Openerp python import commandJobb
Hej Vi är ett mindre svenskt sällskap/företag i växt som söker en mer kostnadseffektiv lösning för vår bokföring och • Löpande bokföring • Årsredovisning och deklaration • Eventuell rådgivning vid behov Vår verksamhet är relativt enkel, och vi vill hitta en flexibel lösning som passar vår budget utan att kompromissa på kvaliteten. Om detta låter intressant, hör gärna av dig med en offert eller förslag på upplägg. Vi är öppna för att samarbeta på distans och uppskattar transparenta priser. Vi driver import / export av miljövänliga produkter. Se bifogade dokument för mer info eller kolla in v&ar...
Hej, Jag har en idé om en multiplayer sudoku spelapp. Jag har fått offerter på 25000 usd för att utveckla spelet men jag vill inte satsa dessa pengar. Jag vill istället skapa spelet själv, men saknar kompetens att göra det. Jag har erfarenhet av programmering i Python, men inte spel. Jag vill ha någon som sätter upp en arbetsplan, där varje steg beskrivs, därefter ger mig viss guidning för att komma genom varje steg. Jag vill alltså både utveckla spelet och lära mig att utveckla själv. Jag behöver någon med erfarenhet av att utveckla multiplayer-spel (design kommer vara relativt enkel) för iphone/android. Dessutom villig att lära ut (skicka länkar/tips på litte...
Hej, har ett pågående projekt. Vi har kört fast så skulle behöva ett andra öga på projektet. Innefattar python, flask, webscraping.
Uppgiften är att bygga en slumpgenerator i programmeringsspråket python i miljön google colab. Slumpgenreatorn ska kunna läsa in information(i det här fallet namn ifrån ett google spreadsheet och slumpa ut dem här namnen i basgrupper(6 basgrupper, 6 i varje grupp, där vissa grupper blir färre personer) i spreadsheatet. Så alla basgrupperna och elever får bra placeringar. progrmmaet ska och kunna t.e.x slumpa om placeringar och basgrupper i klassrummet om man vill det. Jag kanske inte har förklarat uppgiften så väl, så jag kan enkelt bara dela instruktionerna där allting är väl skrivet så ni får en ökad förståelse för uppgiften.
Hemsida ska ta in en del information från användare och spara de i databas. I hemsidan kan man se hela tabellen i databasen och kan ändra om man vill. Man kan även lägga in nya rekord i databasen. I python programmet som jobbar på bakgrunden skulle jag kunna läsa in de värdena från databasen och föra till en algorithm som är också skriven i python.
Jag jobbar med att sälja plåt och vi skickar certifikat till våra kunder på stålet, jag skulle vilja ha en portal där de kan söka efter certifikatet och ladda ner pdf filen på egen hand. Se länk nedan på liknande lösning. Jag vill kunna lägga upp pdf filerna antingne på onedrive eller köra ftp mot en server. Vi har redan en server som kör lite python grejer så den kan säkert användas för att placera detta i. Vår hemsida är och den är byggd med wordpress.
ITSM Delivery söker Integrationsutvecklare för vår kund. Krav: Java Scala Python R Biztalk Erfarenhet av IBM MQ-server och Biztalk som meddelandesystem att integrera till. Erfarenhet av att bygga near-realtime-instrumentpaneler för att stödja affärsverksamheten. Målet är att använda Spark streaming. Erfarenhet - 6 år. Start: augusti, 2019 Ort: Stockholm / Solna Vi erbjuder: Mycket kreativ och dynamisk miljö, vilket ger en hälsosam professionell utmaning till proffs. Långsiktiga projekt och mysig atmosfär. Det här är ett heltidsjobb i Stockholm, ingen frilansmöjlighet. Ta gärna kontakt med mig för mer information.
