
Mina senaste sökningar
    2,000 news app iphone xcode hittade uppdrag
    Service modul
    Avslutades left the social security number of that costumer. Ex. Social Security Number 1990-09-10-1234 Which translates to the costumer being born on the 10th of September, 1990. The last 4 digits is to identify that specific person. Next, what kind of unit does the costumer have? We are thinking of 2 dropdown lists. Manufacturer (Apple, Samsung, HTC, etc.) Model (If manufacturer is Apple; then iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPad 4, etc.) After the kind of unit has been established, we need to know what type of service the costumer is asking for. (Example, Screen replacement, speakers, etc.) This function needs to be connected to the inventory database, since we run the same inventory for our webpage and for the local shop. We need to keep the same amount of stock in both places, regar...

    $505 Average bid
    $505 Snittbud
    4 bud

    seo 1, laga iphone 2, iphone reparation 3, trasig iphone 4, laga mobilen 5, laga smartphone 6, öppet söndag 7, samsung reparation 8, laga iphone city 9, reparera mobilen. 10, blackberry Sverige 11, laga lg 12 laga sony mobiler 13, laga ipad 14, laga iphone stockholm 15, smartphonestore

    $164 Average bid
    $164 Snittbud
    12 bud

    Jag skulle vilja ha en applikation som ersätter ett medlemskort. Appen skall kunna hålla reda på medlemmens kontaktuppgifter och profil, betalning och medlemsnummer. Man skall även kunna skicka ut erbjudanden till medlemmen och man skall kunna få statistik på utskickade erbjudanden, dvs. vem som har utnyttjat eller inte. Det skall gärna finnas ett poängsystem eller pengasystem där man kan samla på sig pengar eller poäng till framtida omvandling till pengar. Egentligen en kopia på Espresso House appen fast med ett digitalt medlemskort kopplat till.

    $2246 Average bid
    $2246 Snittbud
    14 bud

    Skapa ett spel (rätt stort)--------------------------------------------------------------- 30 tecken...

    $81 Average bid
    $81 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Vi söker en programmerare i Stockholms området till en ny mobil app baserad på ett avläsningsprogram. Personen vi söker ska kunna skapa en iPhone app samt avläsningsprogrammet. Vi har en färdigutvecklad idé som har stor potential och vi behöver någon som kan det tekniska.

    $186 Average bid
    $186 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Interaktionsapp för sociala happenings

    $978 Average bid
    $978 Snittbud
    2 bud

    seo 1, laga iphone 2, iphone reparation 3, trasig iphone 4, laga mobilen 5, laga smartphone 6, öppet söndag 7, samsung reparation 8, laga iphone city 9, reparera mobilen. 10, blackberry Sverige 11, laga lg 12 laga sony mobiler 13, laga ipad 14, laga iphone stockholm 15, smartphonestore

    $148 Average bid
    $148 Snittbud
    1 bud

    kontakta mig om där kan svenska min hemsida är

    $702 Average bid
    $702 Snittbud
    5 bud

    I want article reasearch and bloggposts on topics such. What is and IP address? What is a Webbproxy? News about internet in general. I will provide the topics. Blogg posts are to be written in English.

    $155 Average bid
    $155 Snittbud
    2 bud

    Kan översätta allt. från somaliska till svenska från svenska till somaliska från engelska till svenska och från arabiska till svenska eller engelska

    $324 Average bid
    $324 Snittbud
    2 bud
    seo for some months
    Avslutades left

    seo 1, laga iphone 2, iphone reparation 3, trasig iphone 4, laga mobilen 5, laga smartphone 6, öppet söndag 7, samsung reparation 8, laga iphone city 9, reparera mobilen. 10, blackberry Sverige 11, laga lg 12 laga sony mobiler 13, laga ipad 14, laga iphone stockholm 15, smartphonestore

    $148 Average bid
    $148 Snittbud
    1 bud

    iPhone app , database, linking websites, interactive, paid customised services

    $712 Average bid
    $712 Snittbud
    5 bud

    Appens uppgift är att koppla ihop sig med andra enheter som är inloggade med samma inloggningsuppgifter. Man kan ansluta upp till 10 enheter på samma inloggning (gäller fullversion). När man startar appen på basenheten, den enhet som man använder för att kontrollera de andra enheterna, så ser man miniatyrer av vad de anslutna enheternas kamera ser. När man klickar på ena enheten ser man bilden i full storlek. Man kan på ett enkelt sätt namnge de olika enheterna, Bebisens rum, Vardagsrummet m.fl. Om man har namngett enheterna kommer dess namn att stå över miniatyrerna, som standard står det ”Enhet 1, Enhet 2” etc. Man kan även välja att höra vad som händer vid enheten. ...

