Download free sms blocker windows mobileJobb
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I need A Skill CMS Developer To Develop A Joomla SMS Component For My Company.
I Need A Real Facebook Profile Visitors App - Every Download I Found Was Fake.
...annonseringar (typ blocket) i Joomla och skulle behöva någon som kan lägga till några script i PHP på min sida. Scripten är för att ta emot betalningar med sms och det finns redan färdiga kodexempel att titta på hur dom ska skrivas. Det jag vill ska hända är att efter att annonsören klickat i en ruta att dom vill betala för sin annons och klickar på "spara annonsen" så skickas dom vidare till nästa sida där det står hur och var dom ska skicka smset för att betala. När annonsen är betald meddelas jag om vilken annons det har kommit betalning till, och jag går sen in och lägger upp den annonsen så den blir synlig. Den som betalat får &a...
Skapa en header navbar (Röd med vit bold text) med namn devilsuited (center) Och body backround svart. Gå till Youtube besök min Youtube kanal embed mina första tolv heads-up videos. Skapa two-column Layout (ui-grid-a, two columms 50%/50% Corresponds To ui-block-a|b) önskemål om du kan skapa att varannan är two columms 50%/50% där två videos visas bredvid varandra. Om du kan göra dem till 170/120px. Och sedan vill jag ha en annons på 340/240 px som visas 100% nedanför sen two columms 50%/50% tills du kommer upp i de tolv video. (Jag laddar upp banners till dig) Jag vill att när man klickar på en video att den tar upp hela skärmen och att man kan kryssa ner och komma tillbaka till sidan...
Jag vill ha en sida där man kan ladda ner med att betala med SMS med enkel design boostrap eller något. Kommer andvända Paygol till detta. Lättare att förklara om du (Removed by admin for breaching Terms and Conditions)
Jag vill ha en sida där man kan ladda ner med att betala med SMS med enkel design boostrap eller något. Kommer andvända Paygol till detta. Lättare att förklara om du kontaktar mig på skype: linusbrandt
Jag vill köpa en färdig sida där folk betalar med sms för att ladda ner. Folk ska kunna registrera sig och sälja sina filer med premium account. Gå bra att utnyttja boostrap som layout.
Jag skriver detta i svensk orsakar detta sätt jag kan rikta svenska biddrs . Jag behöver länk byggnad och SoMe länk byggnad för min affiliate SMS-Lån sidan . Skriv mig i engelska pga att jag inte svenska.|
Musikprogram för windows -Programmet ska söka igenom vald mapp efter musikfiler -Man ska kunna välja genre samt BPM och programmet ska hela tiden slumpa fram nya låtar efter detta -Man ska lätt kunna höja/sänka hastighet -Man ska lägg kunna ändra genre -Man ska kunna ställa in att programmet gör ett "mjuk" stopp när man byter/stoppar en låt -Man ska kunna ställa in hur lång tid av varje låt om ska spelas. 30 sekunder. -Man ska kunna ställa in intervall innom BPM. Vald BPM +-"x" -Man ska kunna söka igenom "musikiblioteket" samt lägga låtar i kö. -Alla funktioner ska funka med kortkomandon för att kunna använda en fjä...
Obs! Detta projekt är en long term projekt!! - Fast and Furious 7 - Jag behöver en som kan skriva 2-4 artiklar/blogginlägg per vecka + bilder/videos med angivna keywords. Freelancern MÅSTE även optimera artiklarna (SEO) samt submitting på olika directories. Articklarna/blogginläggen + bilderna måste passera Copysca... Articklarna/blogginläggen + bilderna måste passera Copyscape och vara unika likaså bilderna!!! Freelancern kommer behöva skriva artiklar/inlägg om följande subcategories: - Cars - Wallpaper - Quoet - SoundTrack Projektet är långsiktigt, så gör ditt bästa för att jag ska fortsätta med dig! Första månaden är dock en TEST må...
