Flash swf file auto fit screen web browserJobb
Vill även ha webshoppen med lager, frakt, google shopping och facebook annonsering, och språket skall vara Svenska. Vi har förnuvarande en hemsida med webbutik via , men vill ändra detta till en mer komplett webbutik förslagsvis via woocommerce. våran hemsida nu är: Want help setting up an online webstore in woocommerce. containing around 200 articles with different auto parts. The help is enough with to start up and post some startup products, then via mail / telefon help me to continue and insert the remaining ones myself. Also want the webshop with stock, shipping, google shopping and facebook advertising, and the language should be Swedish. We currently have a website with online store via , but want to change this to a more complete online...
Hi, I need someone to design a modern food menu for me. The menu will 3 options (it all have to fit on one page). I have uploaded my logotype, and some examples i have found that looks good. This is quite a small project but if i find someone that im happy with i will post more projects soon. Meny 1 Komplett Taco Buffè från Taco Bar Komplett Vego Taco Buffè från Taco Bar + 1 dryck - välj mellan öl/vin och cider Pris: 230:- inkl. alkohol, alkoholfritt alternativ 205:- Meny 2 (2 rätters) Kyckling med ugnsbakad mandelpotatis & västerbottenskräm (innehåller laktos) Halloumi med ugnsbakad mandelpotatis & smakrik salsa Daimbrownie med vispgrädde Hallon sorbet med bärcoulis + 2 dryck - välj mellan öl...
All applicants must speak fluent Swedish. Please do not apply if you do not fit the criteria. Krav Svenska. Vi söker en PR person som kan hjälpa oss skriva en story/artikel samt vara med lansering av en större utrullning av ett projekt. Betalning sker vid publicering samt upplägg kan förhandlas.
Söker back end utvecklare med erfarenhet från skräddaranpassade CMS hemsidor. Du bör vara kunnig inom PHP, Web 2.0, XHTML, SQL, Cross-browser optimering. Utvecklingen av hemsidan bör göras med stor anpassning. Då majoriteten av publiceringen görs av redaktörer måste backend vara anpassad för exempelvis skapande av artiklar. Du kan utgå från ett open-source alternativ och vidareutveckla den enligt våra specifikationer. Integrering mellan hemsidan och databas måste göras av dig. Analytics program erfordras. Interaktion görs möjligt med commenting, threads och forum. Erfarenhet från schemaläggning av aktiviteter bör du kunna göra. Caching även. S&...
Vi behöver en noggrann person som går igenom en hemsida och gör en rapport med saker som inte fungerar. Vad som ska testas: 1. Se till att text, video ...ska. 3. Se till att formulär fungerar och att den är enkel att förstå. Vilka webbläsare ska användas: - IE11 - Edge - Chrome - Firefox - Safari - iPad Safari - Opera Vilka enheter ska användas: Använd din egen mobil och dator till att börja med. Testa de enheter som du inte själv har tillgång till via - PC laptop - Mac laptop - 24" PC screen - 24" Mac screen - Android laptop - iPad - Android smartphone - iPhone - Windows smartphone Gör en sammanställning i ett spreadsheet över buggar och proble...
...manufacturer is Apple; then iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPad 4, etc.) After the kind of unit has been established, we need to know what type of service the costumer is asking for. (Example, Screen replacement, speakers, etc.) This function needs to be connected to the inventory database, since we run the same inventory for our webpage and for the local shop. We need to keep the same amount of stock in both places, regardless of where the costumer places his/her order. So, for summary: First/Lastname Social Security Number Adress Telephone Number & Email Unit selection (Manufacturer & Model) Service selection (Screen replacement, speakers, water damage etc.) We also need an overview of our orders of service. Handed-In Units, Ongoing, Awaiting Parts and Finishe...
data entry,web desining, abobe flash,coreldraw...
Jag behöver hjälp med att splittra 200 små kvadratiska bilder från en hel bild. Kräver "Image Auto Splitter" för att utföra jobbet, om inte en ännu bättre och effektivare program/verktyg för att utföra jobbet.
