B2b booking engine technical design documentJobb
I am looking for a fluent Swedish speaker to make phone calls for customers in Sweden. The main goal of each conversation is to understand if the company deals with way-finding signage or not (directional signage that helps the public reach their destination inside and outside public buildings, such as hospitals, airports, office buildings, universities etc.). You will be asked to fill-in information in a Google sheet file. We will provide some files, including work procedure, call transcript and google sheets table. Jag söker en flytande svensktalande person för att ringa samtal till kunder i Sverige. Huvudmålet för varje samtal är att förstå om företaget hanterar vägledningsskyltar eller inte (riktad skyltning som hjälper allmänhe...
Projektet går ut på att skapa kundmöten inom Sverige. Branschen är inom transport/logistik och är B2B, Valmöjligheten är obegränsad att hitta kundmöten då man kan både arbeta med digital media och telefon. Betalning sker per kundmöte som skapas
Vi kommer efter sommaren lansera vårt nya bolag inom byggnation av solpaneler. Inriktning mot b2b men även lite del b2c. Vi har redan idag stora samarbetespartners. Sidan vi vill bygga måste hålla högsta standard. Vi kommer även behöva en intrigerad snurra för leasingen. Utöver byggnation av hemsidan måste du själv komma med bra idéer på text. Only Swedish speaking freelancers
Vi är ett B2B företag inom besöksnäringen som letar efter ett SEO proffs med erfarenhet av Webflow. Vi vill ha hjälp med att skapa en långsiktig SEO strategi: Optimera och göra fixes direkt i Webflow. Audits och sökordsanalyser Kontinuerlig mätning av KPI'er Med mera Finns erfarenhet av Google Ads är det ett plus. Inga renodlade designjobb behöver göras. Content och copy finns inhouse och du/ni kommer att kommunicera med den som designat sidan, så samma språk pratas. Svenska är en förutsättning.
Vi söker en seriös, snabb och duktig utvecklare som kan bygga en b2b shop i Shopify och ha support och framtida utveckling. Vi har redan existerande B2b byggd i magento men den fungerar dåligt. OBS Endast svensktalande
Hej! Vi önskar ha en webshop byggd i Shopify av en van Shopifywebshopbyggare. Först och främst en B2C sedan en B2B.
...etapp 2 - grafiska profilen på webbplatsen - slutleverans: ett (1) förslag/skiss utifrån befintlig sajt, pdf/ppt - trycksaker (tackkort) - slutleverans: tryckfärdigt original - present-/gåvoförpackning (färg & form) - slutleverans: skisser, original för tryck - post-pack/varor till kund (färg & form) - slutleverans: skisser, ev. original för tryck/stämplar/etiketter/tejp… Steg 2 - marknadsmaterial b2b (produktblad, broschyr, mail) - pos-material (produktställ, produktblad) Varumärket Analys, strategi, planning är genomfört så plattformen är på plats. Vi ska kunna svara på alla frågor en formgivare har. Vi söker Det här är ett uppdrag fö...
Vi söker sveriges bästa säljare! Ditt jobb går ut på att ringa kalla samtal till potentiella kunder, berätta om en lättsåld lösning B2B som genererar inkomster från dag 1! Och skicka vidare varma leads till våra seniora konsulter.
Jag söker en prisvärd och frilansande telefonförsäljare för en dags försäljning, som vill sälja annonsplatser i vår tidning till företag. Vi har ungefär 7000 besökare för varje nummer.
Jag driver en konsultfirma sen två år tillbaka. För 2020 söker jag en B2B säljare för projekt som innebär sälj/mötesbokning över telefon och via email. Jag söker någon jag kan lita på för ett långsiktigt samarbete. Du måste ha F-skatt sedel och vara tillgänglig för att jobba med diverse projekt motsvarande en 25-50% tjänst, beroende på månad. Betalning är fast per projekt med chans på provision. Det är bara att du hör av dig om detta låter intressant. Förklara då gärna lite kort om dig och din erfarenhet!
