Drupal 8 ecommerce themesJobb
Byte av CMS, Drupal till Wordpress. Arbetet går ut på att i Wordpress skapa poster genom att klippa och klistra från Drupal-sajten. Visitkort - klippa och klistra data. Spara ned bild från källa, ladda upp i WP och koppla. Välja kategori. Sidor - klippa och klistra data oformaterat. Lägga in rätt formatering manuellt (rubriker, fet stil, etc). Spara ned bilder från källa och ladda upp i WP, infoga på rätt ställe.
...flerstegskategorier. En mjölk som ligger som produkt ska tex vara ”Mejeri->Mjölk & Grädde—>Mjölk—>Standardmjölk”. Kategorierna för varje produkt är redan satt av mig men jag vill att man ska kunna söka efter och bläddra bland kategorier. 5. Man ska kunna bläddra genom alla från A-Ö 6. Allt ska kunna importeras från excel. 7. Produkterna ska ha listläge med liten bild, produktnamn ochlite annan info. 8. Produktbladsvy som visar fullständig info. Bild, namn, olika fält som även ska vara formaterade som jag nämnde. En del andra ska vara popups. 9. Man ska kunna jämföra produkter på ett snyggt sätt 10. Kunna betygsätta 11. ...
4 software products - new launch - Need Well Designed Website with great attractive banners, Images, Icons, Logos, Sof...DESIGNERS FOR THIS PROJECT, NOT AVERAGE OR JUST DEVELOPERS ONLY - WE NEED TOP DESIGNERS TO DESIGN WEBSITE - THIS WEBSITE IS FOR ADVERTISING/ MARKETING/ PROMOTIONS/ BRANDING purpose. This is for a new software launch. PHP CMS IMAGES( PHOTOSHOP IMAGE) LANDING PAGE BANNER DESIGNING LOGOS FOR PRODUCTS ICONS FOR FEATURES of software or product or services 3D CD PACK DESIGNING for 4 software ( 8 Designs - 2 for each product) - Size ( 3 different sizes - large , medium, small ( ( SAMPLE of 3D CD PACK BOX DESIGN )) HEADER DESIGNING & TABS FOOTER LINKNS & FOOTER PANEL PARALLAX & RESPONSIVE
...med mellanrubriker. • Lämpliga källor för information är wikipedia, företagens egna hemsidor eller internet. • Format: Levereras i Word eller Google docs. Rubrik formaterat som Heading 1 och mellan rubrik som header 2. 1. Apple (om företaget) 2. Samsung (om företaget) 3. Doro (om företaget) 4. Huawei (om företaget) 5. HTC (om företaget) 6. LG (om företaget) 7. Microsoft (om företaget) 8. Sony (om företaget) 9. Telia (om företaget) 10. Telenor (om företaget) 11. Halebop (om företaget) 12. Hallon (om företaget) 13. Tele 2 (om företaget) 14. Vimla (om företaget) 15. Fello (om företaget) 16. Comviq (om företaget) 17. Tre (om företaget) 18. Iph...
Praktiskt taget samma app som Uber med grafiska skillnader självklart samt möjlighet att fylla i information som storlek, vikt och volym samt alternativ för leverans som direkt, inom 2/4/6 eller 8 timmar.
Hej, jag behöver hjälp med att skapa en enkel bloggportal för ca 8 bloggare. Huvudsidan ska vara enkel med ett namn längst upp samt annonser som kommer finnas runt sidan och sedan plats för 8 bloggare med bild och kort beskrivning om vad bloggen handlar om. Sen ska varje blogg ha en egen bloggsida och egen inloggning. Alla bloggar ska ska ha samma design. Vi vill ha en design som på alla bloggar. Ungefär något i den här stilen ska huvudsidan ha. Sidan ska vara chic, fräsch och lockande och i ett nytänk.
Hej dreamtezz, jag la märke till din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera eventuella detaljer över chatt.
Jag behöver 8 bloggposter om datorspelande och spel i allmänhet från en datorspelares perspektiv. Ca 2000 ord.
