Online life coaching jobs beninJobb


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    2,000 online life coaching jobs benin hittade uppdrag

    Sälj kurs som utförs på internet. Kursen handlar om hur man får bättre hälsa genom att rensa kroppen på gifter och ge kroppen den energi som den behöver. Du har ingen timlön utan vi delar 50/50 på vinsten. Du kan tjäna hur mycket som helst, ju mer du säljer desto mer tjänar du. Här är kursen

    $5449 Average bid
    $5449 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Jag vill ha en hemsida där kunder kan köpa flera olika online kurser med hjälp av Webflow memberships. På hemsidan ska användaren kunna gå in en på en sida som heter "mina kurser" där användaren kan se de kurser som han/hon har köpt. Därefter ska användaren kunna klicka på någon av dessa kurser och bli omdirigerade till en sida som innehåller alla kursens olika videor. Thats it. Denna hemsidan behöver alltså bara dessa sidor: en startsida, produkt display sida som visar alla kurser som går att köpa, cms produktsidor för varje individuell kurs som förklarar innehållet i den specifika kursen som användaren är inne på där kunden ocks&ari...

    $160 Average bid
    $160 Snittbud
    10 bud

    Baserat på premium tema, ställa in bilder, texter som vi tillhandahåller maximera UI UX på hemsidan med konfigurationer och integrationer med googel analytics, betalprocess, orderprocess och frakt inställningen, samt integration med Fortnox, SEO och SEOsökordsanalys och en sökordsoptimerad sida. Vi behöver också bli rekommenderade av betalfunktion, order funktion shipping funktion med kommunikation till kund. Vi tror också att vi behöver någon "prova på" funktion, där kunde får känna och klämma på produkterna innan köp. Swedish developers only!

    $852 Average bid
    $852 Snittbud
    13 bud
    Boda online shopping
    Avslutades left

    jag behöver hjälp med att fixa min hemsida då jag har problem med marknadsföring som Facebook ads och betalning

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Snittbud
    3 bud

    Jag driver ett antal affiliate sidor inom Online-trading och behöver en svensk som kan skriva 5-10 artiklar i veckan på runt 1700 ord var. Allt innehåll måste vara originalt och inga artiklar kan vara plagiat ifrån liknande sidor. Gärna en person som har kunskap om SEO och kunskap inom trading är givetvis väldigt kompletterande. Vi betalar per artikel skriven.

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Snittbud
    3 bud

    Ett kortspel online där man spelar om pengar. Roligare och mer beroendeframkallande än poker om man frågar mig och mina vänner.

    $5173 - $10346
    $5173 - $10346
    0 bud

    Vill skapa en enkel överlevnads spel i en skog mot andra spelare (online multiplayer) third person spel. Man börjar med en pistol och first aid kit och ett rep. Man kan crafta en pilbåge som vapen till en början. Spelet går ut på att överleva, så man måste vara så stealth som möjligt eftersom miljön är dimmigt eller mörkt, så du måste höra noggrant vart dina fiender är. Är det möjligt att skapa det? Tack för er tid!

    $387 Average bid
    $387 Snittbud
    2 bud

    Jag är en HÄLSO/örhängsnörd som behöver hjälp med att skapa en cool, lite crazy hemsida men som ändå är tydlig, enkel, anpassad till mobilen, och som inte behöver många KLICK för att komma fram till det man söker :-) Och om du har tips på en logga så är det plus i kanten. Jag ska utföra tjänster inom hälsa, pilates, HLR och andning. Också anno... Jag fixar rubriker, text, bilder. Jag vill bara att du hjälper mig med att bygga upp allt på ett snyggt sätt. Jag vill inte ha filmer mm än. Inget instagram flöde. Det får komma i efterhand. DET VIKTIGASTE ÄR ATT JAG HAR EN HEMSIDA SOM FOLK KAN HITTA, ATT DOM KAN LÄSA OM VAD JAG GÖR. Fixar...