Hjälp med kontroll av hemsida. Program som används. MongoDB SailsJS Elastic Search Python MVC - generellt API
sKils: -Docker Hub -Git -Python -Django -AWS -Redis -S3 -NodeJS -Go
Jag vill fixa till en webbsida Pandas Python django
Skriva 5 unika texter för 5 olika sajter inom näthandel. Import av alkohol Texterna ska vara unika och innehålla fakta om stad/land samt handel av alkohol
I have four university object oriented assignments I need to write a java program for. The assignments include 1.a) Write some simple java programs with hello world and reading numbers from the command prompt and conduct some arithmetic operations on them. 1.b) Position and coordinates and strings 2.a) Measurment and sensors, many classes that work together , sub-classes , and reading of the data from a webserver 3. Java graphic as well as standad classes for lists. Save list of positions as an arrays and iterators. A simple animation in the end of the assignment making a red circle that is made of the given positions. 4. The final assignment is to write a program that simulates how bunch of balls hit against the walls inside an isolated rectangular 2-D the BreakO...
I have four university object oriented assignments I need to write a java program for. The assignments include 1.a) Write some simple java programs with hello world and reading numbers from the command prompt and conduct some arithmetic operations on them. 1.b) Position and coordinates and strings 2.a) Measurment and sensors, many classes that work together , sub-classes , and reading of the data from a webserver 3. Java graphic as well as standad classes for lists. Save list of positions as an arrays and iterators. A simple animation in the end of the assignment making a red circle that is made of the given positions. 4. The final assignment is to write a program that simulates how bunch of balls hit against the walls inside an isolated rectangular 2-D the BreakO...
I have four university object oriented assignments I need to write a java program for. The assignments include 1.a) Write some simple java programs with hello world and reading numbers from the command prompt and conduct some arithmetic operations on them. 1.b) Position and coordinates and strings 2.a) Measurment and sensors, many classes that work together , sub-classes , and reading of the data from a webserver 3. Java graphic as well as standad classes for lists. Save list of positions as an arrays and iterators. A simple animation in the end of the assignment making a red circle that is made of the given positions. 4. The final assignment is to write a program that simulates how bunch of balls hit against the walls inside an isolated rectangular 2-D the BreakO...
Hej, Kolla bifogade filer för ytterligare information! Mvh t1f0
Hej, har du möjlighet att hjälpa mig med tre deluppgifter i Python? Ämnet är, som nämns i rubriken, sortering och sökning. Deadline fredag 8.5.2015 kl. 22:00 Information om projektet finns bifogat som filer. Med vänlig hälsning, t1f0
Uppgift 1: Din uppgift är nu att skapa ett program med vilket du kan kryptera och dekryptera text som endast innehåller stora bokstäver enligt Vigenere-algoritmen. För att göra det behöver du en tabell, som du t.ex. kan generera med följande funktion: def make_cipher(): cipher = [] i = 0 j = 0 # Väljer bokstäverna A-Z for char in [:26]: ([i:26]+[:j]) i += 1 j += 1 return cipher Förutom funktionen make_cipher behöver du igen två funktioner för att kryptera resp. dekryptera ett meddelande. def encrypt(key, msg): cipher = make_cipher() # ...mer kod def decrypt(key, msg): cipher = make_cipher() # ...mer kod Uppgift 2: Testa programmet med exemplet på ...
for och sekvenser (python) 1) Skriv ett program som tar hand om röstberäkningen i ett val. Kandidaterna numreras 2-7, och vi lagrar varje kandidats sammanlagda röstantal i en lista (rösterna för nr. 2 ska lagras i position 2, rösterna för nr. 3 i position 3 etc). Tänk noga på hur stor lista du behöver! Varje element ska 0-ställas innan man börjar mata in de enskilda rösterna (ingen valfusk här!). För övningens skull antar vi att antalet röstberättigade är 10 personer, av vilka alla röstar (men de kan rösta blankt eller ge proteströster, så varje given röst måste kontrolleras!). Sist ska varje kandidats röstantal skrivas ut 2) För att göra r...
