Bitcoin windows mining programJobb


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    2,000 bitcoin windows mining program hittade uppdrag
    p2p Bitcoin Trade site
    Avslutades left

    Hej Ashish R., jag la märke till din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten.

    $155 Average bid
    $155 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Söker efter någon som kan bygga en connector till Visma Admin i C#. Viktigt är att vi får tillgång till all källkod efter avslutat uppdrag så vi kan bygga vidare på det i framtiden om det behövs. Installation och konfiguration Connectorn ska efter installation alltid ligga kvar i bakgrunden och köras, förslagsvis som en Windows-tjänst. Connectorn ska presentera en ikon i Windows statusfält. Vid klick på ikonen öppnas ett fönster med konfigurationsalternativ: • API-nyckel (sträng, max 128 tecken) • URL (sträng, max 1024 tecken) • Sökväg till Visma Administration Gemensamma filer (bläddra-knapp) • Sökväg till Visma Administration Fö...

    $1971 Average bid
    $1971 Snittbud
    7 bud
    create me a program
    Avslutades left

    php , pyton , html , curl , email

    $384 Average bid
    $384 Snittbud
    6 bud
    Project for Simon E.
    Avslutades left

    Hej! Jag har ett projekt jag undrar om du vill diskutera, det har påbörjats, men i stort sett är det enda som finns nu ett GUI förberett i gtk+, dvs all funktionalitet saknas. Appen är inledningsvis för Mac men ska vara lätt att porta till Linux/Windows, därav gtk+ trots att vi gör den för Mac först.. mvh David

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Snittbud
    1 bud

    Vi söker härmed en extern resurs för ett lite udda men intressant uppdrag! * The circumstances of this project require a Swedish freelancer, so unfortunately we can not consider international profiles/interests at this point * Projektinformation: Vi har idag tre mindre separata .exe program som kan köras på Windows XP eller tidigare. Dem innehåller formler som räknar ut vinklar, stigningar, längder med mera. Som exempelvis Pythagoras sats varvid man fyller i två värden och programmet räknar ut det tredje. Dock mer komplexa samt specialanpassade för verksamheten. De beräknade värdena används sedan vid tillverkning. Programmen är mindre än 80kB vardera och har skrivits år 1987 p&arin...

    $1152 Average bid
    $1152 Snittbud
    8 bud
    Program för E-böcker
    Avslutades left

    Skulle vilja träffa en programmerare, för att diskutera en idé jag har för hur man ska förändra läsandet av e-böcker. Problemet är att jag inte känner någon programmerare som skulle kunna hjälpa mig att genomföra projektet. Det skulle vara bra med lite mer insikt då jag inte har särskilt mycket kunskaper inom programmering. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Would like to meet a programmer, to discuss an idea I have for how to change the reading of e-books. The problem is that I do not know any programmer who could help me complete the project. It would be good with some more insight as I do not have much knowledge in programming.

    $55 / hr Average bid
    $55 / hr Snittbud
    1 bud

    Vi behöver en partner över lång tid, och framför allt på kort sikt denna vecka, som kan rita ut proffsiga produktmodeller från våra skisser. Det behöver vara på en nivå så att vi kan skicka dessa skisser till vår tillverkare tillsammans med vårt TechPak och materialsamples. Inte så avancerat. Se bifogade bilder för de produkterna vi behöver ritade denna vecka. Vi sitter tillsammans ett par timmar för att få det bra!

    $35 / hr Average bid
    $35 / hr Snittbud
    11 bud
    Avslutades left

    Jag vill göra ändringar i en existerande webbsida En crypto Currency kalkylator Bitcoin omvandlare till svenska kronor möjligen fler crypto valutor och euro

    $202 Average bid
    $202 Snittbud
    2 bud

    Windows, Övrigt eller vet ! Budget är inte bestämt, kom med bedriver idag en e-handelsbutik i en väldigt "komplex" bransch. Leverantörer har sällan prisfiler eller övrig information som går att importera, samtidigt som där finns mijontals produkter inom genern, dock så säljer vi inte alla. Vi har tidigare lagt upp runt 4000 artiklar med skript, men personen i fråga har inte skriptet kvar och inte heller tid att göra ett nytt. Därför, skulle jag behöva någon som "screapar" produkter direkt från leverantörers hemsida till vår hemsida.