Nystartad digital marknadsförnings byrå söker telecom säljare. Tidigare erfarenhet inom b2b försäljning är meriterande. Du måste kunna tala flytande Svenska. Din roll kommer att innebära följande: -Mötesbokning -Lead generation
Vi har en e-handelssite som säljer möbler inom B2B. De publicerade texterna är för merparten av produkterna eftersatta. Vi har cirka 200 produkttexter som behöver kopieras in på de totalt ca 400 produktsidorna (vissa produkter är liknande så del av texterna återanvänds). Vi använder plattformen Textalk. Att ha erfarenhet av Textalk är ett plus med absolut inte ett krav. Vi behöver någon som kan ta alla de texter vi idag har i ett antal word-dokument och kopierar in dessa i Textalk på respektive produktsida. Det är mest kopiera och klistra men även vissa justeringar iom att olika delar av texten behöver in på olika ställen. Observera att liten och texterna är på sven...
Inbound Marketing Consultant - Swedish language - Remote worker Som Inbound marketing c...emellanåt. Du ser dina framtida kollegors talanger inom olika områden som grillning och bakning på Så nu hoppas vi att du som känner att Brightvision vore ett roligt och utmanande ställe att jobba på hör av dig till oss! Varmt välkommen att skicka in din ansökan! Om Brightvision: Brightvision är en Lead Generation byrå som accelererar försäljningen på B2B-företag genom innovativa marknadskampanjer med både inbound- och outbound-marknadsföring. Våra kunder består av främst ledande teknik- och IT bolag i Norden. Vårt huvudkontor ligger i Göteborg och vi är...
Servicetrender är en väletablerad tidning, som skriver om Servicehandeln i Sverige. Magasinet går ut till samtliga butiker och beslutsfattare inom Servicenäringen i Sverige. Vi söker en skribent/redaktör som kan skriva och hjälpa till med journalistiska uppdrag. Du kommer ha ett övergripande ansvar,men får hjälp av redaktionen och jobbar nära med marknadschef. Fina utvecklings möjligheter då vi har fler titlar inhouse.
Tycker du om att prata med folk över telefon och har lätt för att etablera kontakt? Drivs du av att påverka din egen lön och jobba mot en hög provision? Har du dessutom någon form av säljerfarenhet och vill jobba hemifrån ska du fortsätta läsa. På uppdrag av en av våra samarbetspartner kommer du att arbeta hemifrån med att prospektera och boka in nya kundmöten. Du kan bo var som helst i världen så länge som du har tillgång till dator, bredband och headset. Din uppgift blir att boka in möten för bl.a. mediebolag, reklamföretag och olika typer av konsultbolag. Eftersom du vänder dig till företag kan du schemalägga din arbetstid mellan måndag till freda...
Vi söker en erfaren person inom och samt andra booking siter. Vi vill att du för in våra objekt på dessa siter och framåt även under andra boknings siter. (agoda, hotels osv.) Bokningskalender/priser skall skötas via , alla siterna skall vara länkade till detta bokningsystemet. 1. Inga dubbelbokningar får förekomma. 2. Vi ska kunna nå dig snabbt via telefon om det uppstår problem. 3. Helst kunna förstå svenska. 4. Priserna kommer vara varierande beroende på längd av vistelsen samt hur många personer som skall boka. Detta är väldigt viktigt att det fungerar. Vi vill ha ett fastpris för 5 rum/objekt och ett timpris efter det för support och ändringar....
Vi behöver hjälp att skriva om ett antal artiklar för vår hemsida. - Syftet med artiklarna ska vara att skapa SEO-värde som attraherar trafik till Hemverket och konverterar till kunder. - Vi vill skapa ca 5-6 artiklar om de olika stegen för säljare och 3-4 artiklar om den olika stegen för en köpare. Artik...ska vara kärnfulla, informativa och lättförståliga. Använd gärna bulletpoints och listor för att tydliggöra poänger. - Texterna ska göra det enkelt att köpa och sälja en bostad. Fokus ska ligga på vinstmaximering och riskminimering. Det är kul att köpa och sälja en bostad. Nedan finns några artiklar som du kan inspireras av samt några dokume...
