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2,000 joomla mod maker hittade uppdrag
Avslutades left

Detta har vi gjort. Powerpoint HR Agent Powerpoint - AI Web - Sida AI Bakgrunder, årstider ( Vinter, Vår, Påsk, Försommar, Midsommar, Höst, Halloween, Jul Plus ord - ”MOD”, ”OMTÄNKSAMHET”, ”ENKELHET” Tack bilder - 8 ST 11 ST Banner för Ladda ner guide Roll-uo Update hemsidan/ theme och plugins

$45 / hr Average bid
$45 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

I have built a home page in Joomla (Helix Ultimate template) and need someone to help me to fine-tune the webb

$948 Average bid
$948 Snittbud
16 bud

Hjälp med att slutföra ett projekt samt lösa vissa problem med js, php och css Sidan är byggd i Joomla

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Snittbud
8 bud

...slogan för vårt företag. Eventuellt behöver vi sedan också anställa för att ta fram en grafisk profil om vi hittar rätt logotyp Behöver utforma en ikon/Symbol för mitt företag, alla krav bellow: Symbol/Ikon som ska finnas med i logotypen. Se nuvarande nedan. - Business Karriärer: exklusiva sportkläder för kvinnor - Företagsnamn: INDRA - Färg: Guld Varumärkestsidentitet Exklusivt, styrka, mod , jämställdhet, kvinnor som stöttar varandra. Tro på sig själv som individ. Tror på att jag kan jag vill jag ska och så vidare. Font i kommunikation och text -Inter Hör gärna av er om ni vill ha fler tankar från oss och lite inspiration vad ...

$49 Average bid
50 bidrag

Skapa hemsidan för ett startupföretag inom företagskrediter Jag har en sida som vi vill efterlikna, Sidan bör göras i någon av större crm som tex wordpress, dupal, magento, joomla. Sekretess krävs

$191 Average bid
$191 Snittbud
22 bud
Skapa en Joomla-mall
Avslutades left

Vi har en hemsida och en mall byggt i Joomla men behöver hjälp att lägga in ca 350 st bilder.

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Snittbud
5 bud

update joomla till version 3.4.5

$100 - $100
$100 - $100
0 bud

Vi har en hemsida som är byggd i Joomla 1.5 som måste bli mobilvänlig.

$116 Average bid
$116 Snittbud
3 bud

joomla search bugfixing

$10 Average bid
$10 Snittbud
1 bud

...produkt. Uppdraget Grossisterna Elektroskandia och Ahlsell har webbsystem med möjlighet till dataintegrering edi, punchout etc. Utredning skall innehålla instruktioner samt exempel på hur man hämtar multipla värden med ett anrop såsom nettopriser, lagerstatus etc från dessa webbsystem för presentation i annat webbaserat system. Värdena skall användas i en prisjämförelsetjänst byggd på en Joomla-component. Utredning skall vara anpassad med instruktioner och exempel som är anpassade för att lätt kunna användas med joomlabaserat system. I uppdraget ingår även att med hjälp av respektive grossist support upprätta demokonton (demokonto för Elektroskandia...

$29 / hr Average bid
$29 / hr Snittbud
4 bud

I need A Skill CMS Developer To Develop A Joomla SMS Component For My Company.

$250 Average bid
$250 Snittbud
1 bud
Bygg en hemsida
Avslutades left

Behöver hjälp med att konfigurera en Joomla site med en enklare inloggning för 50 användare som skall användas för inrapportering av kundbesök.

$172 Average bid
$172 Snittbud
5 bud

Jag håller på att bygga en enkel sida för annonseringar (typ blocket) i Joomla och skulle behöva någon som kan lägga till några script i PHP på min sida. Scripten är för att ta emot betalningar med sms och det finns redan färdiga kodexempel att titta på hur dom ska skrivas. Det jag vill ska hända är att efter att annonsören klickat i en ruta att dom vill betala för sin annons och klickar på "spara annonsen" så skickas dom vidare till nästa sida där det står hur och var dom ska skicka smset för att betala. När annonsen är betald meddelas jag om vilken annons det har kommit betalning till, och jag går sen in och lägger upp den annonse...

$16 / hr Average bid
$16 / hr Snittbud
3 bud

joomla sosial network bootstarp tema

$5223 Average bid
$5223 Snittbud
8 bud

Hej, Jag och min affärskollega har haft planer på att starta upp en köp- och säljsite med ett poängsystem integrerat på hemsidan. I dagsläget har vi en bra grundstomme utvecklat i Joomla. Det vi behöver hjälp med är att omvandla värdet på varorna till poäng. Sitter du på kunskap i att koda i Joomlas community, skulle vi väldigt gärna vilja komma i kontakt med dig. Tack på förhand!