Hej, vi söker dig som kan använda hela Adobes Creative Suite. Detta för att hjälpa oss designa banners, videos mfl annonstyper.
jag söker en programmerare som är erfaren inom bot tillverkning och det är även ett stort + ifall han eller hon känner till spelet erepublik.com. För den som inte vet så är erepublik ett browser spel där man klickar sig fram. Vad jag vill att denna bot ska göra:. Jag vill att boten ska kunna återhämta energi automatisk detta gör den genom att klicka på en knapp. boten kan återhämta 10 energi varje 6 minut dock så behöver inte boten återhämta sig oftare än varje timme eller så. för på spelet kan man spara up energin till 650 som max. sedan vill jag att boten ska kunna jobba i alla mina företag + träna + jobba i det företag som jag är ...
Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektRender a 3d drawing from a .stp-file'
Vi vill fräscha upp vår nuvarande hemsida, , och dessutom göra den i Wordpress. Nuvarande version ä...Nyhetsbrevsfunktion, inkl hantering av kundregister. Möjligen ska detta skötas separat utanför vår hemsida, men vi börjar med att försöka inkludera denna funktion på vår hemsida.rn2. Leverera digitalt materiel, troligen bara en enkel area som vi kan lägga pdf etc som kan hämtas enkelt av kunderna. Ska troligen kräva lösenord.rn3. Skapa medlemssidor för att kunna leverera materiel (pdf, Flash, video etc) mot betalning (helst både kort och faktura, men faktura är första tjing).rn4. Verktyg för att kunna köra webinars som en del i leveransen av Lagarbetars...
NOTE: Developers responding with auto-reply, standard messages will not even be considered Vi har ett bokningsssytem för restauranger. I en vy visas alla bokningar som staplar. Denna sida som är byggd i PHP med en mängd javascript och css. Sidan fungerar bra för mindre restauranger. Men om restaurangen har många bord och många bokningar blir sidan långsam. Det beror på två saker. DOM - Det tar 2 sekunder att skapa DOM Javascript - det tar 2 sekunder att processa javascript på sidan Jag behöver en expert som kan optimera denna sida så att den går mycket snabbare. Vår idé är att byta ut alla DIV till bakgrundsbilder vilket skulle göra sidan mycket snabbare. Funktionen skall var...
I'm looking for a graphic designer to create a bold and vibrant poster for a limited edition drop. The design should be modern and sleek but with a bold and vibrant twist. I w...is to promote a limited edition drop, so the design should be eye-catching and engaging. - Most importantly, the design should incorporate illustrations. These should be unique and tailored to fit the theme of the limited edition drop. - Bold typography will also be a key element of the design. The text should be clear and easy to read, but also striking and memorable. Ideal Skills: - Experience in graphic design, particularly poster design. - Strong illustration skills. - Ability to create bold and vibrant designs. - Proficiency in typography. Please provide examples of your previous work that fit...
...administrator of the system on their screen / ipad. - The solution should be user-friendly, reliable and of high accuracy. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in BLE technology and home automation systems. - Strong mobile app development skills with a portfolio of prior work on both iOS and Android platforms. - Good understanding of safety and security system requirements. - Ability to design intuitive and interactive user interfaces. - Experience with real-time system notifications and updates. What we need to achieve though is ‘zoning’ each room. So if Elderly Client A presses the duress button in room #4-Bedroom (see photo below), then the admin at the reception will have the same photo on a big screen on their desk, and an alert will come up ...
...approachability - The text should be **readable in small sizes**, making it suitable for branding on various platforms. #### **4. Design Style:** - **Minimalistic but powerful:** The logo should be simple enough to be **memorable and scalable** while still **conveying the brand message**. - **Versatile:** It must look good on **light and dark backgrounds** and adapt well to **different screen sizes**. - **Timeless:** Avoid overly trendy elements that might become outdated quickly. #### **5. Logo Text:** - **Primary focus:** The name **"Beyond Limits"** should be clearly visible. - **Optional tagline (if applicable):** *Explore. Grow. Succeed.* - The text and icon should be **balanced**, so the logo works with or without the tagline. #### **6. Usag...
Logo Design Brief – Hamsa Bakery Logo Business Type: Bakery Design Request: Logo Design Key Elements: Incorporate a Hamsa symbol into the logo design (the Hamsa should naturally fit into the bakery/cake theme – perhaps incorporate elements like cake layers, piping or decorative patterns into the Hamsa itself). Include the business name in a clear, elegant and creative font that complements the design. Color Palette: Gold and Turquoise (these should be the dominant colors, with gold adding elegance and turquoise bringing freshness and vitality). Style/Feel: Modern with a touch of Middle Eastern charm Elegant yet playful (since this is for a bakery) Ideally, the design should feel inviting, creative and a bit luxurious Logo Usage: This logo will appear on packaging, sig...
