Landing page sales letter pricingJobb
Hej Olha S., jag noterade din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten.
Hej Cecilia! Jag har ett recommendationsbrev som ska översättas från svenska till engelska. Det är en sida och ganska enkelt. Undrar om du kan hjälpa mig med det och i såfall hur mycket vill du ha? Tack för snabbt återkoppling! Mvh Ella
...logo should nearly fill the small capsule Main Capsule 616px wide x 353px tall Vertical Capsule 374px wide x 448px tall Page Background 1438px wide x 810px tall This should be ambient so as not to compete with the content on the page, so try to avoid high-contrast images or images with lots of text. A template will automatically be applied to your uploaded file, which will tint it blue and fade out the edges. Library Capsule 600px wide x 900px tall Library Hero 3840px wide x 1240px tall Image-rich, no texts and stuff. Library Logo 1280px wide x 720px tall Note for Library Hero and Library Logo: The hero graphic and logo are layered and move independently when the page is scrolled, creating a subtle parallax effect. Consider how the product logo will be placed...
Hej amtoring, jag la märke till din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera eventuella detaljer över chatt.Hälp med följande för min Wix hemsida: Content writing (landing page), content marketing Mvh Francina
Hej, Vi på Social Cap letar efter en mötesbokare som har erfarenhet som säljare. Om du är en person som är driven, lättlärd och har lätt att ta människor då är du rätt för jobbet. Ditt arbete kommer att gå ut på att boka in möten med olika företag här i Stockholm som vi sedan håller ett sales möte med. Om detta företag väljer att gå vidare med oss så får du betalt 50 % av inkomsten som företaget betalar för vår tjänst första månaden.
This job will require flawless Swedish. The rest of this job post will be written in Swedish. Jag har tyvärr inte tiden att hantera mina potentiella kunder. Flertalet varma, intresserade leads tappas bort då jag inte har möjlighet att följa upp dem. Mitt företag tillverkar reklamfilm/informationsfilm av den här typen: - Det blir din uppgift att sköta kundkontaken, framför allt, att följa upp via telefon och mejl. - När en faktura väl skickats, och filmen hamnar i produktionsfas tar jag över kontakten. - Du måste vara duktig på att sälja Detta kommer vara ett deltidsjobb, som eventuellt kan bli ett heltidsjobb beroende på resultat och intresse. Jag tänker mig provisionsbaserad lön som kommer ...
Vi är en nystartad digital marknadsföringsbyrå som heter NVX Media och vi hjälper fitness företag och coacher att få fler kunder och ökad försäljning online med Facebook-annonser och Google-Annonser tillsammans med sales funnels, utmärkt copy och optimisering av annonserna etc. Detta ger oss en konkurrensfördel och våra kunder älskar det! Om jobbet. Vi söker för närvarande ett proffs gällande Facebook-annonshanteraring som kan arbeta med oss och leverera fantastiska resultat till våra kunder. Som vår Facebook-annonshanterare kommer du att arbeta med oss på kundbasis och vara ansvarig för följande uppgifter: * Ställa in och starta Facebook-kampanjer * St&...
Sälj något åt mig Försäljning av gåvokort som julklapp till företags anställda och kunder. Kort men intensiv period mellan oktober till mitten av december.
Hitta några leads åt mig Hjälp mig att hitta driftiga personer till mitt team inom hälsa/skönhet/träning.
Hjälp mig med internetmarknadsföring Behöver hjälp med att synas på youtube, Google samt sociala media. Även viktigt med Google Adword och Adsens. Vi vill vara närvarande på marknaden å synas på rätt ställe under en längre period. Projektet ska fortgå i ca 12 mån agresivt samt mindre agresivt under ca: 9 - 12 mån till.
Hjälp mig med internetmarknadsföring Fixa google adwords, google shooping.
Hjälp mig med internetmarknadsföring Jag har en hemsida som säljer både tobakstillbehör och vuxenleksaker
Today most companies gets flooded by marketing opportunities in various forms; get a new website, advertise in this magazine, optimize your googlepresence, sponsor this or that and many companies are just flushing money down the toilet. Some jump on an offer merely to get rid of the salesperson, others truly believe that it will have a positive effect on sales, 99 % have the same thing in common - they have no clue if it actually produces any result. With some of the sharpest minds in psychology, marketing and finance we have developed a system that reduces waste and guarantees at least a 20 % increase in results. That might not sound like much, but ask any company if they would like to add 20 % on their bottom line with the same kind of expenditure, they would jump on that oppo...