hej jag en kurs programmering( python ) som är databaserad och behöver hjälp med. Det är för nybörjare . Pris kan vi komma överens om . hör av dig så fort som möjligt Med vänlig hälsning,
hej jag en kurs programmering( python ) som är databaserad och behöver hjälp med. Det är för nybörjare . Pris kan vi komma överens om . hör av dig så fort som möjligt Med vänlig hälsning,
olika delmoment: Kodskelett Innan programmet skrivs ska en specifikation i form av ett kodskelett lämnas in. Syftet är att du ska tänka igenom problemet innan du försöker lösa det. Prototyp När ditt kodskelett har blivit godkänt så är det dags att börja arbeta med en prototyp av programmet. En prototyp är en första körbar version av programmet som innehåller den mest grundläggande funktionaliteten. Syftet med att lämna in en prototyp är att vi ska kunna ge tips och råd om förbättringar och ändringar redan innan programmet är helt klart. Beskrivning av upgiften: Varudeklaration: Filhantering. Str¨anghantering. Hantering av datastrukturer samt s¨ok...
Programmeringsspråk: Openwrt (ev. kan Python vara möjligt) Plattform: Carambola2 Applikation: Vid power-on ska enheten kolla GPIO pinnar, koppla upp mot ett av några förutbestämda WiFi-nät och skicka ett e-post och sedan göra sig beredd på power-down. Slutapplikationen är olika, men enkla och ska helst kunna skrivas i ett ANSI-C program som kallar på det som beskrevs ovan, Alternativt en kort intensivkurs att programmera slutapplikationen i Openwrt. WiFi inställningar, e-postadress, e-posstmeddelande och ev. övriga inställningar ska kunna konfigureras via t.ex. USB från en PC (Teraterm duger). Om möjligt vore det bra att kunna ändra dessa inställningar genom att t.ex. skicka e...
Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektpython programming'
olika delmoment: Kodskelett Innan programmet skrivs ska en specifikation i form av ett kodskelett lämnas in. Syftet är att du ska tänka igenom problemet innan du försöker lösa det. Prototyp När ditt kodskelett har blivit godkänt så är det dags att börja arbeta med en prototyp av programmet. En prototyp är en första körbar version av programmet som innehåller den mest grundläggande funktionaliteten. Syftet med att lämna in en prototyp är att vi ska kunna ge tips och råd om förbättringar och ändringar redan innan programmet är helt klart. Beskrivning av upgiften: Varudeklaration: Filhantering. Str¨anghantering. Hantering av datastrukturer samt s¨ok...
Presupuesto 70 dólares para hoy Dólares necesito una persona experta en Python para que pueda hacer las digitalización pertinente de código que se le enviaría necesito una persona rápidas y respóndanle
I've encountered an invalid command on my Apache server. This is clearly a server error, and I need urgent assistance in diagnosing and fixing the issue. Please provide your experience with Apache server troubleshooting. The server is running Apache version 2.4. The error is due to a required module not being loaded in the Apache configuration. The server is running on a Windows operating system. Remote access credentials will be provided for troubleshooting.
Hello, Please only answer if you have experience in Pine Script. I have a strategy that I need to make some changes. My experience is in Python and my knowledge of Pine Script is limited to identifying problems or including certain upgrades. I would like to know how much it would be and how long it will take you to do the following: (1) Fix the short trades. The problem is that they are closed immediately after they are opened. (2) Why the "cond_angledown" is not working on the short trades? This issue is related to the point (1) above. (3) Make all the trades to stop loss at 15 pips. (4) Include in the "cond_sell_gap and cond_angledown" y en el "cond_buy_gap and cond_angleup" a trailing stop of 20 pips. I will provide the layout and the Pine Scrip...
I'm looking for...geographic locations. Key Objectives: - Ensure data integrity, consistency, and standardization based on predefined rules - Provide a cleaned derived outcome - Deliver a fully functional Python script or other dependencies used for data cleaning The data will be provided in Excel format. We have a detailed document outlining our specific rules for data cleaning. The primary focus during the data standardization process will be on maintaining consistency. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data cleaning and standardization - Strong background in handling data and textual data wrangling - Advanced Python programming skills - Experience with Excel - Ability to adhere to predefined rules and guidelines Please note, attention to detail is cru...