    $315 Average bid
    $315 Snittbud
    1 bud
    Skapa en onlinebutik
    Avslutades left

    Jag önskar en onlinebutik med bra funktion...Design är viktig men jag tycker att timmarna ska läggas på funktion då samarbetet med mig och leverantören är dropship. Jag ska kunna sköta om butiken efter lanseringen. Funktioner: Automatisk åtkomst till produkter och dess lagerstatus hos leverantör Produkt och lagerstatus uppdatering i realtid Automatisk lägning av order hos leverantör Rabattkoder/kampanjpriser responsivdesign, ipad, iphone osv. nyhetsbrev presentkort kundinloggning/register socialamedier funktion Betalning: Kort, sökoptimering bästsäljare support, Epost, manual, video. försäljningsstatistik. statistik på hur kunden har hittat webbshop högsäkerhet ...

    $1030 Average bid
    $1030 Snittbud
    10 bud

    Hej jag vill veta vad det kostar att bygga en enkel app där man kan skicka meddelanden till varandra så som ex Whats app, Line eller Skype. Jag vill hitta en person som kan utveckla billigt per timme då vi vill pröva oss fram med att ta fram appar och tjänster. Har du erfarenhet av e-handel och OSCommerce så är det meriterande. På sikt kan en meddelande app som Skype bli väldigt värdefull och du får växa med uppgiften och bättre inkomst möjligheter.

    $2 - $6 / hr
    $2 - $6 / hr
    0 bud
    App-bild i facebook
    Avslutades left

    Jag har en skärmdump från en iphone-app. Jag vill ha den bilden placerad i en bild på en iphone, så att det ser ut som en bild på iphone med just den skärmbilden. Iphone ska vara något vriden med skärmen riktat åt höger och ha en liten skugga under sig, för att ge lite djupkänsla. Bilden ska levereras med transparent bakgrund.

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Snittbud
    3 bud

    Need A App Made For My Business

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Behöver en app där man kan lägga upp saker som händer/aktiviteter/evenemang i omgivningen (rikstäckande Sverige). Behöver geotaggning, databaser så man kan skapa konton för annonsörer och inlogg för slutanvändare. Vill gärna ha möjlighet för facebook inloggning och vanligt konto. pushnotiser. Appen skall likna "Strömstad" Appen skall utvecklas i Iphone och Android.

    $2804 Average bid
    $2804 Snittbud
    3 bud

    Sharad sharad sharad sharad bharart bharat bharat bharat

    $7 - $18
    $7 - $18
    0 bud
    News website
    Avslutades left

    will discuss

    $60 Average bid
    $60 Snittbud
    1 bud
    iPhone App Dev.
    Avslutades left

    iPhone App Dev.

    $7000 Average bid
    $7000 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Hej ! Jag vill skapa en hälso app som är kvalificerad för Apple Store som kostar högst 7 kr i applestore. Fitness Hero är namnet på vår app. Vi vill ha en app där vi kan ge dagliga tränings och kosttips, med möjlighet att lägga in videos och bilder. När vi publicerar träningstips/kosttips så vill vi ha en blogg liknande funktion. På startsidan vill vi ha "About us", "Hero tips", "Hero Health", "Motivation". När du har köpt appen så vill vi ha användare som "signar upp sig", gratis, och får tillgång till en profil sida där användarna skall kunna spara våra tips och andra favorit saker i appen. ...

