Best front end for asp net coreJobb


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2,000 best front end for asp net core hittade uppdrag

Hej Amr S., jag la märke till din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten.

$32 / hr Average bid
$32 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

behöver bygga ett formlär och koppla det

$482 Average bid
$482 Snittbud
10 bud with the following updates: 1. The map on the front page does not show all case studies available. We need the map to update when new data is entered. 2. The filter system on the Explore page () have some issues with resetting data. When trying to reset some of the fields, it sometimes still filters by previous data anyway. 3. Under Contribute () we have created a new form with more fields to fill out. The data has been set up for this but we have yet to link the data to the new form and set it up on the site. We are also considering some frontend design changes in the near future as the site moves from start-up to scale-up. We are looking for a web developer who have experience with Wix sites

$197 Average bid
$197 Snittbud
8 bud

Hej BEST SEO 4 RANKING, jag la märke till din profil och skulle vilja erbjuda dig mitt projekt. Vi kan diskutera detaljerna över chatten.

$31 Average bid
$31 Snittbud
1 bud

Till en nygrundade företag inom social entrepreneurship behövs det skaffas en SQL databas samt back-end mask till data query och entry, och en mindre front-end sökmask. Detailerad lista på databas-råder och egenskaper såväl som mockups på aller masker finns. Webspace med möjlighet till SQL databas finns. Detta är prototyp-stadien till en större projekt och rätt programmerare kan blir anlitad även till vidare arbeten med databasen, back- och front-end maskarna, samt senare utveckling av sökmask i app-form och enkelt web-shop kopplad till databasen.

$2850 Average bid
$2850 Snittbud
5 bud

...Customers who rent coupons from us should have the opportunity to log in and be able to access this information. The site should be able to retrieve data from a Buzzbox from OSBeehives that reads the interior temperature / humidity of the cup and sound recording that can be seen / heard on the customer side as well as some other pages and functions. The site needs both a back and a front end so we are looking for someone who is good at both functions and design. Sounds like an exciting and fun project so hear from you at once!...

$2466 Average bid
$2466 Snittbud
25 bud

...Customers who rent coupons from us should have the opportunity to log in and be able to access this information. The site should be able to retrieve data from a Buzzbox from OSBeehives that reads the interior temperature / humidity of the cup and sound recording that can be seen / heard on the customer side as well as some other pages and functions. The site needs both a back and a front end so we are looking for someone who is good at both functions and design. Sounds like an exciting and fun project so hear from you at once!...

$2379 Average bid
$2379 Snittbud
10 bud
Hjälp med Klarna
Avslutades left

Behöver hjälp med en liten bit kod i C# .Net för att kommunicera med Klarna. Har varit i kontakt med deras support med dom kan inte hjälpa mig av nån anledning och det är lite bråttom.

$25 Average bid
$25 Snittbud
5 bud

För kunds räkning söker vi en erfaren AI-utvecklare...att konsulten tillsammans med kunden ska vidareutveckla deras befintliga plattform för att bättre utnyttja AI-teknologi och automatisering. Uppdraget passar en nyfiken person som gillar att testa nya idéer samt dela med sig sina kunskaper. Kvalifikationer För detta projekt söker vi en person med följande kvalifikationer: - En erfaren AI-utvecklare - Meriterande om du har tidigare jobbat med, .Net och Azure - Driven, noggrann och drivs av nyfikenhet - Flytande i svenska Plats: Stockholm Omfattning: Deltid From: 14.01.2019 Tom: Löpande Är du intresserad eller har några frågor? Om du besitter rätt kompetens och är intresserad av detta projekt[REMOVED...

min $37 / hr
min $37 / hr
0 bud

Hi. I run a web development company in Sweden and need help with development on some projects. Currently, has a minor project to convert a php web service to c # and .net core. Looking for a partner who speaks good English and can work independently with good quality.