Skriv 8 artiklar á 1000 ord samt 70 artiklar á 500 ord inom vaccinering. De kortare artiklarna är artiklar av typen: "Vacccination Örebro" där upplägget är en del stad info, en del allmän vaccinering och vaccin info samt en del var man kan utföra vaccinering. Andra artiklar är liknande "vaccination vattkoppor" där fokus är exakt vad rubriken säger. Sista delarna är ex "Vaccination vietnam". Där gäller samma upplägg som för stad men också med landsspecifika sjukdomar. Vi kollar alla artiklar i Copyscape + ett till verktyg innan betalning. Vi tänker oss 1 eller max 2 personer som skriver. Du ska ha förståelse fö...
seo 1, laga iphone 2, iphone reparation 3, trasig iphone 4, laga mobilen 5, laga smartphone 6, öppet söndag 7, samsung reparation 8, laga iphone city 9, reparera mobilen. 10, blackberry Sverige 11, laga lg 12 laga sony mobiler 13, laga ipad 14, laga iphone stockholm 15, smartphonestore
Transcription of Swedish videos. I have 112 YouTube movies (1-10 minutes /each). The total length of all videos are 8 hours and 30 minutes. I need someone to write down what we say in the videos (the videos are in Swedish and the written text should be in Swedish)
seo 1, laga iphone 2, iphone reparation 3, trasig iphone 4, laga mobilen 5, laga smartphone 6, öppet söndag 7, samsung reparation 8, laga iphone city 9, reparera mobilen. 10, blackberry Sverige 11, laga lg 12 laga sony mobiler 13, laga ipad 14, laga iphone stockholm 15, smartphonestore
seo 1, laga iphone 2, iphone reparation 3, trasig iphone 4, laga mobilen 5, laga smartphone 6, öppet söndag 7, samsung reparation 8, laga iphone city 9, reparera mobilen. 10, blackberry Sverige 11, laga lg 12 laga sony mobiler 13, laga ipad 14, laga iphone stockholm 15, smartphonestore
Jag behöver en app som har i princip samma funktionalitet som den här appen: Det är alltså ett simpelt drinkspel. Men en meny som ser ut som bifogad screenshot. Samt en annan design på "frågesidan". Övrig funktionalitet: - Gilla frågor - Se ett flöde över senast gillade/mest gillade frågor totalt av alla användare - Lägga till egna frågor - In app purchase för lekar - Leken högst upp i menyn ska vara gratis, de andra ska bli låsta efter 10 minuter och då måste man betala för var och en av dom. - Reglage för "blyga" och "oblyga" frågor - "?" uppe till höger på varje leks sida ska öppna visa lekens regler...
Jag behöver en app som har i princip samma funktionalitet som den här appen: Det är alltså ett simpelt drinkspel. Men en meny som ser ut som bifogad screenshot. Samt en annan design på "frågesidan". Övrig funktionalitet: - Gilla frågor - Se ett flöde över senast gillade/mest gillade frågor totalt av alla användare - Lägga till egna frågor - In app purchase för lekar - Leken högst upp i menyn ska vara gratis, de andra ska bli låsta efter 10 minuter och då måste man betala för var och en av dom. - Reglage för "blyga" och "oblyga" frågor - "?" uppe till höger på varje leks sida ska öppna visa lekens regler...
Jag behöver en som ska skriva några rader (artiklar) på engelska samt lägga upp bilder vilket skall vara relaterad till bröllop klänningar, bröllop tårta och bröllop ringar. Personen skall lägga upp bild samt skriva kort text om bilden där dessa keywords skall användas. 2 artiklar+bild per vecka 8 artiklar+bild per månad är tänkt sedan kommer jag och frilansern överens om hur vi ska jobba vidare med projektet.
Jag behöver en som ska skriva några rader (artiklar) på engelska samt lägga upp bilder vilket skall vara relaterad till bröllop klänningar, bröllop tårta och bröllop ringar. Personen skall lägga upp bild samt skriva kort text om bilden där dessa keywords skall användas. 2 artiklar+bild per vecka 8 artiklar+bild per månad är tänkt sedan kommer jag och frilansern överens om hur vi ska jobba vidare med projektet.
Hi, I need a professional w... 4-Artikel på ca 500 ord om casino på nätet 5- Artikel på ca 500 ord om Leo Vegas casino (information om casinot, bonus, spelutbud, kundtjänst, mobilcasino etc.) 6- Artikel på ca 500 ord om Vinnarum Casino (information om casinot, bonus, spelutbud, kundtjänst, mobilcasino etc.) 7-Artikel på ca 500 ord om gratis nätcasino (information om nätcasino, free spins och casino bonus utan insättning) 8- Artikel på ca 500 ord om gratis casino på nätet. (information om casino på nätet, free spins och casino på nätet) 9-Artikel på ca 500 ord om casino bonus (information om olika typer av casino bonusar 10- Artikel på ca 500 ord om spelautomater p&ar...
