Joomla vacation rental componentJobb
I have built a home page in Joomla (Helix Ultimate template) and need someone to help me to fine-tune the webb
Hjälp med att slutföra ett projekt samt lösa vissa problem med js, php och css Sidan är byggd i Joomla
Skapa hemsidan för ett startupföretag inom företagskrediter Jag har en sida som vi vill efterlikna, Sidan bör göras i någon av större crm som tex wordpress, dupal, magento, joomla. Sekretess krävs
Hey I need someone that can help us and setup get the facebook ads converting for our Swedish rental website.
Vi har en hemsida och en mall byggt i Joomla men behöver hjälp att lägga in ca 350 st bilder.
Vi har en hemsida som är byggd i Joomla 1.5 som måste bli mobilvänlig.
En hyrbils sida med koppling till Alamo´s och Enterprise car rental´s API behöver en sida som är responsiv och välutvecklad
...produkt. Uppdraget Grossisterna Elektroskandia och Ahlsell har webbsystem med möjlighet till dataintegrering edi, punchout etc. Utredning skall innehålla instruktioner samt exempel på hur man hämtar multipla värden med ett anrop såsom nettopriser, lagerstatus etc från dessa webbsystem för presentation i annat webbaserat system. Värdena skall användas i en prisjämförelsetjänst byggd på en Joomla-component. Utredning skall vara anpassad med instruktioner och exempel som är anpassade för att lätt kunna användas med joomlabaserat system. I uppdraget ingår även att med hjälp av respektive grossist support upprätta demokonton (demokonto för Elektro...
I need A Skill CMS Developer To Develop A Joomla SMS Component For My Company.
...jeepar. Det är i uppstartsfasen just nu och behöver nå framsidan för följande nyckelord. Nyckelord som behöver optimeras är : Topp nyckelord: "Rent car Sri Lanka" "Rent Jeep Sri Lanka" (rent car sri lanka har hög konkurrens men kan ge mycket om man når den, jeep är kanske viktigast att börja toppa med då det är minst konkurrens på det nyckelordet) Long tail: "Sri Lanka car rental" "Long term car rental sri lanka" "Self drive jeep sri lanka" "Rent 4wd Sri Lanka" "Self drive safari sri lanka" "Rent jeep willys sri lanka" "Rent Mitsubishi 4dr5 Sri Lanka" etc etc. Denna sida är seo copy:ad fö...
Behöver hjälp med att konfigurera en Joomla site med en enklare inloggning för 50 användare som skall användas för inrapportering av kundbesök.
Jag håller på att bygga en enkel sida för annonseringar (typ blocket) i Joomla och skulle behöva någon som kan lägga till några script i PHP på min sida. Scripten är för att ta emot betalningar med sms och det finns redan färdiga kodexempel att titta på hur dom ska skrivas. Det jag vill ska hända är att efter att annonsören klickat i en ruta att dom vill betala för sin annons och klickar på "spara annonsen" så skickas dom vidare till nästa sida där det står hur och var dom ska skicka smset för att betala. När annonsen är betald meddelas jag om vilken annons det har kommit betalning till, och jag går sen in och lägger upp den annonse...
Hej, Jag och min affärskollega har haft planer på att starta upp en köp- och säljsite med ett poängsystem integrerat på hemsidan. I dagsläget har vi en bra grundstomme utvecklat i Joomla. Det vi behöver hjälp med är att omvandla värdet på varorna till poäng. Sitter du på kunskap i att koda i Joomlas community, skulle vi väldigt gärna vilja komma i kontakt med dig. Tack på förhand!
Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektBuild a professional website from a wordpress/joomla template.'
Min idé är att hyra ut butikslokaler som konferensrum. Jag har byggt en hemsida med Joomla. Minimalistisk är väl den enkla beskrivningen av resultatet. Jag vill att man som kund ska kunna boka via hemsidan. Min förhoppning är det går att använda en modul som tex Ohanah och anpassa den för mina syften. Men min tid vill jag ägna åt marknadsföring snarare än hemsides-programmering. Jag undrar därför om någon vill hjälpa mig med detta. Jag är Malmö-baserad. Gärna Malmö!
