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Sälj kurs som utförs på internet. Kursen handlar om hur man får bättre hälsa genom att rensa kroppen på gifter och ge kroppen den energi som den behöver. Du har ingen timlön utan vi delar 50/50 på vinsten. Du kan tjäna hur mycket som helst, ju mer du säljer desto mer tjänar du. Här är kursen
Jag vill ha en hemsida där kunder kan köpa flera olika online kurser med hjälp av Webflow memberships. På hemsidan ska användaren kunna gå in en på en sida som heter "mina kurser" där användaren kan se de kurser som han/hon har köpt. Därefter ska användaren kunna klicka på någon av dessa kurser och bli omdirigerade till en sida som innehåller alla kursens olika videor. Thats it. Denna hemsidan behöver alltså bara dessa sidor: en startsida, produkt display sida som visar alla kurser som går att köpa, cms produktsidor för varje individuell kurs som förklarar innehållet i den specifika kursen som användaren är inne på där kunden ocks&ari...
Baserat på premium tema, ställa in bilder, texter som vi tillhandahåller maximera UI UX på hemsidan med konfigurationer och integrationer med googel analytics, betalprocess, orderprocess och frakt inställningen, samt integration med Fortnox, SEO och SEOsökordsanalys och en sökordsoptimerad sida. Vi behöver också bli rekommenderade av betalfunktion, order funktion shipping funktion med kommunikation till kund. Vi tror också att vi behöver någon "prova på" funktion, där kunde får känna och klämma på produkterna innan köp. Swedish developers only!
jag behöver hjälp med att fixa min hemsida då jag har problem med marknadsföring som Facebook ads och betalning
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Vi söker driftiga människor som söker deltidsarbete för att dels boka in kunder samt att utföra introduktionskurser á 30 min. Vi har nyligen lanserat våra nya online-baserade språkplattform för att accelerera kunders språkkunskaper inom svenska. Våra kunder är både internationella företag samt personer i Sverige och utomlands. Ersättningen är provisionsbaserad och viktas mot inbokade kunder, utförda introduktionskurser samt språkkursbokningar.
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Operating4u söker text chatt operatörer till online plattform. Du jobbar med att svara på meddelanden från kunder. Du kan jobba när du vill, hur mycket du vill och vart du vill så länge du har en internet anslutning. [Removed by admin]
Uppdraget består att integrera och därefter anpassa en befintlig online e-commerce platform för licensiering av företagets produkter via SaaS. Projektet kommer att drivas i iterationer varav denna avser en första iteration för att verifiera att rätt plattform valts. Därefter ges möjlighet till längre uppdrag för vidare anpassningar och utökningar av lösningen. En initial preferens är att nyttja lösningen Chargebee sannolikt tillsammans med betalportalen Stripe Andra alternativ till Chargebee kan tänkas, om du som utförarare har specifik kunskap om någon av dessa istället: Recurly Chargify Spreedly FastSpring Zuora [REMOVED
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E-commerce var olika designers placerar ut sina produkter. Designern hyr en plats på min hemsida. Varan skickas direkt från designern till kunden. Inga mellanhänder. Jag vill alltså samla produkter från designers runt om i världen på sidan.
skapa en hemsida i worldpress, tema swell koppla till en onlineshop med begränsat innehåll, antal kategorier, varor.
Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektProffesional logo for online store'
Är ett distrikts förbund som använder sig av som hemsida. Vi anlitar ledare/domare etc. som sedan efter utfört uppdrag skall få ut ersättning för resor och andra utlägg. Behöver ha ett formulär på en hemsida för att kunna registrera reseräkningar för milersättning och utlägg. Formuläret summeras, signeras och skickas vidare via mail till attestanten. Använder idag ett excel ark som ligger med bifogat. Problemet för användarna är hanteringen med att först fylla i arket, printa ut och signera, skanna och mail vidare för godkännande. Detta är idag krångligt för en mindre teknisk kunnig och rörlig grupp med människor. Har inte direk...
...att göra motsvarande projekt där. **English version** We're looking for someone who has experience working with Facebook's API for advertising, who can help us automate the process of publishing targeted ads from our system to Facebook. Our system is based on a Java-environment, where we have a large number of job ads targeted to different groups stored in a database. It's some of these jobs we're looking to publish as Facebook ads, targeted at the correct audience (gender/age/region). This project can either be done as something you write in Java, which will be added as a module to our current system, publishing selected data to Facebook. Alternatively we'll provide and xml/json-file which contain the data we want published, which y...
