Snittbud
16 bud

I'm in need of a visually stunning PowerPoint template for my tech company. The design should be classic with pastel colours, while subtly emphasizing our technological edge. Key Requirements: - Design for Cover and Content...technological edge. Key Requirements: - Design for Cover and Content slides - Creation of Custom Icons and Graphics - Aesthetic alignment with a technology company - Use of classic, pastel colours Please Include in Your Application: - Your portfolio, particularly any relevant PowerPoint template design - Screenshots of past work will be acceptable Types of Slides Needed: - Title slide - Section header slide - Content slide - Additional slide types to be discussed in detail Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - PowerPoint Expertise - Understanding of Techno...

$403 Average bid
$403 Snittbud
123 bud

Hi Alex, we need a screendesign for another astro portal. We only need the design for the desktop version and only the home page. - The header should have a sun with eruptions and energetically flowing ring around the sun (drawing from customer) - The rays of the sun should shine out - Background color of the home page in a bright yellow - Font of the logo flowing in capital letters, cursive script (serif) - The site should have a bright appearance - Customer likes

$542 Average bid
$542 Snittbud
1 bud

My eBay template is experiencing layout issues primarily within the header and the CSS navigation. I need a professional with strong CSS and HTML skills to check the coding, fix the errors, and re-design the header and a few parts within the main body. This template is for eBay and therefore cannot use Javascript, so a complete understanding of HTML/ CSS capabilities are needed. This is urgent, so please only enquire if you are able to start immediately.

$37 Average bid
$37 Snittbud
45 bud

...consistent header and footer to a multi-page, text-heavy HTML and CSS document no js or jquery. The header and footer should include the following elements: - Page number (optional) - Document title - Company logo Please note that the header and footer will not need to differ on the first page compared to the others. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in HTML and CSS, with prior experience in creating multi-page documents. Attention to detail and the ability to follow specific design guidelines will be crucial for this task. Please ensure your bid reflects your understanding of the project requirements. In attached html header of second page is overlapping content of second page, it should not overlap content, instead ...

$30 Average bid
$30 Snittbud
52 bud

I am releasing a new version of the SwarPlug plugin and have revamped the UI. Now I need a new header bar as well.

$60 Average bid
$60 Snittbud
1 bud

I'm seeking a professional to make some minor edits to my PDF and PSD files. The changes mainly involve text and a color schema adjustment. Specific Requirements: - Text adjustments in the Header and Footer as well as the body content. - Implementation of a new color scheme across the files. Ideal Candidates: - Proficient in editing PDF and PSD files. - Strong attention to detail. - Able to implement color scheme changes seamlessly.

$79 Average bid
$79 Snittbud
18 bud

I need a freelancer to help me apply my website header to individual pages of my WordPress site.

$125 Average bid
$125 Snittbud
78 bud

My client is launching a new website tomorrow and has just advised they need a new email template to match the new site design. The email template The email template design must be completed using the client's BeeFree email design tool and should be delivered in the next 24 hours please. The ideal freelancer for this job should: - Have experience with BeeFree email design tool - Can design a generic email template that matches the new site design - Can deliver the design in 24 hours The email template should include: - A header with the logo - A main content area with text, images, and some background styling. - A footer with mostly the same info as the website While the design should align with the new website, the freelancer will have creative freed...

$102 Average bid
$102 Snittbud
31 bud
Full Stack Developer
5 dagar left

...a single-page layout. 2. Design Requirements: - User-Friendly Interface: The website should have a clean, modern design that is easy to navigate. - Responsive Design: The website must be mobile-friendly and function smoothly on various screen sizes (desktop, tablet, and mobile). - Branding: Use the café's logo, color scheme, and typography consistently throughout the site to reflect the café's identity. 3. Sections of the Website: - Header: - Café name and logo. - Navigation links (if any are necessary, e.g., to social media). - Menu Section: - Foods: - List of food items with names, descriptions, images, and prices. - Drinks: - List of drink items with names, descriptions, images, ...

$14 Average bid
$14 Snittbud
30 bud
Algorithmic Figma to Code -- 2
5 dagar left

I have created a program that extracts the JSON object of a Figma design file (of websites only not mobile UI) using Figma's restful API. Furthermore there is an anoth...enables parsing the JSON and updating the 'type' keys to a desired value, eg a key having type value 'FRAME' can then be updated to say 'Button', this mechanism is called tagging which is also done by other figma-based code extensions to improve code accuracy. Now I want a python script that takes this tagged design JSON as input and then translates it to HTML and CSS codes. Required components Header, Footer, Navbar, all form elements, text elements, media elements like images, videos and audios nested elements like Cards, tables, lists and other container objects Make sure to b...