Hej Vi har ett underhållsystem som är gjort som en modul i joomla. Vi har tidigare jobbat med en programmerare ifrån Ungern men har på senare tid gått lite trögt så vi måste få färdigt dom sista detaljerna kring systemet för att få något som skall likna en första version. Om du tittar på word filen bifogat står det vad som är kvar för att komma vidare. För att gå vidare finns det möjlighet med access till kod samt anvädning av testmiljö om det så krävs. Mvh Johan och Staffan
jag har en hemsida jag vill om den till joomla, wordpress elller CSM, jag är inte så säkert vilken är bäst. jag vill har en helt ny design logo alltling.... mobil anpassning... gooogle optimering... mm
jag har en hemsida jag vill om den till joomla, wordpress elller CSM, jag är inte så säkert vilken är bäst. jag vill har en helt ny design logo alltling.... mobil anpassning... gooogle optimering... mm
...samma nummer för samma produkt. Uppdraget Grossisterna Elektroskandia, Ahlsell och Solar har webbsystem med möjlighet till dataintegrering sk EDI. Utredning skall innehålla instruktioner samt exempel på hur man hämtar värden såsom nettopris, lagerstatus etc från dessa websystem för presentation i annat webbaserat system. Värdena skall användas i en prisjämförelsetjänst byggd på en Joomla-component. Utredning skall vara anpassad med instruktioner och exempel som är anpassade för att lätt kunna användas med joomlabaserat system. I uppdraget ingår även att med hjälp av respektive grossist support upprätta demokonton för att med säkerhe...
Jag vill att ni gör en app som heter "Vacation" där användaren har: Appen skall ha inloggnings fuktion med lösenord endast som en "pin code" -Nedräkning till nästa resmål -Användaren kan skapa album efter resmål exempelvis "Turkey" eller "France". Här kan bilder och videos laddas upp. En multimedia sida med en video sida med alla videos samlade och en sida med alla bilder albums samlade på ett praktiskt och modernt sätt. -Användaren kan skriva blogg/Anteckningar (som innehåller datum/tid/dela facebook/dela twitter) -Användaren kan "checka in" på en karta var i världen personen befinner sig. Användaren kan här dela till Facebook ...
Jag behöver hjälp med att göra ett api som jobbar mellan min sida och fyndiq, tradera. Min sida är byggd i joomla och vitualmart
Multisida baserat på joomla Vill ha en hemsida för 5 olika koncept. Skiljes åt med olika färger. - - - kö - - Varje företags kontaktformulär skall kopplas till respektive domän. Ett företag kan vara anslutet till fler koncept. Företaget får en egen kontaktsida som man kan presentera sig på. Denna skall vara sökbar. Standardkontaktformuläret i Joomla känns lite begränsad. Varje domän leder till respektive koncept. Samma mall (se enkel mall som ) skall användas för de olika koncepten. Logo placeras uppe till vänster se logo Under loggan kommer de olika koncepten Högerspalten enligt Enkel uppladdning och presentation
...Carry out a follow-up analysis on the output data. The data can be extracted from the SQL/NoSQL database into another format, using an appropriate tool, if necessary. For example you can extract to CSV to import into R, Python, Tableau, PowerBI, Qlik or SPSS. You should seek to automate as much of the data processing pipeline as possible. This may mean creating shell scripts to ensure each component of the analysis is executed in turn and without intervention. 3 Project Deliverables: The results of the analysis must be presented in the form of project report. This report should discuss the programming and data handling challenges that you encountered and the techniques you used to overcome these challenges. The report should be 3000 ± 300 words in length (excluding r...