Arbetet Utvärdera, analysera och kategorisera webbsidors innehåll, sökord, bilder eller dokument. Exempel på uppgifter: Utvärdera hur korrekt en sökmotors resultat matchar specifika sökord. Jämför två webbplatsers landningssidor och avgör vilken av dem som ger användaren bäst information. Eller, titta på webbsidor för att se om de innehåller något barnförbjudet eller inte. För detta arbete krävs - förmåga att uppmärksamma detaljer och följa riktlinjer - en dator med stabil uppkoppling till Internet - ett operativsystem som åtminstone tillåter Internet Explorer 6.0 eller högre, alternativt andra webbläsare Så här gå...
Jag är en läkare som vill göra en konkurrerande tjänst med siten Integration med bankiD ett måste.
Vi på behöver hjälp med att designa en bakgrund till vår webbutik. Butiken säljer träleksaker för barn. Vi vill att du kommer med olika designförslag då vi har slut på ideer. idag kör vi enbart med denna bild Så om du har ideer och kan hjäpla oss så lägg ett bud. Med vänliga hälsningar Mathias
Vi ska bygga om vår nya näthandeln till en ny. Vi vill att den vi anlitar ska göra designen, programmeringen, seo anpassning och ha tidigare kunskaper om hur ehandeln ska kopplas till ett affärssystem som tex visma business, SAP mm. Vi har siten redan idag med ska uppdatera designen, många funktioner och göra den bättre och mer användarvänlig. Specifikation finns.
Jag behöver artiklar skrivna på svenska som relaterar till online casino. Det ska vara artiklar om minst 500 ord. Artiklarna kan vara generella inom ämnet men också recensioner av spelsajter och casinospel. Artiklarna måste vara på svenska och bra skrivna och UNIKA. Det är en fördel om du har erfarenhet av kasino eftersom recensioner kräver en del kunskaper om ämnet.
Översättning av märkes/produktbeskrivningar för en online modebutik Vi söker en organiserad, ambitiös och vältalig översättare som har perfekt grammatik och kan möta deadlines. Vi är en modeorienterad e-handel från Sverige, som specialiserar på solglasögon och glasögon från kända designermärken, och vi letar efter en frilansande skribent för att hjälpa oss att skriva detaljerade beskrivningar av varumärken/produkter till vår hemsida. Projektinformation: 1. Projektets längd är 5-7 veckor (förhandlingsbart) 2. 50,000 ord 3. Flytande i svenska är ett krav 4. Förmåga att arbeta självständigt med en positiv attityd 5. Fö...
I'm seeking a seasoned SAP ABAP professional to conduct online live sessions. The target audience is beginners, so the training should start from the very basics. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in SAP ABAP - Proven track record of teaching - Ability to simplify complex concepts - Excellent communication skills - Proficient in conducting online live sessions Please submit your bid if you meet these qualifications and can help nurture the next generation of SAP ABAP professionals.
I'm seeking a qualified SAP functional trainer to provide online training in the SAP MM module. The training is for a beginner level and should cover all essential aspects of the module. Please be familiar with online training tools and methods to ensure engaging and effective sessions.
I am looking for a skilled WordPress developer to convert my flat HTML website into a custom WordPress theme. The new theme should mirror the existing site's layout and structure, enabling a smooth transition to WordPress. Key Project Requirements: - Create a custom WordPress theme based on an existing basic HTML website - The WordPress theme development - Proficiency with Elementor - Ability to create responsive and pixel-perfect designs - Understanding of WordPress' inherent structure and functionality - Capability to implement SEO and social media integrations if required in the future. Any attempts to contact outside of Freelancer listing will be blocked. Any submissions that look like just a bot applying for jobs will be ignored. I'll choose the best ...
I'm looking for someone to help me apply for tech-related jobs. I am targeting positions like Product Manager, Technical Product Manager, Senior Product Manager, Senior Technical Product Manager, and Program Manager. The jobs should be both local and remote opportunities. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Familiarity with the tech industry - Understanding of product management roles - Good communication and writing skills - Job application experience - Ability to tailor applications for different roles
I'm looking to establish a club website. The site should help promote our brand, facilitate member engagement, and provide a hub for our club's activities and updates. I'm not looking for a forum or networking tool, but rather a one-way communication platform from the club to its members. If you're creative and can think outside the box, I welcome your ideas on other potential content types or features that could enhance our site.
We are a cannabis online store . The store owner use to run deals in the city he is a well named in the market or call him “The plug” It’s a store and also an online store keeping under thailand law supervised ,. I need a professional logo made only serious people please More details: Is this project for business or personal use? For starting a new enterprise What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Experience How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP
I'm looking for savvy marketers to scour Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for home maintenance job listings. The types of jobs include plumbing, electrical work, landscaping, cleaning, painting, and gardening. Your role will involve: - Directly engaging with users on social media to collect job information. - Posting these jobs to my Job Portal. Ideal skills for this job would include: - Proficiency in navigating and using various social media platforms. - Excellent communication skills to engage with users. - Previous experience in job sourcing or marketing is a plus. Your efforts will help populate my Job Portal with real-time, relevant home maintenance jobs.