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Snittbud
20 bud

Hej Simon! Jag fick dina uppgifter av Liu / bluediscover här på Han rekommenderade dig vad gäller front-end jobb i react. Jag håller på med ett projekt för mitt företag, Liu har byggt grunden med Django / React. Jag har mer jobb som ska göras och Liu föreslog att han skulle fokusera på back-end och om du har tid tyckte han att jag skulle anlita dig för front-end. Låter det intressant? Mvh Tobias Gårdner Villa Spa Sweden AB

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Snittbud
1 bud
Project for Simon E.
Avslutades left

Hej Simon! Jag håller på med ett projekt som bluediscover / Liu arbetar med och han tipsade om en duktig / expert vad gäller frontend jobb. Idag har Liu gjort både back-end och front-end men han säger att han hellre fokuserar på back-end (django) och att du var riktigt duktig på react. Hur ser din allokering ut framöver? Mvh Tobias Gårdner

$250 Average bid
$250 Snittbud
1 bud

Vi söker en resurs som temporärt tar roll (ca 3 månader) i vårt utvecklingsteam med löpande utveckling.

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr Snittbud
13 bud

Söker back end utvecklare med erfarenhet från skräddaranpassade CMS hemsidor. Du bör vara kunnig inom PHP, Web 2.0, XHTML, SQL, Cross-browser optimering. Utvecklingen av hemsidan bör göras med stor anpassning. Då majoriteten av publiceringen görs av redaktörer måste backend vara anpassad för exempelvis skapande av artiklar. Du kan utgå från ett open-source alternativ och vidareutveckla den enligt våra specifikationer. Integrering mellan hemsidan och databas måste göras av dig. Analytics program erfordras. Interaktion görs möjligt med commenting, threads och forum. Erfarenhet från schemaläggning av aktiviteter bör du kunna göra. Caching även. Säke...

$11657 Average bid
$11657 Snittbud
9 bud

Vi söker någon som kan lära ut front-end utveckling under en längre tid. Du skall ha goda kunskaper inom HTML5,CSS3,Jquery och javascript. Du skall vara en pedagogisk person och göra dig väl förstådd i tal och skrift på både Svenska och Engelska.

$25 / hr Average bid
$25 / hr Snittbud
7 bud
Avslutades left

Jag behöver hjälp med att bygga ett administrationssystem för fartyg. Behöver hjälp med båsfe back- och front-end utveckling sajten ska vara responsiv. Hör av dig så får ni en kravspecifikation. Behöver hjälp omgående!

$12236 Average bid
$12236 Snittbud
11 bud
Bygg en hemsida
Avslutades left

Körkortsjakten i Stockholm söker Junior back-end utvecklare Om dig och tjänsten: "Bli en del av vårt team och du kommer att påbörja en fantastisk resa, där du arbetar tillsammans med ett entreprenörsdrivet och professionellt team” Vem vi tror du är 1) Du får saker gjorda, du vågar tänka utanför traditionella ramverk och du är inte rädd för att ta ansvar. 2) Du har kunskap inom och erfarenhet från minst ett webprojekt där serversidan är baserad på PHP och MySQL 3) Du har viss erfarenhet av hur man sätter upp och administrerar en Linux-baserad server med vanliga LAMP-tjänster 4) Det är ett plus om du har erfarenhet inom HTML, CSS, JavaScript...

$533 Average bid
$533 Snittbud
10 bud
Php, Laravel
Avslutades left

Körkortsjakten i Stockholm söker Junior back-end utvecklare Om dig och tjänsten: "Bli en del av vårt team och du kommer att påbörja en fantastisk resa, där du arbetar tillsammans med ett entreprenörsdrivet och professionellt team” Vem vi tror du är 1) Du får saker gjorda, du vågar tänka utanför traditionella ramverk och du är inte rädd för att ta ansvar. 2) Du har kunskap inom och erfarenhet från minst ett webprojekt där serversidan är baserad på PHP och MySQL 3) Du har viss erfarenhet av hur man sätter upp och administrerar en Linux-baserad server med vanliga LAMP-tjänster 4) Det är ett plus om du har erfarenhet inom HTML, CSS, JavaScript...

