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2,000 create windows service start map network drive hittade uppdrag
Service modul
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I need a service module which is connected to the costumer database, and the inventory database of products on our webpage. I want the module to perform the following: 1. The ability to create new costumers and to search for costumers which have already been created. We use this to when we want to create a new order of service, whenever a costumer wants a service to be done. 2. When a new costumer/order of service is created, the following input should be required: First & Lastname Social Security Number Adress Telephone Number E-mail We also want that every costumer who hands in their unit for service, receives a number for that service. That number is to be based on the last 4 digits in the social security number...

$505 Average bid
$505 Snittbud
4 bud

Hello, We are a company in Sweden that drive sales out of hair extensions and wigs both in Sweden and in England. Our goal is to sell hair extensions worldwide . Right now we try to enter the Italian market. We therefore primarily find retailers who already sell hair extensions to Hair salons and other shops around Italy . We are prepared for any local hits in interest. We are therefore looking for someone with experience out sales, has great interest to initiate direct contact with our leads, create new contacts for us and help us find new distributors for our products. The right person has great opportunities for long-term cooperation. We need someone who is located in Italy

$1858 Average bid
$1858 Snittbud
10 bud

We have just registered our domain and hosting. Need a developer who can create a bilingual site in any convenient cms. We like the look and feel of this website: and want something similar if not better. Please check the site, including the different posts and page formats before you submit your quote. As proof that you did read the description and checked what we need, provide at least five urls from the site, without which your proposal will be outrightly rejected.

$584 Average bid
$584 Snittbud
17 bud

Frilansare för runt 20 artiklar med 2000 tecken per veckan, när det behövs. Artiklar om Casino, slotspel, betting och sport med mera. För att bygga ett nätverk av hemsidor. Freelancer writing aprox. 20 articles à 2000 signs per week when needed. About casino, sport, betting ect. This is to a website network.

$100 Average bid
$100 Snittbud
2 bud

Frilansare för runt 20 artiklar med 2000 tecken per veckan, när det behövs. Artiklar om Casino, slotspel, betting och sport med mera. För att bygga ett nätverk av hemsidor. Freelancer writing aprox. 20 articles à 2000 signs per week when needed. About casino, sport, betting ect. This is to a website network.

$449 Average bid
$449 Snittbud
2 bud
Write some Articles
Avslutades left

Freelancer writing aprox. 20 articles à 2000 signs per week when needed. About casino, sport, betting ect. This is to a website network.

$379 Average bid
$379 Snittbud
4 bud
$4 / hr Snittbud
1 bud
New Win Skin
Avslutades left

windows program skin

$199 - $199
$199 - $199
0 bud

Mitt projekt hade jag tänkt mig att vara lite som en butiksida. Sidan ska erbjuda människor att betala för en service inom ett spel som heter League of Legends. På sidan ska det finnas allt från vad det kostar för alla tjänster och en proffesionel upplagd sida där personen som besöker ska känna att sidan är proffesionel Här har ni hur själva konceptet ska se ut

$641 Average bid
$641 Snittbud
1 bud

customer service 4735938

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Snittbud
1 bud
SEO:a min hemsida
Avslutades left

...framsidan för följande nyckelord. Nyckelord som behöver optimeras är : Topp nyckelord: "Rent car Sri Lanka" "Rent Jeep Sri Lanka" (rent car sri lanka har hög konkurrens men kan ge mycket om man når den, jeep är kanske viktigast att börja toppa med då det är minst konkurrens på det nyckelordet) Long tail: "Sri Lanka car rental" "Long term car rental sri lanka" "Self drive jeep sri lanka" "Rent 4wd Sri Lanka" "Self drive safari sri lanka" "Rent jeep willys sri lanka" "Rent Mitsubishi 4dr5 Sri Lanka" etc etc. Denna sida är seo copy:ad för nyckelordet "rent car sri lanka" Denna sida är seo c...

$326 Average bid
$326 Snittbud
4 bud

koda om google drive länkar och kunnna använda länkarna i videojs-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$164 Average bid
$164 Snittbud
3 bud
php coding
Avslutades left

koda om google drive länkar och kunnna använda länkarna i videojs-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$150 Average bid
$150 Snittbud
1 bud

joomla sosial network bootstarp tema

$5223 Average bid
$5223 Snittbud
8 bud
Skriv lite programvara
Avslutades left

Musikprogram för windows -Programmet ska söka igenom vald mapp efter musikfiler -Man ska kunna välja genre samt BPM och programmet ska hela tiden slumpa fram nya låtar efter detta -Man ska lätt kunna höja/sänka hastighet -Man ska lägg kunna ändra genre -Man ska kunna ställa in att programmet gör ett "mjuk" stopp när man byter/stoppar en låt -Man ska kunna ställa in hur lång tid av varje låt om ska spelas. 30 sekunder. -Man ska kunna ställa in intervall innom BPM. Vald BPM +-"x" -Man ska kunna söka igenom "musikiblioteket" samt lägga låtar i kö. -Alla funktioner ska funka med kortkomandon för att kunna använda en fjä...

