Articles writers 123Jobb
We are looking for a Swedish content writer to write forex and crypto content for our Swedish currency trading website It will be weekly news posts and potentially some pages on crypto related topics, of around 700-1000 words per article. After a successful test article (that we pay for) we will agree on a recurring amount of articles per week. We will provide topics from time to time but also expect you to have knowledge about crypto in general and come up with your own suggestions when/if needed. We expect you to write the article, post it in Wordpress together with a corresponding inage/photo from a photo bank. If this works out we are open to expand the collaboration further and work together for a long term partnership.
ONLY SWEDISH SPEAKING WRITERS Söker en kreativ skribent som är duktig på att uttrycka sig i text, gärna med SEO kunskaper för produkttexter
...resterande själv. Vill även ha webshoppen med lager, frakt, google shopping och facebook annonsering, och språket skall vara Svenska. Vi har förnuvarande en hemsida med webbutik via , men vill ändra detta till en mer komplett webbutik förslagsvis via woocommerce. våran hemsida nu är: Want help setting up an online webstore in woocommerce. containing around 200 articles with different auto parts. The help is enough with to start up and post some startup products, then via mail / telefon help me to continue and insert the remaining ones myself. Also want the webshop with stock, shipping, google shopping and facebook advertising, and the language should be Swedish. We currently have a website with online store via , but want to change this...
Skriva om texter och göra sidor mer säljande. Seo optimera texter, ändra rubriker, regelbundna artikel skrivningar. English- Project required to write SEO optimised text for website. Current work- 12000 symbols initially but regular article writing will be required. For competent Swedish writers only.
Hej, Jag letar efter någon som skulle kunna hjälpa med svensk SEO. Haft väldigt dålig erfarenhet av utländska freelancers så skulle vilja prova någon som kan språket. Undrar om du gör SEO förutom articles. Sidan är sökorden är: massage hemma, massage hembesök I bästa fall - massage stockholm också, men kanske senare Hör av dig i fall du är intresserad MVH Yury
Hej, Jag letar efter någon som skulle kunna hjälpa med svensk SEO. Haft väldigt dålig erfarenhet av utländska freelancers så skulle vilja prova någon som kan språket. Undrar om du gör SEO förutom articles. Sidan är sökorden är: massage hemma, massage hembesök I bästa fall - massage stockholm också, men kanske senare Hör av dig i fall du är intresserad MVH Yury
Hi svengelska, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. Jag letar efter content writers som kan skriva svenska och ta betalt per ord. Detta är långsiktigt arbete tänker jag. Jag kan göra ett projekt på Freelancer. Sedan vill jag fortsätta via email. Är du intresserad?
Hi Caroline A., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. Jag letar efter content writers som kan skriva svenska och ta betalt per ord. Detta är långsiktigt arbete tänker jag. Jag kan göra ett projekt på Freelancer. Sedan vill jag fortsätta via email. Är du intresserad?
Hi Johan, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over letar efter content writers som kan skriva svenska och ta betalt per ord. Detta är långsiktigt arbete tänker jag. Jag kan göra ett projekt på Freelancer. Sedan vill jag fortsätta via email. Är du intresserad?
Hi sacherina, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. Jag letar efter content writers som kan skriva svenska och ta betalt per ord. Detta är långsiktigt arbete tänker jag. Jag kan göra ett projekt på Freelancer. Sedan vill jag fortsätta via email. Är du intresserad?
Hi gaulthiermarrel, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. Jag letar efter content writers som kan skriva svenska och ta betalt per ord. Detta är långsiktigt arbete tänker jag. Jag kan göra ett projekt på Freelancer. Sedan vill jag fortsätta via email. Är du intresserad?
Vi söker en svensk copywriter för att skriva blogg texter och web-artiklar
Vi är ett svenskt företag som säljer elektroniska cigaretter. Vi behöver få några artiklar skrivna för våran blogg. Artiklarna måste vara bra sökmotoroptimerade. Vi kommer att börja med en artikel för att sedan beställa 6-8 stycken till. Varje artikel bör vara runt 500 ord.
Looking for a native Swedish writer that has experience and knowledge of the gaming industry and online casino. Vi söker en svensk medarbetare för att skriva casinoartiklar. Behöver ha bra kunskap om online gaming och casinospel.