    $147 Average bid
    $147 Snittbud
    1 bud

    TjenareI Vi är 2 pers från Varberg som just nu utvecklar ett indie spel för IOS. Tänkte bara se om du har kompetens för att programera i tex xcode? Tänkte egentligen om jag bara kunde skicka dej ett mejl ang detta men hittar den inte. Betalning och detaljer kan vi snacka mer om på mail lr på tele. Om du är intresserad så hör av dej. ---> davidjohansson_@

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Snittbud
    1 bud

    Looking for someone who can develope an iPhone app to play our radio stations stream, we are using ShoutCast. Letar efter någon som kan utveckla en app för att lyssna på våran radio i telefonen, vi använder ShoutCast.

    $65 Average bid
    $65 Snittbud
    2 bud

    ...inte om Appar är inom er kompetensgrad men jag ger det ett försök! Jag vill helst inte avslöja hela appens innehåll precis nu, för att skydda min idé. Men här är några av huvudfunktionerna appen skall ha: -Medlemskap. Helst genom sitt Facebook-konto. Med möjlighet att lägga upp bilder på sin profil. -GPS-position- Man skall alltså kunna se avståndet på andra app-användare. T.ex. Jag befinner mig i Göteborg och då ser jag andra app-användare som också befinner sig i Göteborg. -Möjlighet att skapa en (låt oss kalla det) "annons" som skall hamna på en "annonssida" på appen. "Annonsen" skall kunna inneh...

    $1750 Average bid
    $1750 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Hej! Jag söker någon som kan verklighetsställa min app. Jag vill helst inte avslöja hela appens innehåll precis nu, för att skydda min idé. Men här är några av huvudfunktionerna appen skall ha: -Medlemskap. Med möjlighet att lägga upp bilder på sin profil. -GPS-position- Man skall alltså kunna se avståndet på andra app-användare. T.ex. Jag befinner mig i Göteborg och då ser jag andra app-användare som också befinner sig i Göteborg. -Möjlighet att skapa en (låt oss kalla det) "annons" som skall hamna på en "annonssida" på appen. "Annonsen" skall kunna innehålla bilder, text, möjlighe...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Snittbud
    1 bud

    Steg 1: Ta fram en hemsida där kunden kan logga in och lägga in information utifrån en vald mall. Antal kunder: ca 100.000 Mängd data per konto/ max 0.3 MB Steg 2: Det hade varit bra om kunden även kan komma åt sin "mall" från en app (iphone/ipad). Steg 3: Ett management interface/verktyg för att kunna knyta informationen till rätt leverantör/partner (externa bolag). Dvs att externa bolag skall få del av relevant information.

    $364 Average bid
    $364 Snittbud
    5 bud

    I'm seeking a professional with expertise in content verification, fact-checking, and authenticity assessment. The specific area needing verification is yet to be determined, so versatility is key. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in content verification across various platforms including documents, news articles, and social media posts. - Exceptional attention to detail for conducting both basic checks and in-depth analyses. - Strong communication skills to provide clear and concise reports on authenticity assessments. Please note that the verification process may range from a basic check to a comprehensive review, depending on the content.

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Snittbud
    3 bud

    I am looking to create a comprehensive FX platform targeted primarily at businesses. This platform will not only allow for seamless currency exchange transactions but will also provide real-time currency conversion and integrated financial news updates. Key Features: - Real-time currency conversion - Currency exchange transactions - Financial news integration The platform will need to include robust user authentication and security features to ensure the safety and privacy of all transactions. This includes: - Two-factor authentication - SSL encryption - User role management Multi-Currency Wallet (support for USD, EUR, MYR, SGD, HKD, CNY, etc.). Payment Gateway Integration (SWIFT, SEPA, local transfers). Real-Time Exchange Rate Quotes & Hedging (API connections with b...