I'm seeking a new team member who need to be a professional Python developer with extensive experience in web scraping using Scrapy, data manipulation via MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline, JavaScript, and API development. The project encompasses all aspects of data extraction, processing, and integrating different technologies. Key Responsibilities: - Web scraping with Scrapy to extract data from various websites - Manipulating and processing the extracted data using MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline - Developing APIs by using FastAPI and Django for seamless integration of different technologies - Utilizing JavaScript where necessary for backend and frontend Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Python, Scrapy, MongoDB, and JavaScript, Django, FastAPI - Extensive exper...
...interactive and dynamic user interface that is both intuitive and enjoyable for our users. - Integrating third-party APIs to extend functionalities of the VMS platform. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficiency in React: This is a key requirement, as we want you to contribute significantly to the front-end of our platform. - Backend development: Solid experience in backend development with Python (preferred), Node.js, or similar server-side technologies will be crucial for your success in this role. - Data analytics: While your main focus will not be on building data analytics for video content, some experience or understanding in this area will be beneficial as we hope to incorporate robust data analytics into our platform in the future. We seek a mid-level devel...
I have a 2-page handwritten Hebrew text that needs to be translated into English. Key Requirements: - Native Hebrew speaker with excellent command over English. - Experience in translating handwritten texts. - Ability to provide a readable and natural translation, rather than a strict word-for-word translation. - Discretion and respect for the personal nature of the document. Please bid if you can start now and finish ASAP. I need that done soon.
...Functionalities & Requirements: 1. Continuous Deep Learning & Research The AI must continuously learn from multiple sources, including websites, books, academic papers, forums, and real-world applications. Areas of learning must include (but are not limited to): Hacking & Cybersecurity: Ethical hacking, penetration testing, security exploits, encryption, and counter-attacks. Programming & Development: Python, Perl, .NET, C, C++, C#, Java, PHP, JavaScript, and more. Electronics & Hardware Engineering: IoT, embedded systems, circuit design, and hardware hacking. Science & Technology: AI research, quantum computing, biotechnology, robotics, and space technology. History & Intelligence: Historical analysis, military strategies, geopolitics, and intellig...
...Strong curiosity and eagerness to adopt new technologies and frameworks. - Proven Expertise: At least 3 years of experience as a Backend Developer, with a track record of successful API development and data integration projects. - CRM Integration Experience: Familiarity with CRM systems (preferably Attio), API integrations, and automation workflows. - Strong Programming Skills: Proficiency in Python, Node.js, or Java with solid knowledge of web frameworks such as Django or Flask. - Database Proficiency: Experience with relational and NoSQL databases, including data structuring, querying, and optimization. - API Development: Expertise in designing, building, and securing RESTful APIs. - Security Awareness: Knowledge of data privacy, secure coding practices, and compliance re...
...Responsibilities: Develop full-stack applications for communication, marketing, and analytics tools. Integrate APIs (WhatsApp, SMTP, SMS gateways) and telecom protocols (SMPP/HTTP). Build SaaS products, smart URL services, and Meta-platform marketing funnels. Optimize performance, security, and scalability. Requirements: Proficiency in HTML/CSS/JS frameworks (React/Angular) and backend languages (Node.js/Python). Experience with RESTful APIs, cloud platforms (AWS/Azure), and databases. Familiarity with telecom protocols or AI/ML (NLP) is a plus. The project is expected to be delivered within 3 to 6 months. The deployment environment should be cloud-based, ideally using platforms like AWS or Azure. The primary target audience for these communication solutions is large ent...
I need an expert in Excel to set up a comprehensive spreadsheet that tracks my retail product inventory, wholesale and shipping costs...inventory, wholesale and shipping costs, sales prices and profits. Key Requirements: - Design an Excel spreadsheet to monitor: - Retail product inventory - Wholesale costs and shipping costs - Sales prices and profits - Implement a functionality to import order data from Faire, my wholesale provider, on a monthly basis. - Create automatic monthly sales and profit reports utilizing the imported order data from Faire. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience in designing inventory tracking systems - Familiarity with data import functionalities - Understanding of retail and wholesale cost tracking Please bid if you have the rel...