Hej, Vi behöver hjälp med att utifrån vårt sortiment skapa kampanjer för främst våra nyhetsbrev, ca 4-8 nyhetsbrev per månad. Du behöver inte själv kunna göra själva bannern, etc, eller göra själva utskicket, det har vi en extern partner som gör. Vi behöver hjälp med den kreativa delen Vi säljer parfymer och hudvårdsprodukter och har idag ca 2500 artiklar i sortimentet. Du måste ha stort intresse för skönhetsbranschen Exempelvis skulle du kunna skapa en kampanj "skydda dig mot solen" och ur vårt sortiment ta fram produkter som är lämpliga... Känner du att detta är något som du kan hjäpa oss med så &ari...
Hej jag behöver en hel del artiklar till en hemsida inom byggbranschen. Är detta ett område som du skulle kunna skriva artilklar inom? Jag erbjuder 8 dollar per artikel, artiklarna ska vara runt 1000 ord. Jag kommer behöva minst 8 st artiklar. Artiklarna kommer främst vara informationstext för olika typer av byggmaterial. Såsom Virke, takpannor osv.. Ger mer instruktioner om du accepterar jobbet. Återkom med beslut.
Hej jag behöver en hel del artiklar till en hemsida inom byggbranschen. Är detta ett område som du skulle kunna skriva artilklar inom? Jag erbjuder 8 dollar per artikel, artiklarna ska vara runt 1000 ord. Jag kommer behöva minst 8 st artiklar. Artiklarna kommer främst vara informations text för olika typer av byggmaterial. Såsom Virke, takpannor osv.. Ger mer instruktioner om du accepterar jobbet. Återkom med beslut.
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Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektFinish a Drupal site - Drupal Expert needed Saturday/Sunday!'
...detaljerade beskrivningar av varumärken/produkter till vår hemsida. Projektinformation: 1. Projektets längd är 5-7 veckor (förhandlingsbart) 2. 50,000 ord 3. Flytande i svenska är ett krav 4. Förmåga att arbeta självständigt med en positiv attityd 5. Förmåga att prioritera arbetet och möta deadlines 6. Grundläggande kunskaper om SEO är ett plus 7. Starka datorkunskaper och erfarenhet med MS Word 8. Skribenten arbetar hemifrån och skickar sitt arbete via e-post Betalning: Lönerna börjar på 2500 SEK och kan förhandlas vidare efter erfarenhetsnivå och projektets längd. Inkludera exempel på dina skrivkunskaper (helst artiklar) i ditt CV. Projekte...
...Creative Twist: While we do not want a direct depiction of the hoopoe bird, the logo should still subtly reflect the bird’s symbolic meanings, such as direction, wisdom, or leadership, using abstract forms or minimalist shapes. Logo Inspiration & Symbolism: Upward Movement & Growth: Consider abstract shapes, lines, or geometric elements that represent upward growth, direction, or stability—important themes in real estate. Geometric Shapes: Clean and bold geometric elements such as triangles, squares, or circles could represent strength, balance, and structure, which tie into the real estate theme. Subtle Symbolism of the Hoopoe Bird: While not literal, the bird’s crest or upward flight could inspire sweeping curves, sharp angles, or other abstract mot...
I'm looking for a developer to create a custom theme for my website, inspired by https://tiniurl.com. This is for a custom-built website that I need visual design and layout customizations for. I have specific design references that I can share, so the job will involve implementing these design elements into the th...by https://tiniurl.com. This is for a custom-built website that I need visual design and layout customizations for. I have specific design references that I can share, so the job will involve implementing these design elements into the theme. Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive experience in creating custom themes for websites - Strong visual design skills - Proficiency in implementing specific design references - Ability to translate visual designs into fun...
