Business plan call center quality assuranceJobb
The app should have a user-friendly and modern interface, allowing users to easily navigate between different features. First and foremost, the app should have a clean and organized homepage with a welcoming design, where it’s easy to find various options for booking travel. Travel Booking Features: • Travel Search: A search function where users can enter their current location and desired destination, as well as the time and date for the trip. The app should automatically show available travel options based on these parameters. • Filters: The option to filter travel results by price, transportation type (e.g., taxi, bus, car), and departure location. • Trip Details: When a user selects a trip, a detailed view should display information such as the price, route, and es...
...Sweden. The main goal of each conversation is to understand if the company deals with way-finding signage or not (directional signage that helps the public reach their destination inside and outside public buildings, such as hospitals, airports, office buildings, universities etc.). You will be asked to fill-in information in a Google sheet file. We will provide some files, including work procedure, call transcript and google sheets table. Jag söker en flytande svensktalande person för att ringa samtal till kunder i Sverige. Huvudmålet för varje samtal är att förstå om företaget hanterar vägledningsskyltar eller inte (riktad skyltning som hjälper allmänheten att nå sin destination inom och utanför offentliga byg...
Jag behöver ha ritningar för ett två plans hus. Jag har skiss klar för plan 1 och behöver hjälp med placering utav sovrum och fönster på plan 2.
Hej GSK Webtech, jag noterade din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten.
Sökes en person som kan sköta ett business instagram profil, Arbetsupgifter är följande: 1.Lägga upp inlägg 2.göra olika giveaway 3. få in mer följare och potentiala kunder, Med andra ord behövs någon som ska sköta instagram konto. Krav: Svensk talande person.
bakgrund: ni ska skapa ett förfrågningsunderlag för att få in anbud gällande en viss typ av entreprenad. ni bestämmer själva vad det är som ska upphandlas. uppgift: uppgiften är att ta fram ett enkelt förfrågningsunderlag på 3-4 sidor + bilagor för en upphandling av en drifts- eller underhållsentreprenad. förfrågningsunderlaget ska vara baserat på abff. förfrågningsunderlaget bör ha en tydlig beskrivning av följande: - bakgrund/teknisk beskrivning av det som upphandlas - skall-krav (minimikrav) - Övriga krav - bedömningskriterier (skapa ett poängsystem) tänk på att det ska vara enkelt att jämföra de anbud som kommer in. det är därf&o...
...på en gång! Pollineramera is a relatively new beekeeping company that offers pollination services in agriculture and leases beehives to companies that want to develop their environmental work as well as their environmental profiling in a concrete way. [ENGLISH] Pollineramera now needs a website with a register where we can collect all our hives and collect data on what we have done and what we plan to do with them in the future. Customers who rent coupons from us should have the opportunity to log in and be able to access this information. The site should be able to retrieve data from a Buzzbox from OSBeehives that reads the interior temperature / humidity of the cup and sound recording that can be seen / heard on the customer side as well as some other pages and f...
...dig på en gång! Pollineramera is a relatively new beekeeping company that offers pollination services in agriculture and leases beehives to companies that want to develop their environmental work as well as their environmental profiling in a concrete way. Pollineramera now needs a website with a register where we can collect all our hives and collect data on what we have done and what we plan to do with them in the future. Customers who rent coupons from us should have the opportunity to log in and be able to access this information. The site should be able to retrieve data from a Buzzbox from OSBeehives that reads the interior temperature / humidity of the cup and sound recording that can be seen / heard on the customer side as well as some other pages and fu...
Jag söker en logga och jag önskar en blandning av dessa två den gröna är min nuvarande. Jag vill ha den i den gröna färgen och en i svart och en i vit. Jag driver ett ställe med häst och vagn för bröllop och bo på lantgård. Vi har föreläsningar , är gård på landet där människor möts.
Jag skulle behöva hjälp att formulera texten på 8 st sidor så att den blir mer attraktiv för besökare och för sökmotorer. Och vi säljer inget i webshoppen, det är bara för att det ska finnas pr...bra på att formulera er säljande på svenska både för människor och googles sökmotor. Den primära målsättningen med detta är att rankas högre på google för att få fler besökare samtidigt som vi vill få fler besökare att kontakta oss. (idag ca 50 besökare per dag och en kontakt per vecka)
Programmering av ett Iphone och Android telefonapplikation kopplat mot telefonväxel MS SQL och winows server. Funktion och design ingår. Erfarenhet av applikation som contact center, callcenter. Samtalsstryning och design. Lång erfarenhet och stor förståelse krävs.