    $1193 Average bid
    $1193 Snittbud
    5 bud
    Avslutades left

    iPhone/iPad-app iPhone endast Jag vill ha den designad och byggd Vi planerar att bygga en app som Storytel appen och behöver hjälp med både design och programmering. Appen ska finnas tillgänglig för: • iPhone och iPad via App Store • Android smartphones och Android surfplattor via Google Play Store • Windows Phones, Windows tablets samt för PC med Windows 8 eller 10 via Windows Store

    $1440 Average bid
    $1440 Snittbud
    54 bud

    Windows Övrigt eller vet ej API Koppling mellan webbshop och kassasystem. Båda har öppen API. Kassasystemet heter eskassa och deras API skall kopplas till webbshopen.

    $316 Average bid
    $316 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Windows Java Skapa en app som räknar kubikmeter på material genom att fota objektet.

    $2222 Average bid
    $2222 Snittbud
    3 bud

    Vi söker en skicklig apputvecklare med goda kunskaper om Android och i Java, Swift eller Objective-C. Det är meriterande om du har följande: Kunskap om QA-verktyg Kunskap om hybridapputveckling. Kunskap om Windows Phone Erfarenhet av användbarhetstester och tillgänglighet Utvecklat egna app:ar som finns i Google Play eller App Store På grund av sekretess kan vi dessvärre inte gå in på projektet.

    $322 Average bid
    $322 Snittbud
    4 bud

    Har ett prov i c++ programmering den 18/5 och behöver hjälp med att skriva ett enkelt program, maxtiden för programmet är 80 min för en elev, men jag antar att det kommer gå fortare för dig. Såhär ska det vara: (Instruktioner) Skriv ett program som kan hantera kort i en kortlek. programmet ska innehålla en klass, kort, med medlemsvariablerna färg, (till exempel spader) och valör (till exempel knekt), en konstruktor som initierar medlemsvariablerna och egenskaper för att hämta och sätta värden till dem. Både färgen och valören ska vara av typen string. användargränssnitt kan se ut som nedan. ( Label - Textbox Label - textbox button -- button l...

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Snittbud
    1 bud

    Svar inte på detta arbete om kompetens saknas. Filemaker Erfaren programmerare av affärssystem. CRM system. ERP-system Vi bygger ett program baserat på Filemaker. Många delar kan hittas på nätet. Många delar med sig av sina program. Ärende, tidrapportering, kalender med planering av tekniker. Loggning av samtal och mail och kommunikation på kundkort. Design och utseende är viktigt. Projektet starta omgående. Kompetens att projektleda och slutföra projektet inom 4-6 veckor.

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Snittbud
    2 bud

    Vi behöver en noggrann person som går igenom en hemsida och gör en rapport med saker som inte fungerar. Vad som ska testas: 1. Se till att text, video och bilder är läsbar och förstålig. 2. Se till att länkar fungerar och att man...Vilka webbläsare ska användas: - IE11 - Edge - Chrome - Firefox - Safari - iPad Safari - Opera Vilka enheter ska användas: Använd din egen mobil och dator till att börja med. Testa de enheter som du inte själv har tillgång till via - PC laptop - Mac laptop - 24" PC screen - 24" Mac screen - Android laptop - iPad - Android smartphone - iPhone - Windows smartphone Gör en sammanställning i ett spreadsheet över buggar och prob...

    $101 Average bid
    $101 Snittbud
    6 bud

    Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektDesign a logo for our Bitcoin service'

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Snittbud
    1 bud
    Data Mining
    Avslutades left

    Company data mining - US Companies

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Snittbud
    1 bud
    New Win Skin
    Avslutades left

    windows program skin

    $199 - $199
    $199 - $199
    0 bud

    En webbplats som liknar facebook, så måste det finnas en god släktträdet program eller lägga på när jag som admin kan bygga det själv eller när användare. Bifogar en fil

    $768 Average bid
    $768 Snittbud
    8 bud
    Skriv lite programvara
    Avslutades left

    Musikprogram för windows -Programmet ska söka igenom vald mapp efter musikfiler -Man ska kunna välja genre samt BPM och programmet ska hela tiden slumpa fram nya låtar efter detta -Man ska lätt kunna höja/sänka hastighet -Man ska lägg kunna ändra genre -Man ska kunna ställa in att programmet gör ett "mjuk" stopp när man byter/stoppar en låt -Man ska kunna ställa in hur lång tid av varje låt om ska spelas. 30 sekunder. -Man ska kunna ställa in intervall innom BPM. Vald BPM +-"x" -Man ska kunna söka igenom "musikiblioteket" samt lägga låtar i kö. -Alla funktioner ska funka med kortkomandon för att kunna använda en fjä...