$955 Average bid
$955 Snittbud
5 bud
Skriv lite programvara
Avslutades left

Söker någon som är erfaren inom java och hur man kan skapa ett mod program tillägg. Tanken är att det ska vara ett program som känner av ändringar innan dem sker och skicka ut commandos på automatik efter aktiviering. känner du att du är rätt person för detta, svara i ett mail. [Contact details removed by Administrators for breaching the site Terms and Conditions] Bra belöning finns om du är lyckad!

$981 Average bid
$981 Snittbud
3 bud

Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektBuild a professional website from a wordpress/joomla template.'

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Min idé är att hyra ut butikslokaler som konferensrum. Jag har byggt en hemsida med Joomla. Minimalistisk är väl den enkla beskrivningen av resultatet. Jag vill att man som kund ska kunna boka via hemsidan. Min förhoppning är det går att använda en modul som tex Ohanah och anpassa den för mina syften. Men min tid vill jag ägna åt marknadsföring snarare än hemsides-programmering. Jag undrar därför om någon vill hjälpa mig med detta. Jag är Malmö-baserad. Gärna Malmö!

$29 / hr Average bid
$29 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Hej Vi har ett underhållsystem som är gjort som en modul i joomla. Vi har tidigare jobbat med en programmerare ifrån Ungern men har på senare tid gått lite trögt så vi måste få färdigt dom sista detaljerna kring systemet för att få något som skall likna en första version. Om du tittar på word filen bifogat står det vad som är kvar för att komma vidare. För att gå vidare finns det möjlighet med access till kod samt anvädning av testmiljö om det så krävs. Mvh Johan och Staffan

$312 Average bid
$312 Snittbud
1 bud

jag har en hemsida jag vill om den till joomla, wordpress elller CSM, jag är inte så säkert vilken är bäst. jag vill har en helt ny design logo alltling.... mobil anpassning... gooogle optimering... mm

$210 Average bid
$210 Snittbud
4 bud
skönhets hemsida
Avslutades left

jag har en hemsida jag vill om den till joomla, wordpress elller CSM, jag är inte så säkert vilken är bäst. jag vill har en helt ny design logo alltling.... mobil anpassning... gooogle optimering... mm

$150 Average bid
$150 Snittbud
1 bud

"install ngenx mod"....................................................................................................................................................................

$25 / hr Average bid
$25 / hr Snittbud
1 bud
"install ngenx mod"
Avslutades left

"install ngenx mod"....................................................................................................................................................................

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

...grossister har samma nummer för samma produkt. Uppdraget Grossisterna Elektroskandia, Ahlsell och Solar har webbsystem med möjlighet till dataintegrering sk EDI. Utredning skall innehålla instruktioner samt exempel på hur man hämtar värden såsom nettopris, lagerstatus etc från dessa websystem för presentation i annat webbaserat system. Värdena skall användas i en prisjämförelsetjänst byggd på en Joomla-component. Utredning skall vara anpassad med instruktioner och exempel som är anpassade för att lätt kunna användas med joomlabaserat system. I uppdraget ingår även att med hjälp av respektive grossist support upprätta demokonton för att med s&au...

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 bud
Fyndiqs api
Avslutades left

Jag behöver hjälp med att göra ett api som jobbar mellan min sida och fyndiq, tradera. Min sida är byggd i joomla och vitualmart

$257 Average bid
$257 Snittbud
1 bud

Multisida baserat på joomla Vill ha en hemsida för 5 olika koncept. Skiljes åt med olika färger. - - - kö - - Varje företags kontaktformulär skall kopplas till respektive domän. Ett företag kan vara anslutet till fler koncept. Företaget får en egen kontaktsida som man kan presentera sig på. Denna skall vara sökbar. Standardkontaktformuläret i Joomla känns lite begränsad. Varje domän leder till respektive koncept. Samma mall (se enkel mall som ) skall användas för de olika koncepten. Logo placeras uppe till vänster se logo Under loggan kommer de olika koncepten Högerspalten enligt Enkel uppladdning och presentation

$584 Average bid
$584 Snittbud
8 bud
Fancy Earring Finder
6 dagar left

I need someone to find a fancy earring which I attach here. You can find a maker who are ready to make this or if anywhere the ready stock available in any store you can refer me i will go and buy there.