I'm seeking a web developer to create an online practice test platform for the G1 Test in Ontario. The site should offer practice tests similar to those provided by competitors in terms of user interface and experience. Key Features: - Online practice tests: The main focus of the site is to provide comprehensive, accessible, and user-friendly practice tests for users preparing for the G1 Test. - Progress tracking: Users should be able to track their progress over time, with the system recording their performance on each test. - Question explanations: After each test, users should have access to detailed explanations for each question, helping them understand their mistakes and learn more effectively. Option for users to have access to premium version such as weekly/ m...
...Ability to input details such as personal information, experience, skills, and education. Auto-formatting to ensure professional and ATS-friendly designs. Option to download the resume as a PDF. 5. User Authentication & Dashboards Job Seekers (Employees) Signup/Login with email, LinkedIn, or Google. Profile creation and resume upload. Job application tracking. Saved job posts and recommended jobs. Recruiters Signup/Login with email or LinkedIn. Dashboard to post and manage job listings. View and filter candidate applications. Shortlist and contact candidates directly. 6. Admin Control Panel Oversee and manage job posts, user accounts, and reported content. Analytics dashboard to monitor user activity and engagement. Ability to manage recruiter approvals an...
... The app will need to have both a robust backend, utilizing AWS, and a user-friendly frontend. We have an existing frontend which currently runs on NextJS application. We need to develop the backend. Core Features: - Job Posting and Searching: The primary function of the app is to facilitate job postings and allow users to search for jobs. Additional Features: - Automated Matching of Jobs and Candidates: Implement an intelligent algorithm that matches jobs with potential candidates based on their profiles and preferences. - Advanced Filtering Options: Create a system that allows users to filter job searches based on various parameters like location, salary, job type, etc. - Email Notifications for Job Alerts: Integrate a notification system that alerts users via e...
I am looking for a person with good communication skills to conduct online presentations for candidates.
I need assistance with a digital marketing project that focuses on creating a buzz around an online voting contest. The contest is crucial for our brand as it aims to increase user engagement while simultaneously expanding our email subscriber base. Key Objectives: - Enhance user engagement for the contest - Boost email list with new user registrations for nominations Requirements: - Start the campaign immediately - Experience with digital marketing specifically for engagement-driven projects - Knowledge in handling campaigns on dedicated websites Preferred Skills: - Proven track record in increasing user registrations - Strong communication skills for audience targeting I look forward to working with a dynamic individual or team who can launch this campaign swiftly and effectiv...
I'm looking for a skilled presentation designer with a deep understanding of AI's impact on the workforce, specifically focusing on job displacement within the investment sector. Key Aspects: - 4 slides english , 4 slide arabic same content on power point - Create an engaging and informative presentation illustrating the effects of AI on jobs in the investment sector. - Highlight specific case studies or examples of job displacement due to AI. - Use clear visuals and data to support the message. - Design should be suitable for a professional setting. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in AI and its implications on the workforce. - Excellent presentation design skills. - Experience in working with investment sector data is a plus. - Ability to simplify complex concepts f...
I'm seeking a capable web developer with a strong background in creating online service marketplaces. The platform will primarily cater to service providers and service seekers. Key Features: - User Profiles and Reviews: The marketplace will need to incorporate user profiles, with a system for rating and reviewing service providers. - Service Provider Profiles: While service providers will have the ability to create profiles, these will only need to include basic information. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in website development, particularly with service-based marketplaces. - Proficient in integrating user profiles and review systems. - Ability to create intuitive, user-friendly interfaces. - Strong understanding of secure and seamless payment integrations (even thou...
I'm looking to create a comprehensive online platform that serves dual purposes - a store for Ayurvedic medicines and herbal supplements, as well as a space for video consultations. Key Features: - E-commerce functionality for selling Ayurvedic medicines and herbal supplements. - A user-friendly interface that allows for easy navigation and purchasing. - A secure and reliable system for conducting video consultations. - A backend system that supports inventory management, order processing, and consultation scheduling. Ideal Skills: - E-commerce website development - Video call integration - Inventory management system setup - UX/UI design - Understanding or experience with Ayurvedic products and services would be a plus You should be able to deliver a platform that is secur...