I'm in need of an AI-generated, cartoonish-style illustration for my WordPress website header. The site is built using the Astra theme and is dedicated to a bouncy castle rental business catering to kids' birthday parties. I need 3 versions of it: 1 for desktop, 1 for tablet and 1 for mobile phone size, as per the Astra theme. Key Requirements: - The illustration should include a bouncy castle, kids playing, balloons and party decorations, all set on a beautiful weather day. - The color scheme should be in line with the attached examples, which have a bright and vibrant palette. - The final illustration needs to be correctly sized for a website header. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in AI illustration tools - Experience with cartoonish design - Familiarity wi...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to build a web application dedicated to managed IT services. The primary focus of this application will be providing IT Services(Laptop/Desktop Rental,Technical Support,Licancing Management).Primarily website will serve business upto 70 Employee strength Key Responsibilities: - Develop a user-friendly web application with a strong emphasis on IT Support services. - Ensure the web application is secure, reliable and can handle high traffic. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web application development, particularly in the IT services sector. - Strong understanding of Network Management and IT Support. - Excellent skills in creating secure and reliable web applications. Platform: - Azure or OCI - A/C & billing wil...
I'm in need of a designer who can create a unique, modern and sleek logo for my brand. The logo should feature cool tones, specifically shades of blue, green and purple. A key component of the design will be the inclusion of abstract shapes, so a strong sense of creativity and an eye for detail will be essential. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo design - Strong portfolio showcasing modern and sleek designs - Proficiency in using design software - Ability to work with cool color tones - Creativity in incorporating abstract shapes into designs - Understanding of modern design trends
...incorporate secure authentication protocols to ensure only legitimate users can access the system. ✅ Entry Management – The system should allow users to register for various events, make bookings, or join memberships. ✅ Database Integration – It's crucial for the system to maintain a robust database that stores user details, registrations, and activity logs. ✅ Data Visualization – This is a key component of the project. The system should be able to create bar charts, pie charts, and line charts to provide better data insights. ✅ Admin Dashboard – The system should include an intuitive admin dashboard that allows for user management, report viewing, and trend analysis. Ideal Skills: - Web Development - Database Management - Data Visualization - UI/UX ...
As an NGO dedicated to raising awareness about sudden cardiac arrest, I'm looking for a freelancer skilled in web development and design to create a multi-page website for...Detail our partners, associated hospitals, diagnosis procedures, etc. The primary goal of this site is to raise awareness about sudden cardiac arrest. As such, your design should be modern and clean, appealing to a broad audience. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) - Experience with content management systems (WordPress, Joomla) - Strong understanding of SEO principles - Graphic design skills for a clean, modern aesthetic - Experience with non-profit or NGO web design a plus Let's work together to make a difference and save live...
...web developer who can design and implement a modern and sleek website for my trailer rental business. Key Requirements: - **Showcase Trailers**: The website should allow me to post and showcase my rental trailers. I want an image gallery with descriptions to display the trailers. - **Gallery Option**: There should be a dedicated section for uploading pictures of available trailers. - **Customer Login**: A secure login option for customers is essential. After logging in, customers should be able to: - View and sign contracts - Upload necessary documents - Check trailer availability The ideal freelancer should have a strong portfolio of similar website development projects, preferably in the rental business sector. Proficiency in creating modern and sleek des...
My Joomla website has problems which are triggered when I upgrade from Joomla 4 to Joomla 5. As soon as I upgrade to Joomla 5, it returns a long list of issues which seem to be related to the database. I've tried to create a new website from scratch on a temporary subdomain, with the same extensions, same templates and Joomla 5. Everything works fine. I could re-build my website from scratch, but I have so many articles and menus that I don't want to lose. I need someone to check the issues on a duplicate of the website and make sure I can safely upgrade my website to joomla 5 without having those issues. If it's possible to backup the content, re-build the website and then apply the content back, I would be open to that solution too...
I'm seeking assistance in integrating a browser-based chatbot software with my FastAPI backend service. The project involves enabling multiple user logins and implementing JWT (JSON Web Tokens...enabling multiple user logins and implementing JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for user authentication. Key Requirements: - FastAPI: Proficiency in working with FastAPI is crucial as the integration revolves around this service. - Chatbot Integration: Experience in integrating chatbots with backend services is highly preferred. - User Authentication: Implementation of JWT for multiple user logins is a key component of this project. The chatbot should be capable of facilitating synchronous communication. This project does not require the bot to answer FAQs, process transactions or assist with u...