Behöver någon som är bra på kommunikation för att bygga en chatt program till Windows och Android. Person ska kunna ringa och chatt i programmet den ska vara snabb och ta så lite ram som det går. Den ska vara smart. Den ska vara mycket bättre än skype och ha anti spam system och mycket mer. Då jag behöver pengar för att göra detta projektet bättre. Kommer själv lägga över 260k på det här projektet. Jag är en smart person och tycker inte om det som Microsoft håller på med och vill för bättre allt. Jag vill bygga den så att alla blir glada. Kommer även fixa in så att den skydda mot virus och andra attacker. Är tr&...
Projektet är en bostadsportal och den vänder sig till mäklare/privatpersoner som vill annonsera gällande hus/lägenhet. Mäklare skall ha möjlighet att kunna logga in via sidan och lägga in sina objekt. Betalningen via mäklare sker med faktura. Privatpersoner kort eller sms(har inte kollat denna funktion ännu) Bostadsportalen skall inte enbart vara en bostadsportal utan vara en portal där man söker bostäder, bloggare och inspiratörer när det gäller design. Så portalens design är viktig.
...presentkort till kliniker * Hantera löneavdragsmodeller till företag * Återbetala/omfördela till patienter/kunder eventuella outlösta medel * Ta betalt av kliniker för månadsavgifter/SMS trafikavgifter och diverse andra rörliga utgifter * Ta betald av klinikerna för att använda "appar" * Betala ut till utvecklare då "apparna" används (utvecklarna finns i flera olika länder, men ffa sverige) * Hantera moms, kontoplan etc för både klinikerna, patienterna, utvecklarna av appar och oss själva i det ovanstående * Betala ut överskott till kliniker då kunder betalat in (men å andra sidan kan dessa medel användas till SMS/månadsavgifter e...
I'm in need of an experienced developer capable of creating a bot or software for automating various tasks. The bot should be able to efficiently manage files, perform data entry, and schedule workflows. Key...experienced developer capable of creating a bot or software for automating various tasks. The bot should be able to efficiently manage files, perform data entry, and schedule workflows. Key Requirements: - Proficient in developing automation software or bots - Extensive experience with Windows OS and Web applications - Capable of handling tasks related to file management, data entry and workflow scheduling Ideal Skills: - Strong programming skills - Experience with task automation software - Familiarity with Windows OS and various web applications - Excellent ...
Necesito hacer algunas modifcaciones pequeñas en una app desarrollada en Flutter
I have a social media website that I started in 1998. Today, this website desperately needs an overhaul because it's outdated in both its look and feel as well as the codin...responsive. It looks great on every device. What I'd need is help turning this design into a working website. You should have very good knowledge of NodeJS and React. It's a fairly complex task that will include creating a registration, logging in, browsing profiles, viewing a profile, reporting a profile, requesting friendship, upgrading to VIP membership and so on. Think Facebook, but with a free limited version and a paid unlimited version. You'd be working alongside me. I'll use the opportunity to learn more about NodeJS and React. I can also offer equity participation, which cou...
I'm in need of a Windows-compatible, desktop-based application that can generate automated quotations based on item selections from a dropdown menu. The application should fetch standard per square foot prices according to item types. The area will be calculated using manual input for length and height, and quotations will have three tiers: basic, standard, and premium. Key Requirements: - Dropdown menu selection for items - Automated fetching of standard per square foot prices - Manual input for area calculation (Length * Height) - Generation of three-tiered quotations (basic, standard, premium) - Image column for choosing from directory based on item type - Standardized headers and footers for first page - Inclusion of "About Us" and "Terms and Conditions"...
I am seeking a technology lead with a strong focus on Software Development. The ideal candidate will possess crucial skills in Full Stack Development, Mobile App Development, and DevOps. Key areas of experience should include: - Web Technologies - Android/iOS - Cross-Platform A deep understanding and hands-on experience with these platforms and ecosystems is essential. In addition to technical prowess, the ideal candidate will be a strategic thinker, able to lead and inspire a team of developers to deliver high-quality software solutions. Strong communication skills and a collaborative spirit are key for this role.