Vi är en virtuell mobiloperatör som säljer mobilabonnemang, växellösningar och bredband till både företag och konsumenter i sverige. Vi letar efter en återförsäljare som kan hjälpa oss med både B2B- och B2C-försäljning mot den svenska marknaden. Våra abonnemang är s.k fastprisabonnemang med väldigt konkurrenskraftiga priser. Vi söker dig/er som har tidigare erfarenhet av försäljning/telekom/egen kundbas etc. Ersättningen är dels cph dels cpo.
Translate our website from swedish to norwegian. All is nicely collected in a word document. A total of 3022 words. Thanks for your bid! Översätt vår sida från svenska till norska. Allt är samlat i ett word dokument. Totalt 3022 ord. Tack för ditt bud!
Android app 70% para reservar taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi taxi
behöver assistans för projekt med teknisk document att översättas/korrekturläst, eng-sve. Måste vara hög nivå översättning. Vänligen kontakta så fort som möjligt. No agencies, only native contractors, please. thank you
Will discuss soon....Will discuss soon....Will discuss soon....Will discuss soon....Will discuss soon....Will discuss soon....Will discuss soon....
I will record some voice, send it to you as a file and your job will be to transcribe it into text (like in a email or word document). Needs no formatting, just the raw text. It will be in Swedish, you need to be fluent in Swedish. If you dont know swedish, dont make a bid. --- Jag kommer spela in röstinspelning, skicka det till dig som en datafil och ditt arbete blir att skriva ut det till text (som ett email eller word dokument). Behöver ingen stilformattering, bara själva råtexten. Det är på svenska och du måste vara flytande i svenska.
I'm in need of a professional to convert a scanned document into a Word file. This document contains text with images, and it's crucial to maintain the original placement and size of the images in the Word document. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in typing and transcription - Excellent attention to detail - Familiarity with Microsoft Word's formatting tools - Ability to handle documents with images - Experience working with scanned documents Please ensure that your bid reflects your ability to perform this task accurately and efficiently. Thank you.
I'm seeking a professional to manage the booking system of my hotel platform. The focus will primarily be on handling reservations while ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently. Key Responsibilities: - Overseeing and managing hotel reservations - Ensuring the booking system is user-friendly - change price - for better bulky booked Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with hotel booking systems such as , airbnb, Expedia - Proficient in third-party reservation software - Excellent organizational and communication skills Please note, the booking system is powered by third-party software, so familiarity with such platforms is crucial for success in this role. I look forward to hearing from qualified candidates. Pay by per month , on...
I need a freelancer to transcribe a business report from PDF into a Word document. The original document contains tables and charts that will need to be replicated in the typed version. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in typing and Microsoft Word - Experience in accurately transcribing documents - Ability to replicate tables and charts - Attention to detail and commitment to delivering high-quality work
...from external sources is strictly prohibited; only seasoned professionals with hands-on coding expertise need apply. Project Overview We aim to create a sleek, modern coupon code website with the following key pages and features: Frontend Pages Store Page: Lists all coupons for a specific store. Features filters (e.g., category, popularity, expiration date). Responsive and user-friendly design. Category Page: Displays coupons categorized by type (e.g., electronics, fashion). Includes dynamic filtering and sorting options. Review Page: Allows users to leave reviews for stores and coupons. Displays average ratings and user feedback. News/Blog Pages: Showcases the latest updates, deals, and tips related to couponing. SEO-optimized structure. Static Pages: About Us,...