$9 Average bid
$9 Snittbud
1 bud

I'm looking for an expert in reverse engineering to modify the SuperMoney app. The modifications needed are as follows: - Remove signature verification - Manipulate token - Make 2-factor Authentication universal Please note that I only have access to the APK, not the source code. If you have the necessary skills and experience in modifying and reverse engineering apps, I w...for an expert in reverse engineering to modify the SuperMoney app. The modifications needed are as follows: - Remove signature verification - Manipulate token - Make 2-factor Authentication universal Please note that I only have access to the APK, not the source code. If you have the necessary skills and experience in modifying and reverse engineering apps, I would like to hear from you. i need mod apk...

$80 Average bid
Framhäv Garanterad Topptävling
5 bidrag

Preciso atualizar um mod para um FPS no PC. Já tenho o arquivo modificado (), mas o jogo exibe um erro e fecha ao iniciá-lo. Procuro um freelancer experiente em C/C++ e modding de jogos que possa: • Revisar o mod e identificar o que está causando o erro; • Corrigir o problema para que o jogo funcione sem fechar; • Garantir a compatibilidade da modificação com a versão atual do jogo. Habilidades necessárias: C Programming, C++ Programming, Game Modding, Game Development. Orçamento: Mantemos uma faixa de orçamento semelhante à do projeto original, porém aberto a ajustes conforme conversas com o freelancer.

$19 Average bid
$19 Snittbud
2 bud

Já tenho o arquivo modificado (), mas o jogo exibe um erro e data ao iniciá-lo. Procure um freelancer experiente em C/C++ e modifique jogos que possam: • Revisar o mod e identificar o que está causando o erro; • Corrigir o problema para que o jogo funcione sem fechar; • Garantir a compatibilidade da modificação com a versão atual do jogo. Idealmente, o profissional terá experiência comprovada em modding de jogos e poderá fornecer exemplos de trabalhos anteriores semelhantes. --Orçamento Mantemos uma faixa de orçamento semelhante ao projeto original, porém aberto a conforme ajustes de conversas com o freelancer. Gostaria de responder a 2-3 perguntas rápidas para refinarmos melhor ...

$14 Average bid
$14 Snittbud
7 bud
Trophy icon Instagram reels maker
2 dagar left

I want a low price charging video editor who can edit instagram reels for me with my photos & video clips. Check out my page here:

$13 Average bid
23 bidrag

I'm seeking a specialist in website positioning and Joomla. My primary goal is to enhance my search engine ranking. The areas that require the most attention on my Joomla site are primarily technical SEO.

$458 Average bid
$458 Snittbud
83 bud

Hello, My name is Staryoe, and I’m looking for an experienced technical designer and pattern maker to help bring my designs to life by creating detailed tech packs and production-ready patterns. I need someone who is highly skilled in pattern making, garment construction, and technical design—someone who understands all the details that go into a well-made piece and can ensure that every aspect of the fit, materials, stitching, and structure is properly documented. Requirements: ✅ Expert in Pattern Making & Garment Construction – Ability to create precise, production-ready patterns and make adjustments for fit, drape, and structure. ✅ Advanced Tech Pack Development – Must be able to create detailed, factory-ready tech packs with clear specs, ma...

$36 / hr Average bid
$36 / hr Snittbud
8 bud

We're seeking a professional video ad maker who can bring full creative input to develop a dynamic video advertisement in Hindi for our Meqaquiz competition. The video ad should effectively capture the excitement of the competition and be versatile for multi-platform use. • Requirements: – Create a compelling 30-60 second video ad from scratch, with full creative input. – Design the ad in Hindi, ensuring it resonates with the target audience. • Deliverables: – A finalized video advertisement, optimized for various digital platforms. – Up to one round of edits within the project timeframe. • Timeline: 2 days • Budget Range: INR 1000 - 3000 Please note, the maximum budget is set to INR 3000.

$27 Average bid
$27 Snittbud
9 bud

...but we are rapidly expanding into other opportunities, so it won't solely focus on marijuana items _I want a dedicated tab/page with restricted access solely for a WHOLESALE section for companies and businesses to purchase from us _EMPOWERMENT TRIBE! MYBROTHERSKEEPER EMPOWERMENT TRIBE! LITTLE LOGO BELOW also _A comprehensive site for entrepreneurs and growing businesses. _PARTNERS such as a beat maker who creates custom beats for legendary individuals, which relates to the extra page I mentioned above. I will also have a PERSONAL trainer joining the AFINELINE LEGACY to offer his custom MEAL PLANS/online coaching/etc. __ I am in the process of creating a Facebook page/eBay page/Shopify/website app/Telegram, so I would like a section where they can click on something that tak...