I'm seeking an experienced consultant who can help in creating a property management mobile application. The consultant' mobile application. The consultant's responsibilities will include: - Developing comprehensive project requirements and technical specifications - Recommending the optimal technology stack - Overseeing vendor selection - Monitoring all development phases from planning through deployment. The app needs to support both iOS and Android platforms, with the main functionality being a home rental booking solution. It should also cater to three user roles: Property owners, Tenants, and Property managers. The ideal consultant for this project should have: - 7+ years of experience in mobile app development - Extensive knowledge and experienc...
I need a setup for social network site at Joomla CMS and Android and IOS app. This is pilot-project, so it has to be simple. We will use Joomla 5 and some page builder. Site should have 2 databases, one for CMS and another for users. In site should be integrated one of the social network component from known company. Please, only offers for all works complete.
I'm in need of a freelancer who can create a detailed 3D prototype for a product design using AutoCAD. The project has reached the detailed design stage and the model must be a plastic component. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in AutoCAD - Experience in product design, specifically creating prototypes - Ability to understand and translate detailed design specifications into a 3D model - Experience with 3D printing and understanding of its constraints To assist with the design, I will provide 3D sketches. The final 3D prototype should be delivered in a physically usable format. Please note that I have not specified additional features such as textured surfaces, interlocking parts or embedded components at this stage.
I need someone to attend a house inspection for me. The property is a rental, and I want an assessment of the exterior structure. Ideal Skills and Experience: none just need to be there outside of property on my behalf Locations is in North Carolina
I'm seeking a skilled developer who can customize the WPRentals plugin on my existing website for a car rental service. Website : BUDGET 125 USD -Homepage: Replace all accommodation-related terms with car rental terms "Accommodation Type" becomes "Car Type"; listings adjusted accordingly -Search Bar & Results: Update search fields to include car rental specifics (pickup/drop-off points and date/time) -Product Page: Revamp booking form for car rental details Remove irrelevant information (e.g., sleeping arrangements) -Login/Sign Up: Modify pages to allow custom fields and file uploads Introduce a validation process where users submit documents for admin approval, with pending status until approved -New Listing Submission: New ca...
Financial Auditor & Bookkeeper Position (2025-2026 Audit Season) About the Role We are an established accounting firm seeking experienced financial auditors for the 2025 audit season with potential for long-term collaboration. The primary focus is financial audit work, with a supplementary bookkeeping component to evaluate technical capabilities. Audit Responsibilities ($5,000 total) Serve as part of our audit engagement team from November 2025 through March 2026 Work with clients remotely via Zoom/WhatsApp/Skype Conduct thorough financial reviews and document findings $1,000 monthly compensation Bookkeeping Responsibilities ($100 per month) Process approximately 200 bank transactions Record approximately 400 journal entries (including invoices, depreciation, and related tran...
I'm seeking a seasoned professional to boost my rental apartment's visibility and bookings on major platforms like , Airbnb, Vrbo, and Expedia. Key Objectives: - Maximize bookings: I need strategic input and implementation to convert views into confirmed reservations. - Optimize listings: Suggest and apply improvements to make my listings more appealing and competitive. Current Strategies: - Discount Promotions: I've been offering discounts to stimulate interest. - High-Quality Photos: I use professionally taken, high-quality photos to showcase my apartment. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in vacation rental marketing. - Proficient in using and optimizing listings on major booking platforms. - Experience in implementing successful ...
I need a comprehensive spreadsheet to manage my home properties. It should track property details and manage rental income. Key Features: - Tracking Property Details: The spreadsheet should allow me to track various details about my properties. - Managing Rental Income: It should also help me keep track of my rental income. This includes total rent collected, late payments and payment methods. - Historical Data: The spreadsheet should also allow me to store and track historical rent roll data. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Excel or Google Sheets - Experience in creating property management spreadsheets - Understanding of rental income tracking - Ability to incorporate historical data tracking Please note, I want to track specific property deta...