    $599 Average bid
    $599 Snittbud
    5 bud

    Vi söker driftiga människor som söker deltidsarbete för att dels boka in kunder samt att utföra introduktionskurser á 30 min. Vi har nyligen lanserat våra nya online-baserade språkplattform för att accelerera kunders språkkunskaper inom svenska. Våra kunder är både internationella företag samt personer i Sverige och utomlands. Ersättningen är provisionsbaserad och viktas mot inbokade kunder, utförda introduktionskurser samt språkkursbokningar.

    $8 - $15 / hr
    $8 - $15 / hr
    0 bud

    Hej, Söker en duktig svensk skribent till beställningar av korta och långa texter/artiklar.

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Snittbud
    6 bud

    Operating4u söker text chatt operatörer till online plattform. Du jobbar med att svara på meddelanden från kunder. Du kan jobba när du vill, hur mycket du vill och vart du vill så länge du har en internet anslutning. [Removed by admin]

    $603 Average bid
    $603 Snittbud
    2 bud

    Uppdraget består att integrera och därefter anpassa en befintlig online e-commerce platform för licensiering av företagets produkter via SaaS. Projektet kommer att drivas i iterationer varav denna avser en första iteration för att verifiera att rätt plattform valts. Därefter ges möjlighet till längre uppdrag för vidare anpassningar och utökningar av lösningen. En initial preferens är att nyttja lösningen Chargebee sannolikt tillsammans med betalportalen Stripe Andra alternativ till Chargebee kan tänkas, om du som utförarare har specifik kunskap om någon av dessa istället: Recurly Chargify Spreedly FastSpring Zuora [REMOVED

    $30 / hr Average bid
    $30 / hr Snittbud
    11 bud

    Du kommer att få skriva fem stycken artiklar om online casino. Jag förser dig med spec. Krav är att du skriver flytande Svenska. Plus om du har kunskap om nätcasino.

    $30 - $45
    $30 - $45
    0 bud

    Vi är i behov av en bloggare som kan hjälpa oss med att publicera inlägg på vår affiliate hemsida Inläggen ska handla om online casino, nya spelleverantörer av slots, nya slots som kommer att släppas samt online casino i allmänhet. Du ska helst ha erfarenhet av att skriva artiklar som är SEO vänliga.

    $89 Average bid
    $89 Snittbud
    8 bud
    Fair Online-shop
    Avslutades left

    E-commerce var olika designers placerar ut sina produkter. Designern hyr en plats på min hemsida. Varan skickas direkt från designern till kunden. Inga mellanhänder. Jag vill alltså samla produkter från designers runt om i världen på sidan.

    $626 Average bid
    $626 Snittbud
    29 bud

    skapa en hemsida i worldpress, tema swell koppla till en onlineshop med begränsat innehåll, antal kategorier, varor.

    $1096 Average bid
    $1096 Snittbud
    40 bud

    Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektProffesional logo for online store'

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Snittbud
    1 bud
    Reseräkning Online
    Avslutades left

    Är ett distrikts förbund som använder sig av som hemsida. Vi anlitar ledare/domare etc. som sedan efter utfört uppdrag skall få ut ersättning för resor och andra utlägg. Behöver ha ett formulär på en hemsida för att kunna registrera reseräkningar för milersättning och utlägg. Formuläret summeras, signeras och skickas vidare via mail till attestanten. Använder idag ett excel ark som ligger med bifogat. Problemet för användarna är hanteringen med att först fylla i arket, printa ut och signera, skanna och mail vidare för godkännande. Detta är idag krångligt för en mindre teknisk kunnig och rörlig grupp med människor. Har inte direk...

    $303 Average bid
    $303 Snittbud
    6 bud

    ...att göra motsvarande projekt där. **English version** We're looking for someone who has experience working with Facebook's API for advertising, who can help us automate the process of publishing targeted ads from our system to Facebook. Our system is based on a Java-environment, where we have a large number of job ads targeted to different groups stored in a database. It's some of these jobs we're looking to publish as Facebook ads, targeted at the correct audience (gender/age/region). This project can either be done as something you write in Java, which will be added as a module to our current system, publishing selected data to Facebook. Alternatively we'll provide and xml/json-file which contain the data we want published, which y...