$441 Average bid
$441 Snittbud
172 bud

Attention pixel art artists! I'm looking for a creative and committed professional to design 100 unique characters for my RPG Maker MZ game. The characters must be 2D, with a chibi pixel style and cover a wide variety: NPCs, bandits, heroes, soldiers, children, monsters and all kinds of fantastic beings. Project requirements: Each character must have two animation sheets: A sheet for movement on the map, including 12 poses showing the character in all directions to simulate movement. A similar sheet for combat animations. Quality, originality and coherence with the chibi style in pixel art. Delivered in RPG Maker MZ compatible formats. If you have experience designing sprites and animations, and are passionate about creating characters that bring fantasy worlds to lif...

$53 Average bid
$53 Snittbud
24 bud
Fun & Engaging Ads for Guasha
5 dagar left

I'm looking for a creative ad maker who can create engaging video and poster ads for our fitness app and health beauty product, Guasha. The primary goals of this campaign are to boost product sales and increase app downloads, with a focus on Facebook as the main platform. Your ads should embody a fun and engaging tone, to captivate our audience and encourage interaction. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven track record in ad creation, especially for health and fitness products - Experience with Facebook ad campaigns - Creative and innovative mindset - Ability to convey messages in a fun, engaging manner - Strong understanding of app promotion strategies - Knowledge of health and beauty industry is a plus.

$205 Average bid
$205 Snittbud
17 bud

Can you sell websites starting with a phone call? Can you instantly build rapport while connecting to the decision maker to generate new website sales, SEO services & Ai Support Agents? Are you attentive to details? I'm seeking a full time and experienced telesales professional who can help me generate new leads and convert them to sales. Ideally based in the UK, but if you're offshore your english must be perfect. IN this case include a link to a or similar voice sample. Our websites range from £750- £2950, but as you know, the sky's the limit. I have various DB of UK Businesses with some receiving marketing emails already Key Responsibilities: - Conduct telesales activities aimed at generating new website sales & leads - Potentially prov...

$238 Average bid
$238 Snittbud
5 bud

...Shifts may fall between Monday to Friday, 7 AM – 5 PM California Time. Grow with Us: Transition to full-time (7-8 hours/day) based on performance and conversions. Start Date: Within 30 days Who We’re Looking For: - Sales professionals with a strong track record in cold calling businesses—confident in handling objections, building rapport, and bypassing the gatekeeper to reach the decision maker - Excellent customer service skills - Neutral to American accent - Self-motivated, results-driven, and resilient - Fluent in English, C1 level or higher - Reliable home office set-up with a quiet environment, computer, and high-speed internet. # Our team thrives on collaboration, making this an ideal opportunity for those passionate about sales, relationship-...

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr Snittbud
8 bud

A freelancer is a self-employed individual who offers services to clients on a contract or project basis. Here are some key points about freelancing: Self-Employed: Freelancers work independently rather than being permanently employed by a company. Flexible Work Hours: They can choose their own working hours and workload. Project-Based Work: They are hired for specific projects rather than long-term commitments. Diverse Fields: Freelancers work in various industries, including writing, graphic design, programming, marketing, and consulting. Multiple Clients: They often work with multiple clients at the same time. Income Variation: Earnings depend on the number of projects completed, skills, and market demand. No Fixed Salary: Unlike regular jobs, freelancers are paid per project, pe...

$538 Average bid
$538 Snittbud
24 bud

I am in need of a website developer who can create and maintain my business website. The website will serve as a platform for my customers to learn more about my products and services. Skills and experience needed: - Proficient in HTML and CMS systems such as WordPress, Drupal or Joomla - Knowledge of web design and user experience - Ability to develop responsive and mobile-friendly websites - Strong attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines The website will require quarterly updates and maintenance to ensure that it is up-to-date and functioning properly. If you have experience in website development and maintenance, please apply for this project. Thank you.

