Australian finance articlesJobb
Hallå Linda! Vi håller på o bygger en sajt (ASP.NET med MySQL). Det vi skulle behöva hjälp med är att hämta data viss via olika externa API:er såsom SCB, Riksbanken, Yahoo Finance, Adtraction och stoppa in denna i vår databas. Detta ska ske med olika återkommande intervall. Företrädelsevis så hämtas datan -> och stoppas in via PHP via extern server vi kör - så du kan bortse att vi kör ASP.NET på sajten ? Har du något smartare sätt att sätta upp det än att använda PHP-filer och cronjobs?
We are looking for a Swedish content writer to write forex and crypto content for our Swedish currency trading website It will be weekly news posts and potentially some pages on crypto related topics, of around 700-1000 words per article. After a successful test article (that we pay for) we will agree on a recurring amount of articles per week. We will provide topics from time to time but also expect you to have knowledge about crypto in general and come up with your own suggestions when/if needed. We expect you to write the article, post it in Wordpress together with a corresponding inage/photo from a photo bank. If this works out we are open to expand the collaboration further and work together for a long term partnership.
...resterande själv. Vill även ha webshoppen med lager, frakt, google shopping och facebook annonsering, och språket skall vara Svenska. Vi har förnuvarande en hemsida med webbutik via , men vill ändra detta till en mer komplett webbutik förslagsvis via woocommerce. våran hemsida nu är: Want help setting up an online webstore in woocommerce. containing around 200 articles with different auto parts. The help is enough with to start up and post some startup products, then via mail / telefon help me to continue and insert the remaining ones myself. Also want the webshop with stock, shipping, google shopping and facebook advertising, and the language should be Swedish. We currently have a website with online store via , but want to change this...
Hej, Jag letar efter någon som skulle kunna hjälpa med svensk SEO. Haft väldigt dålig erfarenhet av utländska freelancers så skulle vilja prova någon som kan språket. Undrar om du gör SEO förutom articles. Sidan är sökorden är: massage hemma, massage hembesök I bästa fall - massage stockholm också, men kanske senare Hör av dig i fall du är intresserad MVH Yury
Hej, Jag letar efter någon som skulle kunna hjälpa med svensk SEO. Haft väldigt dålig erfarenhet av utländska freelancers så skulle vilja prova någon som kan språket. Undrar om du gör SEO förutom articles. Sidan är sökorden är: massage hemma, massage hembesök I bästa fall - massage stockholm också, men kanske senare Hör av dig i fall du är intresserad MVH Yury
Vi söker en svensk copywriter för att skriva blogg texter och web-artiklar
Vi är ett svenskt företag som säljer elektroniska cigaretter. Vi behöver få några artiklar skrivna för våran blogg. Artiklarna måste vara bra sökmotoroptimerade. Vi kommer att börja med en artikel för att sedan beställa 6-8 stycken till. Varje artikel bör vara runt 500 ord.
RGP är ett konsultbolag inom Finance & Accounting, Human Resources, Information Management och Supply Chain. I våras satte vi upp en blogg under domänen där vi vill publicera content relevant för våra kunder och nära vår affärsverksamhet. Detta är dock för tidskrävande för oss att göra in-house så därför letar vi efter någon som kan agera redaktör och vara den drivande motor i arbetet från idé till publicering. Vi tänker att vi vill publicera två artiklar i månaden. Grundjobbet kommer att göras av våra konsulter men i rollen kommer det också innefatta korrekturläsning, editing, förslag på illustrationer osv. Vi ...
Lån skuldkonsolidering Behöver du ett lån? Letar du efter finans? Letar du efter ett lån för att förstora ditt företag? Jag tror att du har kommit till rätt plats. Vi erbjuder lån till låg ränta. Intresserade kontakta oss på bör inte För omedelbar svar på din ansökan, Vänligen svara på detta mail nedan endast: Snälla, förser oss med följande information om intresse finns. 1) Fullständigt namn: 2) Kön: 3) Lånebelopp behövs: 4) Lån Längd: 5) Land: 6) Hemadress: 7) Mobilnummer : 8) månadsinkomst: 9) Yrke: Tack och vänliga hälsningar.
Looking for a native Swedish writer that has experience and knowledge of the gaming industry and online casino. Vi söker en svensk medarbetare för att skriva casinoartiklar. Behöver ha bra kunskap om online gaming och casinospel.
...magazine, optimize your googlepresence, sponsor this or that and many companies are just flushing money down the toilet. Some jump on an offer merely to get rid of the salesperson, others truly believe that it will have a positive effect on sales, 99 % have the same thing in common - they have no clue if it actually produces any result. With some of the sharpest minds in psychology, marketing and finance we have developed a system that reduces waste and guarantees at least a 20 % increase in results. That might not sound like much, but ask any company if they would like to add 20 % on their bottom line with the same kind of expenditure, they would jump on that opportunity every day of the week. We have gathered a very select list of companies that would benefit grately fro...