    $1465 - $2930
    $1465 - $2930
    0 bud

    Arbetet Utvärdera, analysera och kategorisera webbsidors innehåll, sökord, bilder eller dokument. Exempel på uppgifter: Utvärdera hur korrekt en sökmotors resultat matchar specifika sökord. Jämför två webbplatsers landningssidor och avgör vilken av dem som ger användaren bäst information. Eller, titta på webbsidor för att se om de innehåller något barnförbjudet eller inte. För detta arbete krävs - förmåga att uppmärksamma detaljer och följa riktlinjer - en dator med stabil uppkoppling till Internet - ett operativsystem som åtminstone tillåter Internet Explorer 6.0 eller högre, alternativt andra webbläsare Så här gå...

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Snittbud
    1 bud
    online recept
    Avslutades left

    Jag är en läkare som vill göra en konkurrerande tjänst med siten Integration med bankiD ett måste.

    $4439 Average bid
    $4439 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Design Shop for Hatex/Schäfer e.c.t

    $278 Average bid
    $278 Snittbud
    6 bud

    Vi på behöver hjälp med att designa en bakgrund till vår webbutik. Butiken säljer träleksaker för barn. Vi vill att du kommer med olika designförslag då vi har slut på ideer. idag kör vi enbart med denna bild Så om du har ideer och kan hjäpla oss så lägg ett bud. Med vänliga hälsningar Mathias

    $61 Average bid
    $61 Snittbud
    5 bud

    Vi ska bygga om vår nya näthandeln till en ny. Vi vill att den vi anlitar ska göra designen, programmeringen, seo anpassning och ha tidigare kunskaper om hur ehandeln ska kopplas till ett affärssystem som tex visma business, SAP mm. Vi har siten redan idag med ska uppdatera designen, många funktioner och göra den bättre och mer användarvänlig. Specifikation finns.

    $1175 Average bid
    $1175 Snittbud
    8 bud

    Jag behöver artiklar skrivna på svenska som relaterar till online casino. Det ska vara artiklar om minst 500 ord. Artiklarna kan vara generella inom ämnet men också recensioner av spelsajter och casinospel. Artiklarna måste vara på svenska och bra skrivna och UNIKA. Det är en fördel om du har erfarenhet av kasino eftersom recensioner kräver en del kunskaper om ämnet.

    $17 - $143
    $17 - $143
    0 bud

    Översättning av märkes/produktbeskrivningar för en online modebutik Vi söker en organiserad, ambitiös och vältalig översättare som har perfekt grammatik och kan möta deadlines. Vi är en modeorienterad e-handel från Sverige, som specialiserar på solglasögon och glasögon från kända designermärken, och vi letar efter en frilansande skribent för att hjälpa oss att skriva detaljerade beskrivningar av varumärken/produkter till vår hemsida. Projektinformation: 1. Projektets längd är 5-7 veckor (förhandlingsbart) 2. 50,000 ord 3. Flytande i svenska är ett krav 4. Förmåga att arbeta självständigt med en positiv attityd 5. Fö...

    $750 Average bid
    $750 Snittbud
    1 bud

    I need a proficient web developer to overhaul my life coach website. The primary objective is to improve user experience. Key Tasks: - Redesign the Homepage, About Me page, and Booking page for better usability. - Fix all broken links that are leading to error pages or are not clickable. - Ensure all images load correctly and enhance the overall site stability. Ideal skills for this project include web design, UX/UI expertise, and troubleshooting abilities. Experience with Calendly integration is a plus.

    $33 / hr Average bid
    $33 / hr Snittbud
    38 bud

    ...predominantly focus on analysing journal articles. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in academic research and literature reviews, particularly with journal articles - Proficient in APA citation style - Excellent writing and analytical skills The final product should be a well-organised, coherently written literature review, properly cited in APA style. Project description: In your professional life, you will need to find credible evidence to support your decisions and plans of action. You will want to keep abreast of best practices to help your organization adapt to the ever-changing healthcare environment. Being adept at research helps you find the information you need. This assessment gives you practice with that skill by having you research a healthcare problem or ...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Snittbud
    20 bud

    ...Budget: Open to quotes – looking for high-quality production with a professional touch. How to Apply: - Submit samples of past guided meditations, breathwork, or similar immersive audio work. - Explain your process for layering 9D sound and binaural beats. - Indicate your estimated timeline for completion. Looking forward to working with someone who can bring this transformative experience to life!...