$8 / hr Average bid
$8 / hr Snittbud
10 bud
Simple Java programs
Avslutades left

I have four university object oriented assignments I need to write a java program for. The assignments include 1.a) Write some simple java programs with hello world and reading numbers from the command prompt and conduct some arithmetic operations on them. 1.b) Position and coordinates and strings 2.a) Measurment and sensors, many classes that work together , sub-classes , and reading of the data from a webserver 3. Java graphic as well as standad classes for lists. Save list of positions as an arrays and iterators. A simple animation in the end of the assignment making a red circle that is made of the given positions. 4. The final assignment is to write a program that simulates how bunch of balls hit against the walls inside an isolated rectangular 2...

$142 Average bid
$142 Snittbud
4 bud

I have four university object oriented assignments I need to write a java program for. The assignments include 1.a) Write some simple java programs with hello world and reading numbers from the command prompt and conduct some arithmetic operations on them. 1.b) Position and coordinates and strings 2.a) Measurment and sensors, many classes that work together , sub-classes , and reading of the data from a webserver 3. Java graphic as well as standad classes for lists. Save list of positions as an arrays and iterators. A simple animation in the end of the assignment making a red circle that is made of the given positions. 4. The final assignment is to write a program that simulates how bunch of balls hit against the walls inside an isolated rectangular 2...

$118 Average bid
$118 Snittbud
5 bud
Simple Java programs
Avslutades left

I have four university object oriented assignments I need to write a java program for. The assignments include 1.a) Write some simple java programs with hello world and reading numbers from the command prompt and conduct some arithmetic operations on them. 1.b) Position and coordinates and strings 2.a) Measurment and sensors, many classes that work together , sub-classes , and reading of the data from a webserver 3. Java graphic as well as standad classes for lists. Save list of positions as an arrays and iterators. A simple animation in the end of the assignment making a red circle that is made of the given positions. 4. The final assignment is to write a program that simulates how bunch of balls hit against the walls inside an isolated rectangular 2...

$113 Average bid
$113 Snittbud
4 bud

...någon här som kan kontakta mängder av folk som är abetslösa men även de som redan har ett jobb som konsult för att kolla om de skulle kunna vara intresserade av att börja jobba på mitt företag. Främst folk som har kompetens inom något/några av följande områden: Systemutvecklare Mjukvaruutvecklare Programmerare Projektledare Supporttekniker Windowstekniker Webbutvecklare Systemförvaltare .NET-utvecklare Mactekniker Testare För varje person som du lyckas hitta och som jag sedan i min tur lyckas anställa och hitta uppdrag till betalar jag 10 000 kronor i bonus till dig (utbetalas efter att personen arbetat hos mig i 5 månader). Projektets mål är att minst ...

$750 Average bid
$750 Snittbud
1 bud

Hello, Im looking for someone knows wordpress, css. I need a plugin i bought to talk to the thee categories. So that the theme will be intact with design and struture. And the plugin will do the rest like add videos from a member page that must also be created at the front end. Member signup process will be simple and profile page wil be easy process aswel. Just add name, username and biography data. And upload video area, youtube and vimeo but i think the plugin offer more video sites format. the plugin name is MIWOVIDEOS and the theme name is NIVOVIDEO YOUTUBE. For someone knows CSS and WORDPRESS this might be done less than 24 hrs. So only ppl that think and belive they can do this contact me. Im also desiner but i cant do any CSS o im stuck into th...

$126 Average bid
$126 Snittbud
13 bud

...MIWOVIDEOS och Temat heter NIVOVIDEO. Jag vill dels ha ut en registrerings sida där medlemmar anger namn, epost och kaske en liten ruta om dem själva, viktigast är att de kan på ett enkelt sätt även lägga upp youtube filmer och vimeo filmer. Detta plugin har det där inbakat, man behöver bara konfigurera ett medlems formulär samt en sida för detta så att de alldrig kommer in backend utan stannar front end och fixar allt därifrån. ett bra exemplel på profil sida som finns idag är på sidan deras medlems profil och hur man addar filmer är bra o enkelt. sedan skall temas kategorier prata med pluginets övriga. Jag ger dig tillgång till FTP, WP login, dokumentation...

