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Hur man anställer en bra frilans Open Cart Developer
OpenCart is a free open source ecommerce store management system created for online merchants. Developed in 1998, the system is PHP-based and uses a MySQL database and HTML components and provides an “out of the box” shopping cart solution.
The system offers an extensive range of plugins, increased efficiency and easy customization for ecommerce users. The system is built for ease of use and is created around the Model-View-Controller framework.
One of the unique benefits of OpenCart is the ability to allow a range of different languages and currencies to exist on the same website. This allows for a global shopping cart experience without the need for online business owners to create a number of websites based on the countries and currencies they are targeting.
The software is currently available as a legacy version ( and also in version, both versions have the core features however the latest version has updated admin interface functions and a built-in responsive theme.
Features of OpenCart include:
Easy to install - the software requires a MySQLi database, PHP version 5.3 or higher. Once set up by a developer, the software is customizable and ready to go.
Customised store - users can customer the online store with basic details including weight classes for products, SEO details, mail, theme and a range of other features.
Multiple languages and currencies - the program allows customers to select their language and currency as well as multi-store functionality.
Cost effective - OpenCart suits a start-up’s budget and is available for a flat annual fee.
Compare attributes - the software allows users to filter products by criteria and compare.
User reviews - users can add reviews for products which can be shown on the website.
SEO functions - product information can be used to set up a SEO title, keyword, and description.
Secure payment - the software offers secure payment modules for online payment and over 20 payment gateway options.
Multipleshipping methods - over eight shipping methods to suit all clients’ needs.
For businesses looking to take the plunge into an online shopping world, OpenCart is a secure and easy to use the program, which offers a range of features and functionality for e-commerce including unlimited categories and products.
If your business is looking to install OpenCart for your online shopping cart, consider engaging an OpenCart developer to set up, install and test the software to ensure your website offers a seamless shopping experience.
Expert OpenCart experts understand the complexities of installing OpenCart and can set up a template, upload products and ensure your settings are all in place without timely delays. OpenCart experts can help train you and your team to use the program and provide support and ongoing maintenance as required.
If you’re looking for a freelancer OpenCart expert log onto Freelancer.com today to find a range of professional and experienced developers who are ready to work on your project.
Visit Freelancer.com and view the extensive range of developers and view feedback, review profiles and engage the services of a freelancer who can help you create the perfect shopping cart experience for your customers.