Översättning av ord och kort meningar enligt dokument. Korrekt översättning med hög kvlitét från Tyska/Engelska till Svenska se tom kolumn. Läs bifogad fil skicka tydligt bud med totalpris. Budet är totalpris. Per per timme eller ord accepteras inte.
Programmering av ett Iphone och Android telefonapplikation kopplat mot telefonväxel MS SQL och winows server. Funktion och design ingår. Erfarenhet av applikation som contact center, callcenter. Samtalsstryning och design. Lång erfarenhet och stor förståelse krävs.
Lån skuldkonsolidering Behöver du ett lån? Letar du efter finans? Letar du efter ett lån för att förstora ditt företag? Jag tror att du har kommit till rätt plats. Vi erbjuder lån till låg ränta. Intresserade kontakta oss på bör inte För omedelbar svar på din ansökan, Vänligen svara på detta mail nedan endast: Snälla, förser oss med följande information om intresse finns. 1) Fullständigt namn: 2) Kön: 3) Lånebelopp behövs: 4) Lån Längd: 5) Land: 6) Hemadress: 7) Mobilnummer : 8) månadsinkomst: 9) Yrke: Tack och vänliga hälsningar.
...kunder 2. Öka konverteringen från potentiellla kunder till betalande kunder 3. Öka transaktionsvärdet per kund 4. Öka köpfrekvensen per kund Ett företag som vill växa ser till att optimera alla fyra. Traditionell marknadsföring har endast fokus på att öka antalet potentiella kunder (lägg mer pengar på reklam för att nå fler människor). Please consider that we dont want a person to just call companies and see the time tick away, we want someone who believes in what we/they are doing, want to provide the best for the companies they are calling and know that they get compensated each step of the way. You will bid with an hourly rate, but bare in mind that for every consultation you will arra...
business plan We are a Trvael agency and we need a business plan, we seek to hire local request them business plan. We can send all our corporate details after the agreed price. actually we need in swedish
I just need a picture/banner 960 x 765 with a picture of a vacumer (Attached) and the text (Swedish) ”Bedöm oss på Pricerunner och delta i tävlingen om en Electrolux dammsugare (UltraPower ZB5022) Det enda du behöver göra är att berätta om din köpupplevelse. Tack för hjälpen och lycka till i tävlingen.” (Call to action knap) "Klicka här" Please use same CTA color as on website
Behöver 5 artiklar a 2000 ord samt 5 unika bilder per artikel utförda. Samtliga artiklar har följande struktur: 150-200 Bakgrund/historia 600-800 Produktinformation 400 Förtagsinformation 150 -250 allmän tyskland information 100 * 3 = 300 Call to action Övrigt Fritt Källor tillhandahålls All information är inom området alkohol - alkohol försäljning på nätet - tyskland - resor till tyskland för inköp alkohol
Jag behöver ha 2 st artiklar på ämnet fotografering och företagande. Vardera artikel skall vara 450 ord lång, så 900 sammanlagt. Artiklarna skall vara skrivna på ett berättande vis, så inte en ren informationsartikel utan mer som en bloggartikel där du sätter skriver med en berättande text. Kan dessa vara klara till nästa tisdag?
Applicant MUST live in Sweden. If possible, please provided a local (utility, mobile or cable bill) and ID for verification. Those applicants will receive top consideration. Need an English Speaking Assistant Based In Sweden. Answering phone calls and data entry. Very simple but can get tedious at times because of call volume. Sökande måste leva i Sverige . Om möjligt , vänligen gav en lokal ( verktyg , mobil eller kabel räkningen ) och ID för verifiering . De sökande kommer att få topp övervägande . Behöver du en engelsktalande assistent i Sverige . Besvara telefonsamtal och datainmatning . Mycket enkel men kan få tråkiga ibland på grund av samtalsvolymen .
Skapa en app som ska användas som Wake-Up Call. Användare pratar in ett kort meddelande (gratis) eller en kort video (liten kostnad). Användaren promotar sitt meddelande och samlar poäng och kan då delta i olika tävlingar. De som vill använda ett specifikt meddelande väljer via appen och får gratis ett visst antal väckningar. Celebrity WakeUp Calls kostar alltid pengar för de som använder tjänsten. Tjänsten kan utvecklas ytterligare och detta diskuteras noggrant och ska vara med i kravspecifikationen. Appen ska vara på engelska till att börja med Budget diskuteras
Skapa en header navbar (Röd med vit bold text) med namn devilsuited (center) Och body backround svart. Gå till Youtube besök min Youtube kanal embed mina första tolv heads-up videos. Skapa two-column Layout (ui-grid-a, two columms 50%/50% Corresponds To ui-block-a|b) önskemål om du kan skapa att varannan är two columms 50%/50% där två videos visas bredvid varandra. Om du kan göra dem till 170/120px. Och sedan vill jag ha en annons på 340/240 px som visas 100% nedanför sen two columms 50%/50% tills du kommer upp i de tolv video. (Jag laddar upp banners till dig) Jag vill att när man klickar på en video att den tar upp hela skärmen och att man kan kryssa ner och komma tillbaka till sidan...