$75 Average bid
$75 Snittbud
1 bud
Magento Fix work
Avslutades left

Front controller reached 100 router match iterations

$67 Average bid
$67 Snittbud
2 bud
back end updates
Avslutades left

All done :-)

$85 Average bid
$85 Snittbud
1 bud
Utveckla webbsajt
Avslutades left

Hej!nnJag söker hjälp att utveckla en webbsajt som handlar om hjälpa vanliga människor påverka politiker.nn- Viss kod finnsn- Vill skriva om i ett ramverk (CI / RoR / Laravel eller liknande)n- Front end i twitter bootstrap / wordpress eller liknanden- responsive så samma sajt funkar på mobilen o webbennn Kan du ringa mig så berättar jag gärna mer? Mvh Jacob Sternius 070-2828514.

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Snittbud
1 bud

...and eye-catching outdoor signage design for my new store, Fresh Homemade Goodness. The signage should reflect a classic and elegant style, as I am aiming for a sophisticated look. Panels : 2400w x 400h 2sides light box 630h x 5550w,length 1st panel 2750 2nd panel 2800 Key components of the signage: - The store logo - The tagline of the store Essential requirements: -A black background with gold lettering for a premium look. - Experience in designing outdoor signage - Proficiency in creating classic and elegant designs - Strong graphic design skills - Ability to incorporate brand elements into the design Black & Gold Theme (Premium feel, sophisticated) Cursive Handwritten Font (Like the one in your reference) Minimalistic Yet Bold (Simple, but high-end...

$51 Average bid
$51 Snittbud
45 bud

I'm seeking a full-stack developer to create an MVP for an E-commerce marketplace, built on Go High Level. Key Features: - User Registration and Profiles: The marketplace should allow users to create profiles, manage their accounts, and track their activities. - Product Listings and Search: The platform should support product listings with a robust search functionality to enhance user experience. - Payment Integration: A secure and efficient payment system is crucial for transactions on the marketplace. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Go High Level: Given the platform choice, extensive experience with Go High Level is a must. - Full-Stack Development: You should have a comprehensive understanding of both front-end and back-end develo...

$15999 Average bid
$15999 Snittbud
20 bud

We are developing a Coffee Roasting Control App for Android tablet. We need an experienced Jetpack Compose UI developer to design and implement a modern, clean, and responsive user interface. ✔️ Build a beautiful and interactive UI using Jetpack Compose (Material 3) ✔️ Design real-time data visualization (temperature graphs, roasting controls) ✔️ Ensure UI responsiveness ✔️ Implement animations, transitions, and UI interactions ✔️ Work with ViewModel, LiveData, Flow for state management ✔️ Optimize performance for smooth user experience Jetpack Compose (Material 3) Kotlin + Android Studio (Latest Version) Navigation Component (Single-Activity Architecture) Coroutines & Flow (for Data Handling) Charts/Graphs for Roasting Data (MPAndroidChart or Com...

$142 Average bid
$142 Snittbud
21 bud

Project Title: YouTube Transcript-Based Video Recommendation System Project Description: The aim of this project is to develop a prototype for a system that leverages machine learning to recommend YouTube videos based on user queries. This prototype will not include architectural complexities or login functionalities. Core Features: Data Storage: The system will utilize in-memory storage to keep a collection of transcriptions from YouTube videos. Initially, the prototype will include transcriptions from five specific videos. Search Functionality: Users can enter queries into a search bar to find videos relevant to their interests. Upon receiving a query, the system will analyze the stored video transcriptions using a GPT model or a similar deep learning framework to iden...