Need an article in the Swedish language. Theme of the article: cleaning of apartments. The text needs to bokaflyttstä main page of the site. When writing a text guided the sites of our competitors: http://www.xn--billigflyttstdningsto...städhjälp stockholm flyttstädning pris flyttstäd stockholm flyttstädning checklista billig flyttstädning stockholm flyttstädning pris stockholm priser flyttstäd pris vad kostar flyttändring kostnad flyttstädning flytt och städ pris kvm bra flyttstädning stockholm flyttstädning företag Phrases must be entered in natural ways. Recommended decline phrases. When you write good articles be sure to leave positive feedback and we will recommend you to other ...
Hi iam looking for some one to write a thesis for me a litterature studie (occupational therapy), total pages 25-30 with refrences (apa6), iam looking for an occupational therapist who got time to write it or a master/Phd student who is willing. Iwill give you an example of how its written and the topic for example occupational therapy and mobile ap...iam looking for some one to write a thesis for me a litterature studie (occupational therapy), total pages 25-30 with refrences (apa6), iam looking for an occupational therapist who got time to write it or a master/Phd student who is willing. Iwill give you an example of how its written and the topic for example occupational therapy and mobile apps rehab. This thesis will have 10 peer reviewed articles. Zero plagiarism . contact me for...
I'm looking for a Swedish writer with basic economic understanding. The articles are about the pros and cons of quickloans, what to look for and explanation of the basic economic terms (interest rate, termin, etc.) I'm looking for about 5 articles, with the possibility of many more.
Potrebni su saradnici za pisanje članaka na blogu. Blog se bavi temama iz informacionih tehnologija, web aplikacija, video igrica, nekim trikovima na internetu i slično. Posao se radi volonterski dok blog ne dobije pravi zamajac u broju posetilaca, tada će krenuti i zarada od google reklama. Moja e-mail adresa na koju me možete kontaktirati, pitati sve što vas zanima: @ Adresa bloga:
Jag behöver ha 2 st artiklar på ämnet fotografering och företagande. Vardera artikel skall vara 450 ord lång, så 900 sammanlagt. Artiklarna skall vara skrivna på ett berättande vis, så inte en ren informationsartikel utan mer som en bloggartikel där du sätter skriver med en berättande text. Kan dessa vara klara till nästa tisdag?
Dear all Swedish speaking (and writing) people, Sidekick Content is growing and we are now looking for more Swedish content writers. Please read more about the position on our website: We are looking forward to start working with you! Best regards, Camilla
Frilansare för runt 20 artiklar med 2000 tecken per veckan, när det behövs. Artiklar om Casino, slotspel, betting och sport med mera. För att bygga ett nätverk av hemsidor. Freelancer writing aprox. 20 articles à 2000 signs per week when needed. About casino, sport, betting ect. This is to a website network.
Will send keyword details soon
Frilansare för runt 20 artiklar med 2000 tecken per veckan, när det behövs. Artiklar om Casino, slotspel, betting och sport med mera. För att bygga ett nätverk av hemsidor. Freelancer writing aprox. 20 articles à 2000 signs per week when needed. About casino, sport, betting ect. This is to a website network.
Freelancer writing aprox. 20 articles à 2000 signs per week when needed. About casino, sport, betting ect. This is to a website network.
Data entry computer networks firewall excel Adds
Dedikerat projekt för artiklar inom kiropraktik
Write 5 new articles for swedish chiropractic website
Hej! Vi söker dig som skriver på norska, danska eller finska för löpande uppdrag, ca 25 – 50 artiklar/mån (200 – 500 ord/artikel). I början handlar uppdragen om mest lån och lånrelaterade texter men längre fram kan även andra ämnen bli aktuella, till exempel texter om kontaktlinser. Det finns en svensk förlaga till de nya nordiska sajterna som du kan hämta inspiration från men texterna ska såklart vara unika och researchen ska vara anspassad efter norska, danska eller finska förhållanden. För detta betalar vi 35 öre/ord om du är intresserad. Texterna kollas igenom av folk som är kunniga i norska, danska och finska så att vi kan se att språket är...