...a real-time trading interface, connecting to exchange APIs using CCXT or other solutions. ✅ Integrate an AI engine (Machine Learning, Deep Learning) to optimize trading strategies. ✅ Ensure multi-account and multi-exchange management. ✅ Secure transactions and API key access. ✅ Perform rigorous testing to ensure stability and profitability of the algorithm. ?️ Required Skills: ? Proficiency in Python, Node.js, or C++ for trading algorithm development. ? Experience with crypto exchange APIs (Binance, Bybit, KuCoin, etc.). ? Strong knowledge of technical indicators and trading strategies. ? Expertise in Machine Learning / AI applied to trading. ? Experience in security and API key management. ? Ability to deliver clean, well-documented, and optimized code. ⏳ Timeline: ? Estimated...
...alertas para estudiantes en riesgo de abandonar la escuela o desempeñarse por debajo de las expectativas. ✅ Relación del desempeño escolar con factores externos, tales como: Condiciones socioeconómicas. Entorno escolar y familiar. ⚙️ Tecnologías recomendadas Los desarrolladores podrán sugerir la mejor pila de tecnología, pero algunas tecnologías recomendadas incluyen: ? Lenguajes y frameworks: Python (Django, Flask), Node.js, Java, .NET ? Base de datos: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase ? IA y aprendizaje automático: TensorFlow, Scikit-Learn, OpenAI API ? Big Data y análisis: Apache Spark, Hadoop, Power BI ? Panel de visualización: React.js, Angular, Vue.js, paneles interactivos ? Nube e infraestruc...
I'm looking for a simple Python script that can retrieve Open Interest data from the Zerodha Data API in JSON format and send it to another API every 3 minutes. Requirements: - Retrieve data from Zerodha Data API - Format data as JSON - Send data to specified API - Frequency of data transfer: Every 3 minutes Error Handling: - Implement a retry mechanism for failed data transmissions - Log errors for review Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python programming - Experience with API data retrieval and transmission - Familiarity with JSON data formatting - Skills in implementing error handling mechanisms in scripts
I need an experienced develope...developer to port my PHP project to Python. The project is currently running on a Linux based system and utilizes some Linux commands. The ported project must maintain all existing features and functionalities. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in PHP and Python, particularly Python 3.8 or 3.9 - In-depth knowledge of Linux and its command line interface - Proficiency in Flask framework - Strong debugging skills to ensure all features are preserved post-porting Please note that while I have not specified certain details, I expect a high level of professionalism and attention to detail. The successful candidate will fully understand the importance of maintaining all the original features and will be able to replicate the pro...
I need a custom WordPress plugin, combined available WP plugins or script that automates the process of creating posts from email press releases. The system should: Retrieve emails from an IMAP-enabled email account. Extract text and the largest image from each email. Rewrite the text using an AI API (OpenAI). Resize the largest image to 800px as a draft for admin approval. Should be fully automated and check email every hour, not duplicating previously used emails. Requirements: Experience with WordPress plugin development. Familiarity with IMAP, AI APIs, and image processing. Ability to deliver a clean, functional solution within a $500 budget. Budget: $500 (fixed). Timeline: 2–3 weeks. Preferred Skills: WordPress, PHP, Python, IMAP, OpenAI API, Ima...
...IP-related bans. • Optimized to prevent Tinder from lagging due to too many matches. ✅ MacBook Compatibility & Easy Account Switching • The bot must run directly on macOS (not Windows-only). • If my Tinder account gets banned, I should be able to easily connect the bot to a new account without needing complex setup. Tech Stack & Developer Requirements: • Must work on macOS (preferably using Python, Selenium, Puppeteer, or a similar framework). • Developer must have experience in bot detection evasion. • The bot should be easy to configure for a new Tinder account if banned. • Should run on Tinder Web (preferred) or Mac-compatible emulator. Budget & Timeline: • Open to offers based on your expertise. • Looking fo...