    $393 Average bid
    $393 Snittbud
    2 bud
    cpp program
    Avslutades left

    cpp project.........................................................................................................................................................

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Snittbud
    7 bud
    Chat program
    Avslutades left

    Behöver någon som är bra på kommunikation för att bygga en chatt program till Windows och Android. Person ska kunna ringa och chatt i programmet den ska vara snabb och ta så lite ram som det går. Den ska vara smart. Den ska vara mycket bättre än skype och ha anti spam system och mycket mer. Då jag behöver pengar för att göra detta projektet bättre. Kommer själv lägga över 260k på det här projektet. Jag är en smart person och tycker inte om det som Microsoft håller på med och vill för bättre allt. Jag vill bygga den så att alla blir glada. Kommer även fixa in så att den skydda mot virus och andra attacker. &Aum...

    $2117 Average bid
    $2117 Snittbud
    3 bud
    Bitcoin Help222
    Avslutades left

    Hi , i need bitcoinHi , i need bitcoinHi , i need bitcoinHi , i need bitcoinHi , i need bitcoinHi , i need bitcoinHi , i need bitcoinHi , i need bitcoinHi , i need bitcoin

    $50 - $50
    $50 - $50
    0 bud

    Nu har stora som små varumärken möjligheten att synas och sälja produkter på de bästa platserna utan dyra butikslokaler, dyr personal och långa provköer. Micro-shop är en automatiserad mini butik på 1×1 meter där man kan köpa produkter och prova dem virtuellt. Det är precis så enkelt som det låter, man drar sitt kort, väljer varan och ut kommer produkten. Se video här: Vad vill vi ha hjälp med? Vi letar efter en person som har erfarenhet med fysik/klädes motorer dvs någon som kan hjälpa oss med att få kläderna falla mer naturligt i programmet. Du bör kunna lite 3D animation men dock är det inget krav då vi vill att befintliga produkter ...

    $317 Average bid
    $317 Snittbud
    2 bud

    I need a batch file created to streamline my Windows 11 installation process. Can you help us with the following project? Please create a batch file to automate Windows 11 installation, software installation, and configuration. Below is a working view of the project. I want to automate these tasks. The video already automates these tasks, but the version of Windows 11 is old and the apps are old, so I would like you to create a new version of Windows 11. Automated installation of Windows 11, automated installation of apps, automated configuration I have version 6.1.1 of this. Reference site Key Requirements: - The batch

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Snittbud
    1 bud

    My C++ trading code is experiencing an authentication failure while trying to connect to the Deribit API. This is hindering my ability to manage my trading accounts. Key Requirements: - Diagnose and fix authentication issues with Deribit API - Experience with C++ and Deribit API is a plus - Proficient in troubleshooting in Windows environment This project calls for a professional who can efficiently resolve the problem, allowing me to resume trading activities.

    $37 Average bid
    $37 Snittbud
    4 bud

    Tengo una base de datos postgressql 8.4 corriendo en windows xp dejo de funcionar inexplicablemente, el servicio dejo de correr, ya no se puede empezar de nuevo, se hace respaldo de la carpeta DATA, se desinstala postgressql se borra la carpeta data y se elimina el usuario postgres manualmente, al reinstalar el programa el servicio funciona correctamente, pero al querer reemplazar la carpeta DATA que se respaldo pasa lo mismo, el servicio ya deja de funcionar y es imposible de reiniciar, lo mas probable que la carpeta DATA se haya dañado, se necesita comprobar datos y reinstalar de nuevo a su estado original