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Snittbud
    53 bud

    Job Opportunity: Professional Video Editor for AI News YouTube Channel** **Description:** I'm looking for a talented and creative video editor to join my team and edit weekly YouTube videos on the latest in artificial intelligence. Each week, I publish 5 videos, each lasting between 1 to 2 minutes. The videos need to be professionally edited to appeal to a professional and intelligent audience, including adding animations to enhance the viewing experience. **Responsibilities:** - Edit 5 videos per week, each 1-2 minutes long. 5 every Sunday morning for the coming week! - Ensure a polished and professional final product - Add animations to make the videos engaging and visually appealing - Stay updated with current trends in AI to keep content relevant **Requirements:** - Pro...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Snittbud
    29 bud

    I am in search of a seasoned PR specialist who can significantly bolster our brand reputation in the health sector. Your primary role will be to secure coverage in industry-specific magazines and reputable online news platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and execute a comprehensive PR strategy aimed at improving our brand perception in the health industry. - Build and maintain relationships with key journalists and editors in industry-specific magazines and online news platforms. Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in PR, particularly in the healthcare sector. - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. - Strong understanding of industry-specific media outlets. - Ability to develop creative and compelling PR campaigns. Please provide examples of your previou...

    $3593 Average bid
    $3593 Snittbud
    25 bud

    1) Create a simple admin page for publishing my news that will be displayed on one page (news) of my simple two-page site. Display news in a list down in order where the newest news are displayed at the top. There should be an option to enter text and upload an image. Each news should also display the date of publication of this news. 2) remove the display of the extension ( and .html) in the address bar on both pages. Information: The site was made in word press and exported from there as html. news page to which you need to connect the administrative page:

    $100504 Average bid
    $100504 Snittbud
    62 bud

    ...of at least 250 photos of super cars, formatted for iPhone style wallpapers. The photos should be of real super cars and not AI-generated images that look fake. AI generated is great but the image needs to look real. Key Requirements: - Photos must be sourced from a mix of environments, including city streets, nature backgrounds, and other visually appealing settings. Freelancer will need to provide the images - All photos must be in portrait orientation. - The album must contain at least 500 unique super car photos. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong knowledge of super car brands and models. - Excellent visual judgement to select 'cool' and appealing locations. - Experience in photo sourcing and photo editing. - Familiarity with iPhone wallpaper dimensions ...

    $67 Average bid
    $67 Snittbud
    69 bud

    I have a 6-7 minute video recorded on my iPhone, split into 3 parts. I'm looking for a professional and clean edit to consolidate the clips, enhance the sound, and make it suitable for YouTube. - A polished entrance and exit - Seamless consolidation of the 3 segments - Professional sound enhancement While I may not have specific music or sound effects to include, I would appreciate your expert recommendation on whether to incorporate a bit of music at the beginning and end. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in video editing, particularly for YouTube - Strong skills in sound enhancement - Ability to make professional, clean edits - Good understanding of when and how to incorporate music and sound effects

    $98 Average bid
    $98 Snittbud
    36 bud

    ...Country/region Favorite teams 4. Sports News & Updates Admin-managed news section Ability to publish news articles manually 5. Video Content Integration with PeerTube (open-source video platform) Only the admin can upload videos Categorization of videos Match highlights Analysis Interviews Etc 6. Predictions & Insights A dedicated section for match predictions Display statistical insights and win probabilities 7. User Interface & Experience Simple navigation with swipe gestures on mobile Intuitive design similar to Multi-language support (Google Translate widget) 8. Search & Filtering Options Search bar Teams Matches Leagues Filters Sport Region Date 9. Advertisements & Monetization Designated ad spaces on the website and app (...

    $344 Average bid
    $344 Snittbud
    14 bud app developer to create an engaging, user-centric application focused on the Lychee fruit. The app is intended for both iOS and Android platforms and will be packed with several key features: - User-generated content sharing: The app will have a social aspect, encouraging users to share their Lychee experiences. This includes photos, personal stories, and descriptions about growing and eating the fruit. The content will come from all over the world, with a focus on regions like India, the US, Australia, and China. - Information hub: Much of the content will be sourced from and This will provide users with a comprehensive understanding of the Lychee fruit, including its growing conditions and culinary uses. - E-commerce section: The ...