...on a central axis. 1.3. Flow Sensor • Location: Inside the pipe, near the turbine. • Function: Measures water consumption and sends data to the intelligent processor. • Shape: Compact sensor unit fixed within the pipe. 1.4. Smart Display Panel • Location: Mounted externally on the pipe. • Function: Displays consumption data, flow rate, and leakage alerts. • Shape: Small, rectangular LED screen, water-resistant. 1.5. AI Processing Unit • Location: Connected to the smart display, either integrated or as a small external module. • Function: Analyses data, interacts with the user, and sends alerts. • Shape: Compact electronic unit with sensor ports. 1.6. Wireless Communication Module (Wi-Fi / Bluetooth) • Location: Integ...
I'm seeking a professional CV writer who can craft a compelling, senior-level CV tailored for the interior fit-out industry. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in writing CVs for senior-level positions. - In-depth understanding of the interior fit-out industry. - Ability to showcase leadership, strategic and project management skills. Your role will be to encapsulate my career journey, highlight relevant skills and experiences, and present them in a way that captures the attention of potential employers in this field. Please provide examples of your previous work in this area.
I'm looking for a PHP developer who can help me create a tool that extracts YouTube videos captions manual and auto generated whichever available.I dont want it made using official youtube script should work without expiring cookies or session atleast 1 Day. Key Features: - User input: The tool should allow users to input their desired YouTube video URLs for transcription. - JSON output: The transcribed text should be output in JSON format. - No timestamps: The transcription should only include the text, without any timestamps. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP - Experience with Web Scraping - Familiarity with JSON handling in PHP - Understanding of web scraping processes Please include in your bid examples of similar projects you have completed.
I'm looking for a talented Flutter developer to create an offline task management and reminder app named Taske. The app will feature a beautiful and professional UI, integrated pedometer functionality, and banner pushing through the Django admin panel. Key Features: - The main screen should be a dashboard with a task summary. - Users can organize their tasks and set recurring reminders (one-time and location-based reminders are not part of this project). - The app will allow users to track their physical activity through a pedometer and receive activity-based notifications. - Subscribed users will have access to additional features such as data backup. - Admins will manage banners through Django. - Users will enjoy an optimized experience based on their subscription status. I...
I'm looking for a talented Flutter developer to create an offline task management and reminder app named Taske. The app will feature a beautiful and professional UI, integrated pedometer functionality, and banner pushing through the Django admin panel. Key Features: - The main screen should be a dashboard with a task summary. - Users can organize their tasks and set recurring reminders (one-time and location-based reminders are not part of this project). - The app will allow users to track their physical activity through a pedometer and receive activity-based notifications. - Subscribed users will have access to additional features such as data backup. - Admins will manage banners through Django. - Users will enjoy an optimized experience based on their subscription status. I...
...approximately 10-20 hours per week (depending on availability) Compensation: Competitive hourly rate or payment per call (to be discussed during the interview) Performance-based bonuses available If you are passionate about customer engagement and enjoy speaking with people, this is the perfect opportunity for you! Apply now with your resume and a brief cover letter, and tell us why you’d be a great fit for this role. Chức danh công việc: Nhân viên Telesales Part-time cho Nền tảng Cá cược Trực tuyến (Làm việc từ xa – Người nói tiếng Việt) Mô tả công việc: Chúng tôi đang tìm kiếm những nhân viên telesales part-time nhiệt huyết và năng động từ Việt Nam để gia nhập đội ngũ của c...
I'm looking for a sleek, modern T-Shirt design for an upcoming cheerleader competition. The design should be appropriate for silk screening in a maximum of three colors. Key Project Elements: - The artwork should reflect the competitive nature of the event. - It should be modern and sleek, st...The design should be appropriate for silk screening in a maximum of three colors. Key Project Elements: - The artwork should reflect the competitive nature of the event. - It should be modern and sleek, steering clear from overly cartoonish or traditional styles. - The design must incorporate the event name. Ideal Candidates: - Graphic designers with experience in T-shirt design and silk screen printing. - Those who can create a design that balances team spirit with a sleek, mo...