$100 Average bid
$100 Snittbud
73 bud
Creación de Moodle
4 dagar left

Deseo configurar el demo de este tema de Moodle; Tengo instalado Moodle y el tema

$8 / hr Average bid
$8 / hr Snittbud
25 bud

I am using Joomla 5 with the DJ Classifieds component, and I need 3 changes. What is important to me is that an overwrite must be created because I regularly update the component, and I don't want these changes to be deleted during the update. 1. Search Module The search module currently has two fields. It should be modified as follows: - If a field in the listing is marked as required, it should also appear as required in the search module. - If both fields in the search module are not correctly filled out, a pop-up window should appear. This window will say: “Bitte tragen Sie die Mitgliedsnummer UND das Passwort ein, das auf der Notfallkarte aufgedruckt ist!” - Only listings where all fields in the search module are correctly filled out should be shown. If the ...

$25 Average bid
$25 Snittbud
18 bud

I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a modern and sleek website and program that allows users to download mods with a single click. The mods will replace game files, specifically related to weapons or graphics. Key Features: 1. Download Mods: Users should be able to easily replace game files with mod files (weapons/graphics) at the click of a button. 2. Order Mods: A dedicated tab for users to place orders for mods. Users will specify their needs, describe technical specifications, and a ticket will be opened for modders to process. 3. Marketplace: A marketplace tab where users can sell their modifications. Modifications must pass a moderation check for viruses and administration discretion before being publicly available. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Ja...

$2242 Average bid
$2242 Snittbud
90 bud

I need a Windows-based program and its corresponding website that allow users to download mods with a single click. The mods will be replacing both weapon and graphics game files. Key Components: - User-friendly interface for seamless mod downloading - Automatic replacement of game files with mod files - Compatibility with both weapon and graphics mod files Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating Windows applications - Proficiency in web development - Familiarity with modding and gaming industry standards Please note, I'm open to any programming language or framework. However, a demonstrated understanding of C# or Python may be beneficial. Your bid should reflect your understanding of the project's requirements and your proposed timeline for completi...

$22 / hr Average bid
$22 / hr Snittbud
56 bud

We are looking for a talented Cartoon Stories Video Maker who can create engaging and high-quality animated videos with compelling storytelling, smooth animations, and excellent sound and graphic editing. The ideal candidate should have experience in 2D/3D animation, motion graphics, and sound design to bring characters and narratives to life. Responsibilities: Create high-quality cartoon story animations from scratch Design and animate characters, backgrounds, and visual elements Edit and synchronize sound effects, music, and voiceovers for engaging storytelling Ensure smooth transitions, realistic movements, and appealing visuals Work with scriptwriters and voice-over artists to produce complete animations Optimize video formats for various platforms (YouTube, Social Media, etc.)...

$96 Average bid
$96 Snittbud
30 bud

I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a full-fledged real estate system. This will include customizing and integrating an open source real estate website, ERPNext, and WhatsApp integration for the ERPNext CRM module. Key Components: - Identify and select the most suitable open source real estate website platform (WordPress, Joomla or Drupal) - Design and implement a website with key functionalities including: property listings, agent profiles, advanced search filters, and a map-based search. - Customize ERPNext to cater to our real estate business needs. - Integrate WhatsApp with the ERPNext CRM module for seamless communication. - Make the system available in Brazilian portuguese. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in website development and customization, partic...

$2396 Average bid
$2396 Snittbud
142 bud

Estamos buscando un equipo de desarrollo para crear un mod que añade contenido a un videojuego FPS en UE4. Necesitamos modeladores, animadores, implementadores en UE, texturizadores, etc. La empresa paga mucho dinero por el contenido mencionado. Si estas interesado este es tu proyecto.

$104880 Average bid
$104880 Snittbud
5 bud

My Joomla site is experiencing an unexpected issue. Upon attempting to modify the copyright footer, I receive an error stating 'Module XML data not available'. This issue appeared suddenly without any prior changes or installations on my part, which leads me to presume that it may not be related to any specific module or plugin. - Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Joomla - Debugging experience - XML knowledge I am looking for an expert who can troubleshoot this problem as soon as possible.

$31 Average bid
$31 Snittbud
25 bud
Joomla & WHM Expert Needed
2 dagar left

My Joomla website is experiencing performance issues. All pages are stalling during AJAX calls and page loads. Ideal skills for this project include: - Extensive experience with Joomla and WHM - Proficient in troubleshooting and diagnosing website performance issues - Knowledgeable in evaluating and optimizing the performance of plugins/extensions - Skilled in implementing effective solutions to enhance website speed and efficiency.

$92 Average bid
$92 Snittbud
56 bud