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Hur man anställer en bra frilans Maltese Translator
The Republic of Malta in southern Europe is set within the Mediterranean Sea and lays 80km south of Italy, east of Tunisia in Africa and north of Libya. With a population of around 500,000, it is well known as one of the world’s smallest and most densely populated countries.
Historically a naval base, the country gained independence in 1964 from the British Parliament and remains a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, United Nations and European Union.
The Maltese language is the national language of Malta, with Italian previously being the official cultural language pre-1934. English is also the other official language of Malta, due to the high number of British visitors and British residents.
The Maltese language originally descended from a now defunct Sicilian-Arabic dialect. The language has 30 letters mainly based on the Latin alphabet and also has diacritically altered letters. Borrowing from a range of languages including Sicilian, Italian and French, the Maltese language also is quite bilingual with the integration of English.
If your business is looking for Maltese translation services to ensure your messages are clearly translated in a professional and correct manner, there are a range of services that are available including:
Legal translation
Financial translation
Technical translation
Medical translation
Immigration translation
Content translation
Tasks that a Maltese translator can assist with include:
Maltese subtitling - for television or corporate videos
Maltese transcription and video translation
Document translation - including birth certificates, marriage certificates and passports
Certifying immigration documents
Voice over
Website translation
If you’re looking for a quality Maltese translators, it is recommended your translator is certified with a range of credentials that allow them to professionally translate. It is also recommended when arranging the services of a translator to give them a small test ahead of securing their services so you can judge their efficiency and proficiency for the language you are looking to translate to.
Finding a freelance Maltese translator is simple using Freelancer.com. Employers simply log on and search from a wide variety of Maltese Translators and can select an individual based on their experience, reviews, hourly rate and availability.
Log onto Freelancer.com today and view the extensive range of freelancers available for your next translation project. Freelancers are ready to work and can get your project done quickly and efficiently.
All funds are held by Freelancer.com while the project is taking place, allowing employers the peace of mind that funds are only released when employers are 100% happy with a project.
Visit Freelancer.com today to view the range of Maltese translators available for your next project.