$393 Average bid
$393 Snittbud
2 bud
Supplement app map
Avslutades left

Supplement app map

$65 Average bid
$65 Snittbud
1 bud

Mitt projeckt går ut på kunder ska kunna boka bord på resturanger via appen som använder detta system, , även boka och betala middag innan kunderna landar i de land de ska till Till hotellet, Room serive via appen, Taxi bolag skall kunna anlitas, via appen så som uber exempel., Appens disegnLogg in, with name or ID 1, Room Service- inne i rooom service skall de vara listade hotell flik bolag en lista de ska kunnas läggas in i 3, Betalning tjänst beroende på vilken tjänst kunden väljer. betalnings metoder, Creditkort. de ska skall helt enkelt kunna läggas in den tjänsten i app kan bli en stor grej vi kommer tjäna mycket..jag har gott om goda kontakter i hotell värden och detta är möjl...

$675 Average bid
$675 Snittbud
2 bud

Mitt projeckt går ut på kunder ska kunna boka bord på resturanger via appen som använder detta system, , även boka och betala middag innan kunderna landar i de land de ska till Till hotellet, Room serive via appen, Taxi bolag skall kunna anlitas, via appen så som uber exempel., Appens disegn Logg in, with name or ID number. flik 1, Room Service- inne i rooom service skall de vara listade hotell flik bolag en lista de ska kunnas läggas in i efterhand. Flik 3, Betalning tjänst beroende på vilken tjänst kunden väljer. betalnings metoder, Creditkort. de ska skall helt enkelt kunna läggas in den tjänsten i appen. Denna app kan bli en stor grej vi kommer tjäna mycket.. jag har gott om goda konta...

$426 - $853
$426 - $853
0 bud

Start-up söker samarbetspartner med stor kompetens inom app-programmering. Vem vi söker: Vi söker en person med stor erfarenhet och kunskap inom både iOS och Android. Det handlar inte om utformandet av en ny app men vi behöver någon som på en detaljerad nivå kan arbeta med befintliga appar. Du ska ha följande kunskap: - Du ska ha spetskompetens inom app-programering. - Du ska kunna programmera i både iOS och Android. - Du ska tidigare ha programmerat egna appar. Vilka är vi: Vi som ligger bakom start-upen är två nyexaminerade Handelsstudenter som även har juristutbildning och erfarenhet av företagande. Har du den stora kompetensen inom appar som vi söker tänker vi o...

$2558 Average bid
$2558 Snittbud
13 bud

Driva trafik till vår ebutik inom give-away (skicka te med en personlig bild och hälsning) SVENSK TRAFIK Jag vill veta hur du kommer att gå till väga, samt hur mycket trafik du tror är möjligt att få. Drive traffic to our E-cart in the give-away (send tea with a personal photo and greeting) SWEDISH TRAFFIC I want to know how you will do, and how much traffic you think is possible to get. Sidans namn: www (.) teogram (.) se Site name: www (.) teogram (.) se Facebook: www(.) facebook (.) com/teogram (.)se

$96 Average bid
$96 Snittbud
4 bud
Chat program
Avslutades left

Behöver någon som är bra på kommunikation för att bygga en chatt program till Windows och Android. Person ska kunna ringa och chatt i programmet den ska vara snabb och ta så lite ram som det går. Den ska vara smart. Den ska vara mycket bättre än skype och ha anti spam system och mycket mer. Då jag behöver pengar för att göra detta projektet bättre. Kommer själv lägga över 260k på det här projektet. Jag är en smart person och tycker inte om det som Microsoft håller på med och vill för bättre allt. Jag vill bygga den så att alla blir glada. Kommer även fixa in så att den skydda mot virus och andra attacker. Är tr&...

$2117 Average bid
$2117 Snittbud
3 bud
Create WP Plugin
Avslutades left

I will email all details.