I need an experienced mathematician/electrical engineer to check formulas (integrals and basic algebraic equations) together with my interpretations and general writing relating to radiation pressure/force for both electrons in uncharged matter absorbing and emitting radiation (perpendicularly, different angles and with different a...to the answer, except my 4? should be 6? in the denominator. Something about a normalisation factor needs to be included. I would need the freelancer to show a diagram and the correct integrals to help me see this normalisation factor and arrive at the correct answer. Other than that, everything should look straightforward. The freelancer may also edit the work to ensure a cleaner and simpler document for use by both professionals and standard readers...
I'm looking for a lead generation specialist to compile a database of 20,000–100,000 qualified leads for ship, boat, and oil tanker equipment sellers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in B2B lead generation - Familiarity with the maritime equipment industry - Proficiency in database management and data mining - Excellent understanding of email verification processes Specific Requirements: - Target leads from ship equipment sellers, boat equipment sellers and oil tanker equipment sellers - All company sizes and years in business are acceptable - Revenue range: $100k+ - Verification of leads should be done via email
I'm seeking a WordPress expert to co-build a multi-page, modern and clean site with me. You'll drive the production while we share screens. The objective is to keep costs low, utilizing as many free plugins as possible. Key Features: - The site will cater to paid members, allowing them to access specif...meetings, Notification center, Video host, - Profile management will also be part of the dashboard, but less prominently. Ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience in WordPress site development. - Proficiency in using free plugins. - Familiarity with setting up video meeting functionalities. - Capability to create a modern and clean design. - Please be prepared to share your screen so we can build this site together. - Requires calendar booking systems ...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a website for my mobile welding services company. The primary purpose of the website will be to showcase our services and provide detailed descriptions of what we offer. Key ...services and provide detailed descriptions of what we offer. Key Requirements: - Service Descriptions: The website should have clear and comprehensive descriptions of our welding services. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Proven experience in developing functional and user-friendly websites. - E-commerce: If you can integrate e-commerce capabilities, it would be a plus. - SEO: Knowledge in search engine optimization to increase our visibility online. Please, include a portfolio of similar projects you've completed in your bid. Looking forward ...
Budget $20 I'm in need of a skilled Python developer who can edit my existing script for API data retrieval. The script is currently designed for pulling data but may need modifications to handle different data types or sources in the future. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Python, wi...manipulating and working with CSV data. - Familiarity with various APIs, particularly REST, GraphQL, and SOAP. While the primary function of the script is to retrieve data from a CSV, I anticipate potential needs for data manipulation and automation down the line. Therefore, the ideal freelancer should be able to understand these future needs and adapt the script accordingly. Message me for the -Document for the API -Existing script -Fields to be added Pay for this script edit is $20, ...
I am looking for an experienced Flutter developer to help me complete a mobile application. It is a Fintech app for deposit, withdrawal, exchange of monies. The APIs will be handled by a backend developer and Figma screens too. Features to develop: - Deposit - Withdrawal - Exchange - Transaction History - Request and Send Money PRD Doc: Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Flutter - Mobile app development experience - Ability to deliver within budget - Good communication skills
...engage with C-level executives and other decision-makers. Self-motivated with the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Familiarity with CRM software (Salesforce, HubSpot, etc.) is a plus. A passion for sales and a drive to succeed. Preferred Qualifications: Speaks and Writes Excellent - (Spanish/English) Bachelor’s degree in Business, Marketing, or a related field. Experience in B2B sales or SaaS industry. Why Join Us: The base salary is $750 per month Estimated commission ranges from $500 to $1,500 per month. Opportunities for career growth and professional development. Supportive and collaborative team environment. If you are a driven individual with a passion for sales and the desire to grow in a fast-paced environment, we would love to hear from you! ...
...habilidades analíticas y de investigación. - Excelentes habilidades organizativas y de gestión del tiempo. -------- I am in search of a proficient Executive Assistant from Mexico, Costa Rica, or Colombia. The primary responsibilities include coordinating travel arrangements, conducting online research, and talking to prospective clients. Key Responsibilities: - Coordinating travel arrangements: From booking flights to planning itineraries, your organizational skills will ensure seamless travel experiences. - Conducting research: You will be building online profiles, messaging. - Talking to clients: You will be talking to clients. Ideal Candidates Will: - Be from Mexico, Costa Rica, or Colombia. - Speak Spanish & English. - Proficient in using mobile, ...