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Snittbud
    8 bud
    Tech Job Application Assistance
    6 dagar left

    I'm looking for someone to help me apply for tech-related jobs. I am targeting positions like Product Manager, Technical Product Manager, Senior Product Manager, Senior Technical Product Manager, and Program Manager. The jobs should be both local and remote opportunities. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Familiarity with the tech industry - Understanding of product management roles - Good communication and writing skills - Job application experience - Ability to tailor applications for different roles

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Snittbud
    11 bud
    Weather Alert RSS Creation -- 3
    6 dagar left

    I'm seeking an experienced developer to create a comprehensive RSS feed focusing primarily on weather alerts. The goal of this project is to provide a reliable source of weather-related information that offers real-time alerts on severe weather conditions. **Key Features Required:** - **Weather...the RSS feed. - Strong attention to detail to ensure accuracy of weather alerts and location information. - A portfolio demonstrating previous projects involving data feeds, API integration, or weather-related applications. This RSS feed aims to become a trusted resource for individuals seeking timely and accurate weather alerts. Your expertise will play a crucial role in bringing this vision to life, ensuring that safety and preparedness are prioritized through reliable and actionab...

    $129 Average bid
    $129 Snittbud
    40 bud

    We’re looking for an experienced full-stack development team to bring our startup vision to life. The ideal team should have expertise in: • iOS Development: Proficiency in SwiftUI for crafting modern and responsive applications. • Web App Development: Strong skills in both frontend and backend technologies like React, Vue, Angular, or similar frameworks. • API Development & Integration: Expertise with RESTful and GraphQL APIs development. • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Including Firebase, App Engine, Cloud Functions. • Android Development: Both native Android development using Kotlin and hybrid solutions using Flutter or React Native. • Hybrid App Development: Optimizing applications for both iOS and Android platforms....

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Snittbud
    15 bud

    ...affordable for manufacturing ✅ Designed specifically for indoor home use ✅ Innovative, yet feasible for production DELIVERABLES: We care about great design, not just software skills! Your final design can be submitted as: 3D models (Blender, PSD, CAD, etc.) Hand-drawn & colored sketches (as long as they are clear and detailed) We have 3D artists on staff, so focus on the design concept—we’ll bring it to life! HOW TO WIN & WHAT’S NEXT? The best design wins and gets a chance for ongoing paid work on future product lines! TO ENTER: Submit a fully developed final design in any format that clearly communicates your idea. Ensure it is manufacturable & cost-effective. Make it different from competitors and stand out in the market. We won't wait the...

    $50 Average bid
    1 bidrag

    SEE ATTACHED I'm looking to develop a web-based, distraction-free writing platform that incorporates AI and gamification elements. Key Features: - AI: Although I haven't predefined the exact AI features, I am open to various possibilities which may include grammar and spell checks, writing suggestions, and content generation. Your input and expertise on effective AI integration will be high...a dark mode option to reduce eye strain during long writing sessions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development - Experience with AI integration - Knowledge of gamification strategies - Strong understanding of user experience design - Ability to deliver a distraction-free interface. I look forward to collaborating with a talented professional who can bring this pro...

    $1276 Average bid
    $1276 Snittbud
    66 bud

    I'm seeking a skilled video editor to help me bring a serious and informative documentary to life. The final cut of the video will be between 10 to 30 minutes long and it will require the inclusion of B-roll footage. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in editing documentary style videos - Ability to create a serious and informative tone - Proficiency in integrating B-roll footage seamlessly - Prior work featuring serious and informative documentary style videos will be an advantage

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Snittbud
    10 bud
    Trophy icon Logo Design for Website and Forms
    13 dagar left

    ...designer who can create a unique and memorable logo for my Coaching Business. It's called Spirit Vitality Strategies. Ideally, use the acronym SVS shaped into a cool logo that represents clients living as "a light unto themselves" where they take advice from their own hearts and inner-knowing. About the service: Spirit Vitality Strategies offers a comprehensive coaching program designed to guide individuals on a transformative journey towards personal growth, spiritual development, and holistic well-being. Our coaching addresses the unique needs and goals of each client. Through a series of personalized coaching sessions, clients will gain clarity, cultivate self-awareness, and create actionable steps towards a more fulfilling and balanced ...