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Snittbud
    5 bud

    I need a Windows software with a graphical user interface (GUI) that can create flash USDT tokens on the TRC20 network. The tokens should be transferable to different wallets, visible for at least 60 days and with at least 5 to 6 transfers. Key Requirements: - Software to run on Windows OS - Creating flash USDT tokens on TRC20 network - Tokens to be transferable to different wallets - Tokens to be visible for at least 60 days - At least 5 to 6 transfers - Single user access control Ideal Skills & Experience: - Experience in software development, particularly for Windows - Familiarity with blockchain technology and TRC20 network - Previous work creating GUIs for software - Understanding of token creation, specifically USDT

    $527 Average bid
    $527 Snittbud
    12 bud

    I'm seeking an experienced app developer completed mobile application. This app targets both iOS and Android platforms. The documentation should be comprehensive enough to guide new developers, detailing every step of the process. Key components of the documentation should include: - Environment set up - Android Studio and XCode IDEs preferred - Safe Links to needed downloads. - All commands listed - Dependency resolutions - Both Windows and MAC definitions The ideal candidate will have extensive experience with mobile app development, particularly with React Native. You should be able to break down complex technical processes into clear, understandable steps. Previous experience with creating similar documentation is highly preferred. Please do not use chatGpt i...

    $270 Average bid
    $270 Snittbud
    26 bud

    Project Title: Hiring a Business Development Manager for US Non-IT Recruitment (Full-Time Job Recruitment Program) For USA Market Description: We are seeking an experienced and results-driven Business Development Manager (BDM) to join our team on a full-time basis. Our company, Canopus Silicon Valley, specializes in non-IT recruitment, and we are looking for a skilled professional who can help us expand our client base and drive revenue growth. Responsibilities: Identify and generate new business opportunities in the non-IT recruitment industry. Develop and maintain relationships with clients, hiring managers, and decision-makers. Understand client staffing needs and provide customized recruitment solutions. Negotiate contracts and agreements with clients. Collaborate with the r...

    $555 Average bid
    $555 Snittbud
    5 bud

    ...filters, Descriptive Analytics (Use the Q2-Descriptive Analytics excel worksheet) 2.1. Use excel formulas to Calculate the following statistics of the Depth column of the data Use stdev.p and () for some of the calculations as needed. You may need to go File  Options add-ins  go and Select “Analysis ToolPak”  OK Mac User(s), Mac may not support “Analysis ToolPak” You need to use a windows machine for this One. Q2.1 Measure Value min 13th-Percentile mean stdev Q1 Q2 Q3 93rd-Percentile max 2.2. Box Plot Analysis of Depth: With Q1=61 and Q3=62.8, Calculate the upper limit and the lower limit of the whiskers of the Box Plot. According to the Box-Plot data, using table filters, does the data have outliers, how many observations are above ...

    $130 Average bid
    $130 Snittbud
    21 bud

    I'm looking for a developer who can create a custom launcher for the game Assetto Corsa, specifically for Windows. Key Features: - The launcher should allow for fast start-up times and efficient points logging. - It must handle advanced race statistics, facilitate custom race setups, and manage user registration and quick race starts. Specific user workflow - This is for using AC at a game arcade - when they sit at the PC that runs the game, they should see an individualised login screen using a qr code tied to the specific computer which they can scan with their phone and then register by filling a form to provide their details such as screen name, email and mobile number. If already registered, they can just sign in on their phone - they should be able to select game du...

    $393 Average bid
    $393 Snittbud
    8 bud
    UK Business Lead Generation
    6 dagar left

    ...instance I'd like to locate Websites that include the words "Powered by Yell Business" Then I'd like to gather the email & phone contact details from these sites Send 1 lead in your application, showing you understand what the deliverables are. Initially I'm looking for 1000, idealling in my own Postcode area "BT" (Belfast- Northern ireland) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data mining and lead sourcing - Excellent communication skills for potential outreach - Prior experience in generating business leads - Familiarity with various industries, particularly technology, healthcare, and finance - Proficient in using lead generation tools and software. Requirements: - The leads must be exclusively business-oriented, spanning acr...