I am looking for a Wordpress developer to help me set up the E-Commerce menu for my online shop, which will sell both physical and digital products. I have specific requirements for the functionality of the menu, so I need a developer who can customize it according to my needs. Additionally, I have specific examples of websites that I would like my E-Commerce menu to be similar to. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in Wordpress development - Experience with E-Commerce menu customization - Ability to understand and implement specific requirements - Familiarity with designing menus similar to specific examples provided
I'm looking for a professional web developer with extensive experience in online casino site development. The site should mirror the functionality and user experience of , with a specific focus on slot games and live dealer games. Key Requirements: - Development of a traditional casino feel online casino site - Inclusion of slots and live dealer games - Expertise in creating engaging, user-friendly designs The ideal candidate will have a strong portfolio in online gaming site development, with a knack for creating modern, sleek sites with a traditional casino feel.
I'm looking for an experienced web developer to create an online store for physical products, specifically cosmetics. The essential features that I want for the store include: - Product Reviews: I want customers to be able to review products they've purchased. This will not only help other customers make informed decisions, but also increase customer engagement on the site. - Loyalty Program: A rewarding system for repeat customers is crucial. This will encourage customer retention and increase overall sales. - Product Recommendations: I want an intelligent system that recommends products to customers based on their browsing and purchase history. - Live Chat Support: Implement a real-time live chat feature for customers to receive immediate assistance and support whil...
...Error on Online Exam Report Page Link to portal: school admin username: goxford1 password: orange@1 student username: GOS/577 password: LADO TEACHERS USERNAME: GOS/Odedeji PASSWORD 07063457814 1. Hide the pass/fail menu on online exam report page and create a column to show pass or fail for each entry. fix it such that the list stops showing replicated entries, and only result of the last attempt is shown in the entries. To see this error, on the online exam portal page, select online exam - '2ND TERM AGRIC SCIENCE', then clas - 'SS2', the section - 'SS2'. don't select any student so it can show you the results of all students who have taken the exam. 2. also hide this online exam report from the menu of the t...
I'm seeking a professional LMS developer to create a tailored online Learning Management System. This platform should be designed to host: - Pre-recorded video lectures: The LMS should have the capability to incorporate a series of pre-recorded video lectures. - Multiple-choice quizzes: After each topic, students should have the option to engage with multiple-choice quizzes. They should also have the ability to create custom quizzes by selecting different topics. - Self-assessment exams: The system should include self-assessment exams which are graded automatically. - The LMS should include detailed tracking of user progress, including time spent on lectures and quiz scores. - Include functionality for live webinars where instructors can engage with students in real-time. - En...
I'm seeking assistance to digitize my existing PDF-format practice tests into online tests on Kahoot!. The tests cover English and Maths, aimed at preparing school children for competitive exams. There are a total of 40 tests, each with 60 questions. Some question prompts have pictures or charts or tables included in them whereas some are reading-comprehensive type (therefore have long paragraphs). Some others are plain-text, 2-3 sentences long. All questions have multiple-choice based answers. Key Tasks: - Convert PDF-based tests into Kahoot! format - Ensure tests are objective-based, consistent with PDF format - Implement proper question sequencing and timing - Test functionality of all tests before final delivery - Enable question randomization to prevent predictability i...
Buenas estoy en busca de un Manager de Marketing Online para que me guie en el proceso para poder crecer y hacer ventas vías redes sociales, somo confeccionadores de ropa nuestro objetivo es vender al mayor y también al detal
Project Title: Automated Copy Trading System for Quotex with Telegram Signal Integration Description: I am looking for a skilled freelancer to develop an automated copy trading system for Quotex with integration to Telegram signals. The system should be able to execute trades online and utilize martingale up to 3 steps. Preferred Trading Platform: - Quotex Level of Automation: - Full automation is required, eliminating the need for manual input. Risk Tolerance Level: - The system should be designed to accommodate moderate risk tolerance. Skills and Experience: - Strong knowledge and experience in developing automated trading systems. - Proficiency in Quotex trading platform. - Familiarity with Telegram signal integration. - Understanding of martingale trading strategy. - Abilit...
I'm looking to develop an online game website that can accommodate a large number of users. The site should include features like user accounts, forums, leaderboards, and any additional functionalities to enhance user engagement. I'm open to suggestions and would love to collaborate with skilled freelancers who have experience in game development and web design. History & Intelligence: Historical analysis, military strategies, geopolitics, and intelligence operations. Online Business & Finance: Passive income strategies, gambling algorithms, high-risk investments, cryptocurrency trading, and advanced financial analysis. 2. Full Laptop Control & Task Execution AI should be capable of autonomous execution of complex tasks on my laptop, including: Pentesting & Cybersecurity Operations: Running security tests, ethical hacking, and exploit analysis. Programming & Development: Writing, debugging, and deploying code for websites, apps (Windows, Linux, Android, iOS). Online Research & Business Operations: Exploring deep online money-making strategies, automation, and executing financial transact...