    $30 Average bid
    128 bidrag

    We are looking for a talented UI/UX designer to convert an existing mobile app design into a responsive web application design using Figma. The goal is to maintain the app's core functionality and visual identity while optimizing the user experience for larger screens, ensuring consistency across dif...web layouts. - Final Figma design file with properly named layers, components, and specifications. - Design system updates (if required). Additional Information: - We are open to creative input to enhance the user experience for the web platform. - Timelines and milestones will be discussed and agreed upon before starting the project. if you have the expertise to help us bring this project to life, please share your portfolio and relevant experience. We look forward to collabor...

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Snittbud
    30 bud

    ...while I can't guarantee a full-time position at the moment because of my work schedule, but if I can turn this into a full time gig than this could be definitely turn into a full time hire. I will handle the initial editing steps, like trimming the raw footage into a Final Cut, adding background music & cleaning up the audio. The only thing I would need is enhancing the video and bringing it to life, adding B-roll footage, applying video effects like text overlays, pop up animations, or visual emphasis/effects, & sound effects. The style of editing I’m looking for I’ll link below and for b roll footage I would like a mix of memes, tv shows, movies and wrestling clips kinda like the linked channel below. Links: @TommyNFG/videos

    $92 Average bid
    $92 Snittbud
    27 bud

    I'm looking to establish a club website. The site should help promote our brand, facilitate member engagement, and provide a hub for our club's activities and updates. I'm not looking for a forum or networking tool, but rather a one-way communication platform from the club to its members. If you're creative and can think outside the box, I welcome your ideas on other potential content types or features that could enhance our site.

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Snittbud
    20 bud

    ...groups. The central theme will revolve around personal life challenges and the growth that comes from overcoming these obstacles. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with me to understand the personal stories and experiences that will be included in the book. - Create engaging and relatable content that can connect with readers of all ages. - Structure the book in a way that presents a clear journey of growth and self-discovery. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in writing self-help books is highly preferred. - Excellent storytelling abilities to convey personal experiences in an engaging manner. - Ability to write for a diverse age group, ensuring the content is relatable and accessible to all. Your understanding of life challenges and personal growth ...

    $561 Average bid
    $561 Snittbud
    50 bud

    Invitation for Collaboration: Designers & Architects We are a rapidly growing construction company and invite architects and interior designers to collaborate on residential and office projects in Cyprus (150+ m²). What We Offer: ✅ Mutually beneficial collaboration ✅ Guaranteed high-quality execution of your project ✅ Strict adherence to deadlines ✅ Budget co...interior designers to collaborate on residential and office projects in Cyprus (150+ m²). What We Offer: ✅ Mutually beneficial collaboration ✅ Guaranteed high-quality execution of your project ✅ Strict adherence to deadlines ✅ Budget compliance assurance If you want to collaborate with a professional team that ensures the highest quality implementation of your ideas, let's bring great projects to life toget...

    $18724 Average bid
    $18724 Snittbud
    23 bud

    I'm seeking a talented videographer to help me shoot a docu-series. The style of the docu-series will be observational along with interviews so the ideal candidate should have experience in capturing real-life events and interactions in a seamless, unobtrusive manner. Key Responsibilities: - Film various scenes and subjects in an observational style - Work with me to capture the necessary footage for the documentary - Ensure high quality video and sound Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience as a videographer, particularly in shooting documentaries - Excellent understanding of observational filming techniques

    $750 Average bid
    $750 Snittbud
    1 bud

    We are a cannabis online store . The store owner use to run deals in the city he is a well named in the market or call him “The plug” It’s a store and also an online store keeping under thailand law supervised ,. I need a professional logo made only serious people please More details: Is this project for business or personal use? For starting a new enterprise What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Experience How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP

    $94 Average bid
    $94 Snittbud
    93 bud

    I'm looking for a modern, sleek logo for my sports betting advice service called 'PRO PLAYS'. The logo should be text only - no icons or symbols. It should have texture to it including some kind of shadow behind the text. See the image attached in yellow and white, but much more textured and brought to life like the second image. Key Requirements: - Logo should embody a modern style - Use a combination of bright and neutral colors - Text-only design Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Branding - Typography Experience: - Previous work with modern logo design - Proven track record in text-based designs - Portfolio demonstrating use of bright and neutral color combinations.