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Snittbud
    40 bud

    ...3CX SMB (Free version) on our WordPress website. Key Tasks: - Create and integrate a chat-only channel on our website. - Create and integrate a call-only channel on our website. - Configure the system to play a music warning when someone enters the chat or call channels. - Ideally, the chat and call windows should be embedded within the website rather than using an icon or pop-up system. Additional Requirements: - The chat and call functionalities need to be accessible from separate windows on the webpage. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress. - Experience with 3CX SMB configuration. - Knowledge in creating and integrating web channels. - Ability to configure custom notifications and system settings. I'm looking for a professional who can deliver this task e...

    $147 Average bid
    $147 Snittbud
    80 bud

    I'm looking for an experienced data engineer with expertise in Celonis and SAP ERP systems. The primary goal of this project is process mining. Key responsibilities include: - Integrating SAP ERP data into Celonis for process mining. - Identifying process inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement. Ideal candidates should have: - Proficiency in Celonis and data engineering. - Extensive experience with SAP. - Strong analytical skills for performance analysis. I am looking for a freelancer who can deliver high-quality work and help me gain valuable insights from my data.

    $1 / hr Average bid
    $1 / hr Snittbud
    2 bud

    I'm experiencing an issue with my program during DLL file injection. This occurs during the application's runtime. It seems to be a minor issue, but it requires a bit of investigation to pinpoint the exact cause. Key Aspects to Consider: - The problem likely lies with the DLL files. - Potential causes could include: DLL files, patched files. - The issue is likely minor and can be fixed with a bit of investigation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of Windows desktop application development, particularly at the kernel level. - Proficiency in debugging DLL files. - Experience with identifying time-related issues in software. - Familiarity with Windows drivers. - disassembling disassembling disassembling disassembling <<<< skill ...

    $1140 Average bid
    $1140 Snittbud
    25 bud

    I need a certified architect/engineer to help me with some minor modifications on my house plans and to get them certified for use in a new location. The modifications are simple, including the deletion of two windows in the foundation wall and the addition of a small second story deck. Key Tasks: - Modify existing plans: Minor alterations including removing two windows from the foundation wall and adding a small second story deck. - Certification: Entire set of plans need to be certified for compliance with local building codes in order to obtain necessary permits. - Structural Assessment: Conduct a residential structural (RES) check. Ideal freelancer should be a licensed architect or structural engineer with experience in residential building plans. Understanding of loca...

    $3664 Average bid
    $3664 Snittbud
    20 bud

    I'm in need of a Windows-based Point of Sale (POS) system for my retail store. The system should encompass key functionalities including inventory management and sales reporting. Key Requirements: - Inventory Management: The system should help track stock levels, sales, deliveries and orders. - Sales Reporting: The system should provide insightful sales reports to help understand sales trends and make data-driven decisions. Payment Processing: The POS system should accommodate cash and mobile payments. Please note, integration for credit/debit card payments is not necessary at this stage. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Windows software development - Experience in creating retail POS systems - Knowledge in inventory management systems and sales reporting tools - Under...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Snittbud
    12 bud

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to implement a Windows-based script for monitoring a designated daily folder for vehicle number plate images. This script should check every 5 seconds, referencing a text file of number plates (one plate per line). If a match is found, the script should trigger a Telegram alert using a provided API and chat ID. It must thereafter ignore that Ideal Skills: - Scripting in Windows - Familiarity with Telegram API - File I/O operations - Pattern matching and image processing (basic level) - Command script (.cmd) modification The text file contains a list of vehicle number plates. The script should look for these plates in the folder, which has images named with potential additional characters (wildcard). The frequency of checks is every 5 se...

    $129 Average bid
    $129 Snittbud
    23 bud

    I need an expert who knows how to change codes in macOS app ( for example .dll in windows ) i know the steps in windows but want to do it for maC .

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Snittbud
    5 bud
    DLL Injection Fix Required
    6 dagar left

    I'm experiencing an issue with my program during DLL file injection. This occurs during the application's runtime. It seems to be a minor issue, but it requires a bit of investigation to pinpoint the exact cause. Key Aspects to Consider: - The problem likely lies with the DLL files. - Potential causes could include: DLL files, patched files. - The issue is likely minor and can be fixed with a bit of investigation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of Windows desktop application development, particularly at the kernel level. - Proficiency in debugging DLL files. - Experience with identifying time-related issues in software. - Familiarity with Windows drivers. - disassembling disassembling disassembling disassembling <<<< skill ...