I need assistance with a dynamic programming problem from Kattis. The specific problem is the coin change problem. I'm using Python for this, so familiarity with this programming language is essential. Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of dynamic programming concepts - Proficiency in Python - Experience with algorithmic problems, especially from Kattis - Ability to explain complex concepts in a simple way
...will involve working on both front-end and back-end systems, specifically in the context of AI-powered applications and blockchain development. Key Responsibilities: - Building and optimizing both front-end and back-end systems - Implementing AI automation solutions - Developing and managing smart contracts, tokenization and decentralized applications Technical Skills Required: - Proficiency in Python, specifically with the Django framework - Frontend skills in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript - Database management with PostgreSQL - Cloud deployment experience with AWS or DigitalOcean Ideal Candidate: - Equal expertise in both AI and Blockchain development - Specialization in automation within AI development - Previous experience with smart contracts, tokenization and decentralized app...
I need an OCR and document management expert to streamline our equipment verification process. The project involves: - Creating an OCR system for immediate delivery note checks - Automating how we handle discrepancies and supplier disputes - Setting up real-time alerts for pertinent teams I prefer the use of Python and OCR technologies like Tesseract or Google Vision, as well as ERP systems and APIs. The project is estimated to take two weeks and will be conducted remotely on a freelance basis.
We're seeking a developer for our logistics optimization. Your role will involve creating a system for efficient delivery and installation planning, along with au...for our logistics optimization. Your role will involve creating a system for efficient delivery and installation planning, along with automatic customer notifications. Key Tasks: - Develop a system for optimizing delivery routes and scheduling. - Create automatic customer notifications (via SMS and email). - Align equipment reception with installation timelines. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python and experience with Google Maps API. - Familiarity with automation tools like Zapier. - Prior experience with ERPs, particularly Sage and Odoo, is a plus. The project duration is estimated at 4 weeks and will be cond...
I'm looking for expert guidance in establishing a Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (WFOE) in Mainland China. My primary business sector will be Trading and Import-Export. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive knowledge of the WFOE registration process. - Understanding of the Trading and Import-Export industry in China. - Assistance with obtaining necessary licenses and registrations including: - Import/Export License - Customs Registration - Foreign Exchange Registration Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven track record of facilitating WFOE registration. - Experience in the Trading and Import-Export sector in China. - Familiarity with Chinese licensing and registration processes.
I'm looking to...negotiation tracking through an intelligent and automated CRM system. Key Tasks: - Implement an automated follow-up system for quotations via email and internal notifications. - Set up a negotiation tracking system. - Develop a centralized CRM dashboard with reporting features. Tech Proficiency: - CRM platforms (I'm open to HubSpot, Zoho, Salesforce) - API Knowledge - Proficient in Zapier and Python Ideal Candidate: A tech-savvy professional with extensive experience in CRM systems and automation tools. You should be able to design a user-friendly dashboard and facilitate smooth migration of our existing data into the new system. Please note, the project duration is estimated to be 3 weeks and it will be a remote freelance opportunity. Looking forwar...
We are looking for an expert in scraping, APIs, and ERP integration to automate stock management and product substitution in case of shortages. Main Tasks: - Automate the consultation of internal and supplier stock levels. - Develop an alert system for stock shortages. - Integrate an intelligent substitution solution and update quotes in Sage. Preferred Technologies: Python, Web Scraping (BeautifulSoup, Scrapy), REST API, Sage. Estimated Duration: 2 weeks Work Mode: Remote freelance
We are seeking a senior-level mobile app programmer with extensive JavaScript experience in developing user interfaces using React.js. The app will be developed for both iOS and Android platforms. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in JavaScript, with particular emphasis on React.js. Experience with PHP and Python is a plus, but the primary focus will be on React. The ability to create intuitive, seamless user interfaces will be key. As this project is aimed at the Spanish-speaking market, developers from South America who are fluent in Spanish are preferred. Prior experience in developing similar features in mobile apps is highly valued. Please share your portfolio of relevant mobile apps you've developed, as well as any experience you have in programming for...