Need an article in the Swedish language. Theme of the article: cleaning of apartments. The text needs to bokaflyttstä main page of the site. When writing a text guided the sites of our competitors: http://www.xn--billigflyttstdningsto...städhjälp stockholm flyttstädning pris flyttstäd stockholm flyttstädning checklista billig flyttstädning stockholm flyttstädning pris stockholm priser flyttstäd pris vad kostar flyttändring kostnad flyttstädning flytt och städ pris kvm bra flyttstädning stockholm flyttstädning företag Phrases must be entered in natural ways. Recommended decline phrases. When you write good articles be sure to leave positive feedback and we will recommend you to other ...
Hi iam looking for some one to write a thesis for me a litterature studie (occupational therapy), total pages 25-30 with refrences (apa6), iam looking for an occupational therapist who got time to write it or a master/Phd student who is willing. Iwill give you an example of how its written and the topic for example occupational therapy and mobile ap...iam looking for some one to write a thesis for me a litterature studie (occupational therapy), total pages 25-30 with refrences (apa6), iam looking for an occupational therapist who got time to write it or a master/Phd student who is willing. Iwill give you an example of how its written and the topic for example occupational therapy and mobile apps rehab. This thesis will have 10 peer reviewed articles. Zero plagiarism . contact me for...
I'm looking for a Swedish writer with basic economic understanding. The articles are about the pros and cons of quickloans, what to look for and explanation of the basic economic terms (interest rate, termin, etc.) I'm looking for about 5 articles, with the possibility of many more.
Potrebni su saradnici za pisanje članaka na blogu. Blog se bavi temama iz informacionih tehnologija, web aplikacija, video igrica, nekim trikovima na internetu i slično. Posao se radi volonterski dok blog ne dobije pravi zamajac u broju posetilaca, tada će krenuti i zarada od google reklama. Moja e-mail adresa na koju me možete kontaktirati, pitati sve što vas zanima: @ Adresa bloga:
Jag behöver ha 2 st artiklar på ämnet fotografering och företagande. Vardera artikel skall vara 450 ord lång, så 900 sammanlagt. Artiklarna skall vara skrivna på ett berättande vis, så inte en ren informationsartikel utan mer som en bloggartikel där du sätter skriver med en berättande text. Kan dessa vara klara till nästa tisdag?
Frilansare för runt 20 artiklar med 2000 tecken per veckan, när det behövs. Artiklar om Casino, slotspel, betting och sport med mera. För att bygga ett nätverk av hemsidor. Freelancer writing aprox. 20 articles à 2000 signs per week when needed. About casino, sport, betting ect. This is to a website network.
Will send keyword details soon
Frilansare för runt 20 artiklar med 2000 tecken per veckan, när det behövs. Artiklar om Casino, slotspel, betting och sport med mera. För att bygga ett nätverk av hemsidor. Freelancer writing aprox. 20 articles à 2000 signs per week when needed. About casino, sport, betting ect. This is to a website network.
Freelancer writing aprox. 20 articles à 2000 signs per week when needed. About casino, sport, betting ect. This is to a website network.
Data entry computer networks firewall excel Adds
Dedikerat projekt för artiklar inom kiropraktik
Write 5 new articles for swedish chiropractic website
Hej, jag skulle behöva 2 st artiklar inom bygg och hem vardera på 3500 ord. Sammanlagt 7000 ord. Mer info i den bifogade filen.
5 st artiklar på ämnet städning Varje artikel ska vara över 650 ord. - Hemstädning - Städtips - Städning vid flytt - Byggstädningar - Vårstädning
4 st artiklar om ämnet fakturor Varje artikel på cirka 600 ord - Fakturaköp - Sälja fakturor - Allmän info om fakturor och fakturering - Finansföretag
Hej Svedebornski, Skulle behöva en ny vända med nya Roulette artiklar. Här kommer titlar för 5 artiklar inom roulette. Du får själv fördela antalet ord lite över artiklarna men att totalen hamnar någonstans runt 3.500 ord vore bra. - Roulette - Roulette online - Roulette Martingale - Roulette regler - Online Roulette Live (Roulette på nätet med LiveDealer) Mvh // Daniel
I need someone to write me 5 different articles, based on one original article that I will provide. The articles has to be written in Swedish and shall contain 350-500 words.