$31 Average bid
$31 Snittbud
8 bud trading company specializing in agricultural and industrial commodities (corn, sugar, wheat, metals). Additionally, we need our logo to be vectorized to ensure high-quality scalability across different platforms. Project Scope: ✅ Landing Page Requirements: Theme: The design should be based on the Neve theme (or similar lightweight, fast-loading theme). Page Builder: Elementor (free or Pro version). Design Style: Corporate, modern, clean, and minimalistic. High-end B2B feel, focusing on international trade. Structured sections with proper UX/UI balance. Color Palette: Dark Green (#1E3A34) Gold (#D4A757) White (#FFFFFF) Page Structure: 1️⃣ Header: Logo on the left Navigation menu: Home | About Us | Products | Contact WhatsApp button for direct inquiries ...

$159 Average bid
$159 Snittbud
78 bud

We are in the process of redesigning our website. I'm looking to improve the design of the home page of my travel site, which is currently stagging Here are the elements I'd like to improve or create - Header and navigation bar - Banner presenting the agency's services - Main banner - Featured travel packages section - Blog posts section and thumbnails - Experience section and thumbnails - Thumbnails of blog posts - Suggested - Icons - Footer I'm looking for a design that matches the style of : - the main banner (except for the circles)

$427 Average bid
$427 Snittbud
119 bud

...mirror the header and footer of my old one. Header Adjustments: - Style and nav menu should be identical to the original site, including color schemes. - On desktop, the logo needs to be on the left and the menu centralised. Footer Adjustments: - Ensure images are optimally displayed on mobile. Also, fix the desktop spacing for the brand logo and RBLI images. - Insert the registered charity information. - Centralise privacy policy and website info on desktop. - Add a LinkedIn social link, matching the styling of the main website. - Include phone number and email icon above the main footer info. The container should be a full pill to maintain consistency with the main website. Time is of the essence, as I need this completed within 3-4 hours. old site link...

$36 Average bid
$36 Snittbud
27 bud

...(room, meals, scooter). Map: “Golden Temple (3 km),” “Wagah Border (25 km).” Monetization: Fees: 10% guest, 5% host. Premium: ₹500/month for top listings. Reply 2: Mockup Visual Description for Listing Page Layout Overview: Screen: Desktop (1440px wide), mobile-responsive. Colors: Saffron (#FF9933), green (#138808), blue (#000080). Fonts: Noto Sans Hindi, Lato. Sections: Header: Logo: “Ghar Khana Aur Ghumo” with mandala icon. Nav: “Home,” “Become a Host,” “Find a Stay,” “Support.” Hero Section: Title: “Punjabi Home with Scooter – Amritsar” (24px, saffron). Photos: Carousel (600x400px): Room with phulkari blanket. Thali with paratha, lass...

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr Snittbud
15 bud

...evaluate all serious bids. Also view our "Client profile" before you respond. We are a reputed employer with excellent previous ratings and have been awarding projects for 10+ years. The chosen freelancer will receive positive feedback score and prompt payment. ----------------- About the task ----------------------- Build an AI-enabled application which 1. Recognizes the correct column header and places the correct data in the correct column a. Excel b. Text c. Word document d. PDF 2. Recognizes hand-writing upload from 1. Image files (JPG, GIF or PNG) 2. PDF files 3. Compiles the data into a correct Excel sheet (for students, parent and teacher) 4. Uploads the data into our web application called Kontakkt Please read the attached project file carefully, wh...

$80 Average bid
$80 Snittbud
33 bud

Update expired woo commerce files Change cover section to fixed image for the purpose of increasing page load speed metrics Relocate section on site “why resurgence travel” to above header Advise why latest post on home page is not displaying the latest post Remove section carousel for choose by destination Check on configuration of cart to advise why customer previous items remain in cart on subsequent visits and they subsequently cannot remove items not wanted from cart

$62 Average bid
$62 Snittbud
1 bud

...of the watch. Image Sizes: Dial-only images should be uniform in size. The Tiffany Blue Sky-Dweller appears oversized and needs resizing. Currency Display: Should be based on the user’s IP. Supported currencies: GBP (£) USD ($) HKD ($) EUR (€) AED (د.إ) Progress Bar Colour: Change from red/pink to gold. Negotiation Feature: Users must sign up to negotiate prices for Non-Custom Watches. Header Image: Needs to be changed. Upload Products: Ensure all products are uploaded and that the Call-To-Actions (CTAs) function correctly. 3. PRODUCT CATEGORIES & FILTERS Main Categories: Bespoke Dials Custom Watches Non-Custom Watches Subcategories (Available in the Filter): Datejust Dials Day-Date Dials Daytona Dials Royal Unique Dials Mecca Collection...