$31 Average bid
$31 Snittbud
5 bud

...scanning, save scan data on the device and delete. Here ( ) you can see my progress with Arduino Mega 2560 board. This project will be suitable for someone who is more into learning new stuff rather than looking for monetary gains. The end goal of this project is a map of the environment that is saved to the mobile device after walking around a building for example. I can release any payment only when this end goal is achieved and is fully working on my end. I cannot release any milestone intermediate payments etc. because if you don’t succeed or disappear, then I don’t have anything that works. You don’t necessarily need to buy the sensor, we can work together using video calls or TeamViewer

$40 Average bid
$40 Snittbud
1 bud

I'm seeking an experienced Workday funct...various tasks - Business Process (BP) Configuration: Tailoring processes such as Employee Onboarding, Time Tracking, and Expense Management based on our specific business requirements. - Core HCM Assistance: Providing support with key areas of core HCM like Employee Data Management, Benefits Administration, and Performance Management as per our needs. - Notification Setup: Configuring different types of notifications including Email alerts and In-system notifications according to our business requirements. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with Workday - Strong understanding of core HCM - Proficiency in BP configuration - Excellent skills in setting up notifications - Ability to understand and cat...

$1 - $5 / hr
$1 - $5 / hr
0 bud

...engage in human-like conversations, qualify prospects, and update a centralized dashboard with call summaries, lead statuses, and conversation insights. The system will use: OpenAI Whisper for Speech-to-Text (STT) to accurately transcribe conversations. 11 Labs API for Text-to-Speech (TTS) to generate highly realistic AI voice responses. A dynamic dashboard to track leads, call status, and follow-ups. Core Functionalities 1. Lead Management & CSV Upload System CSV Upload Feature: Users can upload a CSV file with the following lead details: Lead Name Phone Number Real Estate Requirement (e.g., “Looking for a 2BHK in New York”) Lead Status (Not Contacted, In Progress, Completed) All leads are stored in the dashboard, categorized by call status...

$18 Average bid
$18 Snittbud
18 bud
Conference Assistance in Cape Town
6 dagar left

I'm looking for a freelancer to attend a conference in Cape Town my behalf. The primary goal of this assignment is to network with potential clients. Your responsibilities will include representing my company and establishing connections that could lead to future business opportunities. We are looking for a local freelancer of Cape Town, who can attend a conference on behalf of our company . We will provide you Hall ticket and our visiting cards and all .The conference is a premium conference ,it will be organized in a five star hotel , they will arrange lunch and evening time party and all too. You have to join their as our executive, Make the presence of our company over there. You have to exchange the card with all the exhibitors who has kept their stall and visitor...

$17 - $143
$17 - $143
0 bud
AI Voice Agent for Real Estate
6 dagar left

...engage in human-like conversations, qualify prospects, and update a centralized dashboard with call summaries, lead statuses, and conversation insights. The system will use: OpenAI Whisper for Speech-to-Text (STT) to accurately transcribe conversations. 11 Labs API for Text-to-Speech (TTS) to generate highly realistic AI voice responses. A dynamic dashboard to track leads, call status, and follow-ups. Core Functionalities 1. Lead Management & CSV Upload System CSV Upload Feature: Users can upload a CSV file with the following lead details: Lead Name Phone Number Real Estate Requirement (e.g., “Looking for a 2BHK in New York”) Lead Status (Not Contacted, In Progress, Completed) All leads are stored in the dashboard, categorized by call status...

$20 Average bid
$20 Snittbud
8 bud

I have attached an image of a gown. Could you give me an example of how you would create an Esty listing for this product? Title, Description, Category, Variations, Primary color, Secondary color, Sustainability, Tags, Materials, etc... Gown Details. Price $1250 Colors. Available in 4 colors. Champagne, which is the color in the photo, also Red, Black, & Emerald Green. Fabric Details. Beaded Lace with Feather detail at the bottom. Sizes XS, S, M, L, XL, 2X, 3X, 4X, and 5X. I am seeking a skilled and experienced Etsy Product Listing Expert to optimize our online presence and drive sales. I design and manufacture exquisite women's garments in the USA. I need someone who understands the nuances of Etsy's platform and can create compelling product listings that attrac...