Hi, I need a professional writer to write 10 articles, 500 words each. I had another writer working on this but she disapeared and I am now very behind on deadlines. How fast could you get this done? I need them asap. I can pay $0,02 per word. Here are the topics: 1-Artikel på ca 500 ord med allmän information om nätcasino. 2- Artikel på ca 500 ord om casino bonus utan insättningskrav. Vad är en sådan bonus? Varför ges sådana bonusar ut? Vad är vanliga villkor? 3-Artikel på ca 500 ord om free spins. Vad är free spins? När kan man få free spins (t.ex. vid registrering, insättning och olika spel). 4-Artikel på ca 500 ord om casino på nätet 5- Artikel på ca 500 ord om Leo...
Hello, I need 14 seo articles, each length 400 word and word density below 2%. Articles should be about. 2st Fönsterputsning 3st Trappstädning 3st Hemstädning 4st Flyttstädning 2st Kontorsstädning Budget is 70 usd, native swedish speaking freelancer. .
PR/Media Outreach Specialist About the Role: We have a completed article and need an experienced PR or media outreach specialist to secure placements on major European news outlets. The ideal candidate has established relationships or proven methods for getting articles published on high-authority sites across Europe. Responsibilities: Pitch and place our ready-to-publish article on top European news platforms Coordinate with editorial teams to ensure successful publication Handle any required follow-ups or minor content adjustments Provide regular updates on outreach progress and publication status Requirements: Proven track record of securing article placements on notable European outlets Established network of media contacts and familiarity with European editorial guidelines ...
...improve on 2 business areas. 1) I want the AI to help with writing a paragraph to be inserted into the emails that provides a case and contextual reason for contacting them. Consider our Client is a Commercial Asset Finance broker and sells asset finance. Currently as we are writing to many businesses with generic content it would be impossible to write a paragraph providing a use case to a business as each businesses use case might be different. IF the AI considers what the prospects business does then it will be able to create the use case. So for Example:- OUR CLIENT: Asset Finance Broker - PROSPECT: A & K Road Haulage. AI created Paragraph might read. " The trigger behind us contacting you was we guessed that with {company Name} having trucks & r...
The details of this project are currently unclear as the client has not specified the main goal, industry, or type of platform. Freelancers with a diverse skill set and experience in software development, system improvement, and debugging are encouraged to bid, as well as those with expertise in the education, finance, and healthcare sectors.
...Create a section showcasing all active offers, making it easily accessible from the main navigation. o Highlight Deals: Use banners or pop-ups to draw attention to limited-time offers or exclusive deals. 6. Comprehensive Financing Information: • Functionality: Provide detailed information about financing options, including loan terms, interest rates, and eligibility criteria. • Implementation: o Finance Calculator: Allow users to input variables such as down payment and loan duration to calculate potential repayments. o Pre-Approval Forms: Offer online applications for financing pre-approval to streamline the purchasing process. 7. Social Media Integration: • Functionality: Connect your website with social media platforms to expand reach and engage with a broader a...
I need an expert in SEO content writing to create high-quality, persuasive web content for my technology services business. The content should be written in UK English, perfectly tailored to optimise my keywords and attract businesses and corporations. Please provide: 1) A 500-word press release about my business. 2) A 500-word SEO text for a webpage. 3) A 500-word text for another webpage, using different keywords. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in SEO and content writing, with demonstrated experience in the technology sector. Please ensure that your bid reflects the final price, and that no AI-generated content is used. Quality and precision are paramount.
I'm on the lookout for PAN card holders residing in India who are interested in a partnership for a finance development project. We aim to develop a mobile payment solution specifically for the iOS platform. Key points of the project: - Development of an iOS-based mobile payment solution - Targeting PAN users in India as potential partners - Payment solutions sector - Interested in working with fellow PAN card holders Ideal skills and experience: - A valid PAN card and residence in India - Experience or interest in finance and payment solutions development - Knowledge about iOS platform - Partnership and collaboration skills - Understanding of mobile payment systems
1. Overview Objective: Australian Property Maintenance (APM) is seeking proposals from experienced developers or agencies on to build a fully integrated digital platform. This includes a website, iOS app, and Android app to manage property maintenance subscriptions, automate service bookings, and connect customers with tradespeople. 2. Scope of Work Website Development: - Customer subscription management - Service booking and scheduling - Integration with payment gateways (Stripe/PayPal) - Customer dashboard with service history and upcoming appointments - Admin dashboard for business operations Mobile Applications (iOS & Android): - User-friendly customer interface for managing subscriptions - Push notifications and reminders for routine maintenance - In-app ...
I'm seeking an expert in ERP Next software for a comprehensive implementation project. This software will be primarily supporting our IT department, with a focus on enhancing our Finance, Human Resources, and Supply Chain operations. Key Features: - The ERP Next software will need to support functionalities in Inventory Management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Invoice Processing. - The software will also need to integrate seamlessly with multiple third-party platforms. These include Payment Gateways, E-commerce Platforms, and Accounting Software. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience with ERP Next software - Strong IT department operations understanding - Excellent skills in Inventory Management, CRM, and Invoice Processing - Profici...