$245 Average bid
$245 Snittbud
1 bud

customer service

$555 Average bid
$555 Snittbud
1 bud

Book Cover page Standee landing page Book Design

$132 Average bid
$132 Snittbud
8 bud
Opcore - Teaser video
Avslutades left

I'm engegerad in an entrepreneurial project for a cloud-based IT service service called Opcore. I now want to create a corporate video including voice matching with the goal to be able to use it as a teaser and introduction to our meetings, etc. Enclosed please find a draft script.

$565 Average bid
$565 Snittbud
3 bud

Här kommer uppdraget enligt överenskommelse. Artiklarna hittar du som vanligt i Affilio och under projektet "60st svenska artiklar á 300 ord om blandade ämnen (Tezz -". Jag har även lagt upp en spreadsheet på Google Drive med lite relevanta frågeställningar att behandla för varje artikel:

$292 Average bid
$292 Snittbud
1 bud

Vi har en byggfirma som vi saknar logo till. Och nu skulle vi vilja ha en logo som visar på att vi är en byggfirma och som även utstrålar service. Den får även vara snygg och modern. Företagets namn är Filip Backman Bygg & Design

$66 Average bid
$66 Snittbud
10 bud

Jag vill göra en applikation som är kvalificerad för Apple Store och kostar 7 kr att köpa. Jag vill att ni gör en app som heter "Vacation" där användaren har: Appen skall ha inloggnings fuktion med lösenord endast som en "pin code" -Nedräkning till nästa resmål -Användaren kan skapa album efter resmål exempelvis "Turkey" eller "France". Här kan bilder och videos laddas upp. En multimedia sida med en video sida med alla videos samlade och en sida med alla bilder albums samlade på ett praktiskt och modernt sätt. -Användaren kan skriva blogg/Anteckningar (som innehåller datum/tid/dela facebook/dela twitter) -Användaren kan "checka in" ...

$662 Average bid
$662 Snittbud
2 bud

Customer service

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Mystery Customer Marknadsundersökare - Tanumshede, Säffle, Karlstad, KRISTINEHAMN, Arvika, Gällivare, Örnsköldsvik, UMEÅ, SKELLEFTEÅ, Öjebyn, Kalix, LULEÅ, Visby, Rønne Helion Research I egenskap av en Helion Utvärderare kommer du att utvärdera alla sorters service inkluderande, butiker, restauranger, bilutställningshallar, listan bara fortsätter. Du kommer att få ett färdigt scenario att följa för varje utvärdering och därefter får du fylla i ett online frågeformulär. Besök - Du får bara utvalda jobb som du kan utföra i ditt område och som du har tid att slutföra. Du får betalt för varje utvärdering som...

$35 / hr Average bid
$35 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Mystery Customer Marknadsundersökare - Tanumshede, Säffle, Karlstad, KRISTINEHAMN, Arvika, Gällivare, Örnsköldsvik, UMEÅ, SKELLEFTEÅ, Öjebyn, Kalix, LULEÅ, Visby, Rønne Helion Research I egenskap av en Helion Utvärderare kommer du att utvärdera alla sorters service inkluderande, butiker, restauranger, bilutställningshallar, listan bara fortsätter. Du kommer att få ett färdigt scenario att följa för varje utvärdering och därefter får du fylla i ett online frågeformulär. Besök - Du får bara utvalda jobb som du kan utföra i ditt område och som du har tid att slutföra. Du får betalt för varje utvärdering som...

$706 / hr Average bid
$706 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Customer service

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

Min mamma har under flera års tid skrivit på en blogg som heter där hon lägger upp inlägg om Gävles historia. Det finns enorma mängder information i bloggen (se här http:...vinstsyfte med den så budgeten är väl något begränsad. Dock så är det hennes stora passion att skriva denna blog varför jag gärna skulle vilja hjälpa henne att få den att bli så bra som möjligt. Vore också toppen med hjälp av programvara som gör att hon kan skriva framtida inlägg på ett bra sätt. (Hon lägger gärna upp en hel del bilder i bloggen etc.) I dagsläget använder hon b-one () som service-provider. Dock har jag börjat fundera på ...

$269 Average bid
$269 Snittbud
6 bud

...mountain cabin that closely follows the reference image provided while meeting the following key requirements: Cabin Specifications: ✅ Maximum floor area: 30 sqm ✅ Total height: 4 meters ✅ Exterior design must resemble the reference image Interior Requirements: ? Loft Bedroom – Accessible via a non-steep staircase along one of the long sides of the cabin. ? Windows – A windows above the double bed in the loft for a scenic view. Lower-level windows should be positioned to ensure privacy from outside (not at direct eye level). ?️ Living Area – A cozy seating space under the loft, making smart use of the lower height. Or if you have better ideas show it. ?️ Open Floor Plan – A spacious and airy design. ?‍? Kitchen Area – Functional a...