$9 / hr Average bid
$9 / hr Snittbud
34 bud

✅Technical Hiring Consultant (With Option to Stay as Freelance CTO) for AI-Driven PropTech App ✅ Remote | Part-time (1-3 months) | Long-term potential ✅About Us We are building , an AI-powered mobile app that helps property buyers, renters, and estate agents connect through a Tinder-style matching system. I’m a non-technical founder, and I need a technical hiring consultant to: ✅ Define the best tech stack for our MVP. ✅ Write clear job descriptions for front-end & back-end developers. ✅ Screen candidates and conduct technical interviews. ✅ Advise on hiring decisions to ensure we get the right talent. ✅ Opportunity for Long-Term Role: After the hiring process, there is potential for you to stay on as a freelance CT...

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr Snittbud
32 bud
Trophy icon Creative Business Card Design
6 dagar left

I will provide the log...will provide the logo below but i need a really creative business card with a hot rod design in colors and a very cool looking card. It will need the logo and full color on the front with the words BARBERSHOP and the website address i will also want a QR Code somewhere on the card. The back should be full color as well. Let me see what you can do!! I'm in need of a creative business card design that stands out and represents my brand well. Key elements to include: - My logo - Contact information Ideal freelancers for this project should have a strong portfolio in creative design with a knack for minimalism, as well as experience working with business card design. Please, feel free to suggest a color palette if you think it could enhan...

$50 Average bid
76 bidrag

More details: What specific elements do you want to include in the redesigned waiting room? Automotive-themed decor, Comfortable seating, Refreshment station. What color scheme are you envisioning for the waiting room? Dark and sophisticated What type of seating arrangement do you prefer? Individual chairs or coutches Theme: modern, luxury, high end shop. I have attached some pictures of my waiting room. can you redesign my waiting room in a different them?

$101 Average bid
Framhäv Garanterad
25 bidrag
Trophy icon CultureSync Logo Design & Branding
13 dagar left

Design a logo for the Product CultureSync CultureSync is a technology that compares 2 companies culture, usually prior to an acquisition. I have attached a few screenshots. The goal of CultureSync is to align 2 company cultures. The logo should portray that. I prefer SIMPLE Design. No small element that won't scale down to icon size. Assume the logo has TEXT and Graphic. Not sure of the orientation. Not sure of colors, make your case WHY? My RULES: -To avoid AI designs. Add text within your entry briefly explaining your design concept. If I don't see this... instant rejection -No comment SPAM. Telling me to "check entry #____" is instant rejection for all your designs. I will check every entry. Asking me to do it is wasting my time and taking u...

$150 Average bid
Framhäv Garanterad
199 bidrag

I am launching a new clothing line called M@B (Mediocre at Best) and need a talented designer to bring the brand to life. The project will include logo design, branding, and initial apparel concepts. The style should be bold, modern, and slightly irreverent, embracing the idea of "mediocre" with an ironic or playful twist. More details: What emotion or message do you primarily want your brand to convey? Humor What kind of humor best represents your brand? Satirical Which design style do you prefer for the logo featuring your bulldog? Abstract

$86 Average bid
$86 Snittbud
105 bud

...role in healthcare management, and we're looking for a talented designer to give our website a much-needed facelift. Project Overview: - Website to Revamp: You will be working on our core platform website, which is essential for delivering educational media and resources to patients. Please note that our current public-facing site, found at 3D Practice, is not the focus of this project. The platform itself, which is critical to the patient experience, will be shared with you upon reviewing your proposal. - Goal: To modernize and improve the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) of the platform. The design should reflect the latest trends in healthcare tech while ensuring ease of use, accessibility, and trustworthiness, key elements for medical p...