...support within the app. - URL redirection to an external browser when necessary. - Web error page handling for situations like 404 or connection issues. - Customizable settings such as zooming, JavaScript support, and more. The app needs to support all types of website content, including news and articles, e-commerce products, and multimedia content. Push Notifications: I need push notifications for festivals, updates, registrations, birthdays, anniversaries, order-related notifications, etc. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Android app development. - Proficiency in WebView implementation. - Knowledge of handling multimedia content in apps. - Experience with push notification integration. - Understanding of web error handling within apps....
I need a professional PCB designer for my environmental monitoring device. It will include 4 sensors (temperature, humidity, pressure), an MCU, ESP32, and possibly a flash and memory module. The PCB must support a USB-C connection with a capacity of up to 3A, a battery management system (BMS), and a battery. Key Requirements: - Design a multilayer mixed signal PCB. - Select the appropriate MCU based on the project specifications. - Ensure the design supports all specified components. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in multilayer mixed signal PCB design. - Proficient in selecting suitable MCUs. - Familiar with designing for environmental monitoring devices. Timeframe: The project is time-sensitive and needs to be completed within 3 days. Further details will be provided upon ...
...45-minute slots available from Monday to Saturday. - The ability for all three user types to manage reservations - Comprehensive patient records: Each patient will have a unique ID and a dedicated text area for tracking progress and making notes. - Payment verification: Users need to see whether a session has been paid for or not. All user access will be through a private login, a simple login screen, as this system is not intended for public use. Ideal Candidate: The ideal freelancer for this project should have proven experience in PHP development, particularly in creating reservation or scheduling systems. Familiarity with database management is crucial, as patient records will be stored as database entries. The candidate should also have a good understanding of user interf...
Freelance Video Editor for Insightful & Engaging Short-Form Content (Ongoing Work Potential) ? Project Type: Short-Form Video (Test Project for Future Work) ⏳ Duration: 2:30–3:00 minutes ? Tone: Firm,...2:30-minute video edit. ? A brief note on your editing style and how you approach making complex topics visually engaging. ? This is a paid test project. If it goes well, I have regular work available. Chemistry Test: Are We a Fit? To get a sense of the style I’m looking for, here’s a short I’ve done previously: ? This is the minimum quality—your work should elevate it. ? To make sure we’re on the same page, tell me what stood out to you about this video and how you’d improve it. If you skip this, I’ll know we’re not the ...
I'm seeking a skilled Excel VBA developer to create a utility that interfaces with both Serial Communication and IP data, sending the parsed information directly to spe...in working with graphical representations of data in Excel is a must. - The selected freelancer will need to program the utility so that it reflects the parsed data in specific columns of the worksheet. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel VBA - Experience with data parsing from Serial and IP sources - Strong understanding of data visualization techniques in Excel - Ability to program data to fit specific worksheet columns The project also requires live monitoring of the data, so experience with real-time data processing will be beneficial. Please only apply if you're confident in your ability to meet...
I'm looking for an engaging camera spokesperson based in Dubai to showcase a variety of mixed-use properties, primarily residential and commercial. A strong presence on camera coupled with a solid understanding of real estate will greatly enhance your appeal for this role. Key Responsibilities: - Conducting informative and engaging on-location property walkthroughs in prime Dubai locations, ...performances. - Strong understanding of mixed-use real estate. - Exceptional ability to make properties appealing and interesting to viewers. - Based in Dubai. Please note, this role is solely focused on presenting properties on camera and does not require you to handle script writing, video editing or photography. Your primary responsibility will be to engagingly showcase these properties on...
...Responsive layout for desktop, tablet, and mobile. Interactive elements, including: - A button that remains fixed on the screen and changes color based on its position. - A card carousel that displays 3 cards at a time and shifts one at a time when navigating. - Messages that appear one by one with an effect. - Anchors linking to specific sections. - A button that scrolls to the top of the page. Clean and well-commented code. What I Will Provide: A complete mockup with comments detailing the expected behaviors. Guidance and clarifications as needed during development. The mockup will be sent privately to those interested. Ideal Candidate: Experience in responsive web development. Strong skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Attention to detail and ability to follow a st...
I need someone to revive an online flash game that has been shut down. The necessary SWF and JSON files will be provided. Key Requirements: - Platform: The game needs to be playable on either a web browser or as a desktop application. - Technology: It's not necessary to convert the game to a different technology, but I am open to suggestions if it enhances performance or compatibility. - Content: The game should remain unchanged in terms of content and functionality; it needs to be identical to the original. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in working with SWF and JSON files. - Experience in game development and reviving games. - Skills in making games compatible with web browsers and desktop applications.