Homepage, Google, SEO 1-Fix Google+ Local (DITEC Center Sisjön) keywords as Bilvård Göteborg, Rekond Göteborg, Rekonditionering, Biltvätt Göteborg, Skadeverkstad Göteborg, Spotrepair Göteborg, Billackering Göteborg, Rostskydd Göteborg, Solfilm Göteborg, Ditec Göteborg, Ceramic pro Göteborg, Tectyl Göteborg, Dinitrol Göteborg. Keramisk lackskydd, MrDry Göteborg, Lagning av bucklor, Stenskott . 2-Fix Google Maps (Places) so that we will come up when people search on these keywords. Bilvård Göteborg, Rekond Göteborg, Rekonditionering, Biltvätt Göteborg, Skadeverkstad Göteborg, Spotrepair Göteborg, Billackering Göteborg, Rostskydd Göteborg, Solfilm G&o...
...vinner man så stiger man i rang. man kan ha olika tävlingar via Game Center eller andra comunitys. poängen är att spelet och skall funka på pc och andra plattformar i framtiden. man kan möta andra spelare i olika grenar och lira online. allt från häcklöpning, 100 meter till 500 meter spring. eller varför inte ett real time marathon med 3-4 timmar klickande :) spelet skall vara uppifrån så att man ser den oranga spring mattan och online spelarena i övre delen av skärmen. sedan springer man helt enkelt så fort man bara kan genom att klicka med fingrarna. vinner man så stiger man i rang. man kan också handla bättre gear såsom skor för riktiga pengar för att f&...
Hej! För kunds räkning söker jag svensk person för att konfigurera och komma igång med AdWords "nya funktioner" för två väldigt små ehandelssidor. I uppdraget: 1. Optimera existerande kampanjer, överblick över annonstexter. Kan de förbättras? 2. Analysera olika nyckeltal 3. Konfigure...söker jag svensk person för att konfigurera och komma igång med AdWords "nya funktioner" för två väldigt små ehandelssidor. I uppdraget: 1. Optimera existerande kampanjer, överblick över annonstexter. Kan de förbättras? 2. Analysera olika nyckeltal 3. Konfigurera omvandlingsspårning/konvertering för AdWords 4. Konfigurera Dynamic Sea...
This project aims to produce high-quality written content, including articles, essays, or materials as per client needs. The main focus is to ensure that each piece aligns with the given theme, is informative, and engages the target audience. The writer will conduct thorough research, draft, and edit until optimal final results are achieved. - Expected Deliverables: Articles and essays based on provided themes. - Timeline: 30 minutes to 1 hour. - Skills Needed: Strong writing abilities with experience in research.
I'm looking for an experienced developer to create ...triggering the mobile keyboard on these devices. A smooth user experience is crucial. - Download Options: Users should be able to download their edited content in both Image and PDF formats. - Text Formatting: The editor must provide basic text formatting options such as Bold, Italics, and Underline. - Color Options: Options to change the text color - Text Alignment: Options to align text to the left, center, or right. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in JavaScript and experience building cross-platform web applications. Familiarity with creating virtual keyboards and an understanding of rich text editor frameworks will be a significant advantage. Please provide examples of similar projects you've complet...
We are looking for a skilled healthcare business development professional who can assist with generating B2B sales leads for our Remote Nurse and In-house Nurse Placement Company. An understanding of health systems and ambulatory clinic organization is essential. Must demonstrate talking about the benefits of using remote staff to augment in-house staff for essential, clinical duties. Key Responsibilities: - Execute targeted lead generation strategies via email campaigns, LinkedIn outreach, and Cold Calling. - Convert leads into potential sales opportunities. - Develop and implement lead nurturing strategies to engage potential clients. - Generate regular reports on lead generation performance and conversion rates. - Conduct market analysis to refine target audience and improve str... medium-sized business continues to grow, I find myself in need of a professional or a firm that can provide ongoing support with various financial tasks. The specific services I require assistance with include bookkeeping, taxes, and payroll. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in handling finances for medium-sized businesses - Expertise in bookkeeping, tax preparations, and payroll management - Certified Public Accountant (CPA) preferred - Excellent communication skills for regular updates and consultations - Proficiency in using accounting software and tools I am looking for a professional who can ensure my business's financial health and compliance with tax laws. This is not a one-time job, but rather a long-term partnership that will grow with my bu...