I am in need of a high experienced Drupal developer who can maintain website for me. The project will also involve the development of a REST API for potential future integrations and current development work on drupa rest endpoints Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Drupal - Proficient in REST API development - Strong understanding of corporate website requirements with php standards - Ability to foresee and implement potential future integrations Please note, specific features for the website have not yet been defined. However, the design should be flexible enough to accommodate a blog section, contact form, and employee directory among others. The REST API should be developed with potential integrations with a payment gateway, cms system, and a custom mobile app ...
...natural and relaxed posture. The characters should reflect the local population: A doctor with Caledonian features. A mixed-race teenager. The background should remain neutral and simple to keep the focus on the main message. The selected graphic designer will then create about ten variations for the campaign. Skills and Experience: - Expertise in motion design - Understanding of health-related themes - Experience creating content for social media - Ability to convey complex messages in an inspirational and hopeful way The visual should have a minimalist style....
I need someone to find and prepare/format various graphic designs for polyester banner printing. The designs do not need to be original, but may require alteration skills. Categories: - Sports: e.g. professional team logos. - Beach and watersport designs. E.g. stand up paddle boards graphic designs - Camping, hunting, fishing - Kids themes e.g. favourite characters - Auto enthusiast images - Extreme Sports: Designs featuring activities like skateboarding, BMX, and snowboarding. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic design search, presentation and filing methods - Banner (polyester ) printing preparation, helpful - Graphics Alteration skills The designs should be formatted to custom banner dimensions. Approx 2100mm x 1500mm.
I'm looking for a skilled mobile app developer to create a comprehensive Android and iOS application with distinct interfaces for clients and admins. Client Features: - Users should be able to log in, with their requests needing admin approval. A push notification will alert them once approved. - The app ...sub-categories (for example, sizes). - Admins need to be able to review submitted orders and assign prices to them. The catalog items should include a detailed description. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in cross-platform mobile app development (Android & iOS). - Proficiency in setting up push notifications. - Experience in creating user-friendly catalog layouts. - Familiarity with eCommerce app development is a plus. - Strong understanding of Admi...
...Kiwi, the bird (pineapple conure parrot) 6. The gorilla w/ jungle town above + Northwest Seed & Pet on top + Spokane, Wa est. 1944 on the bottom (top & bottom words in a circular arc) 7. Bongo, the bear + Northwest Seed & Pet on top + Spokane, Wa est. 1944 on the bottom (top & bottom words in a circular arc) *I can send a better pic asap. one of the entire bear showing him with no one sitting on it. 8. Tucker, the tortoise 9. Flower/Plant design with Northwest Seed & Pet Spokane, WA est. 1944 on top 10. Plants/Green House with Gertie the cat silhouette by the back door, Ruby the parrot on the pants table, and an iguana on the top bar, as in the picture. 11. Fish design with Northwest Seed & Pet Spokane, WA est. 1944 on top 12. Division store outline ...
...and typography guidelines for digital applications Examples of banner design 6. Product Labeling & Packaging Design guidelines for labels and packaging Material recommendations and print specifications Application examples 7. Imagery & Photography Style Defined image styles for websites, social media & print Guidelines on color scheme, composition, and lighting Use of mockups or sample images 8. Icons & Graphic Elements Consistent icons for web, print & labeling Color combinations and size guidelines Pictogram style to complement corporate design 9. Patterns & Textures If my branding includes patterns or textures (e.g., lines, geometric shapes, backgrounds) Application recommendations across different media 10. Web & App Design Guidelines Guidelin...
...costumizable, i need to have the chance to change message inside if i need, link and some other features. This project is intended to be supported for a premium template on a blogger blog, and the bar should be developed using HTML5/HTML or Bootstrap. The functionality of this bar is to replace an external service I am currently using, Hello Bar which slow down my website on pageinsight score by roughly 8 points. A clearly example you can replicate it s on my website . On this costumizable bar there is text and whatsapp button So this project task have to accomplish functionality of the bar according to pageinsight score, it means that it doesn t have to affect speed or at least, have a slight impact on it. I m NOT interested to have a bar working with these
I'm looking for a talented writer to help me craft a captivating fiction romance eBook aimed at adults. The ideal candidate should have a strong command of writing, particularly in the romance genre. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with me ...writing, particularly in the romance genre. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with me to understand the vision for the eBook - Create engaging and relatable characters - Develop a compelling romantic storyline - Maintain a consistent and appealing writing style throughout Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in writing fiction, particularly romance - Excellent understanding of adult themes and perspectives - Strong character development skills - Ability to create a captivating storyline - Exceptional command of the E...