Overview We are looking for an experienced Kotlin Developer to enhance the TmlCompose project. TmlCompose is a Jetpack Compose-inspired DSL for generating Apache Tapestry TML f...-Apache Tapestry (TML-based web framework) -JavaScript (for movement, actions, interactivity) -CSS (for styling support) -Maven (for publishing the library) -Git & GitHub (for version control and collaboration) Project Roadmap & Deliverables Phase 1: Core Enhancements ✅ Improve the current TML generation system. ✅ Modify TmlScope to output TML files instead of console logs. ✅ Ensure modular component reusability with proper encapsulation. Phase 2: JavaScript & CSS Integration ? Implement JavaScript event handling & actions inside TmlCompose-generated TML. ? Generate CSS files dynamically ...
I'm seeking an expert to help prepare a proposal focusing on the procurement aspect of the supply chain in the construction field. A key component of this project will be incorporating a mathematical model. Ideal Skills Include: - Extensive knowledge of supply chain management, particularly within the construction industry. - Proficiency in developing and applying mathematical models, preferably optimization models. - Strong proposal writing skills. - Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities. The proposal will aim to highlight the significance and impact of procurement on the construction supply chain, and how a mathematical model can help improve our understanding and management of this aspect.
I'm working on a healthcare project using Blazor and I need an expert to help me add some new features, specifically related to medical records. - Medical Records: I want to enhance the project with functionalities related to medical records, such as data entry and storage, as well as implementing search and retrieval capabilities. - Analytics and Reporting: A key component of this project is the integration of analytics and reporting functionalities. I need someone who can help me set up this aspect, focusing particularly on patient health trends. The ideal candidate for this project would be a seasoned Blazor developer with: - Extensive experience in healthcare software development. - Proven track record in implementing features related to medical records. - Skills in de...
...should consider mounting points for housing attachment Design should accommodate weatherproofing measures Component Selection Design should utilize SMD components for compact size and improved performance Include on-board XLR connector (through-hole recommended for mechanical strength) Components should be selected for low noise performance suitable for audio applications All components should have appropriate temperature and environmental ratings for outdoor use Design should include provisions for conformal coating application Deliverables Circuit Design Schematic diagrams (PDF and editable format) PCB design files (Gerber files and editable source files) Bill of Materials with component specifications Assembly instructions including recommendations for conformal co...
• About the house: A house by the sea, popular during summer for relaxing and enjoying the beach in front of the house. • Key elements: House, sea, sun, 4 stars More information included in the attached document.
...real-time bus tracking via Thunkable Web Viewer) • AWS Cognito & Supabase (Explored for authentication but not implemented) • Razorpay (Integrated for handling subscription payments) • MSG91 (Explored for SMS-based authentication but discontinued due to DLT compliance and cost) ________________________________________ Key Features of the App: 1. Live Bus Tracking: o Integrated via GitHub Web Viewer component. o Real-time location updates for subscribed users. 2. Bus Schedules: o Schedule details stored in Google Sheets. 3. Important Contacts: o Contact list with search functionality. 4. Subscription System: o Monthly subscription plans. o Trial period management. o Promo code system (Firebase-based) for discounts. o Razorpay payment gateway integration. 5. Auth...
...& Notifications: Track upcoming and completed maintenance - Emergency Callouts: Request urgent repairs - Feedback & Ratings: Rate service providers and provide feedback - Task List Management: Maintain a list of pending tasks so APM can address and prioritize them on the next visit 6. Real Estate Agents – Managing Properties & Tenants on Behalf of Landlords Users: Property managers overseeing rental properties subscribed to APM - Portfolio Dashboard: View all managed properties and their subscription statuses - Tenant & Landlord Communication: Relay maintenance requests - Approval System: Approve maintenance tasks if required - Service Tracking & Updates: Monitor scheduled services - Billing & Expense Reports: Generate reports for landlords - Commis...
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