...animation, designed for video content on platforms like TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels. The goal is to replicate the quality seen in reference videos with natural hand movements, dynamic shadows, and smooth, professional animations, fully automated through a custom Blender add-on. ? Key Features of the Add-on: ✅ Import image sequences (PNG, optional JPEG, and WebP)and video. ✅ Auto-generate flipbook pages and map images in order. ✅ TWO unique, original 3D hand models (no asset libraries): 1 -Vertical flipbook (portrait format) with one original 3D 1 - Horizontal flipbook (landscape format) with one original 3D Realistic hand animations based on video references, with: ✅Subtle hand oscillations for realism. ✅Smooth page flips with flex and bounce-...
...aproximado 3 horas: 30 minutos por cada negocio). En total se requieren de aproximadamente 9 a 10 horas para completar la actividad, el pago es fijo y es de $80 USD una vez que la actividad fue completada satisfactoriamente. Requerimientos del Freelancer: A. Vivir en la ciudad de México. B. Conocer las rutas de la ciudad para movilizarse en transporte público o contar con medio de transporte (auto o motocicleta), los negocios a evaluar no cobran estacionamiento. C. Edad mínima 25 años. D. Contar con un smartphone con Android y/o iOS y tener la app de Freelancer instalada en su teléfono móvil con las notificaciones activadas. (Una de las principales causas de que los proyectos no se logren satisfactoriamente es debido a que los Freelanc...
...accounts Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in multi-account management and social media operations - Strong understanding of platform security, compliance, and risk mitigation - Familiarity with GoLogin, proxies, browser fingerprinting, and automation tools - Ability to create a strategy that ensures scalability and longevity How to Apply: To apply, please explain in detail: - Your approach to setting up, managing, and scaling multiple accounts securely - The tools you would use (Is GoLogin a good choice? Why or why not?) - Your experience in similar projects and why you’re the best fit for this role We are looking for an expert who can help us implement a smart, scalable, and compliant solution. If you believe you have the right expertise, we look forward to y...
Hey ? y'all! We nee...Here's the flow: - If the user installs the app, we'll show splash screens 1, 2, and 3; - If the user taps on the Instagram icon on a splash screen, we'll prompt the user to register/login with their Instagram account; - If the account (i) is verified and (ii) has more than 100k followers, we'll redirect to the referral screen; otherwise to the rejection screen; - If the user provides 2 accurate referral ids on the referral screen, we'll redirect to the search screen; otherwise, to the rejection screen; - If the user taps on the chat icon from the search screen, we'll redirect to the chat screen; - If the member navigates to the chats screen, we'll show ...
Freelance Video Editor (Barter Deal – Fitness Coaching in Exchange for Editing) Hey, I’m Rishabh, a clinical nutritionist and strength & conditioning coach. I run Resilient Fitness, an online fitness coaching business. I already work with 1-2 editors but am looking for another one to join on a barter deal—you help me with 1-2 vi...wanting to get into fitness, this could be a great opportunity to grow in both areas. We can discuss deliverables in more detail based on how much work I provide you to keep things balanced. And if our working relationship goes well, I’d be open to giving you extra work professionally—paying you for additional projects while the barter deal continues. Because honestly, who wouldn’t want to get fit? If this sounds ...
Please submit your proposal along with links to at least three public projects or portfolios that demonstrate your experience in similar work. We are seeking a skilled freelancer to t...to ensure the landing page is fully responsive across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Animations: Implement animations as specified in the Figma design, using CSS animations or JavaScript libraries as appropriate. Popup Implementation: Develop two interactive popups as per the design specifications, ensuring they function smoothly and are responsive. Cross-Browser Compatibility: Ensure the landing page functions correctly across major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Code Quality: Deliver well-structured, commented, and maintainable code.
...ETAPA 2: Una vez realizada la cotización presencial, realizar 6 cotizaciones adicionales de manera telefónica (Tiempo aproximado 6 horas) En total se requieren de 9 a 10 horas para completar la actividad, el pago es fijo y es de $70 USD una vez que la actividad fue completada satisfactoriamente. Requerimientos del Freelancer: A. Vivir en Toluca, Lerma, Metepec B. Contar con medio de transporte (auto o motocicleta). C. Edad mínima 25 años. D. Contar con un smartphone con Android y/o iOS y tener la app de Freelancer instalada en su teléfono móvil con las notificaciones activadas. (Una de las principales causas de que los proyectos no se logren satisfactoriamente es debido a que los Freelancers no están al pendiente de sus mensajes ...