I'm looking to create a mobile-compatible voice agent. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in voice agent development and be well-versed with mobile platform requirements. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a voice agent compatible with mobile platforms. - Implement 'Text-to-Speech' functionality to enable the agent to communicate effectively. - Integrate 'Speech Recognition' capabilities for understanding user commands and queries. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in mobile app development. - Strong background in AI and voice recognition technology. - Experience with Text-to-Speech systems. Please note, the primary purpose of the voice agent has not been determined yet, but it may involve customer support, a...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to implement a mobile login feature on my WordPress website. The login method should be via Phone Number with OTP, using Firebase for OTP verification and SMS for delivering the OTP. Ideal Skills: - WordPress Development - Firebase Integration - SMS Gateway Integration - PHP/JavaScript proficiency Key Requirements: - Implement mobile login via Phone Number with OTP. - Utilize Firebase for OTP verification. - Deliver OTP through SMS only. - Ensure seamless integration with the existing WordPress site. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid.
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I need a Windows Forms application developed in Visual Studio 2022 that reads data from a Modbus device (specifically Modbus RTU) and logs this data to an SQL Server database. The application should also have the capability for report generation. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Visual Studio 2022 - Experience with Windows Forms application development - SQL Server database integration skills - Report generation feature implementation Ideal Skills: - C# programming - SQL Server database management - Application development for data logging - Windows Forms UI design Please provide your bid if you have the necessary skills and experience for this project.
I am seeking an experienced developer to create a Telegram bot for the Bac Bo game. The bot should be capable of automated betting, tracking game statistics, and sending player notifications. Key Requirements: - The bot must b...seeking an experienced developer to create a Telegram bot for the Bac Bo game. The bot should be capable of automated betting, tracking game statistics, and sending player notifications. Key Requirements: - The bot must be compatible with the Windows platform. - User interaction with the bot will be exclusively through text commands. - Previous experience in creating similar bots is a must. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in bot development, particularly for Telegram. - Strong understanding of the Bac Bo game. - Excellent programming skills for Windows...
I am looking for an experienced mobile app developer to create a mobile application compatible with both iOS and Android. The specifics of the app's purpose and key features are yet to be determined, leaving room for creative input and suggestions from the developer. Key Skills and Experience: - Proficient in both iOS and Android development - Prior experience with mobile app development - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles - Ability to provide creative input and suggestions
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create an eCommerce website and accompanying iOS & Android apps. The platform will focus on premium products and will need to support customer-uploaded desi...focus on premium products and will need to support customer-uploaded design files. Key features include: - A homepage with visual links to product categories. - A robust image upload system that includes preview and validation. - Customizable product pages with varied sizes, materials and quantity-based pricing. - User account capabilities and a simplified content management system. - A fully mobile-responsive design. The design and functionality will be inspired by the reference site, Please include your relevant experience and an estimated cost and timeline for completion.
Work done for the remaining designs, thank you !
I am looking for an experienced developer to create an AI trading bot for automatic trading on the Bybit platform. The project involves: 1. Market Data Collection: Collecting market data (prices, volumes, etc.) using free APIs or other available sources. Integrating the Bybit API for executing buy/sell trades. 2. AI Indicator Creation: Using any popular AI/ML library in Python (e.g., TensorFlow, Keras, scikit-learn, etc.) to train a model. The model should analyze market data and make buy/sell decisions based on signals generated by the AI. The required accuracy should be 97% in predicting market direction (buy/sell). 3. Trade Automation: Creating a mechanism that will automatically execute trades on Bybit based on signals generated by the AI. The bot should open a pos...
I'm looking for a professional graphic designer to help me create a weekly editable, modern styled, minimalist trifold church program in Microsoft Word. Key...primary purpose of this program is to outline the weekly service schedule. - The design style should be minimalist – clean, simple, and uncluttered. - The program will need to include a welcome message. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly with Microsoft Word. - Strong understanding and appreciation for minimalist design. - Excellent communication skills for a hassle-free interaction. - Ability to provide numerous design drafts and revisions. Check out my profile for my recent work: Looking forward to your bids and proposed timeli...
I'm looking for a professional with expertise in web development to enhance the functionality of my website. The specific areas of focus will be payment processing, search, account history, security and making it mobile compatible. Key Responsibilities: - Build the payment flow pages and integrate Stripe, Razorpay and Aadhaar verification into the website (front end only - back end already built). - Improve the search capabilities. Some small bugs in the website also need to be fixed. These include: - notifications - profile image - artist page design - initial load time, and loader - favicon resolution - logout Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development, particularly in front end and enhancing website functionality - Proficiency in improving sear...