4 software products - new launch - Need Well Designed Website with great attractive banners, Images, Icons, Logos, Software Product CD Pack 3D Images( large , small, medium), landing pages, content and admin panel etc. NOTE:- WE NEED BEST DESIGNERS FOR THIS PROJECT, NOT AVERAGE OR JUST DEVELOPERS ONLY - WE NEED TOP DESIGNERS TO DESIGN WEBSITE - THIS WEBSITE IS FOR ADVERTISING/ MARKETING/ PROMOTIONS/ BRANDING purpose. This is for a new software launch. PHP CMS IMAGES( PHOTOSHOP IMAGE) LANDING PAGE BANNER DESIGNING LOGOS FOR PRODUCTS ICONS FOR FEATURES of software or product or services 3D CD PACK DESIGNING for 4 software ( 8 Designs - 2 for each product) - Size ( 3 different sizes - large , medium, small ( ( SAMPLE of 3D CD PACK BOX DESIGN ))
Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektPilot Assignment for Large-Scale Sales Tool Project'
1. SEO and SEM want my website to appear higher in the search engines GooglernHelp me to drive sales and find new customersrn2. Someone who can knowledge to write lyrics for the web in the best way and professional.rnArticle textsrnBlog Textsrnnews Textsrn3. I want to use Facebook advertising to reach out with campaigns to your existing customers and fans, their friends, people with similar interests or competitive fans.rn4. Video advertise on YouTube construction an account structure that enables range.rnrnSWEDISH LANGUAGErn1. SEO och SEM vill att min webbplats ska synas högre upp i sökmotorer på GooglernHjälp mig att Driva försäljning och hitta nya kunderrnrn2. Någon som kan kunskap att skriva texter för webben p&...
Jag har pågående arbete gällande vårt tidigare projektMy account page for WooCommerce store'
Hello, We are a company in Sweden that drive sales out of hair extensions and wigs both in Sweden and in England. Our goal is to sell hair extensions worldwide . Right now we try to enter the Italian market. We therefore primarily find retailers who already sell hair extensions to Hair salons and other shops around Italy . We are prepared for any local hits in interest. We are therefore looking for someone with experience out sales, has great interest to initiate direct contact with our leads, create new contacts for us and help us find new distributors for our products. The right person has great opportunities for long-term cooperation. We need someone who is located in Italy
We're reaching out to find an ambitious Swedish copywriter to write sales focused and professional product information texts for a new e-commerce project. It's imperative that the person we select for the job has a proven record of producing high quality copy. The content produced will set the standard of our textual communication in terms of bringing out the quality and relevance of the products and ultimately forming the "right touch". Who you are You are motivated to engage our customers with your texts in an innovative and creative way. You make the reader feel involved. You understand and implement texts based on SEO requirements. You transform an already existing text to something unique and fun to read. You focus on the quality of the...
Hej, jag söker en person som kan hjälpa mig hitta andra företag som arbetar inom försäljning av skönhetsprodukter. kontakta dom, diskutera mitt företags affäridé samt bilda ett samarbete kring försäljning utav hårprodukter. hör gärna av dig så berättar jag mer.
Machinery export company, based in the UK, needs someone from Sweden to help with the following: Online and Offline advertising, market research. Maskiner export företag, baserat i Storbritannien, behöver någon från Sverige för att hjälpa till med följande: Online och Offline reklam, marknadsundersökningar.
Machinery export company, based in the UK, needs someone from Sweden to help with the following: Online and Offline advertising, market research. Maskiner export företag, baserat i Storbritannien, behöver någon från Sverige för att hjälpa till med följande: Online och Offline reklam, marknadsundersökningar.
Hej, vi behöver hjälp med att förbättra och utveckla ett lånebrev som vi behöver skicka till banken för ett lån.
Book Cover page Standee landing page Book Design
I'm in search of a Co partner for my newly initiated online tutoring and assignment services business. This venture presents a unique opportunity for investment and partnership. Key Responsibilities: - Leverage your marketing and sales expertise to drive our business growth. - Utilize various marketing channels, particularly social media, email, and SEO, to establish our brand and generate leads. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in marketing and sales. - Proficient in social media marketing, email marketing, and SEO. - Passionate about education and helping students succeed. Goals: - Increase brand awareness. - Generate leads. - Drive website traffic. If you're interested in this promising opportunity, please reach out or contact me on WhatsApp at 07434761786.
### Project Description: ElevateFlow is a cutting-edge virtual assistant (VA) agency specializing in enhancing productivity and workflow efficiency for businesses leveraging the Go High-Level CRM platform. At ElevateFlow, our mission is to empower clients by streamlining their operations, optimizing marketing and sales funnels, and delivering tailored support with a friendly, approachable touch. #### Key Features and Services: - Go High-Level Expertise: Our team of VAs is thoroughly trained in Go High-Level functionalities, ensuring seamless support for all aspects of the platform, including pipeline management, automated workflows, appointment scheduling, and client communication. - Efficiency Redefined: We focus on simplifying complex tasks and optimizing processes to help cli...