...for my jewelry business. The primary aim is to boost brand awareness through a modern and trendy lens. Key Points: - The video should embody a contemporary, stylish aesthetic that resonates with today's fashion-forward audience. - It will be primarily distributed across various social media platforms, so it needs to be optimized for this medium. - Your expertise in capturing the essence of our brand and translating it into a visually striking piece will be crucial. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in videography, particularly in the fashion or jewelry sector. - Strong understanding of modern visual trends and social media content. - Ability to create stylish and appealing content that enhances brand visibility and recognition. - Experience in creating storyboards to pl...
I need a skilled web designer to create a modern, lead-focused landing page for me. Goals & Functions: - The primary purpose of the landing page is lead generation. - It should incorporate a contact form, a newsletter sign-up, and call-to-action buttons. Design Style: - The design should be modern, not too flashy but stylish and user-friendly. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in modern web design principles. - Experience with lead generation web pages. - Strong understanding of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design.
I'm seeking a seasoned video editor to craft a captivating, polished ad for my social media accounts - primarily Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Key Requirement...Key Requirements: - The main aim of the video is to generate leads or sales, so a strong understanding of e-commerce video marketing strategies is preferable. - The style of the video should be professional and polished, so previous experience with corporate video editing is a plus. - Please showcase your portfolio in the chat, particularly if you've worked on similar projects in the past. I plan to kick off this project next week Monday. The ad video should be 15-30 seconds long. The video should have an energetic and engaging tone to captivate the audience. The ad should be bright and colorful to captivat...
I'm in need of a WhatsApp Business Solution tailored to enhance my marketing efforts. The project involves setting up and configuring key features of the platform. Key Features: - Automated Messages: I want to be able to reach out to my customers without constant manual input. - Broadcast Lists: I need the capability to send messages to multiple recipients at once. - Campaign Analytics: Understanding the effectiveness of my campaigns is crucial. I need detailed insights and reports. Integration: - CRM Systems: My existing CRM system needs to be seamlessly integrated with the WhatsApp Business Solution. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WhatsApp Business Solution - Experience with marketing automation - CRM integration expertise - Strong analytical skills
Hello, I am looking for someone that has worked with the Meta/Facebook/IG Graph API to build a consumer facing app where multiple users can login and interact with my application and perform tasks that call the API. NO AI BOT RESPONSES ALLOWED Answer both question in your proposal.... 1) Have you used the FB Graph API in the past and for what? 2) Will you sign an NDA
Hello, I need for Two-Way Radio Communication System Design: Objective: To design a two-way communication system where: Side 1 has a speaker to listen to Side 2, and needs to use a Push-to-Talk (PTT) button to transmit. Side 2 has a speaker to listen to Side 1, but does no...listen to Side 2, and needs to use a Push-to-Talk (PTT) button to transmit. Side 2 has a speaker to listen to Side 1, but does not need to use a PTT button to speak. Side 1 uses a condenser microphone (mic), while Side 2 uses a dynamic microphone (mic). The system will use a 100-meter, two-core cable. The audio output must be clear and free of hum/noise. The system operates on a 12V DC, non-CT (center-tapped) power supply. Each side will have independent volume controls. There should be an output for recording ...
I'm in need of a licensed structural engineer for a residential project currently under construction. Your expertise will be pivotal in ensuring the integrity of the foundation, framing and load-bearing walls, as well as the roof structure. Key Responsibilities: - Assess and design the foundation - Evaluate and plan for framing and load-bearing walls - Design and assess the roof structure Ideal Skills: - Licensed structural engineer in the USA - Extensive experience in residential projects - Proficiency in foundation design, framing and load-bearing walls, and roof structure - Ability to work on projects that are currently under construction
I'm seeking a typography expert to design a complex font that mimics the detailed strokes of Leonardo da Vinci's handwriting in English. This font will be used for daily note-taking on my Samsung Note 9. Key Requirements: - The font should reflect TrueType (TTF) format, ensuring compatibility with the Samsung Notes app. Ideal Skills and Experience: - A proven track record in typography and typeface design. - Proficiency in creating complex and artistic fonts. - Prior experience in developing fonts for mobile devices is a plus. - Ability to work from provided reference materials, specifically online images of Da Vinci's handwriting. I plan to use this font for daily note-taking. Therefore, it should be both intricate enough to reflect Da Vinci's style, y...