$53 Average bid
0 bidrag
Create Professional Profile Banner
6 dagar left

I need a professional profile banner. The design should reflect a corporate, professional aesthetic. Skills and experience ideal for this job include: - Graphic design - Branding - Understanding of professional aesthetics - Follow my instruction - Need Banners in svg and editable - Please see the Image in the Attachment - Layout size W 375 px - H 260 px The idea is to integrate ...profile banner. The design should reflect a corporate, professional aesthetic. Skills and experience ideal for this job include: - Graphic design - Branding - Understanding of professional aesthetics - Follow my instruction - Need Banners in svg and editable - Please see the Image in the Attachment - Layout size W 375 px - H 260 px The idea is to integrate the user image in the banner please create...

$27 Average bid
$27 Snittbud
83 bud

I am in need of a professional pre-employment vetting service based in or near Busan, South Korea. The primary task will be verifying the authenticity of degree certificates for potential hires. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Previous experience in education verification - Familiarity with South Korean educational institutions - Strong attention to detail - Excellent communication skills - Ability to adhere to strict confidentiality standards.

$10 - $50
$10 - $50
0 bud

...Exclusive Investor Tiers – VIP benefits for high-value investors 5️⃣ Notifications & Alerts ? Real-time Investment Alerts – Maturity, deposits, withdrawals, rewards ? Market Trends & Insights – Stay updated on financial growth 6️⃣ Support & Security ? Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) – Enhanced account security ?️ KYC & Compliance – Secure investor verification ? 24/7 Support Chat – Dedicated customer service Would you like a UI mockup or wireframe for your app? ? Investment Plan Selection – Different investment tiers (Short-term, Long-term, High-Yield) ? Referral Earnings Dashboard – Track 3.5% referral incentives ? KYC & Compliance Section – Secure onboarding & verification ? Transaction History &nda...

$267 Average bid
$267 Snittbud
7 bud

I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a project management website similar to Trello. The primary focus of the site will be on facilitating project management. Key Features: - Task Assignments: The site should have a feature allowing users to assign tasks to team members. Integrations: - Google Drive: The website will need to integrate with Google Drive for file storage. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Expertise in creating interactive, user-friendly websites. - Integration Skills: Experience with API integrations, particularly with Google Drive. - Project Management Knowledge: Understanding of project management principles to ensure the website meets user needs.

$131 Average bid
$131 Snittbud
91 bud

...initial deposit or full amount (payment module). ✔ The sales team can manually modify the order in Odoo if needed. 4️⃣ Follow-Up Reminder After 7 Days ✔ If the order is not confirmed within 7 days, an automatic email follow-up is triggered (crm). ✔ The follow-up includes the original quote and offers a discount or alternative (if configured). 5️⃣ Order Execution & Final Invoice Generation ✔ After service completion, the actual disposal weights and volumes are entered into Odoo. ✔ The final invoice is automatically generated based on: Measured weight (tons) Fuel volume (liters) ✔ Invoice is sent via email to the customer. ✔ A disposal confirmation document is included. 6️⃣ Payment Tracking & Automatic Reminders ✔ Odoo automatically tracks payments (account). ✔ If the inv...

$522 Average bid
$522 Snittbud
56 bud

I'm in need of a landing page designer with a modern and sleek design approach for our online gaming campaign. The primary goal of this page is to promote a specific offer and convert visitors into sign-ups. Key Requirements: - Strong call-to-action buttons: These need to be strategically placed and designed to drive conversions. - Customer testimonials: I want to build trust and credibility with our visitors, so incorporating real customer feedback in an engaging way is crucial. - Feature highlights: Showcasing the best parts of our platform in a clear and appealing manner. Bonus Skills: - Experience with A/B testing and conversion rate optimization. - Basic HTML/CSS knowledge for implementation. - Experience with animation or motion graphics. Deliverables: - Fully designed...