"I'm seeking a highly creative and skilled freelancer to develop a powerful visual identity and digital portfolio that will elevate my brand and showcase my work. I need a bold, modern design that captures attention and effectively communicates my unique value proposition within the [Client's...requirements. - Highlight Your Process: Explain your design and development process, emphasizing your attention to detail and commitment to quality. - Offer Value-Added Services: Suggest additional services that could enhance the project, such as content creation or social media marketing. - Provide a Clear Timeline and Budget: Outline a realistic timeline and provide a detailed breakdown of your pricing. - Communicate Effectively: Maintain clear and consistent communicatio...
I'm seeking a professional data analyst to help me examine the trends in my annual sales data. Key Areas of Focus: - Business analyis (Territory, location, projects type) - Sales growth over time - Seasonal sales patterns - Services performance Deliverables: - A comprehensive report detailing the findings in a clear, well-structured power point graphical slides to be presented to management Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data analysis tools and software - Strong understanding of sales trends and patterns - Excellent report writing skills Please provide examples of similar analyses you've conducted in the past.
I'm looking for a modern and clean WordPress website for my 'Man with Van' service. The site should primarily provide information about the services offered, with a pricing quote feature based on customer input. Key Features: - A customer reviews section to build trust and credibility - A photo gallery showcasing completed jobs, enhancing engagement and transparency - A contact form for easy communication The ideal candidate for this project is someone with extensive WordPress experience, a knack for modern web design, and the ability to integrate interactive features seamlessly. Previous work on service-oriented websites will be a plus. Also customers to be able to get quotes for home and any other moves -no payment system is required at this stage
My Wordpress site using the Kadence template has some issues that need urgent fixing. - All pages are experiencing problems with the mega menu and rollover effects. The hover glow is also getting cut off for all buttons in the mega menu. - On the pricing page, there are three modals for the pricing tiers, but only the first modal opens correctly. The other two modal cut off the html content. No recent changes or updates have been made to the template or the plugins. I just need these issues fixed, with no additional functionalities or design changes required. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with Wordpress, specifically with the Kadence template, and be able to troubleshoot and fix the issues efficiently.
As a growing jewellery brand, I am in need of a dedicated social media marketing manager who can al...our jewellery in a captivating way. - Run targeted ad campaigns to reach potential customers and increase brand visibility. - Actively engage with followers to build a loyal community around our brand. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly in the jewellery or fashion sector. - Strong e-commerce management skills, with a track record of successful sales on platforms like Amazon and Flipkart. - Exceptional content creation abilities, with a keen eye for visually appealing product displays. - Experience running and optimizing ad campaigns on social media. - Excellent interpersonal skills for engaging with followers and building a br...
We are seeking an experienced Full Stack Developer to build a web application for our business to manage sales data, inventory, raw materials, and cost of goods sold (COGS). The website will consist of multiple interactive pages, pulling data via API and allowing user input. Below is the project scope based on provided specifications: Dashboard: Display global sales data by ASIN with interactive graphs (filterable by date range, e.g., last 7 days) and inventory levels (US, Canada, UK, EU, Australia) via dropdowns. Product Formulas: Manage product details (e.g., SKU, ASIN, ingredients, lead times) with options to add/upload new products via CSV. Suppliers/Manufacturers: Input and manage supplier and manufacturer info (e.g., email, lead times) with add/edit functionality. R...
...assistant. This assistant will be tailored for the sales of natural products, particularly plant-based supplements. Key Features: - Desktop and Mobile: The software should be compatible with both desktop and mobile platforms. - Multi-Lingual: The AI should be capable of fluently communicating in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, and German. - Comprehensive Task Management: The assistant will need to handle a variety of tasks including answering calls and texts, booking appointments, managing social media, and digital marketing campaigns, as well as responding to emails. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in CRM and AI software development - Experience in creating multi-lingual capabilities within a software - Understanding of sales, particularly in the natural pr...
I need a WordPress landing page built that replicates an HTML file I have. This project requires a 1:1 match in both design and content. Key Requirements: - Contact form: The landing page needs to have a contact form, which will require custom fields. - Checkbox options: The contact form needs to incorporate checkbox options as part of its custom fields. Ideal Skills & Experience: - WordPress development - Frontend development (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) - Experience with creating custom WordPress themes - Proficient in creating and integrating WordPress plugins Max budget is 100$.
...versatile, ensuring it stands out across various platforms. 2. **Cover Design:** A custom-designed cover for both digital and print materials, perfect for social media, websites, or any promotional materials. It will be aligned with your brand identity and capture attention while maintaining a consistent visual style. 3. **Promotional and Offer Templates:** Eye-catching templates for promotions, sales, or special offers, tailored to your brand's aesthetic. These templates will be easy to edit and adaptable to future campaigns. **What You Can Expect:** - High-quality, tailored designs that align with your brand’s mission and target audience. - Fast turnaround time and open communication throughout the design process. - Unlimited revisions until the final result mee...