I'm seeking an interviewer with a natural Australian accent to conduct 1-5 job candidate interviews on my behalf in the healthcare sector. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct screening interviews for job candidates - Maintain a professional yet approachable demeanor - Evaluate candidates based on pre-determined criteria Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in conducting job interviews - Strong understanding of the healthcare industry - Native or fluent speaker with an Australian accent - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Your role is crucial in helping me identify the best candidates for my team. I'm looking for someone who can represent me professionally and help screen candidates effectively.
I'm seeking a writer experienced in crafting engaging, impactful written articles to help develop a productivity tool centered around the theme of 'Hard Work and Discipline'. The project primarily focuses on: - Creating a series of written articles that will serve as the foundation for this productivity tool. - Concentrating on the theme of 'Building Effective Habits'. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - A strong background in writing productivity-focused content. - Proven experience in creating engaging written articles. - A deep understanding of the theme 'Building Effective Habits'.
I'm looking for a skilled writer with a strong background in electronics engineering to create in-depth, technical articles focused on the latest innovations and trends in the field. These articles will be aimed at industry professionals, so they should be written with a level of complexity and insight that will appeal to this audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - NO AI tool , NO paraphrasing - A strong background in electronics engineering - Experience writing technical articles for a professional audience - Ability to conduct in-depth analyses and present complex information in a clear, engaging way - Understanding of current trends and innovations in electronics engineering - Excellent research and writing skills
We are looking for a licensed drafter in Queensland, Australia to help prepare BA plans for a project involving six triple-story, modern-style, residential townhouses. It does not matter if you are familiar with Australian building codes—we will only consider proposals from individuals who hold a current drafting license in Queensland, Australia. Further details will be provided to candidates who meet the required credentials.
I'm seeking a professional to create a pitch book for a digital asset liquidity platform aimed at attracting investors. The pitch book should effectively highlight: - Market opportunities: A compelling view of the potential market size, growth trends, and the unique s...potential market size, growth trends, and the unique selling proposition (USP) of our platform. - Technology and innovation: A detailed breakdown of the technological edge and innovative features of our platform compared to competitors. The design of the pitch book should be minimalist and clean, aligning with contemporary design principles, yet remaining professional and easy to read. Experience in finance, technology, or related fields, as well as a portfolio demonstrating minimalist design skills, will be h...
I'm seeking a talented writer with SEO expertise to create high-quality articles focused on Ecommerce and Shopify. The ultimate goal of these articles will be to generate leads and sales for my services - namely, store creation and services optimization. Key Tasks: - Write engaging, informative, and SEO-friendly articles about Ecommerce and Shopify - Optimize and include relevant backlinks to enhance SEO performance Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing and editing skills - Strong understanding of SEO principles - Experience in Ecommerce and Shopify - Proficient in backlinking strategies Your work will directly influence the visibility of my services online, so a results-oriented mindset is crucial. I’m looking for someone who can deliver compelling content...
Hi TP, I will call you on this EMVision, Titomic, BCAL Diagnostics. Overview of company Links to latest press releases and presentations Links to recent research reports (if on the website) Share price chart and data from yahoo finance
I'm looking for a talented graphic designer/illustra...podcast cover art. The current design features three cartoon-style anthropomorphic koalas. - Style: The updated artwork should maintain the original style, the rundown grungy backyard in the Australia Outback. - Characters: I would like to update the existing koalas to reflect each of the hosts personal styles. But remain grungy and slightly unhappy/annoyed. Gruff. I don't want any wearing Australian flags I don't want any AI generated art. I can do that myself. Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio in playful and colorful designs, experience with character isolation and portrait creation, and a keen understanding of creating visually engaging and on-brand cover art. Please provide samples of similar p...
I'm looking for a skilled social media manager to enhance my personal and my accounting firm's image on LinkedIn. The primary focus is on attracting potential clients. Ideal Skills...- Content creation skills - Understanding of the accounting industry - Knowledge of social media marketing strategies Experience: - Prior experience managing LinkedIn accounts, particularly for professional services firms - A portfolio of successful client acquisition through social media - Background in accounting or finance is a plus. Given that the specifics of content types were not determined, I'm open to your professional recommendations, be it educational articles, client testimonials or industry news. Your expertise will be crucial in maintaining a professional image a...
I'm looking for a finance expert to manage and update my project finance model. This includes adjusting existing projections across all areas: revenue, expenses, and capital expenditure. Ideal skills for this project would include: - Strong financial modeling expertise - Experience with project finance - Ability to make accurate projections - Proficiency in adjusting existing financial models Please bid if you have the relevant skills and experience.