...acordo com a comemoração anual. 7 - Criar um npc para que os jogadores possam fazer upgrades dos seus equipamentos 8 - Criar uma zona de PVP com Ranking para que os jogadores possam disputar 9 - Criar uma zona AFK para que os jogadores possam deixar seu personagem parado coletando itens enquanto não estão podendo jogar 10 - Criar 2 botões para que possam colocar no automático 2 funções: (AUTO TRAIN) e (AUTO FIGHT) 11 - Criar uma zona de trainamento logo no início de cada mapa com bonecos de madeira para que possam usar para upar o nível do personagem, esse bonecos de madeira irão liberar experiência a cada dano que receberem. 12 - Criar um passe mensal com 3 abas que serão: Tem...
... 4. ETAPA 2: Una vez realizada la cotización presencial, realizar 6 cotizaciones adicionales de manera telefónica (Tiempo aproximado 6 horas) En total se requieren de 9 a 10 horas para completar la actividad, el pago es fijo y es de $70 USD una vez que la actividad fue completada satisfactoriamente. Requerimientos del Freelancer: A. Vivir en Puebla o Atlixco B. Contar con medio de transporte (auto o motocicleta). C. Edad mínima 25 años. D. Contar con un smartphone con Android y/o iOS y tener la app de Freelancer instalada en su teléfono móvil con las notificaciones activadas. (Una de las principales causas de que los proyectos no se logren satisfactoriamente es debido a que los Freelancers no están al pendiente de sus mensajes o ...
...users. The webpage will have a file upload button, and when a file is selected, it needs to be uploaded to bunkr.cr. In order to upload a file to the site, a number of commands have to be run in sequence (e.g., verifying the API is active, setting the upload server, etc.). Once verified, files are uploaded into chunks, and an additional API query is run to get the URL where the file is hosted once all chunks are done uploading. For reference, I've included examples of the CURL commands and responses for each of the steps in the upload process in the attached document. You can also try uploading a file on the site directly as well and monitor the network traffic. The output for this project should be a single JS file that successf...
...3D clothing models. Please reach out if you think you're a good fit for this project. Project Overview: We are looking for a skilled 3D garment designer to create a realistic, customizable 3D model of a Slim Fit Notch Lapel Suit (Jacket & Trouser) in GLTF format using our provided DXF pattern files. The model should allow for multiple customization options, including buttons, linings, trims, and accessories. Scope of Work: 1. 3D Model Creation (Jacket & Trouser) Import DXF pattern files into CLO 3D or Browzwear. Arrange the patterns into a 3D garment structure with correct proportions and stitching. Assign fabric physics, grainlines, and seam properties for realistic draping. Ensure the base model is optimized for real-time web rendering. 2. Customiza...
I am looking for a freelancer who can implement a simple screen design in Wordpress including a small shop. Specifically, a homepage, a shop collection (product overview) and a product detail page are required, a total of 3 pages.
I need an expert in audio and video API integration for iOS and Android platforms, specifically with ZEGOCLOUD. The project entails integra...and Android platforms, specifically with ZEGOCLOUD. The project entails integrating audio and video streaming functionalities of ZEGOCLOUD into our app, along with screen sharing. Additionally, the integrated real-time chat module requires urgent attention. The current issues we are facing include message delivery delays, connection drops, and message synchronization errors. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in ZEGOCLOUD API - Strong background in iOS and Android development - Proven experience in real-time chat module troubleshooting - Ability to ensure seamless audio and video streaming and screen sharing...
...website page's FIGMA image). Do not waste your BID if pricing does not fit you. The Awarded Freelancer agrees to terms below: Design / Development Terms: 1.1 Utilize the provided FIGMA/PSD/PDF files to create the website. 1.2 Ensure that all basic interactive elements are functioning correctly. 1.3 Implement a clean, user-friendly navigation system. 1.4 Integrate functional contact form. Coding Standards Terms: 2.1 Achieve pixel-perfect visuals in codes as per view of PDF/FIGMA/PSD. 2.2 Employ 100% Custom Handwritten Codes. 2.3 Ensure CSS/HTML files are properly commented on section-wise. 2.4 Utilize the latest frameworks available and use of low size image formats like .svg, .webp 2.5 Full fluid responsive for all screen sizes (Desktops / Mobiles / Tablets). 2.6 O...