I've made substantial edits to a Wikipedia page, but I need help from an experienced user. The page is restricted and I need it to be unrestricted so I can submit my changes. I also need help uploading an important JPEG diagram to the page. Please, only bid if you have: - Extensive knowledge of the Wikipedia system - Previous experience with navigating restricted page policies - Skills in image uploading and formatting Your role will be to guide me through the process and ensure we can make the necessary edits together.
I'm seeking a Salesforce expert with a strong focus on the Sales Cloud. Your primary responsibilities will include: - Customization and Configuration: Tailoring the platform to fit our business needs. - Reporting and Analytics: Helping us derive actionable insights from our sales data. Additionally, we have existing workflows that require optimization. Your experience in improving efficiency and enhancing our use of the Sales Cloud will be key to this project. Ideal candidates will possess: - Extensive experience with Salesforce Sales Cloud - Strong skills in system customization and configuration - Proficiency in reporting and analytics - Previous experience in workflow optimization
...profissionais a demandas reais. - Trabalho remoto e flexível – escolha os projetos que fazem sentido para você. - Pagamentos garantidos – segurança ao receber pelo seu trabalho. - Foco no que você faz de melhor – cuidamos da parte comercial para você. Quem Estamos Buscando? - Designers gráficos (branding, posts para redes sociais, banners, etc.). - Desenvolvedores web (WordPress, Shopify, e-commerces, landing pages). - Gerenciadores de redes sociais (planejamento, postagens, engajamento). - Especialistas em tráfego pago (Facebook Ads, Google Ads, TikTok Ads). - Copywriters e redatores (e-mails, blogs, páginas de vendas). - Outros profissionais do marketing digital. Como Participar? Se você quer acesso...
I'm looking for a skilled data analyst to enhance a Tableau report focusing on our financials and sales. The ideal candidate should be proficient in SQL, Python, and Excel, and have a solid understanding of data visualization techniques. Key Tasks: - Enhance current Tableau report with new metrics - Discuss and implement effective visualizations - Analysis of sales trends and financial KPIs Data Sources: The report will pull from a variety of data sources including databases, Excel files, and CSV files. KPIs and Trends: The report needs to highlight specific financial KPIs - revenue, profit margin, and expenses. We also want to focus on certain sales trends - seasonal trends, year-over-year comparisons, and monthly growth. Your role will be critical in tran...
I'm seeking a seasoned professional in e-learning and e-commerce to create an engaging, interactive course on Shopify. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop the course with the primary aim to sell digital products like eBooks and software. - Create interactive modu...and develop the course with the primary aim to sell digital products like eBooks and software. - Create interactive modules that will captivate learners and enhance their online shopping experience. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of Shopify and e-commerce - Proficiency in e-learning development tools - Experience in creating interactive content - Strong understanding of digital product sales Your expertise will help me reach my goal of selling a product through this e-course.
**Job Description** We seek a talented Shopify web designer to refine and enhance our existing website, [Bariji Yokoyama](). The website already contains all necessary elements, so the work primarily involves design improvements, layout adjustments, and optimizing the user experience to align with our brand's aesthetics. **Project Scope** - Implement a refined **landing page layout** featuring clear sections: Couture, Ready-to-Wear, Fashion Solutions, Story, Contact Us. - Improve **dropdown menus** to organize categories: Bridal Couture, demi couture, Collections (Coming Soon), Abayas & Kaftans, and Evening (Coming Soon). - Enhance **video integration** for rotating daily videos showcasing Atelier d’Art, Bridal collections, and more. - Optimize **g...
We're seeking a proficient Shopify developer to transform our Figma designs into a fully-functioning Shopify website. Key Responsibilities: - Translate our Figma designs into a Shopify website. Initially, we have designs for the Landing page and FAQs, but we will provide further designs for collection pages, about us, product page, blogs, and gift page. - Ensure the website is fully responsive and maintains its performance, keeping our Google Page Insight score consistent. - Collaborate with our team to clarify any queries. - Provide unlimited revisions until the pages meet our required functionality, speed, and aesthetic. Qualifications: - Prior experience in building Shopify websites is a must. - Strong front-end skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ...
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I'm seeking a facilities maintenance salesman to promote handyman services tailored for retail stores and restaurants. The handyman will be responsible for a variety of tasks including plumbing repairs, electrical repairs, general maintenance, and electrical equipment repairs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in sales, particularly in facilities maintenance, is highly desirable. - Technical knowledge and experience in handyman tasks is a plus. - Excellent communication skills to effectively promote the services to potential clients. - Ability to understand and convey the value of our comprehensive maintenance services.