...communication skills, both written and verbal. Ability to engage with C-level executives and other decision-makers. Self-motivated with the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Familiarity with CRM software (Salesforce, HubSpot, etc.) is a plus. A passion for sales and a drive to succeed. Preferred Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Business, Marketing, or a related field. Experience in B2B sales or SaaS industry. Why Join Us: The base salary is $750 per month Estimated commission ranges from $500 to $1,500 per month. Opportunities for career growth and professional development. Supportive and collaborative team environment. If you are a driven individual with a passion for sales and the desire to grow in a fast-paced environment, we would love to hear...
Pleas read carefully all txt and attached document and if doable than only bid and pls bid the actual cost of executing this project and not just as any price I'm seeking a skilled professional to help in creating a seamless and engaging virtual trade fair experience that surpasses the traditional in-person events. Key Requirements: - Platform: The virtual trade fair should be accessible through both web-based and mobile app platforms, offering a versatile user experience. - Interactive Features: The platform should have live chat functionality for real-time interactions, virtual booths for exhibitors to showcase their products, and webinar sessions for insightful discussions. - Scalability: The system should be able to support between 100 to 500 exhibitors and attendees, en...
What We Need Done: 1. Logo Design: * Objective: We need a logo that embodies the luxury and elegance of the brand. The logo should be simple, memorable, and versatile for use on various media, including labels, website, and packaging. * Style: Modern, sleek, and sophisticated. It should convey a sense of exclusivity and timeless style. We prefer a minimalistic design, but we’re open to creative interpretations. * Deliverables: The final logo should be delivered in multiple formats, including AI (vector), PNG, JPG, and SVG, with both a full-color version and a black-and-white version. 2. Packaging Design: * Objective: We need packaging that is as luxurious and high-quality as the swimwear itself. The packaging should reflect our brand’s values of exclusivi...
...generated. • Choose the animation and expressions you want (e.g., tripping, scrambling, smiling nervously, giving a thumbs-up). This will allow you to create a realistic video of the actress performing the scene with the generated voiceover. 3. Scene Setup (Background & Location): • For a real-life setting like a school hallway, you can use 3D scene generation tools (like Blender or Unreal Engine) to create the environment, or simply use stock footage of a hallway and then composite the AI-generated character into the scene. • If you want the background to be more realistic and interactive, you could use RunwayML or Adobe After Effects to add effects, such as the flying papers and tripping motion. These platforms allow you to blend the animated char...
I'm seeking an SEO expert to improve my garden furniture website's rankings on Google to be top. The primary focus will be on specific keywords rela...aluminium garden furniture, rooe garden furniture, outdoor furniture, patio sets, and garden furniture. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an SEO strategy focused on improving search engine rankings - Optimize website content for selected keywords - Implement techniques to enhance visibility on Google Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in SEO, specifically for e-commerce sites - In-depth knowledge of Google SEO strategies - Familiarity with outdoor furniture industry keywords - Ability to deliver measurable improvements in search engine rankings The target is to see measurable improvements in search ...
...functional websites with correct domain configurations. 2. Individual login credentials for frontend and backend developers. 3. Comprehensive documentation for future maintenance and updates. Required Skills • Proven experience with OVH hosting and server management. • Expertise in Linux/Unix server configuration. • Proficiency in website hosting, domain management, and SSL setup. • Strong technical documentation skills. Timeline • Start: Sunday, 29 December 2024, 2:00 PM (SG Time) • Completion: Monday, 31 December 2024, 10:00 PM (SG Time) Priority List First Batch • & • • • • Second Batch • • • • • Build Server ✅ Free and
...message board. -A page for requesting a subscription for the doctor on the website, asking him for his personal and academic data and the certificates he obtained to verify them and then confirm his subscription to the website. - Doctor's Page: Each doctor's page should support live chats, video calls, and appointment bookings. - Appointment Booking: The system should collect patient's name, contact details, and preferred appointment time during the booking process. Ideal candidates will have: - Experience in developing interactive websites. - A strong understanding of telemedicine platforms. - Excellent skills in creating user-friendly interfaces. - Capability to ensure data privacy and secure communication channels. Please include your relevant portfol...