$85 Average bid
$85 Snittbud
18 bud
Trophy icon YouTube Video Editing Expert Needed
2 dagar left

I'm in need of a seasoned video editor to meticulously edit a pallet unboxing video for my YouTube channel, EcomKings. The footage, recorded in 4K with two camera angles, requires a polished and engaging edit that is optimized for YouTube. Key Responsibilities: - Synchronize and alternate between two camera angles for dynamic editing. - I...should have: - Extensive experience in video editing, particularly for YouTube. - Proficiency in using professional editing software. - Ability to work with 4K footage and multi-camera setups. - Excellent understanding of pacing, audio synchronization, and visual storytelling. - Familiarity with EcomKings' branding and aesthetic is a plus. Videos can be downloaded here -

$38 Average bid
0 bidrag

I'm in search of a dedicated marketing team specializing in promoting digital products on a commission basis. I will provide 30% of the commission for every successful transaction. Key Responsibilities: - Promote a range of digital products across various platforms...30% of the commission for every successful transaction. Key Responsibilities: - Promote a range of digital products across various platforms - Strategize and implement effective marketing campaigns Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in digital product marketing - Proficiency in social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing - Ability to work on a commission basis and drive sales Please note, the specific digital products are yet to be finalized, but they will predominantly be sof...

$1 - $5 / hr
$1 - $5 / hr
0 bud

I'm in need of an experienced developer capable of creating a bot or software for automating various tasks. The bot should be able to efficiently manage files, perform data entry, and schedule workflows. Key...experienced developer capable of creating a bot or software for automating various tasks. The bot should be able to efficiently manage files, perform data entry, and schedule workflows. Key Requirements: - Proficient in developing automation software or bots - Extensive experience with Windows OS and Web applications - Capable of handling tasks related to file management, data entry and workflow scheduling Ideal Skills: - Strong programming skills - Experience with task automation software - Familiarity with Windows OS and various web applications - Excellent ...

$466 Average bid
$466 Snittbud
63 bud

I'm looking for a skilled digital marketer with experience in the Forex niche to create and manage a series of adverts focused on trading tips. The goal is to drive traffic to my Telegram channel where I share more in-depth insights. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Forex trading and tips - Proven track record in social media marketing - Ability to create engaging content for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter - Experience in driving traffic to Telegram channels - Creative thinker with strong analytical skills Your role will involve crafting appealing and informative ads, targeting them effectively on the specified platforms and optimising their performance to increase reach and engagement. A deep understanding of Forex and trading tips is crucial, as well as the ...

$362 Average bid
$362 Snittbud
17 bud

Professional video editing service involves creating a polished and meaningful final video by selecting the best parts from the provided materials using industry-standard applications such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut, and DaVinci Resolve.I organize and categorize the provided raw footage to streamline the editing process by reviewing material and selecting the best shots while eliminating unwanted or redundant content.I enhance the overall quality of raw footage by adjusting brightness, contrast, color grading, audio levels, and adding special effects like filters to achieve a desired look.I add transitions, effects, text animations, and graphic elements where relevant to fit with the general message of your content.I make creative decisions that align with your vision regardin...

$300 Average bid
$300 Snittbud
1 bud

...calls to potential users based on provided leads Introduce our online gambling platform and explain the services offered in a clear, friendly manner Address any questions, concerns, or objections from potential users Encourage users to sign up and start using our platform Maintain a positive attitude and provide excellent customer service throughout the calls Report daily progress and provide feedback to the team Requirements: Native Vietnamese speaker with excellent communication skills Previous experience in telemarketing, sales, or customer service is a plus Comfortable speaking on the phone and engaging with customers A reliable internet connection and a quiet workspace Ability to work independently with minimal supervision A positive, friendly, and professiona...

$30 Average bid
$30 Snittbud
1 bud

I'm looking for a professional with extensive experience in network configuration, specifically with Netgear devices, to help implement VLANs for network segmentation. Objectives: - Set up VLANs on my Netgear device to segment guest devices from the main network. - Ensure guest devices are isolated from the primary network for security and performance optimization. Ideal Skills: - Deep understanding of VLAN implementation and network segmentation. - Proven experience with Netgear devices. - Capability to optimize network performance while enhancing security.

$481 Average bid
$481 Snittbud
12 bud

...airlines to evaluate service quality through mystery shopping audits. Our insights help enhance customer experiences and operational excellence. Role Overview We are looking for freelance mystery shoppers based in Alexandria, Egypt, who are passionate about travel and customer service. As a mystery shopper, you will evaluate airline services by traveling to specific destinations, assessing customer experience, and submitting detailed feedback through our app-based process. ? This is a freelance contract opportunity, not a salaried job. ? Ideal for frequent travellers or individuals with existing travel plans. ? Candidates must have valid travel documents for their chosen destinations. Responsibilities ✔ Conduct airline mystery audits, evaluating check-in, onboard ...

$22 Average bid
$22 Snittbud
12 bud