My app has a bug affecting the login/authentication process. This issue occurs when I input the verification code. I am looking for an experienced Ionic Angular developer who can help me fix this. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Ionic and Angular - Experience with debugging authentication issues - Knowledgeable in mobile app development - Quick response and turnaround time
1- Task is to visit Ministry in Luxembourg physically and take 6-7 geotagged photos of the name board of the institutes captured from outside the building and preferably inside too. Download app for geotagged pics from the link: If you can't get the app, just note down the latitudes and longitudes of the location when you're there and get simple pictures. 2- Get the verification forms filled, signed and stamped by the HR or relevant authority of these locations. 3- Get the details of verifier that is their name, designation, Department and Contact. 4- In case of refusal to fill form, take the written refusal statement with stamp or sign as a proof. If they don't give written, ask them that you want to record them saying their reason and take their details like nam...
I'm looking for an experienced Excel macro developer to create a macro that will import data from a specific TXT file on my computer and format it to match my PDF example. I currently pull the data from an IBM and it is saved on my windows computer as "AP Data." I then need to be able to open an excel workbook and run a macro that will import "AP Data" and format it so it matches the PDF example identically. All numbers in the excel worksheet after import need to be formatted as accounting so something that appears on the PDF Example as 7.50- will change to (7.50). The print area needs to match the PDF example. There are page numbers at the top right of each page and that needs to be how it prints in excel. Below is the generic instruction...
I'm looking for an expert who can transform a PDF of a 10,700 sq ft house plan into a 3D model presentation. The purpose of this model is for interior design planning; I would like 2 quotes, one for just the basic layout of doors, windows and walls and the other to also include the furniture & fixtures shown. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience with converting 2D into 3D - Experience with floor plan design - Understanding of interior design principles - Attention to detail - Ability to work from a PDF Please note, the 3D model does not need high-detail textures or lighting, but should accurately represent the details quoted.
...Components of the Project: - The main goal of this campaign is to generate leads. - To introduce Real Estate Brilliance as the authority in realtor training in SA. - The target audience is specifically real estate agents. - I have 13 emails and 12 free guides prepared that will be used in the campaign. - Automation of 13 email campaign - 1 email per week. - FREE Guide to be sent as an immediate follow-up email when the download button is clicked. - Linking the relevant company website page to the CTA button - The Agent Success System. - Linking the FREE Guide button to the relevant associated email. - Ensuring the relevant Heading accompanies each individual email. - Tracking all activities of the email campaign. - Email notification to CALL at strategic poin...
...vendors mark them as “confirmed” or “processing”. • Sync order status updates from Shiprocket back to Pokketo via webhooks. • Ensure correct tracking details are updated on the customer’s order tracking page. 4. Additional Requirements: • Allow vendors to select a manual shipping option for local couriers (DTDC, India Post, etc.) and update tracking details manually. • Implement WhatsApp & SMS notifications to customers with tracking details. Skills Required: • Laravel (PHP) • React.js • API Integration (Shiprocket, Webhooks) • MySQL • Experience with multi-vendor e-commerce platforms (6ammart knowledge is a plus) Budget & Timeline: • Budget: Open to reasonable offers. • Dea...
I am looking for an experienced, full-stack development team to create a web application for B2B marketing purposes. This project will consist of a web app, chrome extension, and a mobile app, which should all sync. We have our logo files ready, but we do not have UI designers, so you'll need to have a creative UI designer on your team. - Must be an expert with building scalable and secure web, mobile apps, and chrome extensions. - Must be an expert with React, Node, Python, PlayWright, Puppeteer, etc. - Must be an expert with building custom APIs so users can access our data. - Must be an expert with integrating voice calling features into an app. - Must be available for support/questions during EST hours. NOTE: The best bid, timeline, and technical proposal/approach ...
I'm in need of a professional CV tailored for a senior-level position in the technology sector. The CV should be formatted in a standard, professional manner without any unusual or distracting formatting. Desired Roles: - Senior Network Engineer - Network Manager The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - A strong understanding of the technology industry, partic... Desired Roles: - Senior Network Engineer - Network Manager The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - A strong understanding of the technology industry, particularly in networking. - Experience crafting CVs for senior-level roles. - Excellent attention to formatting and detail, ensuring the final product is polished and professional. Please, don't apply if you cannot guarantee a CV free ...