    $52 Average bid
    Framhäv Garanterad
    269 bidrag

    I'm looking for savvy marketers to scour Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for home maintenance job listings. The types of jobs include plumbing, electrical work, landscaping, cleaning, painting, and gardening. Your role will involve: - Directly engaging with users on social media to collect job information. - Posting these jobs to my Job Portal. Ideal skills for this job would include: - Proficiency in navigating and using various social media platforms. - Excellent communication skills to engage with users. - Previous experience in job sourcing or marketing is a plus. Your efforts will help populate my Job Portal with real-time, relevant home maintenance jobs.

    $267 Average bid
    $267 Snittbud
    28 bud

    ...healing. Wow. Referrals to local professional therapists included of course. I’ll need remote interview capability bc most of my ‘show-clients’ are in NY for now. I’m licensed in NYS and still practicing. I have written several episodes already but prefer to wing-it in the moment things are revealed to create thrills and chills ? Key Responsibilities: - Content/Idea Creation: Help develop engaging, life-centered non-fiction stories and ideas for episodes. - Interviewing: Bring in guests for interviews and help with something specific. - Production: Oversee the editing and final production of each episode. - Promotion: Help strategize and implement a plan for podcast promotion. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Probably some prior experience in podcast prod...

    $363 Average bid
    $363 Snittbud
    23 bud

    Seeking a traditional-style cellist for an indoor Celebration of Life on February 23rd from 12:00 to 3:00. The event requires a mix of predetermined pieces and improvised selections. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in traditional cello music - Able to provide a mix of predetermined pieces and improvisation - Experience playing in a Celebration of Life setting - Able to play indoors for the duration of the event Please include relevant experience and any samples of your playing in your bid. Thank you. Preference will be given to cellists with experience playing music by classical composers. Please include specific pieces by composers in your repertoire list. Andrea Bocelli The preferred attire for the event is smart casual. The cellist should bring their own audio equipment. A...

    $25 - $50 / hr
    $25 - $50 / hr
    0 bud

    I need a professional who can find qualified leads and close sales for a personal development course aimed at young professionals. The course focuses on improving life skills. To find Qualified Leads on the Personal Development Niche, to Close on these Sales. The Sale is to be £3K on the Close of the Sale. It's to sell a High End Ticket Course on Personal Development. The Course is 8 chapters long, all recorded on the Thinkific Platform. With the Course, the student gets access to myself, the mentor, they get two Zoom calls from me to help them. They also get access to my team via email to support them as they go through this. The student needs to be interested in this niche, the niche for Personal Development, so as the student goes through this course, they are wil...

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Snittbud
    4 bud

    ### **Freelance Video Creator for YouTube – Full Production (Script, Editing, Voiceover, 3D & Footage)** We are looking for a talented freelance video creator who can produce full YouTube videos from start to finish. The ideal candidate should be able to handle scripting, editing, voiceover, and animation, creating engaging documentary-style content similar to this channel: [...Understanding of YouTube SEO and engagement strategies. ✔️ Ability to work independently and meet deadlines. ### **How to Apply:** If you’re interested, please send us: ? A portfolio or examples of similar work. ? Your rate per video or per minute of content. ? Estimated turnaround time per video. We’re excited to collaborate with a creative professional who can bring these s...

    $117 Average bid
    $117 Snittbud
    16 bud

    We are seeking a talented designer to create a modern and responsive web application that caters to both customers and providers. The application will feature the following functio...Layout: Design elements adjust fluidly across various screen sizes. High-Resolution Graphics: Optimal visual experience on all devices. Accessibility Features: Consideration for users with disabilities. Interactive Elements: Engaging animations or transitions where appropriate. Scalability: Design that can accommodate future feature enhancements. If you possess the skills to bring this vision to life with a keen eye for detail and a focus on user experience, we invite you to collaborate on this exciting project. Please include samples of your previous work and your approach to responsive design in your...

    $174 Average bid
    $174 Snittbud
    93 bud