...A4L:A4L on LHS:RHS but similar scale and size. See my mockup copy movie attached. Key tasks include: - Careful technical handling of the project - Making minor design adjustments before printing - Adjusting layout and alignment of the existing design This project may need to be divided into stages. I prefer a freelancer located in Australia for quicker results and delivery. The initial run will be a small, prototype run, using a printing service, to confirm that all requirements have been met. This might be possible on screen if confident in the process. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Expertise in book formatting and printing - Experience with minor design adjustments - Knowledge of hardcover binding process - Relationship...
...Notification Mechanism: Notify users when a printing task is completed or when an issue arises. • User Interface: A user-friendly interface where users can easily manage orders and initiate the printing process. 3. Technical Requirements: • Programming Language and Framework: The software should be developed using Python. A web-based interface should be created using Django or a similar framework. • Automation Tools: Integration with OctoPrint or OctoPi is required. • MES Integration: The software must automatically detect and process orders from the MES system. 4. Project Phases: • Design: Define the software features (e.g., inventory management, job queue management, etc.). • Development: Build the backend and frontend of the software using ...
...flagged content to ensure originality. 3. Book Export Options: Export books in the following formats: PDF (Print-ready) PDF (Standard) Word Document 4. User Workflow: No Registration Required: Users can create and generate books without logging in. Subscription Plan: Free access for basic services. Option to subscribe for premium features after testing the service. 5. Dashboard Features: User Dashboard: Manage saved projects, export history, and subscription details. Admin Panel: Manage users, projects, subscriptions, and app settings. 6. Landing Page: Attractive landing page showcasing app features, pricing, and benefits. Technical Requirements: Frontend: React.js or Vue.js for a responsive and dynamic interface. Backend: Node.js, Django, or Laravel...
I need a custom JavaScript script to automate the process of filling fields on an appointment booking website with complete accuracy and ease. The script should work on Windows and perform the following functions: - Automatically enter email and password. - Effectively choose appropriate options from drop-down lists. - Bypass unnecessary stages based on your requirements. - Bypass selfie stage. The ideal freelancer for this task should have extensive experience in JavaScript and web automation, with a deep understanding of how to interact with web forms and drop-down lists. It would be beneficial if you have experience in creating scripts for bypassing stages in online processes. Please note that the ability to securely enter bank card details
...generation of WhatsApp assets, and proper permissions management. Additionally, implement template management and enable sending of all message types (templated and non-templated) from the CRM, leveraging the full capabilities of the WhatsApp API. Functional Requirements 1. Template Management • Develop a module to manage WhatsApp-approved templates: • Template Creation: • Header: Text, image, or document. • Message body with support for dynamic variables (e.g., {name}). • Footer: Optional. • Interactive buttons: • Quick replies. • External links. • Upload and Edit: • Allow the upload of pre-approved templates from the business account. • Limited editing of templates pending approval. • Preview: • Rea...
I'm a beginner seeking guidance on building a WordPress website using Hostinger. I need someone to teach me the process step-by-step, helping me understand the intricacies of website building. Skills & Experience Required: - Proficiency in WordPress - Experience with Hostinger - Excellent teaching skills - Patience and ability to explain technical concepts simply.
I'm in need of a skilled animator who can bring a human character to life in Unreal Engine. The character should be animated in a realistic style, with a particular focus on lip sync for dialogue and gestures for communication. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Unreal Engine - Expertise in realistic human character animation - Experience with lip sync and gesture animation - Strong understanding of timing and delivery for animated dialogue - Ability to create seamless and believable animations Please include examples of your previous work with similar projects in your proposal.