I'm looking for a professional, engaging infographic designed with the purpose of generating leads for our Windows 11 upgrade service. The tone of the ad should be polished and professional, in line with our brand image. It should effectively communicates the benefits of upgrading to Windows 11 and why potential clients should consider moving with us. Ideal skills and experience would include: - Proficiency in infographic design - Understanding of lead generation techniques - Experience with tech-based content - Ability to convey complex information in a simple, engaging manner. just one ads, image 3 is my company logo.
I'm seeking a skilled mobile app developer to create a user-friendly application focused on analyzing numerical data. Key Features of the App: - Primarily designed for data analysis, the app should be capable of interpreting various numerical data sets. - The interface needs to be intuitive and accessible, catering to users with different levels of data literacy. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in mobile app development is essential, with a portfolio showcasing similar projects highly preferred. - Experience in creating data analysis tools will be a significant advantage. - Understanding of numerical data and ability to translate complex analysis into simple, user-friendly insights is crucial.
...the artistry of cake-making. Usage: The logo will be used on: Packaging (cake boxes, bags) Signage (storefront) Social media, website, and business cards It should work well in full color and monochrome (gold only or black/white). Deliverables: Full-color version (gold & turquoise) Monochrome version High-resolution files: PNG, JPG, SVG, and AI or EPS (for future scaling) Creative Freedom: Feel free to propose variations, especially in how the Hamsa integrates with cake or bakery visuals. The designer is welcome to add subtle patterns, flourishes, or textures inside the Hamsa to enhance the design....
I'm looking for a barcode software specifically tailored for inventory management. The software should primarily be compatible with Windows and should have the following features: - Barcode Scanning: The software must be able to read and process barcode data efficiently. - Reporting and Analytics: I need the software to provide detailed reports and insights about my inventory. This project requires someone with substantial experience in software development, particularly in creating barcode software. Knowledge of inventory management systems would be a significant advantage. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in your proposal.
...Search Interactive chatbot that asks questions to refine the search (budget, brand, fuel type, mileage, etc.). Automatic vehicle suggestions based on criteria. Smart comparison with a compatibility score based on buyer preferences. ? Advanced Filters & Alerts Search by specific criteria: brand, model, year, price, mileage, fuel type, transmission, features, etc. Save searches and set alerts (email/SMS notifications when a new vehicle matches the criteria). Vehicle comparison tool displaying price, features, maintenance costs, and estimated depreciation. ? Immersive Visual Experience 360° vehicle videos uploaded by sellers. HD photo gallery with interactive zoom. Video customer reviews to enhance buying confidence. ? Security & Transparency Access to vehicle history...
...reliable wall adhesion. Additional adhesive point: A small recess or flat hole on the support bar (about 1-2 cm in diameter) to accommodate adhesive pads or double-sided tape. Each Character as a Separate File: Letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and punctuation (!, ?, ., ,, @, #, %, &) should be saved as individual files. Optimized STL Files: Ensuring printability: Models must be watertight and error-free for SLA/DLP resin printing. Letters should be positioned flat on the build plate to minimize support usage. No excessive overhangs. Deliverables: STL files for each letter/punctuation mark as a separate model. If needed: A reinforced version for particularly thin characters. Optional: A test file for printability verification before creating the full set. Additional Notes: I...
Booking App Design Summary Overview The booking app is designed to be fully responsive and work seamlessly across mobile, tablet, and laptop screens. Users should be able to log in, sign up, search and filter grounds, select locations, book multiple grounds and slots, make payments, and view booking summaries. Pages & Features 1. Login Page - Fields: Email/Phone, Password - Option to reset password - Social login (Google,) 2. Signup Page - Fields: Name, Email, Phone, Password, Confirm Password - Option to agree to terms and conditions 3. Ground Details Page - Displays ground information (name, type, address, images, amenities) - User reviews and ratings - Availability calendar - Pricing details (based on time slots) 4. Booking Page - Location Selection: Users select a loca...
We will create an app for the client that will have a spin game with a wheel. It will have all the functionalities.