Hej, jag skulle behöva 2 st artiklar inom bygg och hem vardera på 3500 ord. Sammanlagt 7000 ord. Mer info i den bifogade filen.
5 st artiklar på ämnet städning Varje artikel ska vara över 650 ord. - Hemstädning - Städtips - Städning vid flytt - Byggstädningar - Vårstädning
4 st artiklar om ämnet fakturor Varje artikel på cirka 600 ord - Fakturaköp - Sälja fakturor - Allmän info om fakturor och fakturering - Finansföretag
Hej Svedebornski, Skulle behöva en ny vända med nya Roulette artiklar. Här kommer titlar för 5 artiklar inom roulette. Du får själv fördela antalet ord lite över artiklarna men att totalen hamnar någonstans runt 3.500 ord vore bra. - Roulette - Roulette online - Roulette Martingale - Roulette regler - Online Roulette Live (Roulette på nätet med LiveDealer) Mvh // Daniel
I need someone to write me 5 different articles, based on one original article that I will provide. The articles has to be written in Swedish and shall contain 350-500 words.
Hi, I need a professional writer to write 10 articles, 500 words each. I had another writer working on this but she disapeared and I am now very behind on deadlines. How fast could you get this done? I need them asap. I can pay $0,02 per word. Here are the topics: 1-Artikel på ca 500 ord med allmän information om nätcasino. 2- Artikel på ca 500 ord om casino bonus utan insättningskrav. Vad är en sådan bonus? Varför ges sådana bonusar ut? Vad är vanliga villkor? 3-Artikel på ca 500 ord om free spins. Vad är free spins? När kan man få free spins (t.ex. vid registrering, insättning och olika spel). 4-Artikel på ca 500 ord om casino på nätet 5- Artikel på ca 500 ord om Leo...
Hello, I need 14 seo articles, each length 400 word and word density below 2%. Articles should be about. 2st Fönsterputsning 3st Trappstädning 3st Hemstädning 4st Flyttstädning 2st Kontorsstädning Budget is 70 usd, native swedish speaking freelancer. .
I'm seeking an expert to analyze SCIE indexed journals, specifically focusing on identifying those with a dramatic increase in publication of articles. Your task will primarily involve: - Identifying the SCIE journals with the highest increase in publication - Providing comprehensive data on this increase Ideal candidates will have a strong background in data analysis, familiarity with SCIE indexed journals, and the ability to present complex information in a clear, understandable manner.
Are you passionate about travel and storytelling? Do you have a way with words that can transport readers to breathtaking destinations? If so, I am looking for a talented Writer to join our team and create engaging, informative, and inspiring travel content for my website. As a Content Writer, you’ll craft compelling travel articles, destination guides, itineraries, and travel tips that inform and inspire. Responsibilities ✅ Research and write high-quality travel articles, destination guides, and itineraries ✅ Create engaging blog posts that provide practical travel tips and advice ✅ Conduct in-depth research on destinations, travel trends, and industry updates ✅ Optimize content for SEO to increase website visibility and organic traffic ✅ Collaborate with the editori...
I'm in need of a Chinese language content expert who can create engaging articles focusing on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Nutrition and Diet. The target audience is the general public, so the content should be accessible and informative, yet not overly technical. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Chinese language with excellent writing skills - Deep understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Nutrition and Diet - Experience in creating content for the general public - Background in health-related content creation is a plus The goal is to foster health conversations within the Chinese-speaking community.
I run covering hospitality news from Romania and the Republic of Moldova. I've started using n8n to collect news into Google Sheets based on Google alerts rss, but need assistance to enhance my automation further with ai gents and reduce the manual work. The primary goals are: - Reducing the time spent on manually publishing news articles into my Wordpress backend - Identifying what steps are still mandatory to be done by a human - Improving overall workflow efficiency I hope to find a freelancer with: - Expertise in n8n - Skills in process automation and workflow optimization - Experience with Wordpress Your task will be to help me fully utilize the capabilities of n8n and streamline my news publication process, allowing me to focus on content quality rather than repetitiv...