$145 Average bid
$145 Snittbud
94 bud

...must be modern, fast, and optimized for mobile devices (responsive design). • The design is based on an already created template and must be implemented exactly as specified. • All content (texts, images) should be easily editable via an admin panel. • The website should be based on WordPress or an alternative CMS that is flexible and scalable. 2. Core Features 2.1. Calendar and Booking System • An integrated calendar system that allows real-time bookings. • Admin access to manually add, edit, or delete bookings. • Dynamic pricing models, including: • Discount for bookings longer than X days (e.g., lower daily rate after 3 days). • Different prices for weekdays vs. weekends. • Seasonal discounts (e.g., l...

$1656 Average bid
$1656 Snittbud
56 bud

Looking for an experienced freelancer to develop a custom car rental platform using web technologies (custom code, NO WORDPRESS). The platform will consist of a user website, a vendor dashboard, and an admin dashboard. Key Features: User Website: Account management with an email communication interface Car search, booking process, and payment processing Notifications and booking management Pixel Perfect Design on the Front End Vendor Dashboard: Fleet management, booking alerts, and calendar integration Email communication interface for vendors Subscription package management with a flat 10% commission model Admin Dashboard: Comprehensive user/vendor management Detailed analytics, reporting, and content management Centralized email communication logs Budget ...

$201 Average bid
$201 Snittbud
43 bud

...needs some refinements/enhancements to make it stand out more, while maintaining it's core design. The logo features "Ring The Bell " with the tagline "Beating Cancer & Competition", symbolizing patients ringing the bell after completing cancer treatment. What we like: the logos bell housing shape and half circle (unique in industry), the color pallete must remain the same (codes provided - but arrangement can be changed), the concept of boldness - empowering, not cold or clinical. What needs improvement: current bell is generic vector - want more dynamic, stylized bell that looks like it has been rung, the second logo is the original inspiration, ephasizing bold is good, but should still be refined for professional use. Requirements: at leas...

$138 Average bid
Brådskande Garanterad
545 bidrag

Video Brief: The Best Way to Pay in Europe – Forget Revolut & Wise! ? Concept: Create an engaging Instagram Reel that explains why travelers in Europe should skip Revolut and Wise and instead use an EUR account from Fio Banka with currency exchange via RoklenFX. The video should be dynamic, easy to understand, and visually appealing. ? Structure: 1️⃣ Intro – Hook: “Traveling in Europe? Stop using Revolut & Wise!” • Show the Revolut app → Cross it out • Show the Wise app → Cross it out 2️⃣ Better Alternative • Show registration at Fio Banka () • Highlight getting an EUR account & a free EUR card 3️⃣ Smart Currency Exchange • Show the RoklenFX platform () • Demonstrate exchanging CZK → EUR with ...

$10 Average bid
0 bidrag

I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a WebRTC backend for a video calling system tailored for business use. We are developing a professional product called VidCall — a Student-Parent Video Calling System for schools, where students will use dedicated VidCall Student Devices installed at school to make video calls to their parents using WebRTC technology. We already have mobile apps developed for students and parents, but currently, these apps are using Agora for video calling. We want to remove Agora and replace it with self-hosted WebRTC for cost savings and better control. We need an experienced backend developer to set up the complete WebRTC infrastructure, including: Work Scope: 1. Build WebRTC Signaling Server (using Node....

$357 Average bid
$357 Snittbud
17 bud

...the freelancers here. I am looking to implement a new function to my project (it is not in production). My project is a multi-seller script developed in Laravel, I bought this script from codecanyon called 6Valley (at the end I attach the link), this script includes an app developed in Flutter for sellers and a client app. The function I want to add is the subscription function for clients. This feature will enable those customers with an active membership plan to be able to purchase in the store. As an administrator I need to configure each membership by level. for example: Basic Plan, Silver Plan, Gold Plan. Each plan must have certain features such as limiting the duration of membership and the number of items that can be purchased within the plan. &...

$467 Average bid
$467 Snittbud
62 bud