    $2758 Average bid
    $2758 Snittbud
    62 bud
    Creating a simple admin page
    6 dagar left

    1) Create a simple admin page for publishing my news that will be displayed on one page (news) of my simple two-page site. Display news in a list down in order where the newest news are displayed at the top. There should be an option to enter text and upload an image. Each news should also display the date of publication of this news. 2) remove the display of the extension ( and .html) in the address bar on both pages. Information: The site was made in word press and exported from there as html. news page to which you need to connect the administrative page:

    $44 Average bid
    $44 Snittbud
    79 bud

    ...a pro account on Canva, and I just need someone who can follow my content and the latest news to create the carousels. Requirements: - Create 3 posts, each with 6-7 slides. - The content of each carousel should primarily consist of images and graphics. - The design should follow a minimalistic and clean theme, using subtle color contrasts and plenty of white space. - The purpose of these carousel posts is educational, so the content should be suitable for teaching my audience about various topics. The ideal candidate will be: - Proficient in using Canva - Able to create visually appealing designs - Familiar with Instagram carousel format - Able to follow and understand my content and the latest news - Understanding of minimalistic design principles - Capable of creati...

    $220 Average bid
    $220 Snittbud
    40 bud

    I'm looking for a freelancer to help me create a simple YouTube video from a script I have. The video will be in the style of a narrated slideshow and will focus on recent events in the Middle East. Key Components: - The video will be a narrated slideshow, so you'll need to synchronize visuals with a voiceover. - The visuals will include a combination of news footage, infographics, and stock photos. Ideal Skills: - Experience in video editing and creating narrated slideshows - Ability to source and integrate diverse types of visuals - Understanding of current events, particularly in the Middle East - Proficient in using infographics to convey complex information simply and effectively. The final video should have a length of 5-7 minutes. The narration should be formal...

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Snittbud
    23 bud

    ... I'm experiencing a URL sharing issue on google with my website when trying to share it to WhatsApp on an iPhone. The URL comes through as which results in a 404 error. This problem is only happening on iPhones, Android devices work fine. What I need: - A freelancer to fix the URL sharing issue. - Ensure the fix works across all iPhone models. - Verify the URL sharing issue specifically works within WhatsApp after the fix. - Ensure the URL sharing works correctly on the Safari browser as well, in addition to Chrome. - Test the fix on different browsers such as Safari, Firefox, and default iPhone browser. - Provide detailed documentation of the changes made to fix the problem. Please note: - This issue has been tested

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Snittbud
    34 bud

    ...mission, vision and values. The homepage should feature a slider with images to showcase our business highlights. - Services: A comprehensive overview of the services we offer. - Contact Us: A user-friendly contact page with all necessary contact information. - Home: A welcoming homepage to introduce visitors to our business and highlight key information. - Blog/News: Regular updates and articles related to our industry's latest trends and news. - FAQs: A page addressing frequently asked questions to provide quick answers for visitors. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with GoDaddy, a strong portfolio of classic and professional web designs, and an understanding of business promotion strategies. The Contact Us page should include a c...

    $129 Average bid
    $129 Snittbud
    171 bud
    Podcast Editing Expert Needed
    6 dagar left

    I'm producing an interview+ straight read -based podcast and I'm in need of a seasoned audio editor. The editing will be advanced in nature, requiring complex audio layering and v...using autotune effects. Please include both intro and outro music for each episode. Please refer to the provided examples for the desired sound quality. The intro and outro music are already recorded for use by the editor. "The intro and outro music should be the same music provided by me." The project entails editing bi-weekly podcast episodes, with additional drops occasionally, dependent on the news cycle. You can listen to the podcast for reference: Frogmore Stew. On all platforms. The project entails editing approximately twice weekly podcast episodes, we take the months of ...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Snittbud
    18 bud

    I'm looking for a capable web developer with extensive experience in WordPress to create a news site for me. The site will be dedicated to special interest news, specifically focusing on cars. Key Features: - User Comments: I want my audience to engage with the content and each other. - Search Functionality: This should allow users to easily find content based on their interests. - Newsletter Subscription: I need a way to keep my audience updated and engaged. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress development. - Experience in creating interactive websites. - Knowledge of SEO and site optimization techniques. - Understanding of how to integrate user-friendly search and comment systems. - Able to implement a secure, reliable newsletter subscription service. I want a s...