I need a VA to help me with the following tasks: a. Internet research for articles that we publish. This might involve finding accurate stats along with sources, competitor article layouts, etc b. Publishing articles on Wordpress using elementor c. Basic SEO stuff like fixing on-page issues, off-page issues, etc The most important part of the gig is following instructions, meeting deadlines and proper communication. This will start as a part-time gig but soon become a monthly gig with a fixed pay.
I have built a website aimed at the general public to help them remember their c...remember their credit card benefits. Currently, the website is free for all users. I need someone who can publish, post blogs, or write about my website on social media apps or blogs to drive traffic to my website. The primary platforms for promotion are Facebook and LinkedIn, and I prefer the content to be informative articles. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in digital marketing and lead generation - Proficiency in writing engaging, informative articles - Familiarity with Facebook and LinkedIn, their algorithms and best practices for content promotion - Ability to understand and appeal to a general audience - SEO knowledge to enhance visibility and reach Please help me to ...
Hi, here are 3 next article topics. Please keep in mind to keep the quality and style at least as this blog article: 1. How to Get Into Motocross Racing – A beginner’s guide to competing. 2. How to Train Like a Pro MX Racer – Fitness and workout tips for better riding. 3. The Most Important Protective Gear for Dirt Bikers – What you can’t ride without.
I'm looking for a data analyst who can mine text data from various websites, specifically focusing on product reviews, blog posts, and news articles related to the game mechanics of Wheel of Fortune. The goal is to gain insights into the 'spinning the wheel' mechanic, in order to implement or enhance it in a project. Key Responsibilities: - Text data mining from various sources - Analyzing game mechanics based on collected data - Providing insights for improvement or implementation Ideal Skills: - Proficient in data mining techniques - Experience with text data analysis - Understanding of game mechanics The perfect candidate for this project should have a keen interest in games, particularly Wheel of Fortune, and possess the ability to translate text data into ac...
I'm on the hunt for 50 proficient digital freelancers, specifically in the fields of Graphic Design, Content Writing, and Social Media Management. - Graphic Designers: Creativity and a keen eye for detail are essential. You will be tasked with creating visually appealing graphics that resonate with our brand and audience. - Content Writers: Your primary responsibility will be crafting compelling product descriptions for our home goods. Experience in writing engaging and persuasive product descriptions is a plus. - Social Media Managers: We're looking for seasoned professionals who can strategize, create and manage our social media content to boost our online presence and engage with our audience. Ideal candidates will have a portfolio showcasing their skills and previ...
I am seeking a skilled and experienced writer to create a series of romantic adult (erotica) Hindi short stories. The plots should be engaging and the characters should be well-developed. Key requirements include: - Expertise in writing long stories/novels - Proficient in Hindi language - Experience in writing romance/erotica content - Ability t...captivating, unique, and enjoyable - Consideration for cultural nuances and sensitivity In your application, please include examples of your previous work, particularly any similar stories you have written in the past. These should demonstrate your ability to write in a romantic tone and create engaging adult content. Please note that all proposals should be in Hindi. Looking forward to hearing from writers with the right skills and e...
I am looking for a native and fluent Turkish Speakers and writers who can won on a Turkish typing project Job 100 New Freelancer Needed.!!
As a professional Arabic-English translator, I'm ready to assist you with your translation needs. I have a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of both languages. I specialize in providing accurate, fluent, and culturally appropriate translations for various types of content, including documents, articles, websites, and more. My goal is to deliver high-quality work that maintains the original meaning while ensuring clarity and engagement. If you're looking for a reliable translator to bridge the language gap effectively, I’m here to help. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proven experience in Arabic-English translation - Understanding of cultural nuances - Ability to translate various content types - Strong attention to detail - Commitment t...
I'm looking for a professional social media manager with a strong focus on LinkedIn. The ideal candidate will have a knack for creating and posting engaging content, particularly articles and branding posts, with the primary goal of increasing my follower count. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a strategic content calendar with a mix of articles and branding posts. - Regularly post and engage with followers to foster a sense of community. - Utilize industry insights to inform content and increase relevance. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience managing LinkedIn accounts. - Excellent content creation skills, particularly for LinkedIn. - Strong understanding of LinkedIn's algorithm and growth strategies. The ultimate goal is to significantly increase my LinkedIn follow...