I'm in need of some assistance with my business tax return. Specifically, I need help with the verification of my business address. - The verification document required is a letter from my accountant. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Must be ACCA registered - Expertise in business tax preparation - Familiarity with business address verification processes - Strong communication skills, particularly with accountants
As I'm in the ideation stage of a new venture in the agriculture sector, I need a financial expert to guide me through the available financial avenues, with a particular focus on loans. Key Responsibilities: - Advise on suitable loans for a startup in the agriculture industry. - Assist in creating a convincing loan application. - Provide insights on potential financial pitfalls and how to avoid them. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in financial consulting, particularly for startups. - Strong understanding of the agriculture industry. - Excellent track record in securing loans for startups.
I'm seeking a talented Instagram marketer to promote my products/services on the platform. The primary focus will be creating and strategizing image Editing/posts that effectively highlight and endorse my offerings. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and execute a comprehensive Instagram marketing plan - Create engaging image posts to promote my products/services - Monitor and report on the performance of posts and overall strategy Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of Instagram marketing and its algorithms - Proven experience in creating engaging image content - Excellent analytical skills Experience in Instagram marketing, particularly in promoting products/services, is highly desirable. Your role will be key in boosting my brand's visibility and driving sales through...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a payment panel for my Pterodactyl Game Server Hosting. The panel needs to authenticate service delivery after payment is received via PayPal. Key Requirements: - Create a store page linked to my website () for viewing various plans - Plans include: Basic Plan, Standard Plan, Premium Plan - Resource allocation for each plan includes: RAM, CPU, Storage space, and CPU Priority - Use of API callback for service delivery authentication - Enable customers to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel their plans directly from the payment panel. - Implement the option to use discount codes or promotional offers during checkout. - Automate invoice generation and emailing to customers after each successful payment. - Develop a
...produce export quality eggs. I need expertise specifically in diet formulation using a custom mix of ingredients. Key Responsibilities: - Create a custom diet using a mix of feed ingredients aimed at improving egg quality. - Provide insights into the nutritional needs of layers to enhance egg quality. - Periodically adjust diet formulations based on the layers’ performance and egg quality results. - Monitor and document daily feed consumption to ensure diet adherence and effectiveness. - Conduct regular nutrient composition analysis of the feed ingredients to maintain consistency. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in bird nutrition, particularly with layer chickens. - Expertise in diet formulation and use of custom mix of ingredients. - Proven tra...
I'm in need of a freelancer who can help me connect with B2B buyers on a global scale, specifically within the Import-Export industry. The ideal candidate will have experience and skills in: - B2B Marketing - Networking - Communication - Understanding of the Import-Export industry Description: We are Tradetastic Overseas Pvt Ltd, an established export company dealing in high-quality tea, coffee, and other Indian agricultural products. We are looking for experienced B2B sales professionals, lead generation experts, and deal closers who can help us connect with international buyers and secure orders. What We Offer: ✔ A legitimate company with certifications and a strong product portfolio ✔ Competitive pricing and high-demand products ✔ Full support with product details, cer...
I'm seeking a proactive individual to contact service-oriented local businesses, primarily plumbers and electricians and HVAC, on my behalf. The goal is to inform these business owners about my digital marketing agency and the possibility of running targeted ads to enhance their business. I need about 10 good leads Key Responsibilities: - Call local service providers, primarily plumbers and electricians. - Either obtain the owner's contact information or reach them directly. - Introduce my digital marketing agency and discuss potential advertising collaboration. Ideal Skills: - Excellent communication. - Experience in lead generation. - Understanding of digital marketing. - Comfortable with phone-based outreach. - Good English Your role will be crucial in...
I need a reliable freelancer to manage my Business Instagram account. The primary focus will be posting photos, specifically product shots that I've taken. - Content: Product shots will be the main focus. These are photos of the products that my business sells. - Editing: All photos are pre-edited by myself, so there's no need for any post-processing. Your task will mainly involve posting these pictures. Ideal Skills: - Familiarity with Instagram and social media management - Basic understanding of product photography Experience with Instagram influencer partnerships or collaborations would be a plus. The goal is to keep the account active and engaged with followers.
I need CAD drawings for 4 units, each 20 ft by 8 ft, arranged in a U-shape surrounding a pool. Additionally, 2 shed units of 10 feet by 8 feet need to be included. The site plan is provided as a photo. The drawings must be done in AutoCAD. We include an example "Number of bedrooms, front, back, side elevations and structural engineering to move forward with permitting," plans which are acceptable by the county. Key Requirements: - The CAD drawings must have detailed measurements and annotations. - Basic interior details are not required, only the exterior of the units and their layout. - The final deliverable should be CAD compatible with AutoCAD. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AutoCAD is crucial for this project. - Previous experience in creating detailed CAD drawings f...