    $498 Average bid
    $498 Snittbud
    46 bud

    I'm seeking a skilled VB.NET developer to enhance an existing customer complaint and QC check program. The task involves integrating the QC form with SQL Server databases to retrieve various data points. Key Requirements: - Integrate the NCR module in the existing QC form with SQL Server - Retrieve and utilize data from: - Customer complaint records - QC check results - Departmental feedback

    $318 Average bid
    $318 Snittbud
    11 bud

    I'm seeking a seasoned DevOps specialist to deploy my MEAN stack project on IIS/Nginx. The server is multi-operating system, running both Windows and Linux. Key Requirements: - Proficient with both Windows and Linux operating systems. - Extensive experience with the MEAN stack (MongoDB, , Angular, Node.js). - In-depth knowledge of IIS and Nginx web servers. - Strong skills in DevOps practices and tools. - Previous work with deploying applications on multi-OS servers. Project Details: - The MEAN stack project is already set up with MongoDB and Angular. The remaining components, and Node.js, will need to be configured and deployed. - You will be responsible for the entire deployment process, ensuring the application runs smoothly on both operating systems and on the se...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Snittbud
    24 bud

    I'm in need of a data expert who can deliver leads for replica bags shops with specific criteria. Requirements: - The companies should be replica bags shops with an annual revenue between ...should be replica bags shops with an annual revenue between 500,000 and 4 million. - The leads should include the following details for each CEO: First Name, Last Name, Title, Email, Company Name, and Website. - The geographical focus is on North America, Europe, and Asia. - The data should be delivered in a CSV file. Budget: $15 for 100 leads. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in data mining and lead generation - Prior experience in sourcing data for specific industries - Excellent understanding of CSV file formatting - Ability to deliver accurate and complete data within budg...

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Snittbud
    27 bud
    AI-Powered Window Detector Web App
    6 dagar left

    I need an AI web application that can identify windows or glass in an uploaded image. The app should be built using or a similar web-compatible AI framework. Key Requirements: - The application should allow users to upload images for analysis. - The detection results should be displayed as bounding boxes around the identified windows/glass. - I need the ability to overlay on the detected areas. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in web development with a strong understanding of TensorFlow.js. - Experience in building AI web applications. - Familiarity with image processing and computer vision techniques.

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr Snittbud
    97 bud
    Blockchain Program Development
    6 dagar left

    I need a comprehensive program on blockchain written based on a provided outline. The program will specifically focus on implementing smart contracts. Please note, the requirement is solely to write the program, not to deliver it. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Solidity programming language - Ability to understand and implement provided outline - Experience in developing smart contracts Please refer to the attached document for the specific blockchain platform and detailed outline. Timeline for the same is 2 weeks.

    $728 Average bid
    $728 Snittbud
    10 bud

    We need to install server RDP on a Ubuntu Desktop 22.04.1 ISO. We need to connect to this Linux from Windows RDP. Access to Linux to install server RDP may be by Anydesk

    $95 Average bid
    $95 Snittbud
    31 bud

    I need a skilled professional to install my source code on a Windows-based VPS (Virtual Private Server). The project involves a front end built in React and a backend developed with Node.js. Key Responsibilities: - Install the necessary components on the server, which includes a Node.js runtime, and a web server (IIS). - Set up a database server (like MySQL) if required. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in deploying applications on a VPS. - Deep understanding of React and Node.js. - Experience with Windows server management. - Knowledge in setting up and configuring IIS and MySQL.

    $290 Average bid
    $290 Snittbud
    46 bud

    ...a smart Battery Management System (BMS) and the motor controller. Key Requirements: - The device can be based on either ESP or Arduino platforms. - It should communicate data through both cable and Bluetooth. - A web interface should be used to display key parameters such as voltage, current, and others, along with alerts and notifications. - The communication protocol should be CAN based - Windows Based Software which can be installed on any PC - Data logging can be done in two ways :Automatic (after every 10Sec) or at the press of a button - Data can be saved in excel format - These readings can. be saved by the name of the Student, Roll No, Branch, Name of lab Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in ESP and Arduino programming. - Experience with electric v...

    $308 Average bid
    $308 Snittbud
    8 bud