$144 Average bid
$144 Snittbud
130 bud

I have two sets of HTML codes and need a skilled developer to merge them into a single master template. The ideal candidate should: - Have extensive experience with HTML - Be proficient in Visual Studio Code - Understand how to create a master template The merged code should contain: - Header and footer - Main content area - Sidebar I have both codes written, I just can't get them into one code.

$130 Average bid
$130 Snittbud
142 bud

I'm looking for a professional to create an engaging MP4 file to serve as a background video for the header of our website's homepage. The video should depict spinning pieces coming together to form an Origami bird. Ideal Skills: - Video Production - Animation - Understanding of Origami and its visual aspects Please provide samples of your previous work that align with this project. We want to replace the graphic at top of our website We like this but need to form an Origami at the end. Our logo is a two-tone Origami bird. I attached a copy of this and have others if needed. Thanks!

$98 Average bid
$98 Snittbud
64 bud
Trophy icon Logo for SkyFleet
Avslutades left

Objective This is a UAV Multi Rotor Company with the name SkyFleet Only entries that with SkyFleet logo will be considered Design a bold, modern, and professional logo that is primarily text-based, with the option of incorporating a small, subtle aviation-inspired icon. The icon should be minimalistic and seamlessly integrated within or near the text, ensuring it does not overpower the brand name. Design Requirements 1. Style & Aesthetic ✅ Minimalist & Futuristic – Clean, modern, and uncluttered design ✅ Mostly Text-Based – The focus should be on typography, with a small complementary icon ✅ Professional & High-Tech – Reflects aviation, precision, and innovation ✅ Scalable & Versatile – Must work well across all branding materia...

$300 Average bid
4234 bidrag
Trophy icon A1 Poster Design for Event Promotion
Avslutades left

...poster is to showcase my business so it needs to be really amazing. Example layout below: Lakes Outdoor Spaces (logo placement)Proud Sponsor of Kendal Rocks (small Kendal Rocks logo placement) Bespoke Outdoor Joinery Solutions Serving the South Lakes, Northern Lancashire & Surrounding Areas Our Services: ✅ Gates✅ Fences✅ Decking✅ Sheds & Garden Rooms✅ Outdoor Furniture (Example images of our work placed in a clean grid layout) Contact Us Today for a FREE, No-Obligation Quote! ? 07423 393 735? [Facebook QR Code Here] (Scan to Join Our Community!) Design Tips for Final Layout: Header & Sponsor Info: Brand logo at the top, Kendal Rocks logo slightly smaller to the side. Main Services Section: Bold headings with clean bullet point...

$25 Average bid
104 bidrag

...- Optional: "Sign Up" button (if you want to allow new users to register) - Optional: "Forgot Password" link - homepage is a simple SaaS landing page where we can add some hero section. Name is called TaskAI --- #### **2. Dashboard Screen** - **Purpose:** Display all tasks in a clean, organized way. - add some widgets like count of tasks, outstanding taska - **Elements:** - **Header:** - App logo/name - "Create New Task" button (floats on the top-right corner) - "Logout" button (top-right corner) - **Task List:** - Table or card view with columns/cards for: - Task Name - Assigned To (user avatar or name) - Description (short preview) - Due Date - Status (e.g., "In Progress...

$44 Average bid
$44 Snittbud
21 bud

...for both mobile and desktop. - Mobile responsiveness: The site should function seamlessly on all devices. - Professional and alive design: The design should reflect a professional and corporate style, but also be engaging and 'alive'. - Changes are required on the homepage, two service pages, the 'About Us' page, the 'Contact Us' page, and the 'Privacy Policy' page. Additionally, the footer and header of the blog need to be updated to match the new site's design. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in UX/UI design - Proven track record of enhancing website usability - Expertise in creating modern, professional and corporate designs - Knowledge of current best practices for mobile responsiveness and loading speed optimizat...

$105 Average bid
$105 Snittbud
51 bud

I need PHP Admission Form Final Website Layout (Verbal Description) 1. Header Section: Left Side: Logo (Rahul Kumar). Right side : "+91xxxxxxxxxx" Phone in bold, large font. Below Header: A Creative Image Slider with 3-4 professional images for each slide. Now divide the coloumn of slider in two part like this I need similar compact layout like this 2. Common Application Form Section (CAP 2025): on right corner Title: "Common Application Form 2025" Fields to be filled: need same layout like this Name Email Address Mobile Number Select State Select City Select Course University Selection (4 Fields) Field 1 (Dropdown with 12 universities) Field 2 (Dropdown with 12 universities, excluding the one selected in Field 1)

$78 Average bid
$78 Snittbud
19 bud