    $567 Average bid
    $567 Snittbud
    294 bud

    ...a comprehensive news site featuring both local and international news, with a primary focus on car news. Key Requirements: - Design and implement a multi-page WordPress site, including a Home page, Categories page, and Contact Us page. - Develop a user-friendly 'Categories' page that encompasses various sections, prominently featuring 'Car news'. - Ensure the site is responsive, SEO-optimized, and easy to navigate. - Implement necessary plugins for news updates, social sharing, and user interaction. - Include functionality for users to subscribe to a newsletter to receive the latest news updates. - Create a section dedicated to breaking news to keep users updated in real-time. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven e...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Snittbud
    217 bud

    I'm in search of a seasoned PR freelancer to enhance my brand's visibility and reputation. Your primary focus will be on media outreach and social media PR efforts, with an emphasis on securing coverage on online news websites. Key Responsibilities: - Media Outreach: Build connections with journalists and influencers, focusing on online news platforms. - Social Media PR: Develop and manage engaging PR strategies across various social media platforms. Your goal will be to increase brand awareness through compelling storytelling and impactful PR strategies. If you have a portfolio of successful PR campaigns and a passion for getting brands noticed, I'd love to hear from you. Please include your relevant experience and proposed rates in your application.

    $92 Average bid
    $92 Snittbud
    12 bud

    ...share audio notes of the food we took , screenshot of exercise app , etc and this needs to be tracked on an excel sheet ( along with calorie input etc) on a daily basis. We can keep sharing this on a whatsapp group and at the end of a day (or every 2-3 days) the excel sheet needs to be updated. I will share a sample excel sheet we use for calorie tracking , calorie value will be there for the usual foods we take in that sheet. For new ones you need to use websites like nutritionix or apps like healthifyme to get the information. For Body weight tracking - We will share photos of the weighing scale meter . It will have Weight, Body fat, BMR etc. For exercise tracking - We can share photos or screenshot from exercise app in iPhone/Apple watch. After the initial un...

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Snittbud
    8 bud

    My entrepreneurial news media website was rejected by AdSense due to policy violations specifically related to content quality. I need an expert who can help enhance the originality of my content, handle the re-application process and improve my chances of getting approved. Key Responsibilities: - Assess and improve the originality of my website's content to meet AdSense standards. - Manage the re-application process from start to finish. - Provide strategies to maintain content quality and prevent future rejections. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with AdSense and understanding of its policies. - Exceptional content evaluation and improvement skills. - Strong understanding of content originality and ability to generate unique ideas. - Excellent communicatio...

    $7 Average bid
    $7 Snittbud
    2 bud pharmaceutical company. The primary objective of this site is to serve as a reliable source of information and resources for our stakeholders. This includes: - Detailed product information: The site should provide in-depth details about our range of pharmaceutical products. This will require clear, accessible and layered information architecture. - Company news and updates: The site should have a dedicated section for the latest news and updates about our company. This could include press releases, product launches, research breakthroughs and more. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in website development, particularly for corporate or product-oriented sites. Experience in the pharmaceutical industry or with e-commerce sites is a plus. I...

    $266 Average bid
    $266 Snittbud
    78 bud

    ...only! I'm looking to build a simple website with a mobile version, as I'm a video content creator, TV producer, and journalist. The website should have the following sections: Home page: with short introduction of my service and videoshowreel embed from Viemo. Services: This section will detail the types of video production, journalism, and other services I offer. News Gathering: Here, I'll showcase my expertise in news gathering and reporting, perhaps with examples of past work or a description of my approach. Portfolio/Work Samples: This is crucial. I need a visually appealing way to display my best video content, with easy embedding from Vimeo and YouTube. Think of it like a highlight reel of my work. Testimonials/Clients: I'd like to include ...

    $207 Average bid
    85 bidrag
    Export/Import Website Development
    5 dagar left

    ...a website/platform designed and developed to promote Export/Import. The platform will cater to both customers and vendors, with specific functionalities and features detailed below. Key Features: - Customer Login: Customers will need to submit their trade licenses and other relevant details upon logging in. - Home Page: A central search bar for product searches, alongside a section for 'Latest news and updates'. - Product Categories: An extensive array of categories and products, with 'n' number of offerings. - Wishlist/Enquiry List: Customers can add products to a wishlist or enquiry list, which the admin will follow up on offline. - Vendor Interaction: Vendors will have the option to contact the admin to add their products to the catalog. Ideal Skills and...

    $110 Average bid
    $110 Snittbud
    73 bud