I'm launching a new t-shirt brand and need a talented designer to create minimal and sleek typography designs for me. The designs ...sleek typography designs for me. The designs will predominantly feature one or two line messages, which need to be striking and creative. Key Requirements: - Experience in minimalist typography design - Creative thinking to convey complex ideas succinctly - Ability to design for various t-shirt colors (Black and white, Pastel shades, Bright and vibrant colors) - Skills in creating designs with themes of motivation and inspiration, humor and fun, and social awareness and impact The ideal freelancer will have a solid portfolio of similar work, a keen understanding of minimalist design principles, and an ability to think creatively and convey messa...
I'm looking for an experienced theme designer to specifically create an appealing and user-friendly SMM panel theme. Key aspects of the project include: - Customizable layout: The theme should have the ability to be adjusted and tailored to fit diverse needs. - User-friendly interfa...Customizable layout: The theme should have the ability to be adjusted and tailored to fit diverse needs. - User-friendly interface: The theme must be intuitive and easy to navigate, facilitating a smooth user experience. - Color scheme: A preference for the color blue has been stated. The design should use this primary color in an inviting and professional manner. Prior experience with SMM panel themes and a keen understanding of effective and visually-appealing design principles are ideal fo...
...manage lighting and improve image quality by reflecting natural or artificial light. 5. Microphone Wind Muff - To reduce wind noise for improved audio quality when recording outdoors. 6. Tripod Dolly - Allows for smooth movement and repositioning of your camera setup without lifting it. 7. Broadcast-Quality Headphones - For monitoring audio quality and ensuring optimal sound capture during recordings. 8. Lens Cleaning Kit - To ensure your camera lenses are free of dust and smudges for clear video and photos. 9. Gaffer Tape - For securing cables and equipment without leaving residue, essential in managing your workstation. 10. Portable Light - For additional lighting in dim or low-light environments, ensuring the video quality remains high. 11. Backdrop Stand - Used to hold differ...
I'm seeking a web developer to create a sleek, classic and elegant eCommerce website to sell luxury watches. Key Features: - A prominent product showcase that highlights the unique attributes of each timepiece. - Integration of video demonstrations within the product showcase to provide potential customers with a comprehensive understanding of each watch. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in eCommerce website development. - Strong understanding of classic and elegant design principles. - Experience with integrating video content into product showcases. - Able to create a modern, sleek interface while maintaining a classic appeal.
...course. The logo should be a combination of both a symbol/icon and text. My brand colours are the earthy sage green (cypress #3F4E40), white and gold Key Requirements: - Proficiency in modern design software - Strong understanding of abstract design concepts - Ability to create a balanced combination of text and imagery - Experience in logo design, particularly for educational or entrepreneurial themes The color scheme for the logo is Earthly Sage Green and White. I've attached files with the exact font style and icon style I'd like - essentially as close to this as possible. I'd like the icon to be a design combing the elements in the icon examples but a greenhouse / entrepreneurs concept. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Modern Design Software...
Need an experienced WordPress developer to customize my pre-purchased e-commerce theme. Must have expertise in WooCommerce setup, payment gateway integration (Razorpay/Paytm), and mobile responsiveness. Budget: ₹2,000-3,000 INR. Share your portfolio of live e-commerce websites. Only apply if you’ve worked with themes like Astra, Flatsome, or Divi. Please note, my budget for this project is ₹2,000-3,000 INR. Only serious applicants who meet these criteria and can share relevant portfolio links will be considered. The project deadline is within 2 weeks.
Training from scratch, fully ...and dedicate at least a week to this, working 5-6 hours a day? Do I understand that this is a FULL-TIME job, not a side gig, and that tasks will be assigned with strict adherence to deadlines? Will this fit with my study schedule/second job? Employment options: Part-time workload (3-4 hours a day) - 5 videos a week. Payment - 300 USD/month net + bonuses + incentives Full-time workload - 6-8 hours a day (2 videos a day), work schedule 5/2 payment 600 USD + bonuses + incentives You choose your days off, you can spread them out as you like throughout the week. Be prepared to complete a paid test assignment. Be ready to learn; it will take some time before you understand all the nuances of reactions, but don't worry, you will be trained...
¡Hola! Este anuncio de empleo es para expertos en el tema. Estamos buscando el mejor talento posible de habla hispana. Somos Bárrama, una agencia donde nos dedicamos a maximizar las campañas de Meta Ads para nuestros clientes Ecommerce. Estamos buscando un experto en Performance Marketing que nos ayude a crear y optimizar campañas en Facebook Ads de conversión . Estos son los requerimientos: - Conocimiento Avanzado en Media Buying - Mínimo 2 años de experiencia en Facebook Ads - Disponibilidad de juntas semanales. - Disponibilidad de empezar cuanto antes Buscamos maximizar el retorno de las campañas, donde hagamos pruebas de copywriting, oferta, gráficos y demás para optimizar al mejor ROI. ¿Qué ofr...
I'm in need of a creative graphic designer who specializes in creating bold and colorful YouTube thumbnails. My channel primarily focuses on technology, so a knack for tech-themed designs would be beneficial. Key Requirements: - Design vibrant, eye-catching thumbnails that stand out -...channel primarily focuses on technology, so a knack for tech-themed designs would be beneficial. Key Requirements: - Design vibrant, eye-catching thumbnails that stand out - Incorporate close-up of faces into the designs - Align designs with the bold and colorful style Ideal skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Experience in YouTube thumbnail design - Understanding of technology themes - Ability to create engaging, visually appealing designs I look forward to seeing your crea...
I need CAD drawings for 4 units, each 20 ft by 8 ft, arranged in a U-shape surrounding a pool. Additionally, 2 shed units of 10 feet by 8 feet need to be included. The site plan is provided as a photo. The drawings must be done in AutoCAD. We include an example "Number of bedrooms, front, back, side elevations and structural engineering to move forward with permitting," plans which are acceptable by the county. Key Requirements: - The CAD drawings must have detailed measurements and annotations. - Basic interior details are not required, only the exterior of the units and their layout. - The final deliverable should be CAD compatible with AutoCAD. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AutoCAD is crucial for this project. - Previous experience in creating detailed CAD dra...
...developer to customize an ecommerce template. The main focus is on modifying its functionality and features, as well as implementing several UI changes across the site. This is the template you will be working on. : Looking for someone who can be in-touch with us for a long period as we're trying to setup a startup with template. Key areas of customization include: - Adding new features to enhance the user experience - Adjusting the site's functionality to meet specific requirements - Implementing various UI changes to improve the overall design and usability Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in ecommerce template customization
I'm looking for a skilled developer to set up a comprehensive WordPress website. This site needs a login page with both standard email/password and social media login...enhance content - Download capability for revised/improved documents - Integration with Stripe for subscription and purchase options - Analytics to track user progress As for themes/plugins, I'm open to any that will fit this project. Your expertise in recommending suitable ones will be highly appreciated. Please note that I do not have a specific theme in mind. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong proficiency in WordPress development - Experience with OpenAI and/or Deepseek - Knowledge of Stripe integration - Familiarity with user authentication systems - Ability to recommend and implement suitable...
I'm looking for a professional with Shopify experience to assist me in fine-tuning my existing store. Key tasks will include: - Configuring the payment gateway - Setting up shipping - Creating strategies for driving traffic to the store An important aspect ...existing store. Key tasks will include: - Configuring the payment gateway - Setting up shipping - Creating strategies for driving traffic to the store An important aspect of this project is optimizing the store for SEO and marketing via email. Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive knowledge of Shopify - Expertise in SEO - Proficient in email marketing strategies - Experience in eCommerce store setup - Understanding of payment gateway and shipping configurations The store will be set up for selling phy...
...ideal freelancer should have: ✅ **Experience with WordPress Custom Post Types (CPT) & Taxonomies.** ✅ **Experience modifying CPT archive templates (``).** ✅ **Familiarity with Tourfic Plugin (or ability to customize CPT queries).** ✅ **Strong PHP & WordPress Theme Development experience.** ✅ **SEO-friendly permalink structuring knowledge.** ✅ **Experience using Child Themes for long-term modifications.** ✅ **Ability to test changes on a staging site before applying to live site.** --- ## **? Expected Deliverables** ✔ **Child theme with all modifications applied (safe from future updates).** ✔ **Custom `/tours/` archive that lists Destinations instead of Tours.** ✔ **Custom `/tours/destination-name/` pages listing Subcategories before Tours.** ✔ **Custo...